MTL - Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss-Chapter 3089 : This is a revenge (3)

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"Oh, it’s really touching..." Destroyed God looked at Qiao Chu and others standing in front of his eyes. The **** eyes suddenly smiled. His eyes crossed Qiao Chu and they looked at them behind them. The head is not innocent, and the viciousness of the eyes is almost overflowing. ??八一? Chinese W≈W=W≤. =8=1≈Z=W≠. COM

"Just no evil, are you very touched? There are so many people, the former servants are willing to die for you..." Destruction of God evokes the lips, and the pleasure of revenge in the heart is getting stronger and stronger, he stretches out Shooting, the point is a little bit of Joe Chu, they worded one word:

"Joe Chu, Hua Yan, Fan Zhuo... Ah, this ugly, it should be non-smoke?"

When the devastating God’s finger was wrapped around the non-smoke of the bandage on the face, it suddenly stopped.

The non-smoke eyes smashed the gods and destroyed God, but they laughed lightly.

"It’s pitiful, it’s such a look that you’re not a ghost, you still want to save you, you’re innocent, you really have too many partners, they are willing to die for you. Ah, just like the night prince." Destroyed God smiled and squinted.

His words, like a blockbuster, exploded in the hearts of Qiao Chu.

Night prince?

Isn't that the name of the big brother before medicine?

How can this guy say...

"What do you put on your shit! You are dead, no medicine, big brother will not die, you don't want to provoke here!" Joe Chu couldn't help but scream, but his heart was faintly drifting through a touch of uneasiness, he now only noticed that the hall I can't see the figure of Jun without medicine, but according to the news given by Nan Gonglie, it is right for Jun to enter the temple together with Jun.


What about others?

"Provocative? Hehe..." Destroy God with a low smile, he said: "It’s a pity, if I don’t say it is true, then..." Destroyed God’s eyes looked at Qiao Chu’s behind him. .

"Just no evil, she... how can it be so depressed?"

Destroying the low voice of God, letting Joe Chu and others ruin the cold, and let them fear more, but it is to destroy the words in God's mouth.

The state of the innocent is indeed not right. From the time they appeared to the present, the innocent has never said a word. Even, she has never raised her head. The quiet and silent reaction, the more they let Qiao Chu feel panicked.

"Little evil, no medicine, he is his brother..." Fan Zhuo turned his head and asked Xiang Jun.

However, if you are innocent, you are standing still in your head with no lower head. Even the sound is not half-divided, and the breathing is weak and almost imperceptible.

No crying, no anger, no sorrow...

Only the faint breathing sound echoed in the repressed hall, as if... she could disappear at any time.

The innocent reaction is almost the default of destroying everything God said. Qiao Chu their hearts fall into the bottom of the valley in an instant, a kind of sky-wrenching anger that fills the hearts of each of them.

"Whether you say it is true, as long as we are there, you don't want to move the little evil spirits!" Hua Yan took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed the inner grief. The enemy is currently, not when they can be sad. The situation in Jun is no different. If even they are in pain, then who else can replace the no cure for the little evil?

"Oh? Your feelings are really good." Destruction God chuckled, and the eyes flashed a slap in the face.

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