MTL - Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures-Chapter 2875 : Mo Mo, I finally married you

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Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

Feng Yan has been heading for the imperial palace. Today is the day of Yan Shaofeng ’s wedding and the day of her ascension.

The two went to the palace to worship heaven and earth, and then they were on the throne.

The two entered the palace and, under the support of the civil and military officials, went to Yulingtai to salute!

Ye Qianxi, Ling Leyao, Qian Yancheng, they followed all the way, the whole scene was shocking!

Yulingtai is the most sacred place in the kingdom of Saint Lan. All previous princes and emperors have been married. They have to come here to worship and worship the heavens and the earth. The 99 steps are covered with red carpets. Both sides are like Jian Mo. The phoenix flower was blowing in a breeze, the faint floral fragrance was refreshing, and even the air carried a sweet breath. This beautiful scene was happy and romantic.

Looking at the magnificent and luxurious scenes, I know how much Yan Shaofeng cares.

In order to give Jian Mo a romantic and dreamlike luxury wedding, Yan Shaofeng made every effort to make every decoration perfect, and the most exciting thing is to put the beautiful anemone in the wind, such as Ye also congratulated this century wedding.

At Yulingtai, everyone stepped on the ninety-nine steps, right in the middle of Yulingtai, on the grand dragon chair, Emperor Sheng Lan looked kind and smiled at Shao Feng and Jian Mo.

The civil and military officials and the crowd stood more respectfully on both sides, and the scene was huge.

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!" The uniform voice sounded through the sky.

"Zhong Qing is flat!" Sheng Lanhuang threw a loud voice with deep joy.

The emperor's eyes moved to a couple of new people, and said with a smile: "Fenger, today is the day of your great joy, and the day you inherited the unification of my kingdom of the saint. Since then, the two have gone through the same storms and storms together, creating the peace and prosperity of our Holy Land! "

"Respect to the teachings of the Father!" Shao Feng and Jian Mo Qiqi respectfully responded.

Emperor Sheng Lan nodded with satisfaction and glanced at the father-in-law behind him.

Father Gong Lin nodded a little, raised his head, and shouted with a loud smile: "The good times have come! Play music."

As soon as Lin Gong's voice fell, the entire emperor was playing music. From the Royal Palace of the Holy Lan, all the way to the entire emperor's capital, there were different music throughout the emperor's capital, praying for the future new queen and queen.

"A worship of heaven and earth!" With the sharp voice of Father Gong Lin, Shao Feng took Jian Mo's hand and turned to worship.

"Two worship high hall!" The two kneeled down at the Emperor Sheng Lan, bowing respectfully.

"Couple worship!" Yan Shaofeng smiled more and more tenderly and happily. He glanced at Jian Mo, covered by a red hijab, and his heart was agitated and unable to hold himself.

Momo, you finally belong to me completely, Shao Feng's eyes are slightly moist, all the wait is for this moment, with his last name, crown her name.

And Jian Mo, under the red hijab, smiled a little, and she poured all her love on the man opposite him, just for the sake of this life and not to owe each other.

May the next life, the man named Murong Shaofeng, or Yan Shaofeng, will always be happy.

Shao Feng, in this life, I will exhaust all my feelings to love you.

The two worshiped each other deeply!

"Li Cheng!" This time, he did not enter the cave.

And there is another link, the two work together to reach the throne.

Shao Feng pulled Jian Mo and walked to the golden and luxurious luxurious dragon chair on the high platform.

After sitting with the two, Yan Shao stared at the crowd with a slight glance.

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