MTL - Genius Fundamentals-Chapter 200 test

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Early in the morning, by the river.

Lin Chaoxi sprinkled shredded paper into the river, not far away, Chen Zhuchong waved her.

Lin Chaoxi was shocked.

"How do you just throw the **** into the river?" Chen Zhu bite the buns and walked toward her.

"Don't tell the teacher." Lin Chaoxi said a word, took the bag handed by Chen Zhu, took out the small buns from the inside, and took a bite.

Chen Zhu looked around: "How come you haven't come yet?"

"He has something."

Chen Zhuyu: "What happened to him?"

"How do you think he has an accident?" Lin went to the bridge.

"When is it late?"

Lin Xiangxi thought, it seems that he is always so meticulous: "There was something big, but there is no way to solve it."

If it is Comrade Lao Lu, I will probably ask her what she is going to do, why not help her.

However, Chen Zhu is very simple, just saying: "Oh, there is a need to call me."

Lin Zhaoxi took a shot of Chen Zhu’s shoulder: "Of course you need it."


Chen Zhujia, small garage.

Lin Chaoxi pressed the switch, and the lights were sprinkled on the chair where she and she were sitting.

The cup she used on the table was bright and bright. When she left last time, she also helped her wash the cup.

Chen Zhu has sat down to open the computer, the machine creaked, and Lin calmed down and followed the monitor.

About two weeks ago, she completed the forecasting process, but to verify that the program is effective, she still needs to predict the event specifically.

But what to choose, it has become tricky.

Lin Zhaoxi intended to ask Chen Zhu’s father to find an accident escape case. The program calculates the best place to arrest and arranges the police force.

Although it is simple to say, Lin Xixi himself knows that this is not a resource that can be mobilized for high school students' extracurricular activities.

But she still tried to make a request.

Father Chen Zhu listened to two sentences and refused her. Adults feel that students have to focus on their studies.

“You just need to tell us when and where the escape occurred, and some basic monitoring data, without revealing the other.”

"In the evening, my uncle knows that you have an idea, but here is China, not as open as foreign education, and many things are not practical."

The meaning is probably that the leadership will not allow their high school students to participate in the escape and escape, even in the name of extracurricular practice.

I’m very eager to say that I felt a lot of things like the Arabian Nights before I did this, but after I finished, I found it unimaginably so unimaginable.

But at that time, she had not had time to explain, and the new village suddenly became noisy.

In the garden, a few aunts shouted, some people shouted "Hey, hurry to find", and others shouted "play 110".

Just as some neighbors knew that Chen was a traffic policeman and ran to their garage and shouted: "Oh, old Chen, you see if this law and order is a problem, and you have lost your car!"

Lin Chaoxi followed the side for a while, only to know that the recent battery car theft cases occurred frequently.

The new village is too old, the security is ineffective, and there are no walls, leading to the theft gang love the community.

At that time, she was next to her, and she and Yan Zhi looked at each other and had a new plan.

She is no longer obsessed with escaping, but began to investigate the theft of battery cars in Aimin New Village.

Statistics of the time, frequency, traffic data in the vicinity, the speed of battery trucks, the location of sales that are commonly used by theft, and so on.

The purpose is to catch the theft.

To do this, they changed some of the prediction parameters and re-programmed the program.

According to the forecasting result of the time of the incident, the forecast results point to the early morning of Sunday. During this time period, riding workers generally rest, there are fewer people in the new village, and the theft of battery cars is high.

Originally, they were all prepared, and they waited a little while, but they were not there, and many arrangements had to be repeated.

"What do we do?" Chen Zhu asked.

"That can only see the results before you look at the computer, I go out."

"I don't want to be tempered, change the parameters, I can't do this, or I will go." Chen Zhu paused. "And how do you get a girl to catch a thief?"

"Amount... I sometimes forget that I am a girl."

Lin said very honestly.


The time is 6:01 am on Sunday morning and the waiting time is long.

Yesterday, the sleep time was less than 4 hours. Lin Xia sat in front of the computer for a while, and the sleepy came up.

She just drank a cup of instant coffee, but it didn't work. As a last resort, she can only ask Chen Zhu whether there is tea.

"The commissary has, go, by the way, help me bring the gum." Chen Zhu said.

Lin Zhaoxi walked out of the garage, and the sky was gray. She stretched out and saw Chen Zhu’s father coming down the stairs, waving at the distance and greeted Chen.

Chen Jianguo is yawning, seeing the situation, and quickly picking up the tiredness: "Eve, how come so early?"

