MTL - Genshin Impact: I Sell Jars In Tivat Continent-Chapter 482

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After just one glance, Shen He retracted his gaze.

When Shen He retracted his gaze, Coral Palace Xinhai also raised his head because of Shen He's gaze.

When she saw Shen He, she felt emotional.

Liyue really crouched, and another owner of the Eye of God that she didn't know appeared.

It seems that he also knows the owner of the Walnut Hall and the shop owner.

It’s been a while since I came to Liyue, and I saw and heard about some of Liyue’s Eye of God owners.

Now there is another owner of the Eye of God that I have never heard of, and it is still of the ice attribute.

It doesn't look like an ordinary owner of the Eye of God.

Her strength also looked terrifying, and she could clearly feel it.

Only Liyue can keep appearing one after another with the Eye of God.

"Shopkeeper, Hall Master Walnut."

Shen He, who came in, first nodded and said hello to Lin Mo, and then said hello to Hu Tao.

Hall Master Hutao had a conversation with her last time, and she was regarded as one of the few friends and a close acquaintance.

"Hey, Shen He, you are here."

Seeing Shen He who greeted him, Hu Tao laughed: "You came a little late this time."

Hu Tao didn't care about Shen He's cold-faced greeting.

She knew that Shen He was this character.

Shen He came to open the jar, she really didn't expect it.

After counting the time, Shen He hadn't come for a long time.

"I have been researching drones in Xianfu."

Hearing Hu Tao's words, Shen He said softly: "I have disassembled all the drones that the shopkeeper has opened, and put them back together. It took a lot of time, and the workmanship is very delicate. I don't think one person can make them. Another thing."

When he was in Xianfuzhong, Shen He personally disassembled the control device and the drone of the drone.

Then it took a lot of time to assemble it carefully, and it was finally assembled.

When it was assembled, it was discovered that a long time had passed.

She thought that her jar had not been opened, so she walked out of Xianfu and came to Liyue to open the jar.

Hearing Shen He's words, Xinhai of Coral Palace, who was looking over from the side, paid attention.

Immortal Mansion.

These two words caught her attention.

"It's amazing."

Hearing Shen He's words, Hu Tao's eyes widened.

Shen He dismantled and installed the drone in his hand?

It's too powerful.

Don't be afraid of dismantling, can't you change it back?

Lin Mo was not surprised at all by Hu Tao's surprise.

Because he knew that Shen He's hands-on ability was already strong.

It is estimated that if Dabai could not speak, Shen He estimated that even Dabai could be dismantled.

Zhenjun Liuyun Borrowing Wind likes to mess around with institutions. As his disciple, Shen He, how could he not be interested in this kind of thing?

Strong hands-on ability.

"Fortunately, it's very simple, just simple assembly."

Shen He said softly: "But there are some things I haven't figured out yet, so I can only assemble them carefully, so it took a lot of time."

She didn't recognize some parts, especially after taking them apart.

It was because of this that it took her a lot of time.

"No matter what, you can dismantle and reassemble such a big and complex thing, which can already show your level."

Hearing Hu Tao's words, Hu Tao sighed with emotion.

It is absolutely impossible for her to do it.

The next second, Hu Tao hugged Coral Palace Xinhai again, looked at Shen He and said with a smile: "Come on, Shen He, let me introduce to you, this is my new friend, Coral Palace Xinhai, a A lovely shrine maiden from Rice Wife."


Being hugged by Hall Master Hutao, Shaan Gong Xinhai, who was caught off guard, turned red and greeted Shen He.

Hall Master Hutao's movements made her a little unable to let go every time, and it always felt strange.

"The Witch of Rice Wife?"

Hearing Hu Tao's words, Shen He was a little surprised.

She knew that Inami was in lockdown.

Unexpectedly, in the state of blockade, there will be a priestess of rice wives coming to Liyue, and several thoughts appeared in her heart.

But it disappeared in the next second.

Ino's wife's affairs have nothing to do with her.

But Hall Master Hutao's friend, Hall Master Hutao, introduced that she also needed to get acquainted.

Immediately nodded: "Hello, my name is Shen He, my destiny is solitary and easy to hurt people around me, so you don't need to get too close to me..."

Coral Palace Heart Sea: "????"

Hearing Shen He's words, Coral Palace Xinhai's little face suddenly showed a somewhat confused look.

