MTL - Genshin Impact: I Sell Jars In Tivat Continent-Chapter 446

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If it wasn't for this demon who wasn't afraid of his pure yang body, if he wanted to figure out the reason, he would just turn around and leave instead of staying around the Hall of Rebirth.

After all, the Hall of Rebirth is also very dangerous for him.

In the hall of rebirth, Guisi, who ran in, was relieved when he saw that the kid was no longer chasing him.

Fortunately, that guy didn't chase in again, otherwise it would have to run towards the master.

But it hasn't visited Liyue well now, and there is no way for it to visit Liyue.

Looking outside the Hall of Rebirth, and looking at Chongyun here from time to time, Gui Si looked distressed and couldn't get out.

Are you going to stay at home all the time?

"Huh? What is this?"

A surprised voice sounded.

Mona, who had just come downstairs, was surprised when she saw the ghost floating in the hall of the Hall of Rebirth.

What elemental life is this cloud of purple mist, it looks strange.

It looks like a thunder element life, but she can't feel the slightest thunder element power.

On the contrary, it is like those evil spirits.

When did such a thing appear in the Hall of Rebirth.

I haven't seen it this morning.

And she didn't think there would be any evil spirits who would dare to come and go.

"This is brought back by the fire dragon of Hall Master Hutao."

Seeing Mona coming down, the ferryman from the Hall of Rebirth who came out behind also saw Gui Si, and hurriedly opened his mouth to explain to Mona.

I said that before the fire dinosaur came back with Guisi, it seems to be the new elf of its owner.

"¨. That should be fine."

Hearing the words of the ferryman in the hall of rebirth, Mona was suddenly stunned.

Since it was brought back by the fire dinosaur, it must have something to do with the walnut.

Maybe it's a new elf that Walnut opened from the shopkeeper.

After all, Fire Dinosaur was also opened by Walnut from the shop owner.

At the moment, Mona looked at the ghosts with a surprised expression.

She thinks this ghost is of great research value.

This cloud of purple mist seems to be poisonous gas. Is this a higher element life composed of poisonous gas?

While Mona was looking at Gui Si, Gu Si was also looking at Mona.

When it was brought to know the house by Fire Dinosaur before, I also heard Fire Dinosaur say that in addition to its owner, there are good friends of the owner in this hall of rebirth.

One of them is Mona in front of him.


Gui Si laughed and made a cry, and instantly appeared in front of Mona, making Mona look at it from a close distance.

Compared to the owner's friend in the store, he doesn't want to look at the bad thing outside.


Looking at the approaching Ghosts, Mona looked at him with interest.

The sound is strange.

Just when one person and one ghost were looking at each other.


Yunhan Society.

One after another gathered at the door, and everyone's eyes were filled with excitement.

"Have you heard? Mr. Yun Jin seems to have a new opera."

"I heard that the Yunhan Society specially released the news. It's today, so I came here (Zhao Zhao)."

"It's great, Mr. Yun Jin has released a new opera again. I haven't heard Mr. Yun Jin's opera for a long time."

"I heard that Mr. Yun Jin has been practicing a mysterious opera. Could it be that mysterious opera? I'm looking forward to it, I don't know what it looks like."

"No matter what, Mr. Yun Jin's new opera must be listened to, hehe."

"Didn't you say that it will be released tonight? Why did you gather here in the afternoon? I see that you are gathering now, so gather here."

"Nonsense, why don't you grab a seat earlier, if you don't grab a seat, come back at night, look at a ghost, look at you"


One after another, the people gathered at the entrance of Yunhan Club were discussing excitedly.

Many of them who like listening to music know that Mr. Yun Jin from Yunhan Club will release a new opera artist today.

This is also the reason why they are here with excited expressions.

Mr. Yun Jin's play, Li Yue is famous.

Anyone who likes listening to dramas will not dislike Mr. Yun Jin's dramas.

Now that they know that Yunhan Society will release a new opera, or Mr. Yun Jin will sing it, how can they not be excited.

"Everyone, please don't gather here and cause blockages."

The next second, a girl wearing the logo of Yunhan Club walked out of the Yunhan Club and looked at everyone and said loudly; "I'm here to inform about the new opera.".

Chapter 462: The fearful Chongyun, Miss Ying'er comes to cultivate feelings (six shifts, three thousand five words)

Seeing the service staff of Yunhan Club who came out, and hearing the words of the service staff, everyone present looked forward to it.

There is news to come.

"The new opera about Mr. Yun Jin will start at nine o'clock tonight, so you don't have to stay here all the time."

