MTL - Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures-Chapter 7 : Six years later

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Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

Six years later, in the phantom forest in the southern border of Haoyue Kingdom, this is the only way to go back to Haoyue Kingdom.

In the Phantom Forest, this is the forbidden area of ​​Haoyue Kingdom. There are towering trees and strange flowers here, because the poisonous barriers are spread here, and the land of Warcraft is full. Most people or people who are repaired under the fifth stage of Jinxuan Period Not afraid to come in.

Below a steep cliff, the scenery is beautiful. Two long identical little boys, one in black and one in white, looked fiercely. I saw two identical little boys, about five years old. The facial features are surprisingly exquisite, especially the bright eyes, which are even more watery than the girls. The look of the pink carvings makes people look indifferent, as if gazing at a skillful work of art. .

In the green forests everywhere, one hundred and one black formed a sharp contrast.

"Brother, the Hydra in front of you is a holy beast. Do you have a solution?"

The little man in white clothes looked at the drooling Hydra Warcraft in front of them with a look of fear. A pair of small hands were so nervous that he pulled his brother's arm. In fact, his heart was tight. This Warcraft was immediately under his brother's sword. Undead, his expression of fear was nothing more than to please the Hydra WoW.

The body of the Hydra snake, with nine heads, is eager to eat the food in front of it. After listening to the words of the little people, it looks more proud of their fear.

"Fifth-order cultivation in the Dixuan period also dared to enter the psychedelic forest, but we haven't eaten fresh and tender food like you for a long time. Today is really lucky! I met you two little babies, but they are too small, It's not enough to plug in the teeth. "

The snake head with the largest hydra of WoW said proudly and regretfully. The sticky and foul-smelling saliva made people extremely sick.

"Don't say it's the Holy Beast Warcraft, it's the Beast Warcraft. I'm right."

The boy who was replaced by his elder brother was arrogant, with a somber face sulking the Hydra Warcraft, and he never looked at the Warcraft in the Beast period, not to mention the Warcraft in the Holy Beast period, his small body, Bai Xi's face There was a gloomy shade that didn't match his age. If anyone saw him like that, he wouldn't believe it. He was just a five-year-old child.

"Brother, then you have to be more precise. If the Xuan Qi Ling grass on the cliff is refined from Xuan Ling Dan and eat it for Xin Er, Xin Er will be able to jump around a month."

"One month?" The boy frowned, apparently very dissatisfied with the duration of the month.

"Brother, Xiner's body needs to be slowly adjusted. At least this month we don't have to worry about Xiner's illness."

"I'm here to deal with the Hydra Warcraft. You go to the cliff to get the mysterious grass. You can't let the mother wait too long, otherwise the mother will be angry."

"Got it!"

The conversation between the two brothers apparently annoyed Hydra.

"Huh! It's a big word, two little farts also want to kill me a holy beast."

The little boy in black smiled lightly, but it made people panic. The little body stood upright and instantly released the fifth-order mystery of Jin Xuanqi.

Fiercely, Hydra took a few steps back in horror, and looked at the small body in front of him like a ghost. It was really going against the sky. This child was actually Jin Xuan's fifth-order cultivation ...

"Kill you, I just happened to be promoted to the sixth stage of Jin Xuanqi."

-End of this chapter-