Is there still this saying?

No one introduces himself, that's it.

"Hehe, Xinhai, don't worry about Shen He's character, Shen He's character is like this."

Hu Tao hugged Coral Palace Xinhai, while rubbing against Coral Palace Xinhai's face, he smiled and said, "It's good to get used to it, Shen He himself has the eyes of the Ice Elemental God, and he has always treated people like this."


Hearing Hu Tao's words, Coral Palace Xinhai nodded, but in the next second, his face flushed red and he said, "Hall Master Hu Tao, can you let me go first?"

Hall Master Hu Tao suddenly posted to her, still in front of the owner, making her feel very embarrassed.

Even if he wanted to reject the walnut, he didn't break free.


Seeing the appearance of the Coral Palace Heart Sea, Hu Tao laughed and let go.

Don't rub it now, I'll post it later tonight.

I have to say that as the weather gets hotter and hotter, Coral Palace Xinhai and Mona make her more like stickers.


Seeing Walnut let go of herself, Coral Palace breathed a sigh of relief.

She felt that she could no longer bear the enthusiasm of Hall Master Hu Tao.

"Shopkeeper, this is a million moras, and I'll pick ten jars."

At this time, Shen He took out a purse with a million molars and handed it to Lin Mo.

Lin Mo nodded and took it.

Immediately, Shen He started picking out the jars.

The jar she opened last time gave her something, and she didn't know that she could open something good this time.

She prefers things that are biased towards institutions.

While thinking about it, I choose.

Not long after, ten jars were picked out by Shen He and landed firmly in front of Shen He.

Looking at the jar in front of him, Shen He didn't hesitate for a second, and decisively knocked on the first jar.


The first jar shattered and a necklace fell out.

This necklace has a drop-shaped gemstone hanging on it, which looks beautiful.


Seeing this thing, the research of walnut suddenly shines, it is very beautiful.

Seeing this, Shen He was expressionless.

4.9 She doesn't like to wear things like decorations.

Especially the ones that look like bracelets or necklaces.

"Not an ordinary decoration."

Looking at what Shen He opened, Lin Mo chuckled: "This is called a mysterious water droplet. The wearer can increase the power of the water element by 20%."

When speaking, Lin Mo looked at this mysterious water drop.

[Mysterious Water Drops] Mysterious props from a certain world, when they come to this world, are strengthened with special power, when using water-type moves and elemental power, they can increase their attack power by 20%, and you can wear them. use.

This thing is similar to the rock gem that a lucky person opened last time.

In Tivat, this item has changed a lot.

It can increase the strength of the owner of the Eye of the Water Elemental God by 20%.

Or let the water element monsters and monsters be further strengthened.

Today, the value of this tool is still great.

"A prop that makes the owner of the Eye of the Water Elemental God stronger."

Hearing Lin Mo's words, Shen He frowned slightly.

The power of the water element cannot be used by oneself.

He is the eye of the ice element god, and what he can convert is the power of the ice element.

I can't use this mysterious water drop by myself.

Chapter 495: Shen He, who has a personal space, the surprise of Xiao Palace (three shifts, three thousand five words)

"It's not just about making the Eye of the Water Elemental God stronger."

Lin Mo shook his head: "As long as it is a water-type move, you can understand that the power of the water element has been enhanced by 20%. It is the best effect to use on the owner of the Eye of God."

"Hey, this is a good thing."

Beside, Hu Taohe smiled and said: "Last time, a lucky person opened a rock attribute item, which can enhance the power of the rock element by 30%. If it is in the hands of the owner of the rock attribute god's eye, it can play a role more power."

"Shen He, if you don't need it, you can sell it to this hall master."

Although he is not the owner of the eye of the water element god, he is the owner of the eye of the fire element god.

But this thing, I have it, I can give it to Mona, I can give it to Xinhai!

"I haven't brought anything to the master for a long time, and I feel that I should give it to the master."

Hearing Hu Tao's words, Shen He pondered for a while, looked at Hu Tao and shook his head: "Hall Master Hu Tao, I'm sorry."

She thought about giving this thing to Zhenjun Liuyun Borrowing Feng.

I haven't given any gifts for a long time. If this mysterious water drop is given to the master, the master should like it.

"It's okay, you can use it yourself."