"We will build the platform outside the Yunhan Club next, so don't worry about the situation you can't see if you don't get close, don't worry about not being able to grab a seat or something."

"In terms of opera, Mr. Yun Jin is still practicing, and I hope to perform better at night. If you gather at the entrance of Yunhan Club to discuss, it will also affect Mr. Yun Jin."


The waiter of Yunhan Club was talking eloquently, and everyone who listened was stunned.

Immediately one by one nodded excitedly.

"we know."

"Thank you for the notification, now I can leave with confidence."

"Yeah, just after eating and drinking in the evening, come to listen to Mr. Yun Jin's opera."

"Then I'll leave now, and I won't disturb Mr. Yun Jin here. When I come to see him again at night, I'll bring my daughter-in-law with me."


While discussing, a group of people left here excitedly, and decided to come back later in the evening.

As one after another dispersed, the Yunhan Club was quickly empty.


Seeing these people leave, the waiter of Yunhan Club immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Can be regarded as all left.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to gather here all the time.

Immediately, the attendant of the Yunhan Club quickly returned to the Yunhan Club to find Yun Jin.

At this moment.

Outside the jar shop.

Wearing a green vintage dress, Ying'er, who looked like a small jade, walked in with a smile.

She didn't come to open the jar today, and it wasn't time for her to open the jar.

She came to find Lin Mo.

Taking advantage of the fact that no one came to open the jar in the afternoon of 907, she felt that she could get along with the owner day and night and cultivate a relationship.

However, Ying'er, who was smiling and full of joy, was stunned when she walked into the can shop and found someone in the can shop.

It's already this afternoon, and there are still people at the shopkeeper's place.

One is Hall Master Walnut, and the other is a member of the Southern Cross Fleet brought back by Captain Beidou, a very cute girl.

For a moment, Ying'er felt frustrated, and her plan to be with the shopkeeper's private parts was in vain.

When Ying'er walked in, Lin Mo and Shaan Gong Xinhai looked up.

When he saw that it was Ying'er, Lin Mo raised his eyebrows, why did this woman who likes to drive come here.

It has not been a week, only a few days since the last time I opened the can.

"Shopkeeper, I'm here to chat with you."

Looking at Lin Mo's gaze, Ying'er smiled and said, "I'm bored in the shop by myself, thinking that the owner of the shop should be alone on your side, so I ran over and wanted to chat with you."

"So it is."

Hearing Ying'er's words, Lin Mo raised his eyebrows and chuckled, "I'm discussing the content of the military book with Xinhai. If you are interested, you can sit down and listen."


Hearing Lin Mo's words, Ying'er hurriedly sat beside Xinhai in Coral Palace.

Even if she is not interested in military books, she has to make herself interested now.

In this way, Coral Palace Xinhai communicated with Miss Ying'er again, and then asked Lin Mo some questions from time to time.

Beside him, on the reclining chair, Hu Tao was still sleeping soundly.

The whole jar shop seems to have fallen into a very strange atmosphere.

Time passed so quietly.

When the night comes, the stars are unknown, like who sprinkled the sky (cbcd) with a handful of shredded and shiny sesame seeds.

Miss Ying'er got up and left with a smile on her face. Listening to Lin Mo's words this afternoon, she felt very happy.

Hu Tao rubbed his eyes, stretched his waist, and cried out happily.

This night, I slept really well.

When Hu Tao woke up, he saw at a glance that the sea of ​​hearts in front of him was holding a military book and reading quietly, while Lin Mo was lying on the reclining chair, the old **** resting comfortably.

"Wake up."

Looking at the awakened walnut, Lin Mo said slowly, "You slept all afternoon, and you still slept at night?"


Just woke up and felt refreshed Hu Tao, hearing Lin Mo's words, his face suddenly stiffened.

Yes, I slept all afternoon, can I still sleep this night?

can not fall asleep!

Then go to bed tomorrow morning, wake up again at night, and it keeps repeating and falling into a vicious circle, which is a very bad thing.

I finally adjusted my work and rest, sleep every night, wake up during the day, full of energy.

For a while, Hu Tao looked at Lin Mo with a distressed expression: "The owner, what should I do?"

Lin Mo: "..."

Looking at Hu Tao's face, Lin Mo's eyelids twitched: "I remember who prescribed the medicine that can immediately fall asleep, if you really can't sleep at night, you can find the person who prescribed it, is it Gan Yu, or who is it? Yes, I seem to have forgotten too."

Speaking of this, Lin Mo pondered.

Read The Duke's Passion
Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes