MTL - Game Loading-Chapter 257 The eight circles of the collapsed ┃ lion slanted ~

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Xie Tao returned to the garden and saw the sleeping river and the different colors of the light.

Here is the garden of the twelve worlds, definitely not the illusion in the dark fog.

Thank you, there is still a moment of embarrassment...

How to determine it? What is the standard of judgment?

- I believe that there will be real.

Xie Tao stopped the thoughts and calmed down.

There is no need to think about it, no matter where he is, he and Jiang Xie are together.

Jiang oblique believes him, he also believes in the river.

Xie Tao saw the sleeping crab slanting. He had a strange feeling. It seems that at the end of the Cancer World, the river slant has "awake".

He is no longer confined to the soul of the small world, but has the consciousness of the ontology, but he lacks enough faith to break away from the small world.

The image of the black fog is obvious, and it is the quasi-world of collapse.

The soul wanted to leave Xie Tao in the quasi-world of collapse, but finally left him because he believed in Xie Tao.

Xie Wei sighed and said to the Cancer: "Don't be afraid, it will get better and better."

Of course, I couldn’t hear Xie’s words when I fell asleep, but Xie Tao seemed to comfort herself.

The world of Cancer gave a lot of information to Xie, although the two illusions in the black fog were extremely dangerous, but Xie Tao communicated with the river in disguise.

The first hallucination was born of Xie Zhen, where the river **** was "played" by the Cancer.

In essence, the giant crab oblique is also the river oblique, especially the ontology is also integrated with the soul, and there is already a lot of ontological awareness.

If there is no second illusion, Xie Tao will think that his words in the illusion of the river are all he wants him to say, he said.

There is a second illusion, Xie Tao understands, that is what Jiang said, is true.

Because in the second fantasy of the Cancer, Xie Tao is free.

It is possible that everything will develop with the desire of Cancer, but Xie Tao has a free will.

Every sentence he said to him in the illusion of Cancer is what he wants to say.

The same reason can be pushed, the Cancer is oblique in his illusion and he wants to say it.

Only by the subconsciousness of Xie Tao, the consciousness of the giant crab obliquely dominated the body, and many words were said through the illusion and Xie Tao.

For example, this is the evolution of things that have happened, such as the past of Yan Zhe...

In the world of giant crabs, they have ended the quasi-world with black fog.

In the true past of the river, he may complete the main task by walking out of the black fog.

As for why Yan Zhe will be left outside the black fog, this should be the intentional arrangement of the river.

Just like the Cancer said obliquely - someone must stay, otherwise how do I know if I am back?

The past river inclination requires another "coordinate" to distinguish the illusion.

I thought about the cause and effect, and Xie Tao was more and more curious about the past of the river.

Once the river was inclined, before the river was inclined, he really missed a lot.


The process of repairing the quasi-world is also involved in disguise.

It carries the countless experiences of the river slope.


There are also eight souls, and Xie Yu is eager to see a complete river slope.

The next light group is Leo, and the golden light is dazzling, like a sparkling little sun.

In stark contrast to Virgo, the Virgo's light group is a faint silver-white, and the two are close together, like the sun and the moon.

One of the ultimate cockroaches, a special plain, together, the "moon" is not completely covered by the "sun."

Xie Tao took back his sight and focused on Leo.

He put his hand on it, and a tall, handsome man appeared in front of him.

Although the river **** is Sagittarius, he always felt that his character is more like Leo.

Confidence in arrogance, but also really strong, from time to time makes people irritated, but can not deny his strength.

Xie Wei looked at the lion's slant carefully and found that his hair was golden in the golden light.

Such a bright color is not a cheerful and lively type, but as magnificent as the sun god.

He asked Xie Wei: "Is it me?"

The low voice seemed to tremble in the bottom of my heart. Xie Zhen was about to answer, but suddenly there was a gust of wind blowing.

The rose flower at the foot was shaking, and the branches and leaves swept over Xie's ankle.

Xie Tao felt itchy and moved the next step. Who knows that there is mud in the flowers. When he stepped on the air, he also said: "Yes..."

A burst of pull hit, Xie Yi seems to see the Virgo's light group also reflected the river slope...

what happened?

After he stepped on the air, he touched the Virgo light group with his right hand?

Not so smart!

He also agreed to two constellations?

It should not be. After all, he did not hear the question of Virgo...

Certainly not, Leo and Virgo are two worlds. Can he still enter the two worlds in one breath?

Xie Tao forgot, the so-called twelve circles are now made up of twelve worlds.

As soon as he entered the quasi-world, he was taken away and he couldn’t take care of it.

The chest hurts, as if a needle was tied, and it was always there, and even the breathing hurts badly.

Xie Wei coughed a little, which did not relieve the pain in the chest, but worsened.

The more coughing, the more painful, but I can't stop coughing.

Stinging in the chest, itching in the eyes of the throat, he coughed heartbreaking, uncomfortable.

Even worse, the great discomfort in the body made him unable to even draw a sketch pen.

He just coughed up a bit of scarlet blood, and the throat of the throat was a lot more comfortable.

Xie Wei gasped and suffered from the pain in the chest.

No cough, but the pain is still there.

Xie Tao’s eyes went to the porcelain bowl at the table, and he took it and tasted it. The cold water passed through the scorpion and he frozen his whole person.

A bit miserable, this time my own settings.

Xie Wei sat back on the bed and waited for himself to adapt to the tingling of the non-stop, and then clenched the sketch pen.

Have to get a medicine first...

He painted the special medicine of the Star World, the one that cured the father of the Cancer.

After rushing to eat, the body has a burst of heat, Xie Tao just wants to relax, but feels that the heat flow stops after the chest, and then the dense stings hit, the heat flow is broken.


Can the special medicine that can cure all diseases have no effect?

Thanks to Xie, and tried to draw a few, but unfortunately, after eating, it is temporary limbs Shutai, once the blood flows to the heart, the entire chest is severe pain.

The medicines that I thought of were painted, and all of them were useless.

This shows one thing, the level of this small world is not low at the moment.

The collapsed gods and the wonderful pens and paintings of the mountains and seas are high-speed development of science and technology, and one has a special power system, and the drugs of these two worlds are ineffective against Xie Tao.

It can only be said that his illness is either similar or even higher than that of the first two worlds.

Can't be awkward, the world of Leo.

Although Xie Tao can't cure herself, the painkillers are easy to use.

After he took the painkiller, he relieved the pain and he could think about it.

Don't think about the accident when you enter the world. Anyway, you have come in. If you come, you will be safe, and your experience will be steady.

At the moment, your own settings need to be carefully considered.

Xie Tao looked at where he left.

It seems to be a cave, it is neatly packed, but it is very simple, it is also a simple daily necessities, nothing else.

Does he live here?

Poor thank you, I don’t know what the lion has arranged for himself...

The cave also simply divided the bedroom and the living room. Xie Yu dragged her weak body out of bed and found a mirror on the left side of the living room.

He looked at himself in the past.

The light in the cave is ok, it seems that a small thing in the high place is shining like an incandescent lamp.

Xie Tao stood straight and tired, how can I find out what the light source is.

In the dress mirror, a pale, very weak man is reflected.

There are about twenty-seven eight appearances, the five senses are still thankful, but the color is too bad, and very thin.

He wore a quirky gown, and the wrists that were exposed to the outside were slender and seemed to be easily broken.

Xie Zhen thought, opened the gown and found that there was an ugly scar on his chest. I can't imagine how it was hit, and I will leave such a brutal scar...

His physical discomfort is the source of this.

Is it just a trauma? Xie Tao tried to touch it, but the fingertips touched it gently, and the tingling that was pressed down by the painkiller rolled out again.

Xie Tao quickly ate another one.

I don’t dare to mess with it. If the painkiller is eaten more, it will develop resistance. Even the pain can’t stop it. It’s too bad.

Xie Tao put on her clothes and looked at the cave carefully.

There is a bed and a box in the bedroom. The box is full of his long gown. It is a bit like an ancient scholar's gown. The style is much simpler. It is very elegant to wear. Of course, Xie is too thin.

There is a stone table next to the box with clothes, and this porcelain bowl is placed on it. This porcelain bowl is exquisitely beautiful, and it is incompatible with the furnishings in front of it. It can be seen that the setting is very cherished.

Xie Tao held the weak body and went to look at the bed.

The bed is hard, but there is a dagger on the pillow.

Xie Tao took out the dagger and the pit was smashed, giving the impression that the inlay was smashed...

Pulling the dagger from the scabbard, the edge flashes, it is a good knife.

Xie Tao put down the dagger and checked everything else and found nothing.

He was very poor, and he was only able to put a piece of carrion of unknown animals in the rice tank.

Is this the rhythm of starvation?

Fortunately, there is a sketch pen, Xie Tao draws himself a bowl of fragrant rice porridge, he is ready to go out after eating and drinking.

I don't know what the world is like, nor what the lion is like.

If you stay here, you can't wait, or you have to go out.

Xie Tao sorted out himself and felt that he was out of the cave after he was in good shape.

What surprised him was that the outside was very bright, and it was very stuffy. The heat wave from the face made him dizzy.

Adapted for a while, Xie Tao stopped dizziness.

He didn't look in the mirror, but he also knew that his appearance was even worse.

I really don't know what the world is like.

But it's okay, although he's half dead, but it's a personal one!

Xie Wei spent a lot of time to come to a big tree. He leaned heavily on the trunk and prepared to rest his feet. Look around.

"Hey..." A small, small voice sounded.

Xie Yi awkward, stood up and stood up, saw a furry little guy behind the tree.

Brown hair, thick little claws, and a pair of round ears...

this is……

A little lion?

Xie Tao actually felt the river inclination from it.

So the lion is really slanting into a lion?

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