"We are stealing the battery car team." Lin Chaoxi directly said.

Lao Chen squatted down and looked at the woman’s sturdy face, but she was helpless: "You guys..."

He and Lin Chaoxi went to the canteen.

The girl asked for a pack of "full mouth" tea, five dollars. Chen Jianguo wants to save money and see the bag of tea stalks. Suddenly said: "Little age, what tea?"

Lin yawned and had red blood in his eyes, but his eyes were still soft and bright: "Uncle, I am really sleepy."

I don't know why, Chen Jianguo suddenly felt that he was a bit too much.


Early morning, small garage.

Lin Daixi opened the tea and soaked a cup of tea. She put the tea pot on the side of the computer and pulled out an algorithm book on hand and looked up.

Chen Jianguo entered the house behind the girl and was attracted by the computer screen at first sight.

Although he doesn't understand what it is, it seems to be just a simplistic procedure. There is a lot of code, like constantly calculating, there will be some new results.

The girl looked up at the screen from time to time, briefly and skillfully tapping the keyboard a few times, and the program then ran.

Chen Jianguo saw his eyes straight.

Suddenly, the small garage was quiet. When Chen Jianguo looked up, he saw his son look at him with the look of "Why don't you go."

Chen Jianguo "coughed" a cry: "Day, what else do you need your uncle to help?"

His voice just fell, Lin suddenly looked up and smiled at him: "Too good, then trouble my uncle."

In this way, time passed another half an hour.

Chen Jianguo sat in his own small garage and watched Lin’s evening drinking three teas and waters. He listened to his son’s voice from time to time.

The garage was a little buzzing outside. The old man walked out of the house and agreed to buy food. The children who couldn’t sleep began to run around the yard.

A bed of quilts sunned the horizontal bar in the new village. Chen Jianguo felt that at this point, the possibility of the thief coming out to steal the battery car was not great.

He moved around and looked at the children who were studying on both sides, and finally couldn't help but ask: "Are you sure that the thief will come to steal the car this morning?"

"Well, you can't say ok, you can only say that the big probability is today."

"How can this be calculated?"

"Human behavior seems to be chaotic, but there are internal patterns." Lin dynasty paused, "especially criminal behavior. We think they happened independently, but it is not, the incident is time-related."

Lin picked up the pen and wrote a long formula on paper: "With the Hawkes process, you can statistically model the time and frequency of battery car theft, and then describe them with exact numbers and formulas."

"Huo, what process?" Chen Jianguo heard the news, but the girl suddenly looked out of the garage.

Small-scale noisy starts from a distance.

At first, I didn’t know which family was looking for something, and then the quarrel between the husband and wife blamed each other. Not long after, the entire community knows that the seven old kings in order to steal the electric charging bottle, did not put the car locked in the garage, so the car was stolen.

Chen Zhu stood up and took the book and the small mobile phone to go outside. Lin Chaoxi sat in front of the computer, closed the book and began to look at the screen.

Chen Jianguo quickly followed his son to run out.

Chen Zhu arrived at the scene, and the traffic police investigated the shelves of the traffic accident. He began to inquire about the brand and model of the stolen battery car.

"Broken car, we know what model and brand, bought before long ago." The woman said so.

“How long is it?” Chen Zhu asked, “Is there a battery change?”

Chen Jianguo saw that the woman had cast a strange glimpse into his son. He could not help but say: "What is the lost car, is there a photo?"

The woman smashed the battery car and saw the photo, and then began to turn the phone.

After a short time, she found a photo with her son riding a bicycle.

At this moment, the 8th building next to Building No. 7 also sounded a burst of dryness: "The thief who has lost his goodness! The new battery that Laozi just changed the day before!!!"

Chen Zhu took the notes and went to the 8th building. It seems that the thief not only stole the battery car of the old king's house, but also took the battery of the old Zhang family.

The battery car without the battery has an iron skeleton, and there is a big hole in the middle, which looks very infiltrating.

Chen Zhu carefully looked at the model of the battery car, took two photos, ran back to the garage, and Chen Jianguo followed.

In the garage, Lin Chaoxi has opened a huge excel document, which contains dense battery data, vehicle model, driving speed and so on.

Chen Zhu showed the scene photos, and the two children studied for a while and determined several values.

Next, he saw them pick up the prepared road map. There are a lot of dense lights and roads on the top, which are given different values ​​and look disorganized.

Lin Zhaoxi and Chen Zhu studied for a while, identified several lines, and began to code in the program.

