MTL - Game Loading-Chapter 269 Broken eight circles and 13 bad adults

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Jiang is used to calling Xie Tao to get up in the morning. Although he is in a strange palace, the habit that has lasted for so long is not changed.

In particular, he made such a dream again, and his heart was deeper, and he couldn’t help but want to see Xie Wei.

He couldn't think of it, and he would see such a scene after the door opened.

In the past, the national teacher who wanted to wrap the whole person in the cloak, even the neckline was slightly open, holding the messy clothes.

Xie Wei’s cheeks are red, and there are traces of pale pink on the neck. The clothes are messy. Most of the shoulders and chest are outside, and the long legs are covered. The rounded toes that are exposed outside are like the small flower bag with dew. Also sexy.

Early in the morning, two people from the same bedroom...

Jiang’s slanted head slammed, and his fingers were already in the palm of his hand, so strong that he could break his fingers.

At this moment, Xie Wei, really jumped into the Yellow River and could not wash it!

Although he did not promise anything to the lion, but in the future, he must definitely fall in love. With this opening method, he still loves, and goodbye bye!

Even if Xie Tao did not let go of the river, she was still panicked.

The national teacher leaned to feel the tightness of his body, and the twilight sank: "Is there anything?" He asked the lion to lean.

The lion slanted away from the line of sight: "No." Very gnashing his teeth.

Xie Tao said: "You go to the restaurant first, I have to go to a medicated bath."

The lion can't speak out.

Xie Tao also said to the national teacher ramp: "Let me down, I can go."

The national teacher leaned down and whispered: "Your clothes..."

Xie Wei: "!" is the sequela of his dreams!

This conversation is another meaning in the slanting ear of the lion. He is sore in his heart that he feels stupid and unsightly to stay here. He can't even keep the number of rituals he has, and he turns and strides away.

The national teacher stared at his back and looked at it, thoughtfully.

Xie Tao is self-sufficient, and there is still room to guess what he is thinking.

The effect of the medicated bath is very good. Although the taste is unpleasant, and the skin is still itchy when it is soaked, Xie Wei feels unprecedentedly brisk after coming out.

The whole person is like a plant full of water, full of vitality.

Even with Xie Zhen's mood is better: "This medicinal bath is really comfortable." Unfortunately, I don't know if I put those herbs, I can't draw them myself.

The National Teacher looked at the sadness of his chest and his eyes were slightly sloppy: "It is a privilege to be able to share your worries."

In fact, the National Teacher claimed to be quite strange. He has a position in his position. It is reasonable to say that he is also a self-proclaimed minister. However, he has to use his subordinates. This identity is almost the same as a personal attendant.

However, it is true that Xie Tao’s one-sided business is really taking care of him personally.

Xie Tao is not too much to ask, can only temporarily speculate about the relationship between the two before - is the national teacher starting from the beastmaster of the beastmaster?

The clothes during the day are more grand than last night, and they are black. Xie’s skin is white, especially in the pure black emperor.

This body is the waist, after the maid gave Xie Yu a good waist, the national division's oblique line of sight kept on his waist.

Xie Tao looked at him through the mirror: "I don't look good, isn't it?" It's too thin, and the waist is too weak.

The national teacher leaned down and took back the line of sight: "...good-looking."

Xie Tao didn't care: "When the body is better, I have to eat more." That is the way to dress up.

The national teacher looked up at him obliquely: "Your Majesty..."

Xie Wei: "Well?"

Guoshi's ramp: "You are willing to be healthy and prosperous."

Suddenly saying this seems a bit awkward? However, Xie Tao really needs more Geely words, he said: "Take your good words."

When they used breakfast, they saw the lion leaning.

The little lion was sitting at the long table, half of the meat was not eaten, and he stared at the plate, as if the barbecue was a sinful sinner.

Xie Zhen sighed in his heart, and it was not good to say anything in front of the national teacher.

He used breakfast, but the lion leaned and did not eat anything.

The national teacher leaned closer to Xie Zhen, almost stuck in his ear: "I will have a meeting, will you go down and see?"

The lion’s oblique gaze turned, but only took a look, and he quickly recovered.

Xie Zhenquan is in the eyes, what can I do?

He is such a scum man...

"I won't go." Xie Tao said to the national division's ramp. "If there is anything you can ruin."

The national teacher slanted down: "Would you like me to let them come to the small hall to see you?"

The pilgrimage is in the main hall. This small hall is equivalent to the royal study room and is the king's own study.

Xie Wei’s **** doesn’t work. I’m afraid that when I see more people, I will reveal the stuffing. So I said, “No, you have been doing very well, I am very relieved.”

The national teacher did not insist on it, and his eyes squinted at the lion.

The lions are full of words from their relatives, and they are full of Xie Tao’s trust in the national division.

He picked up his fist again, as if he could stop the sting of the heart.

- Of course he trusts him, two people who share the same bed, and what can't be entrusted!

The lion rises up and walks, and follows a well-behaved manner: "Your Majesty, the grass people have run out, go back first."

The tone is chilly and has a hot temper that young people can't hold back.

Xie Tao said: "Wait."

