MTL - Genshin Impact: I Sell Jars In Tivat Continent-Chapter 507

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This water stone is really valuable.

Looking at the last two jars, he did not hesitate at all, and decided to open them all.

"Bang Bang", two blue sea Lingzhi suddenly fell out.

Seeing these two blue sea lingzhi flowers, his good mood just got up, and his mood turned bad in an instant.

The last two jars did not produce anything good, which is a pity.

"In short, the harvest of opening the jar this time is very big."

In the next second, thinking of this water stone and the experience light group he had opened before, his mood was balanced and relieved.

Out of a good thing, or meaningful.

"Unfortunately, nothing practical was prescribed."

Beside, Grover, who was watching this scene, sighed.

Although this fellow prescribes a good thing, this good thing is for the individual.

What he wanted was that kind of steam battleship, as well as shipbuilding information, or something else that could have an impact on the entire Fontaine.

It's like a steamship, or a secret space, or a movie theater, etc.

These things are of great help to Liyue as a whole.

If they Fontaine also offered something similar, even if it was a film technology, equipment or something, they would make a profit.

Unfortunately, so far, twenty jars have been opened and none have been opened.

"The jar has been opened, and I should go back."

The owner of the Eye of the Water Attribute God from Fontaine respected Lin Mo and said, "Innkeeper, I'm going to test this water stone, so I'll leave first."


Lin Mo nodded.

What the other party wants to do after opening the jar does not need to say hello to him.

Immediately, Grover and this one left the can store.

"Unfortunately, it's not a Fire Stone."

Watching the two leave, Hu Tao sighed: "It would be great if it was a Fire Stone."

After staying with Lin Mo for so long, she has been able to draw inferences from one case.

For example, the owner of Fontaine's Water Attribute God's Eye has given out a water stone containing the power of the water element.

Then, in the jar, there is naturally a fire stone containing the power of fire element.

If you let her drive it, you can use it directly for the fire dinosaur.

After all, she has not forgotten that fire dinosaurs have not yet had an evolutionary stage.

Speaking of which, she was wondering whether to take the fire dinosaurs to take a trip to the Blazing Valley.

"I feel that there is a strange energy in that water stone."

At this time, Coral Palace Xinhai looked at Lin Mo, raised a cute little face, and said seriously: "The owner, that is a strange energy that is different from the power of the water element."


Hearing Coral Palace Xinhai's words, Lin Mo nodded: "Your perception is correct. If this water stone is used by elves, it can make elves evolve instantly."

"I see."

Hearing Lin Mo's words, the Coral Palace's heart was suddenly stunned.

That makes sense.

So she understood.

She sensed that there was a peculiar energy in the elf's body. It was an energy different from the power of the elements, and it was not the energy she had ever seen, but a brand new energy.

"There should be no one to open the jar for a while, and I don't know when Ying will be back."

At this time, Hu Tao thought of Ying who had left, looked at the weather outside, and spread her hands: "¨. It's already been out for a morning and an afternoon, I haven't done it yet. The ceremony of sending immortals or something is decisively troublesome."

If she was asked to do the immortal gift ceremony, she might not be able to endure such a cumbersome procedure.

The ceremony of sending immortals is different from the general funeral ceremony.

"Are you in a hurry?"

Hearing Hu Tao's words, Lin Mo chuckled.

"No, I just promised Ying to take her to Liyue, and we'll go see a movie at night."

Hu Tao blinked and looked at Lin Mo with a pair of beautiful plum blossom pupils: "And there is Yan Fei, yesterday I heard Yan Fei say that Yan Fei wants to teach math class, and asked the head of the hall to help her teach it, she seems to be very knowledgeable about the professor. It's a sad thing."

Lin Mo: "..."

So Yan Fei has awakened some strange attribute.

At this moment.

Liyue Port.

The Qianyan Army, who received the paper crane from Gan Yu, immediately gave a salute to the Eightfold God Child: "I kept the Lord Gongji waiting for a long time. On behalf of Liyue, I welcome the arrival of the Lord Gongji."

"Lord Gan Yu said in the letter that she didn't have time to come, so I asked Lord Gongji to come to Liyue first. No matter what Lord Gongji needs help, our Qianyan Army will provide help."

"I don't know what you want to do, Lord Gongji. We can lead the way for you."

"Finally done."

Hearing the words of Qian Yanjun, the Eightfold God Child smiled and said: "As for leading the way, I'll take a walk first. I've been to Liyue, and I'm familiar with Liyue's layout, so don't bother you guys."

"Da da da."

Saying that, Yae God Son elegantly stepped on the wooden shoes and walked towards Liyue Harbor.

"Okay, so pretty."

"My God, where is this beautiful woman from?"

"This dress, red and white, looks like a witch's costume. When did such a beautiful witch appear in our Liyue, my God."

"Look at it, such a beautiful woman, I have never seen it in Liyue!"

"Don't look, do you see the Eye of God hanging on her ear? This is the owner of the Eye of God, or the same thunder attribute as Captain Beidou."



When Yae Miko stepped into Liyue Port, she immediately attracted the attention of many people.

When they saw Yae Kamiko's appearance, her elegant figure, and her beautiful face, everyone's eyes widened.

Such a beautiful woman.

Many people were stunned, when did Liyue come to such a beautiful woman.

But in the next second, someone saw that the eye of the **** of thunder was inlaid on the white and tender earrings of the Eightfold God Son, and he took a breath.

The owner of the Eye of the Thunder God!

In the eyes of many people, the strength of the owner of the eye of the thunder attribute **** is very powerful.

For details, please refer to the Captain Beidou of the Southern Cross Fleet.

Chapter 517: Alice on the Qunyu Pavilion, research on mobile phones, the source of coconut milk for Qiqi (one update, three thousand five words)

"It's so beautiful, even if it's so beautiful, the Eye of God with the thunder attribute must be extremely powerful."

"The red and white witch costume she is wearing, I feel very stylish, and I feel that her identity is not simple."

"Strange, I haven't heard that we Liyue have any witch costumes."

"I think you may think too much. Maybe this one is not from our Liyue? Maybe from another country,"

"How is it possible, now that Liyue is blocked, how can people from other countries be allowed to enter Liyue? In particular, it is the owner of the Eye of God who is different from ordinary people."

"What's strange, if the identity is not simple, it will not come in, anyway, let's take a look, don't go up and disturb this adult."


Seeing the Eye of God possessing the thunder attribute of God Son Yae, some onlookers were talking in a low voice and looking at it.

This beautiful, gorgeous and moving woman is actually the owner of the Eye of God with the thunder attribute.

And at this time, entering Liyue, the identity is definitely not simple.

"Although the atmosphere is a bit depressing, the liveliness is still far better than that of the rice wife."

The Yae God Son, who walked out of Liyue Harbor, felt the surrounding atmosphere, looked at the surrounding buildings, and whispered with a chuckle.

When I came to Liyue this time, I had to take a good look at Liyue, who was different from his wife.

By the way, what happened to Liyue recently.

"Now, I'd better go to Wanwen Jishe first to see if there are any interesting novels that I haven't read."

"Then look for that stupid piece of wood, and then go to the shopkeeper's side to have a look."

There was a smile on Yae Kamiko's face, and a few thoughts instantly came to his mind.

When Yae Kamiko thought so.

Over the moon.

Outside the Qunyu Pavilion.

A woman wearing a red dress and an 803 veil was looking around: "Is this the Qunyu Pavilion? It's really luxurious, with an extremely splendid appearance, overlooking the height of Liyue."

"This kid is really amazing. He actually built such a palace in the sky, and it has extremely powerful elemental energy. Once it explodes, it will cause a shocking movement."

"Well, is this really what Liyue can create? It seems that this group of alchemists in Liyue have not lived in vain these years."

Alice looked around and tutted her tongue in admiration.

I have to say, this one is really big.


At this moment, a vigilant voice sounded.

At the entrance of Qunyu Pavilion, Baiwen looked at Alice who was out of thin air not far from Qunyu Pavilion, his pupils shrank suddenly.

Who is this person, who came to Liyue's Qunyu Pavilion all of a sudden.

"Oh, don't pay too much attention to me, I'm just curious about Qunyu Pavilion, so come and see."

Alice smiled and looked at Baiwen: "Look at you, you are Tianquanxing's secretary, right? Is Tianquanxing in Qunyu Pavilion now? Speaking of which, Tianquanxing told me back then that he invited me to pull. Take a look at the Qunyu Pavilion."

"Know Lord Ningguang?"

Hearing Alice's words, Baiwen's pupils shrank suddenly.

This stranger who he didn't know actually knew Lord Ningguang?

It doesn't make sense.

If Lord Ningguang knew him, he wouldn't be ignorant.

As the secretary of Lord Ningguang, I help Lord Ningguang handle things. There is no reason to not know the people that Lord Ningguang knows.

Baiwen had countless doubts in her heart, but she didn't dare to be slighted in the slightest, and hurried in.

In the Qunyu Pavilion, now only Ningguang and Gan Yu are left, and Keqing has already left.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing Baiwen who suddenly ran in, Ningguang said softly, "Did something happen again?"

"Lord Ningguang, a mysterious woman with a veil appeared outside the Qunyu Pavilion."

Baiwen quickly said: "I think she suddenly appeared in the Qunyu Pavilion out of thin air, and said that you invited her to the Qunyu Pavilion at the beginning, and now she is outside."

"A mysterious woman with a veil?"

Read The Duke's Passion
Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes