MTL - Game Loading-Chapter 242 The collapse of the nine worlds 01 ┃ Cancer, come.

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This can be a lot easier.

The collapsed world makes the souls desperate, at least Xie Tao goes in, they will struggle with a glimmer of hope, and Xie Tao can hold down this small fire as long as they hold the small flames!

The ex-situ summary of Gemini is of course a pot of dog blood. The Xie Tao who wants to hit someone, but think about it in reverse, it is the best to make a misunderstanding.

If the soul is really desperate, then Xie Zhen in the former feelings may be the succubus that does not understand love at all, or really fall in love with others.

This is the complete knot, and I can't solve it.

As it is now, there is no need to thank the "table loyalty", he has been sick from his own medicine.

Xie Zhen is in a good mood, so that the countdown is not so tight.

Three identical rivers sleep on the ground... Oh, they all sleep on the ground!

Xie Tao summoned the gods and sketch pens, drew three beds, and scraped a lot of strength to settle all three of them to the bed.

In fact, it doesn't matter where you sleep, but Xie Zhen is in a good mood and is willing to serve them.

Seeing the countdown of the three river slanting heads brushed into 2:33:33, Xie Zhen did not delay the time, went to the light group of Cancer.

Cancer is a green light group. When Xie Tao’s hand is put on, the eyebrows are gentle, as if the neighboring brother-like river appears obliquely in front of him.

Xie Tao has three experiences and has some speculations about the image in the light group.

Aries is a young boy, and when he goes in, he sees a teenager.

The Taurus is a youthful appearance. What he sees is the adult river slope.

Gezi oblique is a college student, he became his roommate after he entered.

Although the world of Gemini is not an ordinary university background, it is true that the university is right.

This time? Look at the appearance of Cancer, are they neighbors? A younger brother who grew up with a childhood friend?

Cough... Xie Xiaoqing cleared the throat and found that he also became bad.

With a lot of routines, he will make up his own way.

Xie Tao entered the light group with the expectation, mainly because Gemini ended too easily, so that he feels good about the small world afterwards, and feels that whether it is the body or the soul, he will work hard to cooperate with him.

Then... Xie Yan opened his eyes.


Xie Tao was shocked and didn't even notice the sound of his own voice.

so big!

Is this his country to the Giants? The huge tables and chairs, huge thermos and cups, and even the windows are so big that he couldn’t see the outside without trying to look up.

Because of the experience of the twins, even if it is really the giant country, thank you will not be too unexpected.

The quasi-world is strange and what kind of form is possible.

Xie Tao tried hard to look around, although the appliances are very large, but it can be seen that this house is a bit poor: the walls are mottled, and some places even reveal the brick surface; the ground is the colored floor tiles, hidden in the gap It was full of ash; look at the tables and chairs that have been magnified many times, and they are all made of the cheapest composite panels. There is also a chair with a split skin and a crumbling appearance that makes people wonder if they can sit.

Xie Zhen’s heart is guilty: Is the Cancer obliquely so poor?

It looks good in the light group, it is very well dressed and looks very gentle.

However, I can't believe in the image in the light group. It is like a white sheep. The sun is shining in the light. After entering, it is a gloomy little pity...

Xie Tao did not see where the river was leaning for a long time, but I heard a strong cough.

The sound was too loud, and the place where Xie was left was shook.

Speak up... Where is he?

Xie Tao was surprised to find that he was in a cage!

what's the situation? Was he caught by the giants as a pet?

Xie Tao guessed the world background with the only information.

At this moment, a footstep sounded, and the man who coughed hard came out from the back room. Xie Yan looked up and saw him.

Although it has been put up many times, Xie Tao still saw the outline of the river **** from this handsome facial.

Is it the river? Thank you for your help.

He couldn't be sure, because the man's appearance was too embarrassing. He described it as dry, so thin that he couldn't support his clothes. His face was pale and bloodless. He had dark circles under his eyes. He coughed fiercely. The hand of the cup trembled, but the mouth water was exhausted.

Finally, his cough stopped, but still breathing slightly, sitting in a broken chair for a while.

Is this man a river?

Xie Tao has never seen such a river slant... a river slant that seems to be blown by the wind.

At this time, the man looked up and looked over. Xie Yu knew it in a moment, this is not the river.

Very wonderful, but Xie Tao has this ability, as long as I see the eyes of the river, I can tell if it is him.

The man in front of him and the river slanting facial features are very similar, but not the river.

Then who is he?

Xie Tao chose not to say anything, then look at the situation.

The man stood up on the table and walked over to Xie Tao.

As the distance gets closer and the face gets bigger and bigger, Xie Wei is really not suitable for this perspective...

Although the man is not a river slant, it is indeed like the river slant. He is stunned and thin, but his voice is mild and his voice is very good. "Hungry?"

Xie Zhen actually heard a heartache because of his poor appearance.

No way, even if it is not the river, he can't stand the tragic person who is facing this face.

"I am going to give you something to eat." He coughed and held the table and walked toward the cabinet at the back.

This distance is far from the narrow Xie Tao, but it is very close to the "giant", up to three steps, easy to come.

At such a distance, the man still panted for a while, and even smoked a thin sweat.

Xie can't help but say: "I am not hungry, you..." Hey!

Xie Wei can be considered to be wrong with this voice!

The man heard his cry and turned to look at him: "Slightly wait, I will give you the grain to eat soon."

Valley, millet?

Thank you, thank you, looking down at yourself.

Did not see the arms and legs of the chest, but a white hair.

It turned out that he was not in the giant country, but he was not a man this time?

When Aries was inclined, Xie was a cat, so he could adapt to the cat's perspective, but in this world he is obviously a creature smaller than a cat.

What is it... Think about this voice, think about eating the millet...

Xie Tao couldn't help but say: "The bird?" The voice is just awkward, it is quite fierce.

The man seems to think that he is hungry, and the action is a little anxious: "I will come right away..."

Xie Wei is not hungry at all, he is just too shocked!

The man was swaying, and the urgency was even more unstable. Guzi didn't get it, but he had to fall.

Xie Zhen is really afraid that he will fall a good job, but what can he do with a silly bird in a cage?

I can only rely on God!

When he summoned the gods and the sketch pen, Xie was dumbfounded...

Is this his sketch pen? Is it so long and thick?

Xie Tao tried to make a pair of short wings and held a pen...

He was almost crushed to death by a sketch pen.

Xie Tao is helpless: I look like this gentleman like Jiang Xie, I really can't help you.

Fortunately, the door opened at this time, a young man rushed in and helped the man who was about to wrestle: "Dad, how do you get out of bed!"

Hearing this voice, even if I didn't see the face, Xie Zhen was very sure, this is the river slope!

He hurriedly looked at the past, but unfortunately he only saw his back.

Cancer is very young, not the appearance of the light group, to be smaller, squatting up to seventeen.

He is tall, tall and strong, and is in stark contrast to the thin man around him.

The man coughed and said: "I am fine, I am hungry, you feed it."

The river did not look back, only supported the man: "You go back to bed first, and the rest are handed over to me."

He settled the man on the bed and tried the temperature on his forehead. He noticed that he was obviously relieved after a fever.

The man shouted: "Dad is too useless."

River ramp: "Dad, don't say this, raise your body."

He said that he got up, poured a glass of water on the man's bed, and then grabbed the grain and threw it into Xie's cage.

Xie Tao saw the giant crab oblique.

Although he was mentally prepared, the attitude of the Cancer was quite unexpected.

Not only is there no gentleness in the neighboring big brother in the light group, but even this heavy suffocation.

He didn't look at Xie Wei, and after he had finished the millet, he went to clean up the housework.

Xie Tao did not eat, just holding a pair of small black eyes and trying to see him.

The Cancer is a sneak peek at these things. Whether it is sweeping the floor and mopping the floor, it is very profitable. It is very easy to cook water and cook. Even washing clothes is very good...

Xie Wei looked at it and couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

The Aries is terrible, and the Cancer seems to be even worse.

My father was seriously ill and the family was so poor that the 17-year-old boy came back from school and was cooking and cooking...

This day is really hard enough.

Dinner is also very plain, Jiang Shi only eat rice without eating vegetables, he is a long body, his appetite is very big, one person ate three bowls of rice.

Jiang Dad whispered: "Don't just eat, eat a la carte."

River ramp: "I don't like to eat."

Jiang Dad paused and was so sad that he could not speak.

Where is the son of his own son who does not like to eat vegetables, but because a few dollars a pound of food does not hunger, rice can eat enough.

After eating, Jiang Shi went out and went out. He said to his father, "You don't want to move around, I... I will come back after dinner."

Jiang Dad nodded.

Jiang slanted out to the front of the door and thanked Xie Wei in front of his father: "Let Xiao Xiao accompany you."

Jiang Dad smiled and said: "Okay."

The river went away, and Jiang’s father was hard to support, until he went far away and he coughed up sharply.

He had been holding back from just now, but he was not willing to worry about Jiang, so he couldn’t help but cough out the scarlet when he went out.

Xie Tao is anxious, he can't do anything with a small broken bird!

Jiang Dad wiped out the coughed blood and carefully threw it into the deepest part of the trash can, as if he was afraid of seeing the river.

After he coughed, he seemed to be more comfortable and his mental state was much better.

He leaned against the bed and looked at Xie Tao in the cage, whispering: "Small oblique and go to work."

Xie Wei: "..."

Jiang Dao said: "So a good child, how to live so hard, spread my useless father."

Xie Yuming knows that he can't understand, or he is embarrassed.

Jiang Dad seems to have some comfort. He has a weak smile on his face: "I really want to die soon, no longer dragging him down, but I am afraid that I will die. The child is even more sad."

This mood is indeed contradictory and tangled.

The father and son, who are dependent on each other, are seriously ill and look like they have brought a great burden to the family. My son is still a student. When I go to school, I work. If I just keep my family and I can barely make do with it, I can still treat my father. It is really stretched.

This dragged the child, Jiang Dad wants to leave, but what should I do if I really leave the child...

Xie Wei listened quietly, and her heart was bitter.

Although I know that this is all false, I can think of Jiang’s eagerness for a home, and I can’t help but feel distressed.

He also wants a home. In the original world, he has a home every night and every night.

A home that has a grandmother with a mother who does not have too much warmth.

Xie Wei did not wait until the end, and did not want to come to the river.

Where are these abandoned people, where will they have a home?

Xie Wei sighed a little, and after Jiang Dad was tired to sleep, he took out the Shenjian and the sketch pen.

I have to find a way to draw a special medicine, and cure Jiang Dad will definitely give the giant crab a great comfort.

Although the body is round and the wings are short, Xie Tao also has to work hard to master the sketch pen to complete this great work!

The author has something to say: old customers. 】, I must have seen the prototype... Yes, this is also a stalk that Weibo sent [infinite flow is really good, you can fill the brain hole crazy]

Xie Wei is a fat man, the round white fluffy fat!

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