MTL - Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss-Chapter 3114 : red lanterns hanging high

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No one knows how much Jun Qing is wronged. Eight? One? Chinese network? W ≥ W ≠ W ≈. ≥8=1≤Z=W≈. COM

In the evening, Jun Qing did not return, and the New Moon who lived in the Jun family did not return.

It was the reunion with Suya who had already settled in the same way. In the evening, she saw Jun Qing shouting out the moon, as if she had ran to a lake and talked about it.

As for after...

Jun Hao did not urging Jun Qing to become a relative, and the Jun family began to prepare for a grand wedding.

If you are innocent, you will have to change your name for the little apprentice in the future...


On the day when the lanterns were colored, Junqing succeeded in abducting the moon, and the Ruilin army man broke the glass heart, but no one dared to fight for it, grab it, after all, who really loves his life!

Looking at the Junjiahong Yanyan, Qiaochu and other people who came to Hexi gathered at the round table to cheer on the wine, and one by one looked at Junqing, who was the groom's official, who was filled with red face.

"I think Xiaoshu is not a room for a room." Qiao Chu smirked and turned his head. Those who were robbed of the **** Ruilin military men, although there is no courage and Junqing to grab people, but The posture of filling him is not unambiguous.

If Jun Qing is good enough, I am afraid that it has already been squandered.

In the meantime, it is not the amount of alcohol that Ryugas has blocked him.

"Then you can make a mistake, even if you drink it, the uncle's room has to be." The non-smoke laughter on the side, the once-faceted face, is now intact, the smart voice is also Restored the glory of the past, just... the evil character, did not change.

"I don't believe it. I just drank it like this at the beginning. I drank it again. I was afraid that I would like to return him to Ryusaki, and where did he still move?" Joe Chu said.

The non-smoke hand with the wine glass shook gently. "You don't understand this. Whose moon is the apprentice? You don't know it yet? Isn't it so simple to wake up the medicine?"

"..." Joe Chu Momo, when he said nothing!

"Mother kiss... hug..." Jun Moye just finished watching the bride, followed the moon and the fart, and returned to the banquet. When he saw the innocent sitting in the room, he extended a pair of small claws. Hug.

Jun no evil laughed a little, bent over and hugged Jun Moye, put it on his lap, and the side of the prince had no medicine to laugh and did not speak to his wife and daughter to have some delicious food.

A family of three, a harmonious and beautiful look at the eyes of a table.

Non-smoke is still laughing, seeing this scene, suddenly a sip of alcohol, anxious, rising face reddish, a pair of eyes but involuntarily drifted to the body of Rong Ruo sitting around.

Rong Ruo’s soul was taken out of the doll by the innocent, reshaping the flesh and enjoying the guard of the gods. Only this time, Rong Ruo asked him to give him a man, although there is nothing in appearance and in the past. Change, but the wide shoulders and the chest of a horse Pingchuan, but no more than a woman's seductive, lived off into an elegant noble son.

Rong Ruo is gentle in nature, and a handsome face always has a smile like a gentle and jade. Today, when he enters the door of this family, he attracts a lot of girls from Hexi, and the eyes of those who love each other make them feel annoyed. The non-smoke is more grievous.

He can't wait for that big pocket, put the whole set up, and don't give a look at those women who are crazy.


Some parents don't know where the new text is. Just search for "The Peerless Alchemy Teacher: Miss Nine" and you can find it, or you can search directly [Night North].