MTL - Gentle to the Bone-Chapter 9

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The day after returning from the ski resort, Lu Jingce had to go on a business trip.

When Shen Yansheng went downstairs in the morning, he heard Lu Jingce calling, talking about work.

She didn't listen carefully, and went straight to the restaurant next to her. Aunt Ping had already prepared breakfast. When she saw her coming, she helped open the chair and said with a smile, "I made your favorite eight-treasure porridge today, and I know you like something sweeter. , I deliberately added some brown sugar."

Shen Yansheng sat down and saw the brown sugar eight-treasure porridge in front of him. Before he even moved his chopsticks, he could smell the sweet fragrance.

She was a little happy, looked up and said to Aunt Ping, "Thank you Aunt Ping."

Aunt Ping smiled and said, "Try it, if the sweetness is suitable, it will follow this sweetness in the future."

Shen Yansheng has loved sweets since he was a child, and always feels that sweets can bring happiness to people. But during the six months of the accident at home, not even sweets could ease the pain in her heart.

She drank porridge with a spoon, and after a while, Lu Jingce also came in from outside and sat down opposite her.

Lu Jingce didn't eat sweets, and Aunt Rong served him a bowl of white rice porridge alone.

Xu Shi slept too late yesterday, Lu Jingce woke up early and had a bad appetite, so he ate a little, and said to Shen Yansheng, "I'm going on a business trip in the afternoon, and it will take at least a week. If you have nothing to do, don't be bored at home all the time, and go out to play more."

Since Shen Yansheng's family accident, her former friends have also cut off contact with her.

Perhaps because of this change, she now takes love and friendship very lightly, and is no longer willing to make friends. When she has time, she would rather read a book at home or make clothes.

She gave a perfunctory "um", obviously ignoring Lu Jingce's words.

Lu Jingce put the milk brought by the servant in front of Shen Yansheng and said, "You'd better listen to me and forget what the doctor told you? You need to go out and make more friends."

Shen Yansheng raised his head and said, "I don't think I have a problem, and I don't need friends."

She is somewhat stubborn now, and Lu Jingce simply didn't argue with her.

Shen Yansheng took a look at the card, looked up at Lu Jingce, and couldn't help but ask, "I can swipe it any way I want?"

"Yes." Lu Jingce sat on the sofa smoking a cigarette.

Shen Yansheng looked at the card in his hand and felt that he was really a standard canary now.

She laughed at herself and asked, "How much money can you make?"

Lu Jingce looked up at her, his eyes were a little deep, and said, "As long as you want, you can pay as much money as you want."

Shen Yansheng smiled, threw the card into his bag, raised his head and smiled at Lu Jingce, "Thank you, Mr. Lu, Mr. Lu is really generous."

It's not that Lu Jingce couldn't hear her yin and yang anger, he sighed silently, and when the driver came to remind him that he could go out, he got up and rubbed Shen Yansheng's head, and said, "Don't be yin and yang with me, I'm not at home for a while, what do you think? When you get home, go back and live by yourself for a few days, and accompany your parents."

Lu Jingce's words made Shen Yansheng much happier than giving a bank card. She looked up at Lu Jingce with surprise in her eyes, and smiled as soon as she opened her mouth, "Is it really possible? Can I live until you come back?"

It was rare for Lu Jingce to see her so happy, so he snorted and said, "As you like, I'm not here anyway."

Shen Yansheng was instantly grateful to Lu Jingce, and deliberately sent him to the yard. After Lu Jingce got into the car, he stood beside him with a smile and waved at him, bending over and saying to him that the journey was safe.

Lu Jingce looked at her smiling face, and knew in his heart that her smile was not for him. But it gave her a little freedom, and she was so easily satisfied.

He didn't say anything, just glanced at Shen Yansheng lightly, then turned his head and told the driver to drive.

Shen Yansheng stood in the yard and watched Lu Jingce's car drive out of the yard and gradually moved away from her sight. Then she turned around and went back to the house happily while taking out her mobile phone to call her mother.

Since moving to Lu Jingce's side, Shen Yansheng has not been home for a long time. I originally wanted to go back last weekend, but because I went to the northern suburbs with Lu Jingce, I couldn't go back.

Now that Lu Jingce was on a business trip, she had permission to pack up when she got home, and went home with her suitcase after get off work in the afternoon.

She took the elevator to the seventh floor and smelled the familiar aroma of food even in the stairwell. She took out the key to open the door, but the door lock was not easy to open. The key was turned in the keyhole for a long time and did not open the door, but Dad heard the movement and opened the door for her from the inside.

Dad was very happy to see her, with a big smile on his face. Seeing her pulling the suitcase, he quickly came to help her with it, and said with a smile, "I and your mother are cooking in the kitchen. I heard the door lock turned for a long time and thought You heard it wrong."

