MTL - Game Loading-Chapter 290 Can not be obliterated 07 ┃ cold lips kiss on the back of his hand.

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It doesn't matter if the servant is not a servant, what is the appearance of Comrade Scorpio?

Xie Wei fixedly looked at him, and it took a long time to return to God.

Scorpio is not afraid of this appearance, just feels a little painful - this **** can not be light on his own hands!

Xie Tao tried to move, the familiar black fog rose, wrapped in the thorns like a thorn.

Scorpio's purple long hair shook, and the pupil was slightly shrunk, but he did not make any noise.

Xie Tao has had the experience of taking care of the scales, and naturally knows that this taste is very uncomfortable.

No matter how bad it is, it can be called comfortable compared with half of the body.

After the black fog dissipated, the black rose at the Scorpio's wrist was calm, and at the same time his half of the body also grew new flesh and blood.

This picture is scalp numb, but when the white skin covers the flesh and blood, when a complete man stands in the dark world, people can't help but breathe.

He was so beautiful, the deep purple hair tends to black, and the long sword is a pair of deep eyes. He looks straight ahead, and the corner of his mouth has a radiant curve. It seems to be laughing, and it seems that he is about to declare the death. .

Xie Tao was very embarrassed, he realized a cold gentleness.


Very cold, shivering cold, but strange and gentle.

Scorpio bowed to him again: "Thank you..."

A long voice fell, and behind him there was a sickle with a black mist.

The shank of the sickle has at least two meters, and the arc of the hook is more curved. The sharp blade is like the crescent of the first day of the winter, and it is infiltrated with cold radiance.

I saw the Scorpio straighten his arms, and the cold white fingers held the handle.

The black mist swayed gently, like the water ripples that were disturbed. Soon, the sickle moved, almost invisible to the naked eye, and Scorpio waved it to the ground!

The corpse that bitten, climbed, and screamed instantly made a smoky smoke.

Xie Tao, if there is a body, it must be wide-eyed.

So strong!

Scorpio is not the same as Libra...

Libra is like a newbie who has started from the first level. How does Tianzhu appear to be a full-scale big move?

Next, Xie Tao saw a very handsome scene.

The scorpio with a huge sickle is like a **** of death descending from the sky, killing all the creatures between heaven and earth.

The ghoul disappeared, and only the purple-haired, demon-like man stood between the heavens and the earth.

Xie Yan’s eyes saw the ghoul turned into a black mist, and rushed toward the black rose flower at the wrist of Scorpio.

Xie Zhen’s thoughts...

It seems that it is not just the blood of human beings. Can these ghouls also be?

This wave of Scorpio has killed a lot, and almost all of the "living things" in the hundreds of miles have been evaporated.

The black mist has flowed for at least half an hour, enough to see how many ghouls there were before.

Collecting so much "energy", Xie Tao realized the feeling of fullness. He manipulated the black fog as before and transformed his body.

When he was down to earth, he groaned: How can you not see the experience of Scorpio?

Isn't each skew different?

Xie Tao only saw such two obliques, and it is not good to blindly sum up experience.

He is still... or it must be said that he must not wear clothes.

Under the black cloak, the normal person will feel awkward, but now Xie Wei...

OK, it’s black, he’s probably not normal!

Because Xie Tao didn't understand the situation of Scorpio, she didn't dare to rush, and only looked at him in an unpredictable way.

Less to say less mistakes, not to say good, this iron law is suitable for most occasions.

When Scorpio saw him, there was no accident in his eyes. He kneeled down on one knee. He said, "I am sorry to have alerted you. Your loyal servant is sure that you will drop the punishment."

Xie Wei: There is something in the words "???"!

Scorpio squinted motionlessly, his long hair sliding over his ear, covering his half-faced face, and the huge sickle was suspended behind him, a two-meter-high weapon, like an open black wing. .

Xie Haoton said, "Nothing."

Scorpio's hand trembled very lightly, whispering: "Thank you for your forgiveness."

Xie Tao vaguely felt that it seemed to fool the past, and continued: "Get up."

