MTL - Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss-Chapter 3075 At the time of the decisive battle 3

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"You have known for a long time, I will come. August 1 Chinese network W≠W=W≈.≈8=1≠Z≠W.COM" Jun no evil looks at the destruction of God, she is smart, but Miscalculated the origin of the opponent, fighting with people, she is sure, but with a insight into the gods, she lost the opportunity in the early morning.

Destroy God sneered a sigh. "I know that in the Three Realms, there will be two souls of the outside world. Many years ago, the night prince came, and the other one will definitely appear. I don’t know if you will. When is it in what kind of identity, but I know one thing... You and the night prince, there is a kind of sorrow in the darkness, this is why you will come here, so... I left the night prince In the next three worlds, I believe that when another soul of the outside world appears, you will always meet and always come to me. Now, I don’t think wrong."

The soul that does not belong to this world, but quietly, destroys the gods and understands the embarrassment between the two souls of the outside world. Just find one and control him, and the other will always appear.

And all this, destroying God is right.

"Night Master knows my plan, he is in life again and again, you will not come, but what surprised me is that you are so weak." Destroy God looked at the innocent, could not help but sigh .

"I thought, you will be as powerful as the night prince, but you didn't expect... you seem to be just a person... but it's okay... If not, my shadow, how can there be a chance to win the seven guys? The power, hahaha... "Destroy God does not hide his mania.

"Everything here will be destroyed, and you will be with me to witness the last moment. Isn't this, a great glory?" Destroying God half-squinted.

"Maniac." Jun no evil brow wrinkled, watching the destructive **** who has fallen into the state of enemies.

Destroying God is very clever. As the only remaining **** in the Three Realms, his power is more and more, and he has taken the lead, but... Similarly, he is also a madman, and his ambition will destroy everything.

If it is just reborn, it is to know that the Three Realms are going to be destroyed. If you are not afraid of it, you will not wrinkle, but now... everything is different. Here, there are her loved ones, her friends, her lover. ... she will not allow the destruction of God to destroy it.

"Crazy?" Destroyed God shook his head. "How can you know me, my mediocrity, the Lord of the Gods... the more all that exists, the power, as long as you have seen it once, this life is not Will forget, the eternal, powerful and trembling power!"

Destruction of God's expression became more and more mad, and he raised his eyes as if he saw something that he longed for for a long time.

"I will get everything one day!"

"As long as we are there, don't dream." Jun was cold and low.

Destroy God has come back from obsession, watching Jun no medicine: "Night prince, your life and death are relieved, you think ... you can deal with me? Unfortunately... it is a pity, you seem I don’t remember at all, everything that happened in your life and death. Do you need me to help you remember?"

Destroying God's mouth evokes an evil smile. He gently pats his palms. The phoenix that is hidden in the dark quietly pushes a wheelchair and walks in. When the wheelchair appears, it makes the innocent and Jun has no medicine in the same place!