MTL - Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures-Chapter 2836 : Momo, I finally have you

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Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

Yan Xiuhan was all intestines at this moment, his face was extremely ugly, and he was dead!

Yan Shaoqing actually killed General Guan, who was already a thirty-fiveth level, Yan Xiuhan was shocked!

General Guan is his main force. Now that General Guan is dead, he is equivalent to losing an arm.

Damn Yan Shaoqing! The flames in Yan Xiuhan's eyes seemed to be gushing out.

However, Yan Shaofeng's attacking force is also very fierce. His cultivation is very weird. Obviously, his cultivation is only the fifteenth level of spiritual power, but the strength he uses is equivalent to his fanfare.

Yan Xiuhan didn't dare to pay attention to deal with Yan Shaofeng.

Several generals were killed by Yan Shaoqing at the first sight of General Guan's move, and his eyes showed unprecedented fear.

In particular, General Wang, he came confidently, thinking that after the night, he would be able to occupy a high weight, the Wang family flew Huang Tengda, but did not expect that death had been in sight.

General Wang looked at General Guan's body. He sneaked away to the outside of the main hall. The King of Han was doomed to defeat. His Royal Highness had already set the game. Yan Shaoqing's strength was unpredictable. Otherwise, it was him who died, and he watched the killing scenes vigilantly, and kept stepping back.

There was a constant flow of people around in black, and after a while, the blood flowed into the river under the shadow of the sword, under the moonlight, the blood was shocking!

In the shadow of the sword light, the blood mist is flying, and the bodies are horrifying!

"General Wang, so anxious, where are you going?" Mu Tianchi played with his hands around his chest and looked at General Wang with a smile.

General Wang is a villain who sees the wind, and people like the state of Shenglan are not allowed to be generals. Remove them tonight, the province will have trouble in the future.

General Wang stopped suddenly, and Mu Tianyu's sudden appearance made him a little surprised. He looked at Mu Tianyu with a charming smile and said, "Master, this general did not rebel with the king of the cold, and this general will now call for the troops. , Destroy the King of Cold, let my emperor feel at ease, and His Royal Highness be at ease. "

"Hehe!" Mu Tianchi smiled coldly. No one would be relieved when he was alive.

"General Wang, the risk of doing this is too great. After all, it is His Royal Highness, not ordinary people. This time you are really miscalculated! You are alive, and everyone is uneasy! You are dead, everyone is at ease." Mu Tian Tian's tone, listening to it all seems to be sorry for General Wang!

Hearing this, General Wang took a sigh of relief, and was even more horrified in his heart. He longed for higher rights and status, and couldn't stand the cold king's intimidation and lure.

He smiled as brightly as a rotten persimmon, and now it is important to save his life: "Master, you laughed, and I will let the generals kill the King of Han."

Mu Tianchi smiled coldly and said sarcastically, "General Wang, don't have to worry about it, we can win the ticket without your people."

At the end of the speech, Mu Tianyi shot in an instant, killing General Wang with a speed that could not cover his ears.

"Ah ... you ... you!" General Wang's eyes widened and he could only issue simple syllables. He looked at Mu Tianyu in disbelief. He killed him without mercy.

"General Wang, go, your family, the king will settle for you, a villain like you who sees the wind to make the rudder, and leave like this will not harm your family." After speaking coldly, he turned and attacked the next person.

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