MTL - Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss-Chapter 3099 :弑神(5)

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Before they felt the joy of strength growth, their power was suddenly pulled away from their bodies after reaching their peak! ! !

The spiritual power of the road turns into a ray of light from the human body, blending into the golden light and flying towards a certain place in the temple. August 1st? Chinese?? W (a) W?W?. ?8?1ZW. COM

People who were surprised by the strange situation, this was waking up from the ecstasy, the smile on the face turned into an endless fear in the blink of an eye, people mourn and want to escape from the golden light, but their The spiritual power is constantly being pulled away. They can't escape the power in Cuidong's body. They can only helplessly open their legs and escape without fleeing!

However, their degree is far less than the degree of golden light expansion. In a very short period of time, Jinguang spreads around the temple, like a nightmare with golden camouflage, engulfing everyone!

Bai Mo and Nan Gong Lie were some distance from Jin Guang. They soon heard the snoring from the golden light. The instinct made them feel the danger coming. The two men raised all their spiritual power at almost the same time. Escape from the holy city!


Among the temples, innocent and destructive gods in the ongoing battle, two powerful forces that are enough to destroy the earth and the ground, and constantly bursting with deafening sounds, the gorgeous buildings in the temple are fundamental Unable to resist the power of this force, under the constant aftermath of collision, the pieces collapsed and turned into a pile of messy gravel.

Everywhere... dusty, the temple that once made everyone so yearning, became a ruin in the blink of an eye, a battlefield of Shura.

The hall was crumbling, and the guards in the temple were terrified. Under extreme fear, they even forgot to control them. In order to save their lives, at the moment when the hall collapsed, they let go of Han Zikai and Jun Gu. , mad like escaped.

It’s hard to ask the bound Hanzi and Jun Gu. Before the collapse, they didn’t rush to escape. In the shortest time, they set up Joe Chu and others who fell to the ground, just before the collapse of the hall, Joe. Chu three of them came out from the hall!

However, Feng Ming, who was seriously injured, was left unattended. He could only sit in the hall, looking up at the top of the broken temple, and the reflection in his eyes was the despair of the top!

A loud bang, the hall was instantly turned into a ruin, and the dirty and filthy soul of Feng Ming was buried.

When Han Ziwei walked out of the hall, everything in front of them made them into shock.

In front of us, the once prosperous and extravagant scenes no longer exist. Under the golden light, what we saw has become a messy ruin. The guards who rushed out earlier have collectively stagnated in place. The sons were shocked. The faces of the guards were full of painful colors. Their expressions were distorted and screaming. A voice snorted from their mouths. The spiritual power in their bodies was pulled by invisible forces. Pull away and fly towards the dense area of ​​the golden light!

"What is that?" Jun Gu held Van Gogh in one hand, and Joe Chu in one hand, stunned and looked at the front, which was almost flustered and chaotic.