MTL - Genshin Impact: I Sell Jars In Tivat Continent-Chapter 5

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This financial management book is so important.

She is afraid that once the fools arrive, it will definitely cause chaos in Liyue.

As Liyue's Tianquan Xing, it was already very difficult to join forces with Yuhengxing, one of the other Liyue Seven Stars, to suppress the momentum of the North Country Bank.

If the North Country Bank were to disrupt the economy again, it would be a complete disaster for Liyue's economy.

Liyue, you must not mess up!

"Sorry, you can still buy five jars."

Hearing Ningguang's words, Lin Mo's face was calm: "A person can only buy ten a week."

It's not that he doesn't want to sell more, but unfortunately, he can't sell more.


Hearing Lin Mo's words, Ningguang, who was just about to order someone to get the money, wrinkled his beautiful eyes, this is a jar, and it's still limited to purchase?

One person can only buy ten a week.

Does that mean that she won't be able to buy it for the next week? .

Chapter 8: Picture What? Of course, to sell more jars (eight more)

Thinking that he could only buy five jars, and that he couldn't buy any jars in the next week, Ningguang felt sick.

She also didn't think that the five jars she bought could all be published in this series of books.

She also planned to bring money tomorrow and bought all the cans in the can store, but Lin Mo imposed a purchase limit.

"I'll give you a million!"

Ningguang looked at Lin Mo seriously: "One million jars, I want them all!"

Since 100,000 is not enough, then she will directly increase it tenfold!

A jar is a million, and these jars add up to tens of millions, even hundreds of millions.

For others, it's an astronomical sum, but for her, it's all about sprinkling.

What's more, the things in this jar are all garbage, and some good things are beyond the value of Mora itself, even if you want to buy it, you can't buy it.

Just like this devil fruit, Zhuyan Dan, you can't even buy it if you want.

And you can open it by opening the jar.

In her opinion, no one can live with money.

One million jars are sold at a sky-high price, and Lin Mo has no reason not to sell them!

"Sorry, there are rules in this shop, you can't break it, there are 100,000 ordinary jars,"

Hearing Ningguang's offer, Lin Mo sighed that she was indeed Liyue's rich woman.

A jar of one million, willing to pay ten times the price.

Unfortunately, he couldn't sell it if he wanted to.

And sell the jars for themselves, not for Mora.

The minimum price of ordinary jars can only be set to 100,000. In order to sell more jars, the jar price he set is already the lowest price.

"It's not for sale?"

Hearing Lin Mo's words, Ningguang frowned. She had bid for this, but Lin Mo still didn't sell it, so obviously it wasn't for Mora.

Otherwise, who would have trouble living with money.

But what exactly does Lin Mo want to sell jars like this?

Whether it's this devil fruit or a book on financial management, it's all things that can make a shocking noise outside, but they're just given away for nothing.

What the **** is this Lin Mo?

Looking at Lin Mo's appearance, he doesn't have the Eye of God, so he has no strength. If he eats the Devil Fruit himself, he can also increase his strength.

Maybe Lin Mo has eaten devil fruit.

However, she thought of the side effects of Devil Fruit, and she felt that Lin Mo should not eat it, although the after-effects of this Devil Fruit are not a big deal to many people.

Since Lin Mo doesn't sell it, she can't force it, because it's useless to force her.

Ningguang took a deep breath, looked at Lin Mo and said softly: "I want to know, what is the reason for you to do this? You don't sell the jars for Mora, the price is very cheap, but it's not a free gift, what are you trying to do? "

She really doesn't understand Lin Mo, what exactly is Lin Mo thinking.

Do you want to sell jars?

Are you kidding me, isn't it good to keep the contents of these jars for yourself?

And it is to sell cans, but limit the number of sales.

It's not that there is an unlimited supply, but everyone can only buy ten a week!

What the **** is this.

If it was to sell more jars, there would be no limit rules at all.

What a weirdo.

"To sell more jars, of course."

Lin Mo smiled lightly: "As for the other things, you can't tell Miss Ningguang. I wonder if Miss Ningguang wants to buy five jars?"

"Since I can't shop, I'll come back tomorrow."

Ningguang glanced at the ordinary jars displayed on the cabinet, all of which were the same.

She really wanted to buy them all if she could.

Unfortunately, if the purchase is limited, then she doesn't need to be in such a hurry.

I got this book myself, and I can implement it first.

Even if other people arrive at the time, even if they know, it will be too late.

Liyue, always walk in the front!

Thinking of this, Ningguang was already thinking about trying it impatiently.

She looked at Lin Mo and chuckled: "See you tomorrow, boss, I won't disturb your business for a long time, I will let Qian Yanjun decide on your side and maintain the order on your side, if you don't need it, You can also let them go."

"Those thank you Miss Ningguang."

Hearing Ningguang's words, Lin Mo nodded with a smile.

The door has been surrounded by a group of people, which can easily cause chaos in the order. It really needs Qianyan Army to clear it.

Although he is not afraid of these guys running in and grabbing jars or something, surrounding his door, it looks messy, and it really doesn't work.

Then, Lin Mo watched Ningguang leave and walked out of the can store.

As Ningguang walked out of the Guanzi store, it immediately attracted the attention of everyone surrounding the can store.

They all looked excited and curious, looking at Ningguang expectantly, and looked at what Ningguang was holding.

"Look, Lord Ningguang has come out!"

"Look at the thing Ningguang-sama is holding, it should be opened from the jar, I don't know what it is."

"Books and strange fruits, Lord Ningguang didn't open the eyes of God, I thought Lord Ningguang would open the eyes of God."

"Do you think that the Eye of God is something from the bad street? And Lord Ningguang already has the Eye of God. If you get the Eye of God, you won't be able to use it."

"Huh, that's great, Lord Ningguang didn't buy them all, I still have a chance to buy them."

"Heh, do you have the money to buy it? But why didn't Lord Ningguang buy them all? With the wealth of Lord Ningguang, you can buy this jar shop and wrap this jar."

"I don't know, if you want to know, just go up and ask if it's okay."


Everyone, while looking at Ningguang who came out, looked at the things in Ningguang's hands, and discussed.

They wanted to know what Ningguang had opened.

"Lord Ningguang, can you tell us what the jars in this jar shop are like."

Someone shouted in the crowd: "Master Ningguang, can you tell me what was opened from the jar, does it really have the Eye of God in it?"

Some people didn't see it with their own eyes and didn't believe it no matter what the people around them said.

Now gathered here, and seeing Ningguang coming out of the can store, someone couldn't help but wonder in their hearts and hurriedly asked.

Because Tianquan, one of the seven stars of Liyue, is the most convincing.

As the man shouted, a group of people looked at Ningguang expectantly.

Hearing the condensed light of this voice, looking at the curious eyes of everyone, he immediately smiled and said: "Then let me tell the owner, the jars in the jar shop are all real, and there are many strange things in them. , you may lose or you may gain.”

"The price of a jar is 100,000 Mora, and everyone can't buy more. There is a limit to the number of purchases."

"As for things, I didn't open the eyes of the gods, but I gave a Yanzhuan pill. The owner said that as long as you take this Yanzhuan pill, you can always fix a person's appearance at the moment of taking the medicine. Others It's all junk, of no value.".

Chapter 9: One hundred thousand a jar, crazy crowd (nine more)

For these people's inquiries, Ningguang knew that if he didn't say anything, it would be full of mystery, so he might as well say it directly and frankly.

And when I say it, I just say one thing, say something important, and say everything else as junk.

She didn't talk about the devil fruit, she had to explain it, it was too annoying, and no one might be able to open it.

As for financial management, this book is even more impossible to say.

This is related to the economy of the city of Liyue. She has to go back and display some ideas in order to deal with other people publishing this book in the future.

Now that she has this book and is at the forefront, she must take all precautions.

So Ningguang said Zhuyan Dan.

This kind of thing is in a position where it can't go up or down.

Let’s say that Zhuyan Dan is precious, but in Ningguang’s opinion, it is not as valuable as the book on financial management. She needs to use this medicine pill to cover up the information of the book.

It is said that Zhuyan Dan is not precious, the function of eternal youth, let people know that it was opened from a jar, which will definitely cause a sensation and shock, and also advertised a wave of jar shops.

as predicted.

After Ningguang finished talking about the effect of Zhuyan Dan, all the people present almost all made a deep inhalation sound.

Their eyes were stunned, and they looked at the medicine pill in Ningguang's hands in disbelief.

Zhuyan Dan can make people's youth stay forever!

This shocked them too much.

Who in the world can stay young forever? Apart from the legendary god, there is no one else.

Now, you only need to eat such a pill, you can stay young forever, men will always be young and handsome, women will always be beautiful, who would not care about their appearance!

All people will grow old, even those who have the eyes of God will grow old.

But as long as you eat this pill, you won't get old!

Especially women, women pay more attention to their appearance than men!

"Damn it, Zhuyan Dan, is it true or false, can you stay young forever after eating it? This is too incredible."

"It must be true, Lord Ningguang said it himself, it's too surprising, how could such a thing exist."

"Before, Zhang Xu opened the Eye of God, and later, Lord Ningguang opened Zhuyan Dan. What kind of can store is this? It's too scary."

"Perhaps the owner of the shop has already used it? But a 100,000 jar is still quite expensive for us ordinary people."

"Your hammer, didn't you see what Lord Ningguang opened, which one of this Yan Yan Dan and the previous God's Eye can be bought by 100,000 Mora? Not to mention 100,000 Mora, It's one million, ten million morahs, and everyone is rushing to buy it!"

"Yes, but there is definitely not all such things in the jar. After all, it is full of luck. Can you guarantee that you can earn it? For the rich, this 100,000 Mora is just sprinkled with water, but for ordinary people For example, it is still an astronomical sum, and a month of work without food or drink is only a few thousand morahs.”

"Yeah, but ordinary people can also save money and gamble. As long as they are successful, they will be able to turn over. Just now, Lord Ningguang also said that there are purchase restrictions in this small shop, which also guarantees that there are Money can't buy it all!"

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