Chen Jianguo was puzzled again: "But how do you determine when the thief steals the car? Can this count?"

"This is difficult to calculate, so we have installed surveillance cameras in the southeast and northwest of the district."

The girl’s voice is understated and refers to the position of Chen Zhu. Chen Jianguo ran over and saw that his son was dragging and dropping the timeline of the surveillance video, and he was almost caught by his own saliva.

In order to catch the thief, the special equipment is also installed. This group of children is too special!

"There are routes, how do you determine?" Chen Jianguo held back his surprise and continued to ask.

“We have investigated a lot of news and the used car recycling market. After the thief stole the car, there are two ways to sell it. The first is to sell it directly, and the second is to change it and sell it again.”

Chen Zhu said with confidence: "No matter what kind of sales method, it takes a certain amount of time to steal the shackles from the theft. Using constraint optimization, we can find the best sales location for the stolen battery car in our Aimin Community."

"So... these are all you did?" Chen Jianguo was shocked.

"She did." Chen Zhu pointed to the girl who sipped a cup of tea in front of the computer.

Lin smiled up, and the **** of the index finger closed his forehead and smiled at him.

Chen Jianguo did not know what the constraint optimization meant. He only saw that the simple program of the display began to calculate quickly, and the code went down one after another, and at some point, it suddenly stopped.

A pop-up window appears.

That is a map of their area with three red circles on it, showing three results.

Red Star Junction 6:41-6:44

Simin intersection 6:45-6:47

Peace Street Exit 6:51-6:55

The time in the lower right corner of the computer is 6:45. The Red Star intersection and the Simin Road are basically too late, and they have to talk to the Peace Street for less than seven or eight minutes.

"The trouble is uncle." The girl turned back and her eyes were bright and firm.

Chen Jianguo said nothing, turned around and ran.

He rode on the motorcycle, put on his helmet, started the engine, and the police rushed forward with the motorcycle.

The gale blew across the ear, and the streetscape went backwards. Chen Jianguo felt that he was a young man and had not been so crazy for a long time.

If you can really catch it, that would be great.

Chen Jianguo thought excitedly.


Peace Street.

The motorcycle slammed and screamed. Chen Jianguo jumped off the motorcycle and looked at his watch. He still had time.

At 6:52, he began to observe nervously.

In the early fall and early winter, it is still not bright for more than six o'clock.

Peace Street is not the main road, pedestrians are even rarer. If you have a battery car and a battery car, it is easy to be found.

He breathed his gaze and began to wait.

The old man riding a bicycle, the big guy who buys food, the young man with a girlfriend...


Five minutes passed.

Ten minutes passed.

The sky is getting brighter and brighter, and it gradually becomes transparent from the indigo, and the intersection is getting more and more lively. Chen Jianguo is getting more and more.

Finally, his cell phone rang.

"Uncle Chen." At the end of the phone, the girl voice was calm. "Don't you see the thief?"

"I didn't see it." Chen Jianguo paused and looked at the intersection. "It may be that the uncle did not arrive in time."

"It’s not an uncle’s problem, or the program is not accurate enough.”

Chen Jianguo, holding a mobile phone, can almost imagine the face of Lin’s frustration. He hurriedly said: “Don’t be discouraged, my uncle thinks you are already very powerful.”

"Uncle is comforting me?"

"Not comfort, encouragement..."

"Can that uncle take me to the traffic police detachment to see the monitoring of this time, continue to encourage me?"

At the end of the phone, the girl asked.


The little girl’s voice was crisp and not low, but it was because of this that Chen Jianguo could not refuse.

He took a son and a woman into the team, adjusted the video, and was teased by colleagues and found a reason to perfuse the past.

"What time period do you want to see?"

Lin did not speak, and Chen Jianguo stood behind the display and reported the several intersections and time he had just remembered.

After he said this, he suddenly realized that the results calculated by the program were all avoiding the interception point of monitoring through the alley to the intersection. It was really amazing.

The timeline is dragged, and the display of Peace Street is first displayed on the monitor.

Chen Jianguo is still thinking, if the thief really did not go from Peace Street, he will continue to check the remaining two points.

Just as he was still planning, the intersection slowly passed a pink battery car.

The left foot fell off and there was a mouse group on the body.

Sure enough, it was the car that Lao Wang’s family lost. The monitoring time was 6:51:03 seconds. After about 1 minute, he appeared on the motorcycle.

"Oh, it's worse!" Chen Jianguo shouted. 2k novel reading network

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