Scorpio stood up and he was taller than Xie Tao, but his eyes were drooping and he did not look at him.

Just listen to Tianzhu: "Master, are you going back to the temple?"


How does Xie Tao feel that the style of painting in Tianzhu is different from that of Libra?

Isn't Libra the first to summon him?

Scorpio has already summoned him already?

Xie Yu discretion how to answer.

The temple sounds like the base camp of this evil god. Going back and seeing will definitely gain something.

But... Xie Tao still remembers Libra, the guy is still being encircled, what if he dies?

Xie Tao said: "There is something else."

Scorpio immediately said: "I am willing to serve you."

Xie Tao hesitated.

With the fighting power of Scorpio, it is sure to be able to easily kill the big magician.

But how do you bring the sky to the past?

Libra in Farr, Scorpio... The ghost knows where he is breaking.

Xie Hao suddenly thought of - the portal!

This kind of thing exists in this world of swords and magic.

In the memory of Libra's slant, he saw the portal of the dragon.

As long as I have seen it, in theory, Xie Tao can draw with a stroke pen.

Try it!

I am a half-hearted god, and I don’t even have this ability.

Xie Tao’s fingers are drawn in the air...

This picture is actually very beautiful. After all, other people can't see the sketch pen and the gods. They only see his beautiful fingers and the slight swaying arc.

In this world, large magic requires not only the staff to bless the power, but also the long singing and preparation time.

But Xie Tao is only painting in the air, does not need expensive staff, and does not need to sing, it is really terrible power.

Standing in front of him, the sky flashed a madness.


Xie Yan is unchanged, but my heart is happy.

He set the position of the portal. If it is not successful, Shen Jian will not create it.

So as long as you pass through this door, you can return to the side of the scales. Not only did he go back, but he also had a powerful helper.

Little black dragon, waiting!

Xie Tao went straight to the portal and said to the scorpion next to him: "Follow me."

Scorpio should say: "Yes."

They walked through the portal together, and when they came out, they had left the dark dead land and came to an empty field.

Xie Tao recognized it at a glance.

This is true!

Just then, a tornado-style water column rushed in, with sharp ice arrows flashing, and this overwhelming posture was completely hidden.

How can Xie Zhen react? The whole was scared.

Suddenly, the black sickle opened the water column, and the ice arrows hit the hollow glass ball on the steel, which became a crystal slag.

Xie Tao returned to God and saw the deep purple hair that fell in a beautiful arc.

Xie Wei sighed, yes, no need to do it.

Scorpio really has extraordinary power, and he easily defeats the magic of the Terran Magister.

Xie Yan no expression: "Kill them."

Scorpio should say: "Follow your orders."

As his voice fell, the hand holding the sickle slammed hard, and only a burst of black fog rose, and the heavens and the earth changed.

Xie Tao finally understood the situation.

After he was summoned by Scorpio, time was indeed relatively static.

However, it should be limited to his stillness in the dark space. When he reappears in front of Scorpio, the time here also flows.

The ambush in Libra, the body was seriously injured, it is already bloody.

There is no doubt that if Xie Tao comes one step later, the water column falls on the scales of the scales, and the black dragon is screaming!

After Xie Zhen was afraid for a while, she resisted not going to the **** Libra.

The boat has stepped on more and the experience is too great.

Xie Tao now also hopes that Tianzhu will clean up the battlefield, but he will not let him be distracted.

This is already a one-sided situation.

The big magisters have backups. They are fully prepared, and the rulings are all laid out in advance. This is the way to annihilate the black dragon. Whoever thinks of it is half-way and two people emerge, and the war suddenly reverses.

At first they didn't react, when one of the Terrans was hit by the Scorpio Scorpion and became a ghoul...

Someone screamed: "It’s a lich... that man is not dead!"

The thin lips are slightly raised, and he clenches the sickle. Wherever the edge is, the blood is full of blood and screams.

The great magister turned his face: "The lich... the son of bad luck... disaster..."

His words were not finished, and the throat had been pierced by a sickle.

The body of the big magister quickly withered, like all the magic was sucked out, he did not become a ghoul, but became a dry branch.

At the same time, Xie Tao feels that her body is more real.

- It is Tianzhu who is offering his offerings.

Xie Wei: "..."

I really don't adapt to the identity of my super villain!

All the people who besieged the balance of Libra died under the scythe of Tianzhu.

The purple-haired man was unscathed, and he took the sickle and squatted in front of Xie Zhen: "Fortunately, not to be insulted."

Xie Yi can squat, can only pretend that he is very arrogant: "It is doing very well."

He reached out and wanted to get him up - when the emperor was too much, there was a bit of sequelae.

Who knows that Scorpio has gone down, and then he got up and held his hand in a focused manner, and kissed him on the back of his hand: "Thank you."

The cold lips, no slight temperature, like snowflakes falling on the skin, cool and gentle.

Xie Yi: The instinct told him that this is not right.

Although there is a kiss in this background, I always feel that the kiss of Scorpio is not that simple.

Don't blame Xie, think more, who has his rich "love history", will be crazy brain!

"Cough..." There was a painful cough behind him.

Xie Tao quickly looked at the scales.

The young black-haired man was seriously injured, and the black clothes were soaked all the way, leaving the red blood along the back of the hand.

Xie Xiaomei's heart is tight.

Libra wanted to open, but he seemed to have injured his throat and couldn't say even a complete syllable.

Scorpio came over and the corner of his eye reached the black rose flower on his wrist.

His eyes flashed and he bowed to Xie Tao: "Master, he is already your believer, whether you want to bring it back to the temple for treatment."

Xie Tao is very afraid that Libra will bleed himself to death, but the voice will be cold and steady: "Take it."

This time, I don’t have to thank you for painting the portal.

Scorpio Christine said: "Yes."

When the voice fell, he used a sickle to paint in the void, and the black door appeared out of thin air.

Xie Wei did not go to the balance of the balance, he went straight ahead and walked into the black portal.


It seems that I can find out more.

Chapter 291 can't be obliterated 08. His gesture is respectful, and the scorpion is very aggressive: Master, I am hungry.

The so-called temple...

Xie Tao believes that even if it is not brilliant, the light will be shrouded, and it will be bright and spacious if it is not good.

In this place, the spaciousness is absolutely spacious enough, but it is not related to the bright one.

The place of sight is dark, and the deep corridor looks like it is going to hell. It pushes open an obsidian door with a gloomy atmosphere. It is extremely empty and the footsteps echo, like the high-energy warning in the horror film, as if it will be the next moment. Pull out a bunch of grinning monsters.

That's about it... still the temple.

The grave is almost the same!

Xie Tao has determined that he is a big villain. The appearance of this base camp is like the ultimate copy of the game players who want to pass customs.

He is the big Boss who is hiding in the depths and waiting for players to kill him thousands of times and then explode!

OK, okay, this is not a game, he still hopes to kill the players.

Such a large temple is dead and dead, and there are no half-personal figures.

The three of them walked in the hall, just like walking in the empty snowfield, and some of them only slammed into the neck.

Xie Tao, the master of this temple, certainly can’t be frozen by his “warm” home...

The corner of his eye squinted at the scales.

People are also new to the beginning, and the look is much more natural than him. There are no accidents at all.

Also, Libra was previously a killing machine, and there were more scenes than he had seen in this half-hearted evil spirit.

The blood in his body kept on, but he was still able to walk on his own. The blood fell down his fingers and dripped on the black ground of unknown material. He was quickly absorbed, and even the traces of Ding did not leave.

Xie Tao looked in the eyes, all in my heart - fell into the ghost house!

When he thought that he was the biggest "ghost", he was heartbroken.

After walking through five doors, Scorpio asked: "Master, are you going to place him in the Libra Hall?"

Xie Wei: "..." How do you know that he is Libra? Are all other temples full of people?

Xie Tao was a little panicked, but it was an understatement: "Well."

Scorpio should have come down and said to Libra: "Please."

Do you see that the river is so polite to yourself, Xie Tao is quite uncomfortable.

Libra looked at Xie Tao and gave a ceremony. Although he did not speak, there was some doubt in his eyes.

Xie Tao continues to pretend: "You need to rest."

Libra slanted: "Thank you for my god."

Xie Tao said again: "I will see you later."

He didn't want to say it, but Libra's appearance was too pitiful. He was soft-hearted...

Xie Yu’s eyes stunned, and he couldn’t see what he had. He was relieved.

Maybe he and Tianzhuo are pure master-servant relations? So this guy is so calm and calm? Not only bring the enemy back, but also a little jealous look?

Xie Wei...

Believe in a ghost!

This is the river slope, or the river **** of Scorpio. After cutting, there may be more black!

Xie Tao won't take it lightly. He looked at Tianzhu and brought the scale into a door. He looked at it four times.

Although the hall is sinister, it can be seen that the materials and decorations are not unique.

Xie Tao is now a bit of insight, after all, following the scales of Libra, I saw so many mirrors, Libra was staying in the Dragon for a long time, and then went to various places to assassinate...

Xie Tao compared so many places, and there is no such place as this temple is full of such majestic power.

Xie Wei was slightly relieved and felt that it was safe. Even if some players wanted to brush his big Boss, it would not be so easy.

What makes Xie Yi more concerned is that in the empty hall, it seems that there is no one besides the Scorpio and him, and the injured Libra.

Did he now accept two "believers"?

How can God know that Libra is Libra?

Xie Wei is also not good at wandering around, in case something hits something that shouldn't be hit, it is not a joke after the stuffing.

He is now their faith, even if there are six obliques, they can temporarily suppress them as a **** of evil.

If you miss yourself as a false god, then...

The ghost knows what will happen!

Xie Tao waited for the meeting, and Tian Hao came back from the door. After he bowed to Xie Tao, he said: "It has been settled."

Xie Tao nodded and said: "I will go see his injury."

Scorpio is obviously stunned, and Xie Yu’s heart is tight: Why, is this what I said wrong?

Who knows that Tianzhu actually smiled, and his cold white face became more and more scary in the gloomy hall, and formed a sharp contrast with the gentle smile of the mouth.

It gives people a sense of confusion when they fall into the ice cave, but they find a hot water bottle.

Is it cold or hot?

"You are so gentle," Scorpio approached and kissed the back of his hand. There was a hint of swaying in the slightly lifted sight. He whispered. "I am looking forward tonight, I will wait for you to dawn."

Xie Tao stayed.

On the one hand, it was a little bit touched by his little eyes, and on the other hand, he was scared by this.

what's the situation?

It won't be what he thought!

What strange request did he promise inexplicably?

Are they really ordinary servant relations?

Xie Wei is flustered...

One of the key points of the shipwreck: chaos male and male relationships.

This is absolutely going to happen!

Even if there is no other inclination, even if it is only known by Libra, the difficulty of his awkwardness will climb to **** mode!


Xie Zhen’s heart is seven and eight, and he is as stable as a **** of evil: “Go to rest, you are also hurt.”

He remembered the white bones before.

Scorpio made a fist in his left hand and said, "Thank you for my god."

Then back three steps, turned into black fog disappeared.

Xie Wei: "..." He never admitted that he was shocked.

What a gloomy grave, what comes to the "servant" without a shadow, his master is just a five-young youth who is positive and up-to-date!

Fortunately, Xie Yingdi was used to it, and the skills of the sound and sound were already full, and he could handle it.

He calmed his heartbeat and walked into the door.

Although this is a form of a door, it is actually a portal, but it is not temporary, but fixed.

Going in is not a step, but it is transmitted from there to it.

The room is not bad, Xie Tao looked at it, although it is still the dark wind of the dark system, it is still cold and sinister, but there are some, all should be furniture, the black velvet bed squatting, squatting quite Comfortable.

Xie Tao saw the scales sitting on the edge of the bed.

He took off his wet clothes and was trying to wipe his wounds.

This injury is really horrible, as if being stabbed with countless knives, can only be described as a perfect body.

No wonder there will be so much blood...

Xie Tao can hardly imagine how painful he will be, and how painful it is to be able to do so, what a powerful force.

Of course, it may be used to it.

The soul is also good... The body is also good, are used to it.

Xie Tao glanced in his heart and walked over: "Don't mess, I will help you with the wound."

Libra discovered this and he found him. He immediately got up and wanted to salute.

Xie Tao said: "In special times, there is no need to pay more."

Libra opened his mouth and could only use his hoarse throat to say, "Thank you for my god."

It is already the limit to say these four words, as if to tear the vocal cords.

Xie Tao will not say more, lest he be more nervous.

Xie Tao used a sketch stroke to draw a lot of things. He said: "Your wound needs to be treated... it may be painful."

After he said that he felt that he had nonsense, so he could hold back all the bruises. What other pains are?

The scale is slanting to open.

Xie Wei said: "Do not speak in a short time, your throat is seriously damaged."

Libra slanted slightly and nodded lightly.

Xie Tao just wants to give him pain relief soon, and he can't take too much. There is no one here.

He leaned over and applied the pain-relieving drugs to the oblique wound of Libra.

In order to be magical, Xie Tao also deliberately created a "blocking eye" for the drug. In the eyes of outsiders, the black mist of his fingertips licked the **** wounds.

Libra did not dare to look at him at first, but slowly, as the pain in his body disappeared, his vision could not help but fall on him.

This devotion to the soul and the self-calling evil spirits, the killing master who he awakened at all costs, has a beautiful appearance that is enough to marvel at all races across the continent.

He also has the same ominous black hair as him, and he is as dark as the night, but he is powerful enough to ignore all contempt and disdain. He can be a **** above all else without anyone.

Such a powerful **** has such a moving side.

He seems to care about him, his fingertips are as soft as the mother who remembers the deepest.

The beautiful woman who has not been driven crazy, but also has reason and love.

Libra squinted his eyes and was not ashamed of his own fragility and reverie.

He is a evil spirit, representing killing and sin, gluttony with soul and vitality, only creating disasters and sufferings, never giving them.

Looking for warmth from such a evil spirit, he is really crazy.

After the wound was processed, Xie Tao prepared some sleeping pills for Libra.

When the black dragon is in the human form, the wound recovers very slowly. In order to reduce his pain, it is best to sleep.

Xie Tao’s heart is soft, and there is no such thing as a pretentious gesture. The voice can’t help but be more gentle: “Sleep for a while, and when you wake up, you will recover.”

Libra flashed and flashed, he just wanted to speak...

Xie Tao clicked on his throat: "No words are allowed within three days."

Libra slanted, this moment, in the center of his eye, only the eyes of the eyes are full of gentleness.

Xie Tao also solemnly added a sentence: "This is an order."

An indescribable warmth rushed into the atrium, and Libra nodded slightly... I slept from the birth to the present, the most comfortable feeling.

Seeing that he slept, Xie Xiaosong breathed, stood up and prepared to talk to Tianzhu again...

At this time, there was a pleasant sound: "Why are you so painstakingly treated? It is better to give it to me."

Xie Tao turned her head and saw the bat hanging on the beam of the house? ? ?

Xie Tao’s little heart was scared again!

At this time, the bat landed, and after the black fog picked up, the man in a pure black uniform was walking around.

He has a flamboyant dark red hair, a pupil with a **** bright red, and a tall, thin nose under the nose. It seems to be the sight of Xie Tao. He lifts his lips and reveals pointed tiger teeth.

Instant, evil is cozy.

The man is kneeling on one knee and respectful, but a pair of scorpions are very aggressive: "Master, I am hungry."

Xie Wei: "!"

Which is this oblique?

And when you are hungry, go eat, stare at me?

I have not eaten this!

The author has something to say: this...

Of course it is Sagittarius!

Read The Duke's Passion