MTL - General, Madam Called You To Farm-Chapter 776 five tigers

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  Chapter 776 Five Tigers Out

   Along the way, Princess Hui'an didn't say a word.

   She seemed to be asleep, but Su Xiaoxiao could hear her breathing, and she was clearly awake.

  Su Xiaoxiao didn't tease her. Some jokes are harmless, while others are used to **** people's hearts with needles in the name of jokes.

  Although Su Xiaoxiao is very venomous, she also has targets.

   "Miss, we are here."

  The coachman stopped the carriage and came over with a stool.

  Su Xiaoxiao got out of the carriage first, and then stretched out her hand to help Princess Hui'an down.

  Princess Hui'an's hands hurt too, her knees hurt too, and her forehead is blue and hurts.

   "It's all Su Xuan's fault!"

   "Yes, it was his fault, and I will ignore him in the future."

  Princess Hui'an hesitated to speak.

  Su Xiaoxiao brought the man into the mansion.

  The servant who had just been beaten up by the golden eagle saluted respectfully: "Miss, this is..."

  Su Xiaoxiao glanced at him lightly: "Do I need to report to you when I bring someone back?"

  The five tigers flew over on golden eagles, vicious and vicious, just like the Yaksha of the bird world!

  The boy's scalp was numb: "I don't mean that, please."

  Princess Hui'an said: "Will it cause you trouble?"

  Princess Hui'an a few months ago couldn't ask such a question.

   It seems that these days in the civil society, she feels deeply and changes a lot.

  Su Xiaoxiao said: "No, I am the young head of the Cheng family now, and I bring a few friends to live in the mansion. No one can do anything to me."

  Princess Hui'an whispered: "Little follower, I suddenly found that you are very capable, unlike me, you can't do anything without the status of a princess."

  Princess Hui'an is very sad today...

  Su Xiaoxiao touched the top of her hair: "You have your strengths, and you will use them in the future."

  It was too late, Cheng Sang and Mei Ji had a rest.

  Cheng Sang has been sleeping at Su Xiaoxiao's side for the past few days. After having three new favorites, she stopped being crowded with Su Xiaoxiao and Xiao Niaojing, and took the three little ones to sleep in her own room.

  Meiji also has her own house.

  Su Xiaoxiaodao: "The wronged princess squeezed with me tonight, and I will prepare a room for the princess tomorrow."

  Princess Huian nodded.

  Not long after she took a break, a figure flashed outside the window.

  Su Xiaoxiao hurriedly opened the door and saw that it was Wei Ting who came.

   All the servants in the yard rested, and no one noticed him.

  Su Xiaoxiao went out of the house and closed the door behind her: "Why are you here so late?"

   Wei Ting said: "Su Li and my father were injured, the wound medicine you left is almost used up, I'll come and get some."

   "Is it serious?" Su Xiaoxiao asked.

   Wei Ting said: "Su Li's injury is quite serious, my father...mainly due to old injuries."

  Su Xiaoxiao looked around: "This is not a place to talk, you go to the study and wait for me, I will come right away."

   Wei Ting went to the study next door.

  Su Xiaoxiao took the sore medicine and internal injury medicine, and went into the pharmacy to look at the snake bone flower.

  The small flower buds have grown a lot taller, and it will take a few days to produce flower buds.

  Su Xiaoxiao watered it: "You have to grow it quickly, don't make Wei Xu wait too long."

   Coming out of the pharmacy, Su Xiaoxiao took the medicine and went to the study, and sat down beside Wei Ting.

   "Why did Dad and Su Li get hurt? There shouldn't be many people who can hurt Dad, right?"

   Wei Ting told about the saint calling Wei Xu.

  Su Xiaoxiao was very surprised: "So, the saint still has the means to control father."

  If it wasn't for Wei Xu's last shred of reason, the consequences would be disastrous.

Wei Ting continued: "Su Li found father first, and then the jade-faced Raksha appeared. The two interrupted the saint's plan. Su Li was accidentally hit by a bronze statue while fleeing with father. .”

   "Jade-faced Rakshasa..." Su Xiaoxiao rubbed her chin, "Is he here to kill father?"

   Wei Ting looked complicated: "He saved Dad."

  Su Xiaoxiao was even more surprised.

  I wanted to kill Wei Xu last time, why did I save him tonight?

  Thinking of something, Su Xiaoxiao asked, "Is Yumian Luosha injured?"

   Wei Ting looked at her and said, "According to Su Li, he was whipped by the saint."

  Su Xiaoxiao clenched her fist.


   Wei Ting didn't seem to see the flash of shock in her eyes, and continued the previous topic: "The holy girl does have evil intentions towards my father. If Su Li hadn't arrived in time today, she might have succeeded in her scheme."

