MTL - Game Loading-Chapter 228 The ten worlds that collapsed will never wear clothes.

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The students have cast their eyes on the river, like watching the **** of the first year of the exam.

Xie Tao can't take care of it. He needs to know the status quo. He needs to know what the succubus is. What is the exchange student? What is the psychology?

The old professor was afraid that the students saw Xie Wei while watching the river and knocked on the blackboard: "Come, let us continue to understand the succubus..."

The students are still very good at learning, and their ears are tall and old, and they can be listened to seriously.

Devilology is originally a fresh course. In particular, it was previously classified as a ban. I don’t want to learn it. Now I can listen to it in the classroom, and there is a pure succubus classmate, which greatly satisfies the curiosity of the students. Let them focus on their spirits like never before.

Xie Tao also listened very seriously, how can I think that a succubus still needs to listen carefully to understand what is going on.

Of course, his appearance in the eyes of others is another interpretation.

Ordinary students don't dare to look at him, so ignore it. The river slant next to him is very gratifying. Excluding the debauched life habits, his roommate is still very respectful. Listening to this kind of course that he is more aware than the professor, can be so serious, is a serious Good student.

The old professor is also very gratified: it is a high school student in the Devil World. It is indeed a good seed to come here as an exchange student.

While gratifying, the old professor thought carefully: I can't let the young teacher teach, and he is staring at him. The young man is still unable to hold the meditation spell for ten thousand times!

Good student Xie Tao does not know what they are thinking, he is seriously doing class summary.

Succubus, one of the seven devils, majoring in lust.

To put it simply, this race is a mobile hormone. It has no rhetoric and sex. It is a common thing for ordinary people to eat and drink. It is not subject to any ethics and morality, and is free to do whatever it pleases.

The succubus is very good, and there are confusing capitals in the bones. Not to mention simple angels, even the other great devils in the devil world can hardly resist their temptation.

Xie Tao also summed up the so-called living habits of the succubus:

First, the succubus hates clothes, especially at night, never wearing clothes;

Second, the succubus likes sex, which is the instinct to survive;

Third, the succubus will have a scent of love after bathing, and must avoid inhalation;


Xie Tao feels that there is no need to sum up, it is a dead metamorphosis!

He also thought that the twins were a good oblique, and where can the twins in such a wonderful world go? ?

He also set himself as an angel of pure abstinence. Xie Yan thought with a blank expression: After returning to the center, he can help him to abstain from sex!

This class is basically talking about the succubus. After the lecture, the old professor also came up with a special "humanitarian" sentence: "Everyone must respect the racial habits, do not ask other races with their own ethics, we must open our hearts. Accept and understand different races, don't wear colored glasses, and discriminate against other races."

The students nodded seriously and recognized it very much. Xie Zhen was different. He discriminated against himself.

After class, Jiang Xie said to Xie Wei: "Hungry? I will take you to lunch."

Xie Tao is a little hungry, and the professor in the class has said that the succubus in hunger will be XX high... Xie is very scared and vows to be hungry in this world!

"Good." Xie Yi opened his mouth and was shocked by his own voice.

Jiang Xie is also a good angel to listen carefully to the class. He knows the succubus in particular. His ears are trembled and his voice is tight. "You don't worry, you will have food soon."

Xie Tao is not in a hurry, he is not hungry to lure the river, he is... really hungry.

Ah, ah, the river is a big bastard, and you will be jealous of you when you go back to the center!

Xie Zhen does not say anything...

Jiang slanted him to the cafeteria and found a private room. He said to Xie Zhen: "You wait for me."

Xie Tao nodded.

Jiang looked at him and then quickly moved away from his sight. He went to the ground and fled.

There was a circle of mirror decoration in the private room, and Xie Tao looked at it and was shocked by himself.

This person whose eyes are drooping, their eyes are moist, their cheeks are red, and their lips are bright red!

He is just hungry, how is it like this? No wonder the river will escape...

Xie Tao got up and planned to wash his face to calm himself down. He regretted it after drinking water.

The third item of the succubus note - there will be a special fragrance after bathing.

Xie Tao can't smell it, but Jiang Yan must have heard it.

Is it still too late to open the window?

The window is facing the playground. What if the fragrance spreads and affects other people?

Xie Wei deeply felt that his sin was extremely evil. He wanted to change the textbook. He crossed out the non-discrimination. The race of the succubus should fall to the bottom of the chain of contempt. He deserves to be discriminated against!

Jiang slanted to go in a hurry, it seems that Xie Zhen could not help but steal.

Stealing... When Xie Zhen flashed these two words in his head, he sneered: Wonderful, a pun.

Bring lunch, the river obliquely does not squint: "Eat."

Xie Wei did not open the window to breathe, but closed the door directly to block the window, so that the so-called fragrance was inside.

Xie Tao hopes that she is normal, and she is also welcome: "I ate first."

Jiang slanted his head: "Well." He motionless.

After Xie Wei ate a rice, the hunger subsided. He inadvertently licked the glasses and found that he had magically returned to normal.

Food color is also good, Comrade Jiang Yi’s understanding of this sentence is very deep.

Xie Tao is free to pay attention to the twins: "You are not hungry?"

Jiang Xie only cares about the meditation mantra, and he still cares about eating: "I will eat it."

Xie Tao nodded: "If you have finished eating, you will have to take me to buy a textbook." He wants to know more about this small world and see how big the river's brain hole is!

Jiang slanted and said: "There is no class in the afternoon. I will take you out to see if you can get back to the welcome party." As he got up, he went to the bathroom.

