MTL - Genius Fundamentals-Chapter 169 Inverse

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After Lu Zhihao came in, there was only Zhang Liang in his eyes, and Zhang Liang was also the same.

"Do you know the rules of doubles?" Zhang Liang stared at Lu Zhihao indifferently. "Don't cry halfway to find a mother."

"Less nonsense, hurry to start." Lu Zhihao did not have a good face on Zhang Liang, he simply swears a few words and starts serving.

The atmosphere at the scene was weird, and the two sides did not even have a warm-up of the mouth. In the quiet venue, the sound of hitting the ball and the battering of the badminton continued to sound.

After a few round trips, Lin found that they really wanted to play well, so they sipped energy drinks and constantly observed the reaction of the boys on both sides of the venue.

How to say it, no matter whether Lu Zhihao or Zhang Liang is rare and serious, now it is totally different from what is going on, the entertainment bureau of the party, but something that must be taken seriously and fully.

Half a drink, Lin raised his hand: "I still have a problem."

The cool sight of the hustle and bustle floats.

Lin Chaoxi hurriedly said: "You can rest assured that I will not take out the math homework again."

"Tell it."

I’m not happy with Lin’s evening, and my brother is too interesting.

“Why does Lu Zhihao promise to play badminton with Shen Mei and Zhang Liang?”

The flower roll sucked in a cold air: "How are you so gossip?

"In fact, my classmates are okay, Ji teacher, you are so red, if you don't think you are a reliable friend, will you not go out with him?"

"Why do you ask questions to be reliable?"


"I didn't condescend to play with you yet?"

“Because you are approachable?”

"Also." The flower roll paused. "I don't know what happened. But it is said that we are brothers, and the next story is told by you."

Hands-on? Lin Zhaoxi suddenly remembered that when he was in junior high school, he said that he would not play basketball, he would only fight, maybe it was not a joke...

"When I didn't ask about it." Lin was awakened a little, and they were not so familiar with it. When it comes to hands-on, the problem is too **, she should not ask.

"After the high school entrance examination, the class also organized badminton activities." Yan Zhi answered.

"and then?"

“Lu Zhihao’s college entrance examination results are very good. Fill in the early batch volunteers. As long as you have passed the medical examination and interview, you will basically ensure admission.”

“Advance batch... Is the medical department of Yongchuan University an early batch?”

"No." He answered, "His family members are teaching. It is okay to go to the hospital after he has studied medicine. But if he is very stable in school, he is asked to report to the public teacher."

"Oh, that's it." Lu Zhihao's mother is indeed a teacher. "But is Lu Zhihao still studying medicine?"

"Because Zhang Liang."

Lin Chaoxi squinted.

"Every day, everyone sat on the sidelines and chatted. Some people congratulated Lu Zhihao. Zhang Liang knew this thing. He said that Lu Zhihao was really a girl and wanted to teach."

"This is too... a lot of good male teachers."

"You said aloud the words that you silenced." The flower was inserted.

"Stupid, Zhang Liang is really stupid."

Yan Zhi said: "Zhang Liang was going to study abroad at that time, and he was more unscrupulous. The two of them went to the badminton court to win the game, but..."

"Lu Zhihao was hanged?"

"More than that, Zhang Liang played badminton and humiliated Lu Zhihao. He said that he was fat for a while and humiliated him with his childhood anecdote. Finally, Zhang Liang also said that he slept Lu Zhihao's favorite girl when he was in high school. He said that Lu Zhihao would spend the rest of his life. It’s a poor bookmaker, and it’s impossible to have a life in this life.”

Lin Zhaoxi looked at Zhang Liang violently. On the one hand, it was anger, on the other hand, it was extremely incredible.

"Then, Lu Zhihao started?"

"Yes, Lu Zhihao rushed through the kick-off and played with Zhang Liang, but the difference in body size and amount of movement was quite different, and did not win the chapter."

"Then you will..." Lin Chaoxi asked.

"Actually, I didn't do it. I just advised."

"When did Zhang Liang break bones?"


Lin Chaoxi stayed in the woods: "Is it really hands-on?"

"mma, you can wait for Baidu." The flower roll picked up the legs and was very proud.

Without waiting for him to finish, Lin has already picked up his mobile phone, and then...

Hit a chill.

"Have you studied this?" Lin said in a subconscious mind.

“When I was young, I was afraid that I was kidnapped. I have been studying for many years.”

"There is more trouble for the rich people." The flower roll is still vomiting.

Lin sighed down, she never knew about it.

She thought that she had been to another world, and she had fully understood it, but it didn't seem to be meticulous. Whether she is a family or a real thought, has she really understood it?

Looking at her silence, Hua Juan asked: "What's wrong, don't you like boys who will fight?"

Lin shook his head.

They talked a few words, and Lu Zhihao and Zhang Liang’s draws have eased a lot. Although Zhang Liang continued to hang the ball and led Lu Zhihao to run all over the place, but when he was in elementary school, he was always different from Comrade Xiao Lu, who was afraid of Zhang Liang. Now Lu Zhihao, although knowing that he may not be able to beat Zhang Liang, is still waving his racket.

"Why, Lu Zhihao later studied medicine because Zhang Liang?" she asked slowly.

"Then we went to the hospital, and there were no other people, only three of us."

"Isn't that awkward?"

"It's very embarrassing." Yan Zhi also looked at Zhang Liang. "We didn't talk about the whole process. Zhang Liang was because of the cracked bone, it was going to be plastered, it looked very painful, so Lu Zhihao went straight out."

"He won't be a waste of Lu Zhihao again."

"No, he said that Lu Zhihao was brave enough to say that he wanted to be a doctor."

The badminton broke away and crossed a beautiful arc.

Lin slammed his mouth and suddenly his eyes were red.

"The junior high school classmates have written it, but I haven't put it in my heart."

The flower roll leaned forward and looked at the tall young man on the court: "We are friends, sometimes not as good as a villain."

"Maybe, hate is more profound than love."

After Lin Chaoxi finished, she looked at her and smiled helplessly.

"In the end, did Lu Zhihao change his mind because of this sentence?"

"In fact, no."


"It's not a sentence, it's a lot of words." Yan's revealing a smile, "It may be that the sentence exposed too many things, so Zhang Liang stunned, and later said a lot of words to advise Lu Zhihao... ”

"You can shut up!" On the court, Zhang Liang finally couldn't help but yelled at them.

"You'd better be polite, I really remember every word."

Lin smiled up. 2k novel reading network