  Su Xiaoxiao murmured: "The meaning of trickery is—"

   Wei Ting is very calm now: "It's just what you think."

  Su Xiaoxiao once again couldn't help but sigh with emotion, the saint's courage is really great!

  Su Xiaoxiao doesn't think that the saint has a male-female affection for Wei Xu. In the eyes of the saint, I am afraid that there are only power and ambition.

  She just wanted to borrow a seed from the descendants of Emperor Wu, so that she could command the princes with a good reputation in the future.

  Su Xiaoxiao said thoughtfully: "It seems that our previous guess is correct, the saint and the king of Nanjiang are not of the same heart."

  The king of Southern Border only wanted a puppet, but he didn't want this puppet to be left behind to compete with him for the world.

Thinking of something, Su Xiaoxiao pondered: "Do you still remember that the eldest brother, the second brother and the sixth brother said that they lost part of their memory? Could it be the method of the king and saint of Nanjiang? They want to turn them into Puppet master, it's a pity that he missed a move."

   Wei Ting nodded: "This possibility is the greatest."

Su Xiaoxiao analyzed: "The King of Southern Border and the Holy Maiden couldn't stretch their hands into the capital. You escaped a catastrophe. Although you led the troops to the border afterwards, they probably didn't expect you to go, so She left early. This way everything makes sense. The relationship between the Holy Maiden and the King of Southern Border is deeper than we imagined. To shake her position, we must first alienate her relationship with the King of Southern Border."

  The only one who can deal with the saint without bloodshed is the King of Southern Border.

   Wei Ting said seriously: "The best way is to let the king of Nanjiang know about the ambition of the saint. The problem right now is that we can't get in touch with the king of Nanjiang."

"I can."

  Princess Huian suddenly appeared at the door.

  Su Xiaoxiao looked at her: "Princess, are you awake?"

   "Can't sleep." Princess Hui'an stepped inside.

   "I am the princess of the Great Zhou Dynasty. The third prince of Southern Xinjiang has always wanted to marry me as his wife. As long as I show up, I will definitely be a guest of the Southern Xinjiang royal family."

  Her eyes are firm.

  It's hard to believe that she was the delicate princess who was captured by the White Lotus Sect and was so frightened that she burst into tears.

   "I object." Su Xiaoxiao.

   "I also object." Wei Ting said.

  Princess Hui'an frowned: "Brother Ting, what are you against?"

   Wei Ting said without changing his face: "My husband is weak, and the wife sings and the husband follows."

  Princess Hui'an who was suddenly fed dog food: "..."

  Princess Hui'an returned to her room angrily!

  Su Xiaoxiao looked at Wei Ting speechlessly: "Why are you irritating her so much? She is in a bad mood tonight."

   Wei Ting brushed off his wide sleeves: "Isn't this afraid that some people will be jealous?"

  Su Xiaoxiao: I didn't ask why I was in a bad mood... Full marks for male virtue.

   "Do you really not understand her thoughts, or are you pretending not to understand? She is competing with Guo Lingxi. Guo Lingxi likes you, so she wants to **** you over."

   Wei Ting looked at her with a half-smile: "So you inquired so clearly."

  Su Xiaoxiao was about to argue, when she suddenly realized that she had fallen into the pit he dug again.

   Let's talk about business, can you stop digging holes for her?

  Su Xiaoxiao said seriously: "Are you still talking about something?"

   Wei Ting originally felt a little heavy because of his father's injury, but after seeing her pretending to be serious, he was suddenly relieved.

  He smiled lowly: "Say."

  Su Xiaoxiao put her arms around her arms: "You really said it!"

Wei Ting said: "Actually, to get close to the king of Nanjiang, you don't necessarily have to enter the palace. The king of Nanjiang has a powerful servant named Eunuch Jin. He has a house outside the palace, and he lives there for a day or two every month. I heard that this person likes to raise birds."

  Su Xiaoxiao and Wei Ting looked at the five tigers on the windowsill at the same time.

  The five tigers are using their small wings to count the bird food they just got.

   This is what it got in exchange for teaching the disciples tonight.

  One, two, three, four.

  Little brother, one for one, one for another, and one for the holy bird.

   "Five Tigers~"

  Su Xiaoxiao called it with a smile.

  Five Tigers looked up blankly.

  When she saw Su Xiaoxiao's malicious smile, her bird feathers exploded, and the whole bird went bad!

   The five tigers are going to be little spies again, begging for a wave of feeding, and asking for a lot of monthly tickets to buy the five tigers bird food.



  (end of this chapter)

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