MTL - Genius Fundamentals-Chapter 143 dragonfly

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A butterfly in the rainforest of the Amazon River in South America, occasionally fanning a few wings, may cause a tornado in Texas in two weeks.

This is the famous "butterfly effect", and it is also the reason why Lin Chaoxi is now in a huge predicament.

She studied philosophy. When she was in the logic class, the teacher spent a whole class time giving them a "butterfly effect", saying that it was a kind of landslide fallacy because it directly turned the possibility into inevitability.

The butterfly of the Amazon rainforest certainly does not necessarily lead to a hurricane in Texas. It refers to chaos theory. A small change in the initial conditions that is worthwhile can drive the long-term and huge chain reaction of the entire system.

The same is true for transportation.

If we want to predict the specific location where Laolin will encounter a car accident in a certain period of time, then she has to consider the entire transportation system in full, but there are too many factors to consider, which really makes her very headache.

At 5 o'clock in the morning, the alarm clock lightly "smack", and Lin wakes up one second and quickly cuts it off.

Xiaolin, who can be paved on the surface, turned over twice, and the painful and depressed voice sounded again. Lin said that she was awake.

In order to go out quickly every day, she will change the clothes for the next day directly before going to bed at night. Now, she immediately got up from the bed, took a backpack, and quickly went out.

Yongchuan has maintained a week-long sauna day, and today's sky is particularly gloomy. Chaoyang, who was suppressed by the thick clouds and lost his original effect, felt that it was time for the rainstorm.

In the usual morning of the first exam, she was very absent-minded. It may be because the aunt came, she felt sleepy and cold and tired, she forced herself to be awake, but only wanted to sleep on the table.

If she didn't knock on her desktop in good faith, she would probably be really at the time of the exam, and she would fall asleep on the table.

At the time of the volume, Lin dynasty did not feel good.

After reading her test paper, she asked her if she wanted to see a doctor.

Before she answered her, Lu Zhihao pre-emptively said: "Surely every girl has a few days, nothing."

Lin Chaoxi squatted, and made a spirit and joked with him: "You are really my good sister."

"Go still at noon." The solution was repeated.

"Well, thank you teacher."


In fact, from the eyes of the solution, Lin Zhaoxi probably knows that her test results must be unsatisfactory.

I can try to curl it down, and the huge 59 points on the roll is still unacceptable to her.

Zhang Shuping said before the podium: "This test is difficult. There are no more than ten students with 60 or more students. This is my own mistake. I hope everyone can correct their attitude and don't feel that they have taken the test."

"too difficult."

"The last question will not be done at all!"

The students at the bottom complained.

"Lin Youguang took 90 points and this time the performance was very good and it is worth encouraging."

There was a round of applause in the classroom.

Lin Zhaoxi is still watching her own scores, such a difficult test paper, she has not a few, Ah Guang has scored 90 points, and now, 10 people have exceeded her.

After everyone pulled the same starting line, the importance of talent is gradually reflected. For her, the Olympic number is still very difficult.

"At the same time, I have to remind you that there are a few former students who were among the top students. The results of this test are not very satisfactory. I hope that you can adjust your work and take care of your body. This is more important than hard work."

Upon hearing this sentence, Lin looked up and looked up.

There was a little voice from the high school students. Someone pushed Yin Xiaolin and said what he said.

Probably - you see her spelling every day, not yet failing the exam.

In fact, Lin did not want to pay attention to these words, and she also heard a lot of similar cynicism.

But at this moment, perhaps physically and mentally exhausted, many of the ideas she never agreed with seem to have emerged.

"Only 5% of people are suitable for the Olympics." "If you don't have talent, don't waste your life on mathematics." "Mathematics goes to the end, it is a contest between geniuses."

She suddenly suspected that she still needs to stay here?

Time is tight, she probably can't really do a few things at the same time. More importantly, she may not be the kind of genius that is suitable for the final stage in this field, and there is no need to accept too strict training.


A class was heard.

After class, Lin immediately took a backpack and went to the library to read.

Did not take a few steps, someone behind her called her.

"Lin dynasty!"

It is the voice of Lu Zhihao.

The sky outside the corridor was completely dark, and it seemed that it was going to rain.

Lin Chaoxi and Lu Zhihao stood face to face, and there were quite a few people around, but she felt that everything was empty. It was a bit like the primary school summer camp, when she desperately pursued Lu Zhihao.

"Are you too tired recently?" Lu Zhihao asked.

"You know, girls have a few days each month." She didn't mean to say,

"I think you should take a break, or else, I ask when will you come, let's go out for a meal, and let go of your heart?"

When Lu Zhihao was in a hurry, his face would be obviously wrinkled. Although he pretended to be talking about it, Lin can still see it.

"I haven't had time to go out recently. Wait a while, also called the flower roll?"

She is still chatting, she is already walking, Lu Zhihao wants to pull her, she breaks away from each other and flies downstairs.

Lin Zhaoxi knew when her self-esteem was so strong. When she was poorly tested, she didn’t feel much uncomfortable, but she was comforted by Lu Zhihao. She actually wanted to cry.

She licked her nose and she walked into the reading room.

During the summer vacation, the library of Sanwei University still sits on many graduate students and doctoral students. The students who want to take the postgraduate exams are also there. Especially at this point, everyone did not go to dinner, and the reading room was sat full.

She took a book from the shelf, found a corner, and sat down cross-legged.

This is the "Linear Algebra", which has been published for a long time, and the paper is yellowed, but this is the book on the old forest book.

Lin Xixi took it unconsciously, probably in the subconscious, looking at Lao Lin’s handwriting and jokes, her mood would be better.

Probably because, in an adult college student, her junior high school student sitting on the ground is still very obvious.

She was quickly picked up.

"How old are you?" A short-haired female college student looked at her.


"How do you read this book in Linear Algebra?"

Lin Chaoxi was slow to respond today. Just as she was trying to answer, the female college student turned her eyes away and opened her own book and looked up.

Lin Chaoxi sneaked a sneak peek and found that the book she was reading was also marked with a variety of annotations, and if she understood that there was not much problem, this is the "differential geometry."

“Do you think that both of us have comments on both books, which is very strange?” The female college student quietly asked her. "Who asked you to borrow this book, or do you take it yourself?"

"It's my father."

"I knew that the average person saw such a scribbled book long ago." She smiled. "Your dad is a professor of mathematics. Can you tell me who it is, give me a back door? I will next year. I want to study."

"No... no."

"That is the old schoolmaster."

Lin Xiangxi was thinking, what is the strange habit of the mathematics department of Sanwei University, whether it is the female university student or not, seeing that she is holding a book full of comments, she will come over to recognize her.

She meditated for a moment: "How are you so sure, he is the senior?"

"Since it's not the teacher who only has the seniors, why do you specifically let you see this book? And you are so small, your dad will let you see "Linear Algebra"?" The other side said it, paused, "No, if Your dad is not a teacher, then how do you have a borrow card from our school, is it Grandpa?"

"No." Lin explained in the evening, "I am training here."

"The provincial mathematics competition team?"


"Little genius!"

This is the first time that Lin Chaoxi has been associated with this word. If it is before, she will probably be a little happy, but today she just got back to the original shape, how can she not be happy.

“Is there anything special about this book?” she asked, closing the book.

"This is the tradition of our mathematics department. Everyone will secretly write things in interesting places and exchange views. The teacher educates the students, the seniors educate the younger brothers, and the seniors pass them on to the younger generation."

“Traditional? The school is good at indulging the mathematics department.”

"Of course, I am indulgent. After all, it is the top ace major in the country, but it is said that the earliest school also opposed it. It was the teacher who took such a student. It also used the example of Fermana's "Arithmetic", saying that the mathematician's aura is very Important, the school thinks it makes sense, it doesn't matter..."

When I heard the words of Fermat, Lin’s heart beat very fast: “Teacher... You know what the teacher is, is it still at school?”

"I don't know what it is, but it is said that the teacher left school soon."

Lin Chaoxi’s palm is a bit wet: “Why leave?”

"I don't know, you are going to break the casserole and ask, will it be your father?"

"I do not know."

“Is there anything I don’t know?” Miss Sister pointed to the ceiling. “The school library in the upstairs library has a school yearbook. You can find the name of the graduate. If you know how old your dad is, I’m going to graduate from college, graduate, Or read the age of the blog, you can find it by flipping through the yearbook."

Lin Zhaoxi: "..."

"And the book in your hand is so old, teachers who have only recently come to school to communicate will not see this book, so your father is most likely to be an old college student in the 1990s."

Lin continued to silence.

The person in the mathematics department is clear in thinking, the age of the individual is estimated by the age of graduation, and then the yearbook is checked. Of course, she did not think of these methods, but she never thought about it in this regard.

She immediately stood up and quickly walked out of the borrowing room and sent the book on the borrowing table. After the staff swept the book, the bar code slammed and slammed, and she returned.

But then, she did not go directly to the archives.

She looked around the library lobby and walked up to the machine for the bibliography. She took out the note that Lao Lin wrote to her from the bag.

The above is a familiar handwriting, many bibliographies, and the paper strips are crumpled because they have been seen too many times.

She was surprised before, she turned over the books that Lao Lin told her, and found that the books were yellowed due to old age.

And just after the female student reminded her to read the date of publication, she probably guessed what it was because of this.

She clicked on the search box and began to search for books by title.





Lin continually checked, constantly watching the publication date of each book, and finally, she silently released the mouse.

In the list of books that Lao Lin gave her, none of them exceeded 1994.

The year she was born.

In other words, after she was born, Lao Lin did not read any of the books of the Sanwei University Library.

Lin Xiangxi released the mouse and took a step back.

A few crickets flew into the library, spinning in a very low air, and a stunned thunder outside the library. Lin felt a moment of weakness and confusion from the inside out.

Strawberry World, Lao Lin left the school for her.

But why in this world of cheese without her, Lao Lin left school at the same time, left mathematics, and even gave up the opportunity to study abroad...

Why is it all? 2k novel reading network