Shen Yansheng smiled and said, "This keyhole is too ineffective. I will find a master to change a lock tomorrow."

Father Shen said: "No, no, I'll find a pencil lead and stuff it in, and it will be smooth after opening it a few more times."

Zhou Xiuyun was cooking in the kitchen. When she saw her daughter coming home, she was very happy. She turned around and said, "Shengsheng, go and change your clothes and wash your hands, and you'll have dinner soon."

"Eh." Shen Yansheng hadn't seen his parents for a long time. He went back to his room to change clothes, washed his hands, and went into the kitchen to help.

But the house I live in now is not like before, the kitchen is too small, and the three people standing in it are cramped.

Shen Yansheng was kicked out of the kitchen by her mother, so she had to go to the cupboard to get the tableware and put it on the dining table.

When she was holding the tableware, she saw a half-rubbed bottle of safflower oil on the TV cabinet, she couldn't help but froze for a while, then turned around and asked, "Dad, who is this safflower oil? Are you and your mother injured? ?"

Shen Haihua was coming out of the kitchen with a big pot of vegetables and said, "It's alright, just two days ago when I went shopping for vegetables, I accidentally slapped my foot on the way, and I wiped the medicine for two days."

Shen Yansheng frowned, walked to the table with the bowl and chopsticks in hand, and said, "Be careful, what if you hurt your bones."

Shen Haihua smiled and said, "How can it be so serious, don't worry."

Shen Yansheng looked down at his father's feet, still a little worried, and asked, "Is it really okay? Would you like to go to the hospital to take a picture to check?"

Shen Haihua said, "It's not that serious."

Saying that, he walked around the house a few times, "Look, isn't this good."

Seeing that her father was still able to walk, Shen Yansheng sneered and said, "Anyway, you and your mother must pay attention to your body, and if you have anything, you must tell me immediately."

"You know, don't worry."

Shen Yansheng hasn't been home for too long, and she has endless things to say to her parents. After dinner, the family of three chatted in the living room until the early morning.

Shen Yansheng has to go to work tomorrow. She took out 2,000 yuan from her bag and stuffed it into her mother's hand. She said, "Mom, you and dad will use this money first. When I get paid at the end of the month, I will transfer some to you."

Zhou Xiuyun quickly rejected and said, "No, no, your dad and I have money. You work outside by yourself. There are still many places to spend money. Don't worry about us."

Zhou Xiuyun said, her eyes suddenly filled with tears, she reached out to touch her daughter's cheek, and said distressedly: "It's all my fault as parents for dragging you down. Sheng Sheng, you are not too young, if there is a suitable , if you can decide, decide as soon as possible, and then delay..."

"Mother I know, don't worry about it." Shen Yansheng understood what her mother wanted to say. She was not too young, she was twenty-seven, and if she didn't decide, she would have fewer and fewer opportunities to choose in the future.

But she has experienced Fu Shiyu, and she never wants to fall in love with anyone in her life, let alone marry.

What's more, she and Lu Jingce no longer have any autonomy in emotional matters.

The reason why she followed her mother's words was because she didn't want them to worry.

She put the money in her mother's hands and said, "You and your father are getting old, and business is not good these days. I would rather you two rest at home and take care of your health. You don't have to worry about money. It's okay, it's totally fine to support you and your father."

She insisted on giving the money, but Zhou Xiuyun couldn't refuse, so she had to accept the money and said, "Then I will take it for you. When you get married, I will save it for you as a dowry."

When Shen Yansheng heard her mother's words, she suddenly remembered that at this time last year, she and Fu Shiyu had just gotten engaged, and her mother moved out a box full of jewelry, all of which were good things that her mother pressed at the bottom of the box.

At that time, my mother took her hand and said happily: "When we get married, these will be dowry for you. Then I will buy a few more sets of jewelry for you, so that we can keep the beautiful scenery. get married."

It was clearly what happened last year, but when I look back on it now, it seems like half a lifetime has passed.

Shen Yansheng smiled, leaned over and hugged his mother, and said, "Okay, thank you mom."

Lu Jingce's business trip took longer than Shen Yansheng imagined. He didn't come back until the end of March.

Zhou Wanying seems to be on vacation recently, and often invites her out to go shopping for dinner.

Although Shen Yansheng didn't want to make friends anymore, Zhou Wanying was too enthusiastic, and she had such a good personality that the two of them had been together for a long time, and they gradually became friends with each other.

This afternoon, the two were shopping in the mall and passed a men's clothing store. Zhou Wanying went in to help Xie Rin pick a shirt.

When she mentioned Xie Rin, there was a gentle and sweet smile in her eyes, and she said, "Xie Rin is so picky about shirts, and every time I buy it for him, I get tangled to death."

Shen Yansheng smiled and said, "It's better to bring him and let him pick it out for himself."

Zhou Wanying said: "He won't come, let him go shopping with me, and in less than half an hour, he will find a cafe and sit by himself."

Shen Yansheng smiled and said, "Men don't seem to like shopping."

Speaking of this, Zhou Wanying suddenly said, "By the way, Sheng Sheng, would you like to pick a present for Lu Jingce? It seems that next week is his birthday."

Shen Yansheng was stunned when she heard the words, she looked at Zhou Wanying, "Next week?"

"It should be. It seems to be the seventh day of April."


This really stumped Shen Yansheng, she didn't know what Lu Jingce liked.

She followed Zhou Wanying around the mall, and finally chose the most secure pair of cufflinks.

The day Lu Jingce returned to China was April 3rd. After flying for more than ten hours, he landed and had a temporary dinner. He drank some wine during the entertainment, and it was past ten o'clock in the evening when he returned home.

Shen Yansheng hadn't slept yet, and was working in the bedroom with the lights on.

The company has a show at the end of next month, and she wants to take this opportunity to design a good work so that she can gain a firm foothold in the company as soon as possible.

She has been boiling for three consecutive days, her eyes are red, and there is a cup of coffee in the corner of the table. When she is tired, she relies on coffee to survive.

She was working so intently that she didn't hear the car downstairs coming into the yard.

Lu Jingce got out of the car and didn't see Shen Yansheng when he entered the house. He handed the suit jacket to Aunt Ping and asked, "Where's the person? Are you asleep?"

Although she didn't mention her name, Aunt Ping naturally knew who she was asking. She took the coat and replied with a smile, "No. Miss has been staying up late and working overtime these days, and the lights in the room are still on at two or three in the morning. "

Hearing this, Lu Jingce frowned, and then said, "Go and tell her to come down."

"Hey." Aunt Ping responded, and hurriedly went upstairs with her coat in her hands.

In the bedroom, Shen Yansheng was cutting a piece of fabric on the desk when she suddenly heard someone knocking on the door. She didn't look back, she was doing what she was doing and asked, "What's the matter?"

Aunt Ping replied outside: "Miss, President Lu is back, let you go down."

Shen Yansheng's action of cutting the cloth paused, and counting the days, Lu Jingce's business trip has been on for nearly half a month, and it's time to come back.

She turned back and replied, "I see, I'll come down soon."

Because she was alone in the bedroom, she was thinly dressed and only wore a nightdress with suspenders. The heating in the bedroom was hot enough and she didn't feel cold at all.

Putting things down, she casually put on a beige sweater and cardigan and went downstairs.

Lu Jingce was tired all the way. He was actually a little tired now. He leaned back on the sofa and closed his eyes to rest.

Hearing footsteps from upstairs, he opened his eyes and looked towards the stairwell.

Seeing Lu Jingce looking at her, Shen Yansheng smiled generously and said, "You're back."

She went downstairs and walked to the sofa. Before she got close, she smelled the smell of alcohol and couldn't help but ask, "Drinking?"

Lu Jingce stretched out his hand and pulled her into his arms as she approached, his warm lips rubbing the skin beside her ear, and asked in a low voice, "Did you miss me?"

Similar to the rubbing of ears and temples in a lover's room, but Shen Yansheng felt nervous, her body was a little tense, and she couldn't open her mouth while pursing her lips.

When the servants saw this scene, they all bowed their heads knowingly, and no one dared to come forward to disturb them.

Lu Jingce's lips were still pressed against the side of Shen Yansheng's neck, and they rubbed together gently, but after waiting for a long while before Shen Yansheng answered him, he immediately lost interest, let go of her, and said, "Your mouth is sealed, even if I'm not happy to lie and coax me."

Shen Yansheng pursed his lips unconsciously, and was even more speechless.

The atmosphere was a little stiff for a while, Lu Jingce leaned back on the sofa, he closed his eyes and pressed his eyebrows with a headache.

After a while, he opened his eyes, looked sideways at the housekeeper at the door, and said, "Go get the things in the car."

"Hey." The housekeeper responded and quickly turned around and walked into the yard.

At that time, Shen Yansheng didn't know what Lu Jingce asked Uncle Wang to fetch. She sat on the sofa, thinking about how to break the deadlock.

But just when she turned around and wanted to talk to Lu Jingce, she saw the housekeeper leading a servant back from the outside yard.

The servant behind him was holding a cello in his arms.

That qin looked too familiar, and Shen Yansheng seemed to be stuck there.

She suspected that she was wrong, stood up unconsciously, and walked towards the piano.

The servant held the violin with great care, because the housekeeper had just warned you to be careful, this violin was very valuable.