The lion leaned in the end without leaving his sleeves, not because he was afraid of the emperor's esteem, but because he was unwilling to violate his adulthood.

Xie Tao’s ramp to the National Teacher: “Let’s go, I walked away from the garden with a small slant.”

Guoshi obliquely said: "Okay." Speaking of the maid behind the eyes, the maid was in the heart and took a black cloak.

He took the cloak and said to Xie Tao: "The wind is big, be careful and cool."

Xie Tao said: "It doesn't matter."

Guo Shi obliquely gave him a good tape and arranged the neckline.

The lion looked obliquely in the distance and only felt glaring.

This cloak of Xie Tao is not the same as that of the national teacher. One white and one black, one plain and one gold, can stand by each other and have an inexplicable match. It is like a beautiful picture, and no one else can be allowed. As long as they are on the line.

The lion bite his teeth and the throat was like a stone.

After sending away the national division, Xie Tao went to the lion's oblique: "Walk me to the garden?"

The lion's eared beast was pulled, and the thin lips were tight.

If it is not the right time, Xie Zhen really wants to lick his round ears!

"Come on, very beautiful." Xie Wei stabilized the inciting hand and invited the lion to lean.

Where can the little lion not go? He said: "I heard that the garden is full of roses?"

Xie Tao has never seen it since, but guessed it, after all, he is the Rose King.

Xie Tao deliberately said: "Go and see it."

The lion slanted to see the smile of his mouth, and there was a bitter bitterness in his heart.

He has always regarded him as a child and never regarded him as an equivalent adult!

But actually...he is really far from him.

The little lion is bitter in his heart.

The two went to the back garden together, and when they saw the scene, they thanked them.

The lion is slanting, but the heart is violently jumping. For a time, it is quite unclear whether this is a reality or a dream.

In front of it is a very beautiful rose garden, pure white rose bushes, one after another almost covered the branches, they grow vigorously, beautiful and persistent in the direction of the sun.

Xie Tao is because it is a bit like a central garden.

Of course, it is impossible to have a dream like a garden in the river. It is more realistic here. The white jade pavilion does not want to become bigger and grow bigger. If you want to become smaller, it will become smaller.

Xie Wei asked the lion to lean: "Beautiful?"

Jiang leaned his head and looked at him. He only felt guilty. He wanted to kiss him like a dream. He wanted to put him between beautiful flowers. He wanted to kiss him every inch of skin and give him a happy life like a dream. .


The lion tilted down his eyes and whispered: "You and the national teacher..."

He couldn't help it. He wanted to know the answer. Even if it was a catastrophe, he would have to look straight into the abyss!

Xie Tao did not expect him to ask so straightforwardly.

"Morning..." Xie Mou paused. "Not what you think."

The lion slanted to his neck, and the black cloak strap did not cover the hickey on the white skin.

Xie Wei: "..." The evidence is on the scene, it is really a hundred words!

However, Xie Zhen was able to live: "Don't think about it, I can't do anything in my body."

This makes the lion a slant.

Xie Tao coughed deliberately and shouted: "I can't breathe in two more steps, and have the strength to make love?"

Once upon a time, when I heard this vocabulary, I would face a little red rose, and I could already say it without exporting!

Someone who is the most shameless has a reddish ear: "But... you..."

Stuttering doesn't know what to say.

Xie Tao did not dare to say that she was too dead. What if she was told by the National Teacher?

Xie Tao puts out the **** posture of adults: "When you grow up, you will understand."

"Don't you just..." The little lion was led, and he blinked and squinted. "But you are all male!"

Hearing this, Xie Tao rolled his eyes in his heart: Are you still struggling with this?

Well, under the background of the world, it is really different between male and female. After all, we must seriously breed future generations. If the tigers and lions are all engaged in the foundation, they will fear that they will die.

Xie Tao had to open his mind to him: "What about males?"

The lion squatted.

Xie Tao said: "You don't need to restrain yourself. If you want to find a male partner, you can." For example, me.

The lion slanted silently, and a pair of three views were reshaped.

In Xie Wei’s eyes, my heart is full of laughter: It turns out that this little lion still thinks that males and males cannot be together. No wonder that I have been arguing and refused to get married.

Xie Tao thought that he was euphemistic enough, but he did not expect the lion to be a straight ball character.

They walked around the back garden and ate the refreshments prepared by the waiters. When they were ready to leave, they ran into the national division of the lower back.

The national teacher followed several ministers, and they saw that Xie Tao had bent over and bowed.

Xie Tao raised his head and they all got up, but they still lowered their heads.

Guo Shi whispered: "Go back."

Several ministers respected and said: "Yes." They stepped back three steps before turning away.

The national teacher asked Xie Wei: "How do you feel under your arm, isn't it cold?"

Xie Tao just wanted to pick up the words, and the lion, who had been silent, looked up.

Guo Shi obliquely noticed his sight, and the eyebrows picked it up.

The lion slanted and said: "Sir, I don't want to marry anyone."

Xie Wei: "???"

There is a bad feeling in my heart.

Sure enough, this oblique slant is not worrying.

The lion confessed: "I like you."