MTL - Genius Sword Immortal-v3 Chapter 1463 Horrible dark cockroach

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Streamer Xianfan, in addition to being able to cross the shuttle void, has other functions.

The seven-headed monsters of the Western White Tigers are in charge of the attack. They each have a strong attacking rule. As long as they feed some heavenly treasures or regular fragments, they can make the streamer sails launch enough to rival the attack of the Emperor!

When the streamer Xianfan appeared, it suddenly shrouded the audience. The large group of dense figures of Xianting Guodu was suddenly separated by the streamer.

"Heaven, what is this?"

The Great Moon and the Mercury star looked up and watched the streamer of the sails appearing in the sky, and could not help but be shocked!

Everyone in the Xianting Kingdom was separated by the streamer, and Ye Feng just took out the streamer, and immediately slid into the streamer’s interior, and went to the northern Xuanwu seven-headed beast. Where you are.

If you want to kill the enemy, you must be able to resist the bombardment of the other party. Otherwise, you will not kill the other party. The streamer Xianfan will fall apart. This is not good.

The seven monsters in the north of Xuanwu are the monsters who have learned some defensive rules.

Ye Feng entered the small room where seven monsters were held, and they threw a lot of heaven and earth treasures against the seven defensive monsters, which was enough to make people improve for two thousand years!

With these heavenly treasures as food, these seven defensive monsters can definitely protect the streamer sails well.

Among the seven monsters, there are turtle-backed beasts, eight-legged beetles, shielded dragon beasts, etc. Each of the monsters has realized a very strong defensive rule.

When the people of the Xianting Kingdom ordered that all of them be bombarded with the streamers, the seven monsters finally began to exert their strength.

I saw one layer after another, a total of seven layers of defensive barriers, appearing on the surface layer of the streamer's sails, and then all the attacks of the Xianting country were all resisted!

Even though there are tens of thousands of people in the Xianting Kingdom, at this moment, these attacks are unable to break through even the defensive barrier of even a stream of fairy sails!

"This kind of defense, even the Emperor can not be broken, not to mention the Qingtian organization of the Qingtian."

Ye Feng is extremely confident, there is a streamer of fairy sails, and all of them are already restless!

Immediately afterwards, he left the streamer Xianfan first, and all of them, including the Moon, the Great Emperor, and the Mingxing, were all connected to the streamer.

Hundreds of people, on the streamer Xianfan, standing on the bow, but only occupy a small part of the space of the bow, it can be seen that the size of this stream of fairy sails!

When the people looked up, they could see the seven layers of defensive barriers over the streamers, and despite the endless bombardment of the Xianting Kingdom, they did not move.

This undoubtedly shocked these hundreds of people!

This Ye Feng, where did you get such a horrible fairy sail?

I have such a strong defense ability!

With such a fairy sail, even if they let them go to the Xianting National Headquarters, they have nothing to dare!

Some people who originally suspected Ye Feng’s strength are now fully convinced of him.

This kid is simply a rebellious existence, as if you can cope with any situation, even if you face the Xianting Kingdom, it is so strong!

However, it is such a passive defense that it seems that it is not good.

It seems that they felt their thoughts. Ye Feng went to the cabin of the seven-headed beast in the direction of the Western White Tiger as quickly as possible. The first thing that caught his eye was a dark black monster.

"Look at your strength first."

Ye Feng took out the Tiandi Dibao, which was cultivated for five hundred years, and threw it to the dark scorpion monster as food.

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This dark sly, through its own cabin position, can sense the existence of the entire stream of fairy sails, but also can transfer the attack rules that they have learned to any direction of the streamer, and then launch.

Ye Feng fed a dark cockroach and returned to the bow, ready to watch the show with everyone.

"My brother-in-law! My sister told me that this is called Liuguang Xianfan. Is it still capable of attacking?"

Abandoning the sky and admiring the face, the fart was ran and asked.

"You will know when you look at it."

Ye Feng smiled and pointed to the sky above the fairy sail.

The crowd looked up and looked at it, but only saw the densely-knit people of the Xianting Kingdom, gathered above the streamer sails, and constantly bombarded the seven-layer barrier of the streamer.

Unfortunately, no matter how busy they are, they can't break through the first layer of defense barriers!

Just when everyone is waiting for it, suddenly the outermost defensive barrier is suddenly attached with a dark shadow, which flows like a streamer on the surface of the defensive barrier.

Several immortals in the immortal world of Xianting Kingdom are trying to break through the defensive barrier of the streamer, but suddenly found that there is some dark streamer on the surface of the defensive barrier.

They were a little curious, but in the next moment, these dark streams suddenly turned into a sickle shape, breaking through the void with lightning speed, and turning their bodies into countless pieces!

Dark sly, finally figured out the situation outside and started to attack!

Once this offensive is launched, it will be a kill and a dead end!

A dark streamer slashing knife rises up on the surface of the streamer's sails. It was originally gathered on the surface of the streamer's sails. The tens of thousands of Xianting kingdoms, which were vigorously bombarded, were instantly cut into pieces by these dark streamers. The soul is flying!

"too strong!"

On the stream of fairy sails, including the moonlight phase of the world that was originally in the moon, at this moment, only the thoughts of Ye Feng are only admire.

Tens of thousands of people, just in a breathing time, were slaughtered by those black scythes. How arrogant is this streamer?

After those who were slaughtered, the dark streamers did not stop, and continued to kill those who wanted to escape the space of the Xianting Kingdom.

It didn't take long for even the fairy king of the Xianting Kingdom, which had already crossed the space, to be caught up in the other small world by the dark sickle and become a piece!

There are even a lot of powerful kings in the realm of the king. They have already seen the base camp of the Xianting Kingdom, but they are still being chased by the dark scorpion and become an endless piece!

The Xianting Kingdom instantly boiled.

Who, so bold, dare to start in their base camp in the Xianting Kingdom, slaughtering their immortal kings in Xianting Kingdom?

Xianting Kingdom is an organization composed of seven first-class worlds.

At this moment, one of the first-class worlds, in the world of Daede, the death of the three powerful kings of the realm of the king, set off a madness.

"Must be sure to find out who it is..."

The Dade world powers are self-disciplined to find the murderer, but they are shocked to discover that a huge and endless flow of fairy sails has worn through the void and appeared in the center of their world!


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