Standing in front of the servant, Shen Yansheng reached out and stroked the body of the piano. The moment the hand touched, or in other words, the moment she approached, she recognized that this was her piano.

This piano has been with her for nearly ten years, and because it is a precious gift, she has always been like a treasure, so she can recognize it just by looking at it.

She was too pleasantly surprised and too shocked, she stroked Qin's body for a long time, and finally turned to look at Lu Jingce.

She opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but she couldn't say anything for a while in her heart.

Lu Jingce got up at that time, picked up the phone on the coffee table, and said indifferently, "It's not early, go to bed early."

After saying that, he turned around and went upstairs.

That night, Shen Yansheng stayed up all night, and the servant helped her carry the piano upstairs.

She tried to play the violin, but thinking that Lu Jingce was next door, afraid of disturbing his sleep, she stopped after less than half a minute.

Lying on the bed at night, looking at Qin who was placed in the corner by her, Lu Jingce's figure appeared uncontrollably in his mind.

She thought about the days since she met Lu Jingce. In fact, he has been very good to her, paying her debts, helping her family clean up the mess, spending a lot of money without frowning.

Even if their relationship was not pure, she knew that in Lu Jingce's circle, it was not uncommon to take money to support a woman.

But Lu Jingce never forced her, and he was very caring for her in daily life. Now, even if she didn't take the initiative to speak up, he helped her find the lost piano.

If she can still carry it clearly, she shouldn't be holding it unknowingly.

That night, Shen Yansheng tossed and turned on the bed, unable to sleep.

When I went downstairs in the morning, I made up my mind that I must be more warm to Lu Jingce today, and I would also like to thank him for helping her buy back the lost piano.

But when she went downstairs, she found that Lu Jingce was no longer at home. She lost the chance to please, thinking about waiting for Lu Jingce to come back in the evening before thanking him solemnly.

Unexpectedly, Lu Jingce did not come home for several days after going out this time.

During this period, she sent Lu Jingce a WeChat message to thank him for helping her find the piano.

However, Lu Jingce didn't get back to her, and for a few days, the two had no contact again.

Shen Yansheng was at home alone, and occasionally when she was eating alone, she would wonder for some reason, is she being put into a cold palace, or is Lu Jingce having another woman outside?

The servants at home also looked at her with some sympathy.

After all, when she annoyed Lu Jingce that night, the servants were all there. In addition, Lu Jingce hasn't been home for a few days, so everyone can't help guessing in private, is Miss Shen falling out of favor?

Shen Yansheng was full of inexplicable thoughts, Lu Jingce didn't contact her, and she didn't want to catch up until that night, when she went out to eat with Wanwan.

During the meal, the two of them chatted about everything, and Wan Wan told her about entertainment industry gossip. She was bored and gradually heard some fun.

Later, when talking about a talented girl in the music industry, Wanwan suddenly remembered something and asked Shen Yansheng, "By the way, did Lu Jingce give you the piano?"

Shen Yansheng was stunned when she heard the words, and looked at Zhou Wanying, "How do you know?"

Zhou Wanying said, "Of course I know. Didn't your qin sold to a qin shop at the time? Later that qin was sold to a collector, and finally passed to Liu Shi."

"You know, a musician of Liu Shi's level is not short of money, but everyone in the circle knows that she likes Lu Jingce, so when Lu Jingce asked someone to buy a piano from her, she refused to sell it. Ask Lu Jingce to talk to her in person."

Shen Yansheng was stunned for a while, and asked, "Then what?"

Zhou Wanying said, "No one would dare to threaten Lu Jingce until now. Of course, he ignored Liu Shi and continued to find someone to make an offer. Lu Jingce finally offered him a price three times higher than the market price for your violin."

"Liu Shi probably didn't dare to serve it too much. He was afraid that it would annoy Lu Jingce and make her unable to get along in this circle at any time. So I finally agreed, on the condition that Lu Jingce accompany her to dinner."

Shen Yansheng asked, "Has Lu Jingce gone?"

"Go." Zhou Wanying said: "Just a few days ago he came back from Australia, and he was already very tired after flying for more than ten hours. He sent someone to fetch the piano, but Liu Shi refused to give anything, and insisted that Lu Jingce personally go get it."

Shen Yansheng sat there blankly, suddenly remembering that when Lu Jingce came home that night, he looked really tired.

He took so much trouble into her affairs, she didn't know the good and bad, and she didn't have a good word, no wonder he was so angry that he didn't bother to care about her.

Shen Yansheng fiddled with the straw in the cup unconsciously, his mind was in a mess, and he couldn't think of what to do for a while to calm Lu Jingce down.

The author says:

Babies, I prefer you to change the title of the book, "Tenderness to the Bone", it feels very suitable for our President Lu~

Remember the new book title, the cover will be replaced in a few days~