Seeing that he wants to open the door, Xie Tao came back to God: "Don't..."

The river slant has been pushed open, and a scent of life is coming from the river. River slant: "..."

Xie Tao said: "I just washed my hands."

The river is not a student of theology, but this is simply called Liu Xiahui. He calmly closed the doorway: "I am going out."

Xie Tao nodded: "Good..."

It’s twenty minutes for the river to go. When he came back, his hair was slightly wet and he still had some chill.

Xie Tao didn't have to ask to know where he was going. This is not a shower, this is a cold shower!

That's it, Jiang Xie also did his due diligence: "I don't eat, let's go buy books."

Xie Tao wants to say: "If I am myself..."

River ramp: "Since I am a roommate with you, I must try my best to take care of you and help you adapt to the environment."

Xie Wei looked at him worriedly, thinking: Is the boy still okay?

How can a man not? The river is very inclined: "Let's go, you haven't gone out to see it after you come here."

Xie Tao also wants to see this little world and see what is going on here.

Buying a book has to go outside the school, which is really not a normal world.

However, there is nothing special outside the school, and it is not much different from the earth in the 21st century.

Of course, Xie Tao’s mother of the earth does not have such a wonderful species as the succubus.

Jiang Xie has been calm, and he and Xie Wei introduced: "This is a university town, basically students. Although the professors are of high quality, they will not show their wings in order to take care of students who have not graduated."

Xie Tao nodded, but also not too much to ask, can only secretly brains.

Jiang Xie introduced the nearest supermarket and pedestrian street: "What are you missing? You can buy it here..." He said that he stopped again. "Of course, there are many people here. If you don't adapt, you can call me." with you."

Xie Tao translates in my heart: I am not adapted, I am afraid that these college students will not adapt to it!

Xie Wei should say: "There is nothing missing for the time being."

The two finally arrived at the bookstore, Jiang said: "Where, this is the biggest bookstore on the first day."

first day?

The first day of the heavens?

Xie Tao feels that he understands it right, but the question is, is Tianjie so... humanized?

After going to the bookstore, the clerk couldn't help but peek at Xie Wei. Jiang took him to the third floor and put him in a relatively quiet place: "The textbooks are fixed. I will help you find them. You are This is waiting for me."

Xie Tao understands that this is to avoid him hooking people.

He nodded: "Good." He just happened to take the opportunity to flip through the book and understand the status quo.

The river went away, and Xie Tao swept the book on the shelf, and suddenly felt different.

This is indeed not the earth of the 21st century. Their human society does not have a history of heaven that cannot be put down by a whole wall...

Xie Tao's memory has been strengthened, reading ability is also fast, and a lot of things are found in a very short time.

There are heavens and devils in this world. It is very different from the angels and demons in which Xie Zhen’s impressions are inconsistent. Everyone here is like two countries, and they live in harmony.

There are seven days in the heavens, seven domains in the devil world, and the size and scale are similar.

Moreover, the angels and demons here have developed the science and technology society while developing "theology".

The first day and the first domain are basically not much different from the human society in Xie Zhen’s understanding. Regardless of the heavens and the devil world, education is very important, angels or demons. If you want to get a full year of credit in your adulthood, you can graduate from your college and get a license to support your wings.

Wings in the heavens are a symbol of status, and the graduation scores are actually linked to the number of wings. When Xie Tao saw this, his mouth was pumping, and there was a sense of sight in the college entrance examination...

Most of the books here are all "angels". Forgive Xie, he can't bring the students in the school to the sacred angels.

They are not like angels at all!

In just over ten minutes, Jiang was back. He held a paper box filled with books.

Xie Tao said: "Thank you, let me move."

Jiang said: "I will come."

Xie Tao said again: "Is the checkout going to the first floor?"

Jiang said: "As long as you have a student ID card, these books are free of charge and you don't have to pay."

Xie Tao nodded, thinking that the treatment of heaven is not bad.

They went to buy some daily necessities, and Jiang Xie specially took Xie Yu to the underwear area, suggesting that it was very obvious.

Xie Tao can only buy a bag of underwear, indicating that he will be a normal person wearing underwear.

It was already late in the evening when I returned to school.

The heavens are above the sun, and even if it is the first day, there will be no sun rising. This holy light comes from the seventh day and will light up and go out according to time.

It is for this reason that it is dark to say black.

Xie Tao returned to the dormitory, Jiang said: "Ready, let's go to the new party."

Xie Zhen should have come down.

Jiang skewed up his uniform and said, "I am going to the bathroom."

Xie Tao nodded. He didn't really care about changing the clothes in the river, but obviously he was mindful.

Also, the two change clothes separately, which is good for everyone.

When Xie Tao took off her clothes and put on her school uniform, she was stunned.

Last night, I couldn’t wear clothes after showering, tonight...

I drafted my uncle!

Xie Tao looked at the school uniform and got rid of it!

The first succulent habit - succubus hates clothes, especially at night, never wear clothes.

Xie Tao’s mouth was pumping, he wanted to say: I don’t want to wear it, I just want to wear it and I can’t wear it!

At this time, the river slanted out of the bathroom, and he put on a silver-white school uniform, which was decorated with a priest-style robes to perfect his body, even a sacred atmosphere.

The holy angel obliquely saw the naked roommate.

Xie Tao said the fact: "My school uniform has changed."

The river slanted for a long while before returning to God. His tight voice was a bit indulgent and helpless: "I know that you don't like to wear clothes at night, but this welcome party is to get dressed."

Xie Tao carefully tasted the product and understood.

Jiang slanted that he was trying to make uniforms for the evening without wearing clothes. ?

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