MTL - Game Loading-Chapter 235 The 10th floor of the collapsed 10th floor is good to learn, and I want to go up every day.

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Xie Tao was a full face at first: What resources do I have for you?

Then he remembered the scene he had just arrived in the world.

He opened the notebook, I wanted to look up the information, the result is all G film, turn off one and one, and open more than a dozen!

At that time, he was also hit by the river, and he was dying. When he was angry, he swept the notebook. After the deletion, he threw it into the corner like a hot potato.

In the past year, Xie Tao had forgotten this, and even the notebook he did not know where to throw it...

It turns out that the hundreds of G films are learning materials! His succubus is still a schoolmaster setting!

It is also true. If you are not a tyrant, how can you qualify for an exchange student?

Just like the river **** needs to be assessed to come to the devil world, Xie Tao wants to go to the heavens, presumably also has passed the five customs and six will, and is very outstanding.

The course of the demon world is obviously different from the heavens. Just listen to the words "color desire" and you will be able to see it!

Unexpectedly, Xie Tao actually put his hard-working "study notes" "the essay treasure" "five-year simulation three-year college entrance examination" to a key to delete?

The demon classmate is still crying: "Small thank you, OK, you just turned back to school so you don't have to take the quiz. The first class is the bottom of the day, the unqualified professor will take the whip and smoke!"

Xie Wei’s strength hurts him, but he can’t help.

"Sorry," Xie Tao took the pot to the heavens. "The course of Heaven is different from ours. The things we learn are prohibited in their place, so I didn't take long to enter the school."

Devil classmate: "???"

Xie Tao added: "There is nothing left."

The demon classmates went crazy: "Have you deleted all the learning materials that you have worked hard for decades?"

How many years?

Xie Zhen’s mouth was pumping, yes, the life of the angel demon is very long.

Xie Tao said, "Resentment" said: "Yes."

"Devil God..." The devil's classmate's translation is probably - heaven, earth, I want to die!

This classmate is also very hard, he found a little hope, and asked: "What about your learning machine?" Can find a computer, maybe it can be restored!

leaning machine?

Xie Tao reflected for a while before the three words and the notebook except the G film did not have anything equal.

In a way, it’s really a learning (rereading) machine!

Xie annihilated his last hope: "Throw it in heaven."

The demon classmate screamed and screamed and ran away.

In the dormitory, Xie Wei and Jiang Slope face each other, I really don't know what to say.

Jiang slanted a day of vinegar, almost thought that Xie Tao’s “predecessor” could line up from the seventh day to the seventh domain. As a result... all came to him to tutor his homework?

Xie Wei smiled and said: "Don't worry about him, I don't work **** weekdays. I can't get through the legs before the exam. I can't get through it." It can be regarded as a clue to the script, and he can pull it down.

River ramp: "The original ones are learning materials."

The scene in which the two met, the river **** is remembered in the heart.

When I opened the door, I saw that my roommate was watching the G film. This impact is generally forgotten.

Xie Tao has been able to believe in it: "I didn't know about Heaven. I just went to school and just wanted to study hard. I was afraid that I couldn't keep up with the course." Studying is a film, which is the dirty bastard. set!

The beginning of the river slant is still embarrassed, he said: "This way."

Think about it carefully, Xie Zhen is indeed a serious and eager student. He always listens carefully when he is in heaven. When he has time, he goes to the library to check the information. The only leisure time is to be with him, and the two are together. I also ask about the human history of the heavens from time to time...

Jiang Xie still doubts, so neat and serious Xie Wei, how to start school in the broad daylight in front of the roommate to see that.

It turned out to be learning.

The river slant instantly outlines a smug little succubus that is new to the unfamiliar environment, fears that the results are not good, and loses his face in the hometown.

Um... I was so cute.

Xie Tao said again: "I later learned about the heavenly curriculum, knowing that those are not adapted to the heavens, so I deleted them all."

When he said this, Xie Zhen had no fluctuations in his heart, and he even had a little bit of laughter.

The river slant that has been completely substituted into the school tyrant setting is distressed.

Think about it from another angle. In order to adapt to the new environment, in order not to trouble the students, Xie Tao reluctantly deleted all the learning materials that he had accumulated so much for more than ten years. What is the determination and perseverance!

River ramp: "I am not good, I have always let you do as the Romans do, but forgot to understand the situation of the devil."

The words he said must have given Xie Zhen pressure, otherwise how can he get down?

Jiang is distressed and remorseful. He feels that he is too confusing and has been wearing colored glasses. He has always misunderstood Xie Wei!

Xie Tao saw his demeanor and knew what he thought. He couldn’t speak for a while. He was afraid that he would laugh at the scene!

Jiang is full of apologies: "You can rest assured that I will study with you in the new course. We will sort out the materials together and will definitely not hang up."

The devil world is so harsh, it is not good to test the whip, and it is impossible to be a pawn.

Jiang slanted from the dark decision, can not be thanked for the hind legs, he used to be a tyrant, and later still learn to tyrants!

Xie Wei can't listen, he said: "It's okay, as long as you listen to the class and do your homework seriously, you won't be able to hang up."

Jiang said: "Well, let's work together."

The next day, Xie Tao and Jiang Ting reported that they had received the corresponding items and also got the login account of the school forum.

He went up to see it, and it didn’t matter, mourning the wild.

Last night's demon classmates have spread the news, and the full jars are all crying from the students.

"Devil, why send our little thank you to an exchange student!"

"The heavens are really the land of tigers and wolves. Even the study materials have to be deleted."

"Does the heavens so wicked? Don't let the school go to school? Eat, drink, and play?"

"It's no wonder that mortals want to go to heaven, and there is no need to learn about feelings."

"Key points, please talk about the key points, our Xiao Xie's information is gone, what about tomorrow's entrance exam? The sorcerer's little whip is not a joke, you may die when you whip down!"

"Oh... because Xiao Xie is coming back, I have had a summer vacation, and I haven’t seen any films!"

"I am also a big brother. I have a small thank-you essay. I can see a fart film. I can get it in advance one night."

"did not expect……"

"Never thought……"

"Hello everyone, I am already a soldier. ^_^"

In the last floor, even the avatars were replaced by squadrons, and they were abandoning themselves.

Xie Tao can't smile.

Jiang slanted: "I dragged you down."

Don't tease me anymore, Xiao Xie is really laughing!

Xie Tao turned over the previous post, and sure enough, she is a schoolmaster, diligent and eager to learn.

The information that I have worked hard to sort out is not hidden. As long as someone asks for it, it will definitely be shared enthusiastically. Anyone who has "pointed" can not say high scores, but certainly will not hang on.

Given the distinct nature of the demon, a large number of lazy students simply regard him as a biological parent.

Can lie down, too comfortable!

Xie Tao’s resources are gone. No one of the demon classmates blames him. They are all fighting against the heavens. They feel that the terrible heavens pollute their school tyrants and indirectly harm them.

Looking at the demons' imagination of the heavens, Xie Zhen can smile and have a stomachache.

The angels don’t know much about the devil, and the devil is half a catty to the angels.

A post also carefully analyzed the encounter of Xie Tao in the heavens, which is called a "fallen."

The landlord concluded: "Fortunately, Xiao Xie is a succubus. If you are a gluttony or lazy student, you are afraid that you should not eat fat or sleep as a dead body!"

It is no wonder that the two circles need exchange students. The same misunderstanding of this mountain, I am afraid that it is necessary to send one hundred exchange students at a time to change!

Finally ushered in the first sorrow in the devil world, Jiang slant is quite nervous, Xie Tao is relieved, he is looking through the men around, the typical thief is not thief, who is more than imaginary What I really want to do is a bag.

As soon as the succubus professor came in, the entire classroom was silent.

It is worthy of being a professor-level character who specializes in lust. It looks like a confusing person. Xie Tao stares at him for a while, so it is not clear whether this is a man or a woman...

The resistance of the demon classmates in this respect is beyond the reach of angel classmates.

If this is to let the angel classmates go to class, it is estimated that the whole class is red-faced and running the toilet. The demon classmates are much more stable, and even have a good time to talk about it. The discussion is 'what whip the professor took today, I think the red one is the most painful'. topic.

The professor glanced at him and raised his eyebrows when he saw the river.

The river **** does not change color.

The professor showed his approval and seemed satisfied with the celestial exchange student who passed the assessment.

Xie Zhen thought: If you are an angel, you will open it for yourself!

Because he just came back from Tianjie College, Jiang Xie and Xie Zhen escaped a catastrophe, avoiding the entrance exam, his classmates were miserable, and there were really seven or eight unqualified ones, standing on the podium and whip.

Xie Zhen really did not see it - this is called class? This is s that m! The devil world is really extraordinary.

During the class, the succubus professor left Jiang Xie and Xie Tao with homework assignments: "I don't care what you have before, come to me, I have to go to class, keep up with the progress, this is the course of the previous year, go back to stay up late, next week is new After class, no one will wait for you."

The words are serious. If the tone is not so tempting, the course is not so yellow, thank you for your letter!

Jiang Sui attaches great importance to the profession of the Devil. On the way back, he said: "Let's go to the library and find some teaching materials."

Xie Wei must of course cooperate with his diligence and study: "Okay."

Although there was a faint guess, he could still see his eyes hurt when he saw the library's **** area.

He is like this, the river is even more red-eyed, and whispered: "This class is really not easy for students in Heaven."

Xie Tao said: "The students of the Devils are also very headaches."

Jiang slanted the spirit: "Nothing, look at it, always find a clue."

Xie Wei: "..."

You can not only find the clue, but also find the skills!

Borrowed a bunch of textbooks back to the dormitory, the two worked hard together, but this efficiency...

I looked at it and went to bed.

If Xie Tao is not a succubus, she has already opened her legs and gave up repairing this spicy chicken world!

After a month, I went out with a moth. Xie Tao should have thought of it. How could Gemini live up to Gemini!

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