MTL - Gentle to the Bone-Chapter 34

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Shen Yansheng didn't expect Xia Xiaoyue to leave so quickly.

When I got home in the evening, when I heard Aunt Ping say that Xia Xiaoyue had left, she was a little surprised and asked, "Why did you leave suddenly? Wasn't it fine when I went out in the morning?"

Aunt Ping looked a little tight-lipped, and whispered to Shen Yansheng: "After you went out in the morning, Miss Xia went to the study upstairs to find President Lu. I don't know what happened. After a while, Miss Xia came out of the study crying. Running back to the bedroom and crying to pack up."

"I saw something was wrong, so I went to the study, thinking about the situation. President Lu still had no expression. He looked at the document and explained it coldly, asking Uncle Chen to take Miss Xia to the airport."

Shen Yansheng sat on the sofa and was a little stunned when she heard the words. She opened her eyes wide and looked a little gossipy, and asked in a low voice, "Why? Lu Jingce murdered her? Why are you crying?"

Aunt Ping didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said, "How do I know that, when President Lu comes back, you can ask him yourself."

Shen Yansheng was curious, but when Xia Xiaoyue left, she felt that the world was quiet. He handed the heat preservation bucket he brought back to Aunt Ping, and said, "This is the chicken soup that my mother simmered. Please take it to the kitchen to warm it up, and Lu Jingce will come back for him to drink later."

"Hey, I'll go right now." Aunt Ping responded, took the heat preservation bucket, turned around and went to the kitchen.

It was ten o'clock in the evening when Lu Jingce returned from the entertainment. When he entered the room, he saw Shen Yansheng's shoes beside the door, and asked Aunt Ping, "She is back?"

Aunt Ping stepped forward to help take the coat and said with a smile, "I came back early, it's upstairs."

Lu Jingce let out an "um" and walked straight upstairs after entering the room.

In the master bedroom on the second floor, Shen Yansheng didn't close the door. She had just finished taking a shower, wearing a lotus-colored silk suspender nightdress, and was sitting beside the bed painting her toes with nail polish.

Lu Jingce walked into the room while unbuttoning his shirt. He saw Shen Yansheng sitting beside the bed painting his nails, and asked with a smile, "What time did you come back?"

Shen Yansheng was concentrating on applying nail polish, but he couldn't raise his head and replied, "I'll be back at eight o'clock."

After painting a little toe, he looked up at Lu Jingce and asked curiously, "Aunt Ping said that Xia Xiaoyue was made to cry by you this morning."

Standing beside the bed, Lu Jingce unfastened his watch, and frowned upon hearing this, "Why did I make her cry?"

"What Aunt Ping said."

Lu Jingce didn't respond, he took off his watch and put it on the bedside table.

Shen Yansheng stared at him for a while, then couldn't help getting up from the bed, threw herself into Lu Jingce's arms, and put her arms around his neck.

Lu Jingce wrapped his arms around her waist, looked at her with a smile in his eyes, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Shen Yansheng looked at Lu Jingce and asked seriously, "You didn't let Xia Xiaoyue go back because I was unhappy, did you?"

"Not all." Lu Jingce said, "But it's somewhat inconvenient for her to live here."

Shen Yansheng was obviously very happy, but she wanted to say, "What's the inconvenience, it's just more than one pair of chopsticks."

Lu Jingce looked at her with a smile on his lips. He deliberately teased her and said, "Really? Then I'll call and call someone back now?"

Shen Yansheng stared, "You dare!"

Lu Jingce sneered, lowered his head and kissed Shen Yansheng's lips, and said in a low voice, "I don't dare, do you think the family is not sour enough these two days?"

When Shen Yansheng heard Lu Jingce teasing her, she blushed a little for no reason. She stepped back a little and tried to defend herself, but before she could speak, Lu Jingce hugged her by the waist and put her on the bed. He leaned over and kissed her more deeply.

She was turned upside down overnight, I don't know how many times I've done it, but Shen Yansheng was a little worried about Lu Jingce's body, put her arms around his neck, looked at him seriously and said, "Will it be too long today, your injury is just right? , the doctor said that you should not work too hard for the past six months."

Whoever knew this sentence made Lu Jingce laugh. He hugged her and turned over, let her sit on it, and teased her with a smile, "Okay, then you come."

Shen Yansheng blushed instantly.

After hesitating for half a minute, he finally gritted his teeth.

She comes, she comes!

It's a pity that he was defeated without holding on for five minutes. Lu Jingce smiled and put him back to his original position.

Shen Yansheng also felt that she was unpromising, tears wet the pillow towel, and she finally fell asleep with a whimper at an unknown time.

However, although she slept late the night before, Shen Yansheng woke up early the next morning. She didn't get up on her own, she had to pull Lu Jingce up too.

Lu Jingce worked hard last night, and hadn't slept for a few hours, leaning against the head of the bed a little bit awake, looking at Shen Yansheng standing in front of the mirror changing clothes, he couldn't describe his feelings for a while.

Who is his own woman, what else can you do other than pampering her.

Shen Yansheng changed her clothes, and when she turned around, she saw that Lu Jingce was still leaning against the bed, dazed. She took Lu Jingce's shirt from the closet, sat beside the bed, and shoved the shirt into his hand, "Why can't you afford it?"

Lu Jingce grabbed his shirt without much effort, looked at Shen Yansheng, amused and a little helpless, and said, "Look at what time it is now."

Shen Yansheng said, "I know, it's half past five."

Lu Jingce smiled and said, "You know it's only half past five? It's still dark, what are you doing up so early?"

Shen Yansheng said: "Didn't you often get up at four or five in the past?"

Lu Jingce smiled, raised his hand and hooked her chin, "I did a little bit of strength last night. You thought it was you, so you would just lie down and enjoy it?"

Shen Yansheng understood what Lu Jingce was talking about, and was a little shy for a moment, grabbed Lu Jingce's hand, and said seriously, "I tell you, today is the Bodhisattva's birthday. Let's go out earlier and burn incense sticks in the temple."

Lu Jingce was stunned when he heard the words, and asked, "What are you going to do to burn incense?"

Shen Yansheng said earnestly: "You finally escaped from death this time. Of course, you are going to offer incense sticks to the Bodhisattva. Thank you, the old man, for keeping you safe and sound."

Speaking of this, he glanced at Lu Jingce with a bit of resentment, and said, "I originally wanted you to go to bed earlier last night, but as soon as you came back..."

Lu Jingce couldn't hold back his laughter, pinched Shen Yansheng's face, and said half-jokingly, "I didn't escape from death once or twice. Fortune tellers say my life is hard, and it doesn't matter if I don't worship Buddha."

Shen Yansheng felt a little trembling when he heard it, and asked worriedly, "Has something happened to you before?"

Lu Jingce smiled and said, "No, I'm scaring you."

Leaning over and kissing Shen Yansheng's cheek, she said softly, "Let's go after I take a shower."

"En." Shen Yansheng nodded, and when Lu Jingce went to the bathroom, she went downstairs to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

When Lu Jingce finished taking a shower, changed his clothes and went downstairs, he saw Shen Yansheng coming out of the kitchen with a tray and said, "Why are you doing it yourself? Where's Aunt Ping?"

Shen Yansheng said, "It's not good to trouble others so early."

She put the tray on the coffee table, and when Lu Jingce got down, she handed him the chicken soup and said, "This is the black chicken soup that my mother boiled. I wanted you to drink it last night, but—"

After saying this, I was embarrassed to go on, and looked up at Lu Jingce lightly.

Lu Jingce couldn't hold back his laughter. He picked up the bowl and sat next to Shen Yansheng. Seeing that there was only this bowl of chicken soup on the tray, he turned his head to look at her, "What about your own?"

Shen Yansheng said, "I drank it at home last night."

She looked at Lu Jingce with bright eyes and said, "Try it to see if it's good. My mother said that chicken soup is a good thing. Whether people are sick or injured, it's definitely not harmful to drink a little more."

Looking at Shen Yansheng, Lu Jingce felt a warmth in his heart that only he could feel, and asked in a low voice, "So you brought it back for me?"

Shen Yansheng nodded earnestly, lowered his head and picked up a spoon, filled it with a spoon, and fed it to Lu Jingce's mouth, saying, "You can try it. If you like it, I'll ask my mother for a recipe later, and I'll give it at home. You stew."

Lu Jingce looked into Shen Yansheng's eyes, his throat was slightly astringent, he held Shen Yansheng's wrist, lowered his head and took a sip.

When he looked up at Shen Yansheng again, there was some expectation in his eyes, and he asked, "Aren't you looking forward to leaving me all day now?"

Shen Yansheng pursed her lips unconsciously, looked at Lu Jingce a little unhappily, and said, "When did I look forward to leaving you all day?"

Lu Jingce looked at her with a smile in his eyes, and said, "Not long after I came back from Jiangcheng, at your studio, didn't you ask me when I broke up?"

Shen Yansheng thought to himself, it wasn't because he was too sad. Who wants to be a substitute?

It's just that she doesn't think too much about it now. Recently, she occasionally felt that Lu Jingce might not forget his first love, but he should have liked her more or less.

As long as he likes her a little, she is willing to stay by his side in peace.

After breakfast, it was just six o'clock when we left.

In May, it is still dark at 6:00 in the morning, there are almost no pedestrians on the road, and there are few vehicles.

But when we got to Xuefu Road, there were more pedestrians on the road, all of them were middle school students who were buying breakfast at the school gate with their schoolbags on their backs.

Shen Yansheng and Lu Jingce were sitting in the back row. She looked out the window and saw rows of familiar street scenes outside the window. She saw middle school students buying breakfast by the roadside in twos and threes. She saw the simple smiles on the faces of the students, and she suddenly felt a little emotional. , said: "Time flies so fast, in a blink of an eye, it's been eleven years since I graduated from high school."

Lu Jingce looked out the window and saw the school gate of Beicheng No. 1 Middle School. There was no emotion in his eyes, it was light, and he withdrew his gaze in a few seconds.

Shen Yansheng saw a young couple standing under a tree outside the school gate. The boy took out a carton of milk from his schoolbag and stuffed it into the girl. school.

She couldn't help but think back to her high school days, and turned around and asked Lu Jingce, "Lu Jingce, did you ever fall in love when you were studying?"

Lu Jingce glanced at her sideways, with a light expression, and said, "No."

Shen Yansheng looked at Lu Jingce suspiciously, didn't quite believe it, and said with a smile, "You lied to me, right?"

"Not really."

Shen Yansheng didn't believe it, she sat beside Lu Jingce, took his arm, looked at him with a smile, and said, "Tell me, I'm not jealous."

Lu Jingce smiled and said, "Really not. I didn't lie to you."

Saying that, he stretched out his hand and took Shen Yansheng into his arms, looked down at her, and asked, "It's you, didn't you have a lot of puppy love in high school?"

Shen Yansheng said: "How can there be. Do I look like someone who is in a puppy love?"

A smile flashed in Lu Jingce's eyes, and he said, "Like."

A slightly rough thumb stroked the small red mole under Shen Yansheng's right eye, and asked softly, "When you study, many boys chase you, right?"

Shen Yansheng nodded honestly and said, "But they chase after them, and I ignore them."

Lu Jingce smiled, and suddenly asked, "Where's Fu Shiyu?"

Shen Yansheng pursed her lips unconsciously and looked at Lu Jingce, "Why ask him?"

Lu Jingce smiled and said, "Ask whatever you want, if you don't want to say it, forget it."

Shen Yansheng hesitated for a while, but finally opened his mouth and said, "Before our family went bankrupt, we were friends with the Fu family. Fu Shiyu and I have known each other since we were young, but I didn't have any feelings for him at that time, and I was limited to him. A friend who is not very familiar."

"It was later that he went to college, and he suddenly started chasing me. He chased me for a long time. At that time, he was studying abroad, and he called and texted me every day without a hitch. He cared about me very much, and often placed a lot of orders for me on the Internet. Snacks were delivered to our dormitory, and flowers were ordered for me during the festival, and they were sent downstairs to our dormitory, which surprised me."

Lu Jingce looked at her and raised his eyebrows subtly, "So you're moved?"

Shen Yansheng shook his head and said, "That's not true. Boys chase girls like this, and I didn't really get excited at that time."

"One time later, when he called me, he heard that I had a cough. I flew back from California that night. When he appeared in front of me the next day, I was really touched."

"Because of these things, I always thought that Fu Shiyu should love me a lot. So when something happened to my family, he suddenly disappeared from the world, and he blocked my contact information, I really felt it was outrageous. I don't understand the world Why is there such a person, but then I figured out that human beings are selfish by nature, and it is normal for a person to run for his life when he is in danger."

Lu Jingce said lightly, "He just doesn't love you enough."

Shen Yansheng nodded, "You are right."

She suddenly remembered a past event and said to Lu Jingce, "You know, I went to California to study a few years ago. One Christmas Eve, I went to New York with Fu Shiyu to play. At that time, there was a shooting incident in Brooklyn."

"I was really scared at the time. At that time, my foot was injured and I was pushed into the crowd. I was trembling with fright, but when I went back to find Fu Shiyu, I couldn't find it."

Lu Jingce looked at Shen Yansheng silently, his eyes were a little obscure in the dim light.

Shen Yansheng continued to recall, "At that time, there were gunshots in my ears, and there were people outside the subway station. Everyone was running for their lives with their heads in their hands. Some people were pushed to the ground and trampled by people who were running for their lives in a panic. My foot was injured at the time. It hurts a lot, I ran for my life in the crowd like a headless fly, I was scared and kept calling Fu Shiyu's name, but he didn't know where he went."

"Then I seemed to be rescued by someone, and when that person threw me to the ground, I heard gunshots. It was loud, but the person seemed to cover my ears."

In the dim light, Lu Jingce's throat was slightly astringent, and he looked at Shen Yansheng, "What about later?"

Shen Yansheng said: "Then the police arrived and arrested the thugs. I turned around and wanted to find the person who saved me, but he walked so fast that I didn't even see what the person who saved me looked like. "

Having said this, he continued: "After the police arrested the thugs, Fu Shiyu came back."

"I asked him where he went and he said he was scattered by the crowd and couldn't find me."

Lu Jingce looked at Shen Yansheng deeply and said nothing.

Shen Yansheng suddenly smiled a little self-deprecatingly, and said, "I really had no doubts at all at that time. It wasn't until some time ago that I accidentally remembered this incident and discovered some details."

"At that time, he and I were obviously standing together. When the shooting happened, everyone screamed and ran for their lives. I was pushed forward by the crowd and stumbled a few steps forward, but in just a few seconds, I turned back to find Fu Shiyu. When he was gone, he was gone."

Lu Jingce didn't say anything, just raised his hand and touched Shen Yansheng's head distressedly.

Shen Yansheng smiled a little self-deprecatingly, looked at Lu Jingce, and asked, "Lu Jingce, am I stupid? Did you even hear that he left me and ran away by himself."

Lu Jingce stretched out his hand and took Shen Yansheng into his arms. In the quiet morning, his voice was low and gentle, "You should be lucky that you didn't marry him."

Shen Yansheng gave a soft "um".

She buried her face in Lu Jingce's arms and put her hand around his waist gently.

Lu Jingce put his arms around her, lowered his head and kissed her softly on the top of her hair, and said softly, "Go to sleep, I'll be at Nanshan in a while."

The author says:

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