MTL - Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures-Chapter 2873 : Mo Mo, I finally married you

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Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

On the streets that were surrounded by impenetrability, they were smashing their scalp to see His Royal Highness.

I have to say that Yan Shaofeng today has a picturesque eyebrow, a gentle smile, a red lips enchanting, and a dark ink bottom radiating with happiness, and his entire body is full of godlike beauty and innateness Noble, it gives off a kind of majesty of the world.

Amazing momentum, people can't ignore their eyes.

The crowds on the street seemed to be happier than the groom.

However, this noise did not affect Yan Shaofeng in the slightest.

The publicity and frivolity in his youth made ordinary life a precious life, and Yan Shaofeng also harvested love and friendship and emperorship at the same time.

Such a life, for Yan Shaofeng, is very happy.

Yan Shaofeng was thinking at this moment, maybe his last life was too bitter. In this life, he got all he wanted, and in this life, he will give thanks to all of this, let Shenglan The people of the country enjoy the prosperity of the peace.

Time is not important, what is important is that he can stick to something he wants to stick to forever.

The sun is gorgeous and dazzling. The bright sun shines warmly on the person.

Yan Shaofeng finally saw the beloved who made him worry.

"Well! Look, the bride is out."

"The wedding dress is so dazzling and gorgeous!"

"Yeah! This lady Jane is a noble queen maiden from today. Jianmo has been in Shenglan for hundreds of years, and no woman has ever entered the palace. But this generation, there is a queen, but the Jane family is afraid to fly Huang Tengda . "

"Yeah! This Jian Mo really deserves God's love."

"The Crown Prince came to marry him personally, but Jian Mo is unique in history."

The people on the street talked about it, they all admired Jian Mo, and envied this luxurious, dreamy and romantic wedding.

Jian Xi took Jian Mo's hand and walked in front of Yan Shaofeng with a smile.

Yan Shaofeng bowed deeply to Jian Xi, and his behavior was won by the people.

"Sister works hard!" Shao Feng said with a smile, Jian Xi deserved his hard work, she still regarded life as Momo!

Jian Xi smiled lightly, and her eyes filled with tears. She smiled with tears and said, "His Royal Highness, Momo will be given to your Highness. I hope you will be together in the same boat, happy and happy!" .

Shao Feng stared gently at Jian Mo, covered by a red hijab. He smiled softly, moved his eyes to Jian Mo, and said with a smile: "Please rest assured, Shao Feng, in this life, will never lose Mo Mo!"

Jian Xi nodded and handed Jian Mo's hand to Shao Feng's.

She finally shook her hand, and finally, he and her had a positive result!

Shao Feng held Jian Mo's hand and carefully took her to the pearly phoenix.

Momo, even if it's gone forever, in this life, I will also bring you the same eyebrows, the years are still the same!

In this life, you are my only soul mate. Fortunately, I am not killed.

He loves Jianmo, and everyone knows it!

"Papapa ...!" The salute sounded through the clouds again.

Yan Shaofeng took Jian Mo and sat down on a soft couch in the middle of an anemone. There was a dreamlike red veil floating around him, romantic and shy.

With the sound of firecrackers, dozens of people carried and phoenixes slowly moved.

The people around me kneeled respectfully and prayed for the new emperor and queen in the future, letting them grow old and make the Holy Land peaceful.

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