MTL - Ghostly Masked Prince Xiao: Pampering and Spoiling the Little Adorable Consort-Chapter 1659 Unwilling to open my heart (plus more)

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Gongsun Xue was sitting in the study, holding a folder in her hand. After leaving Xiao Xu's yard, she sat there for more than half an hour. The folder was still the folder, and no page was turned, and her eyes fell on , But I do not know where God is swimming.

In the past few days, Xiao Yao was here to accompany her, either to urge her to eat or to review the memorials with her. It used to be a one-person thing. Now that he has more people, he doesn't feel inconvenient, but there is a kind of It is no longer the feeling of being alone.

Moreover, he is a very intelligent person, and he is very important. He knows when to disturb her and when to not disturb her, so the two get along in harmony.

In the Yue tribe, everyone either respects her or wants to harm her. Few people can sit with her. There is no identity constraint and no worldly humble opinion. They just stay from sunrise to sunset.

However, from now on, she may have to return to the way he had not been before, and she would walk in the deserted place alone for the rest of her life.

I just told myself clearly that this is the end, but I still have some difficulties in my heart.

From now on, no one will tell you in your ears that three meals should be eaten on time.

In the future, no one will prepare snacks and scented tea for you.

In the future, no one will chatter and chat around you.


It turned out that in a short time, he had infiltrated her life, affecting her habits, unknowingly ...

She looked at the discounts in her hands, and today there was no efficiency at all, and no page was turned.

Can't go on like this, she must return to the original point.

She put down her zipper, rubbed her eyebrows, reached for the tea cup on the table, wanted to drink her throat and calm down.

Without looking up, she didn't realize that someone had put the tea cup in her hand.

She took it and opened the tea lid and took a sip, and then someone helped her take the tea cup and put it back in place.

This movement was so natural that she realized that something was wrong when she was about to pick up the pen again to review the notes.

She looked up sharply, only to find that the person who was supposed to leave was standing at her table, playing with the pearl that had just been sent up.

"You ... haven't left yet?" She consciously felt a little morbid and calmed down before asking casually.

Xiao Yao held the pearl in the sunlight outside, turned to look at her after hearing the words, and still had an under-flat smile on his face.

Gongsun Xuewen Yan felt a loss in his heart, but his face was not obvious, his face quietly said, "What are you doing here?"

As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Yao showed a disappointed and hurt expression. He put down the pearl, as if the beautiful pearl could no longer attract his attention. The whole man looked at her with a slump on his shoulders, and his tone was very low. Go? I just want to stay here with you for a while before. Even if I go, I should say something to you. I didn't expect you to drive me away! "

Gongsun Xue was accused of such an accusation.

If she said anything, she could only comfort him by pouring out the water. Otherwise, the man would definitely give up.

"I don't mean that, don't think about it. It just feels like you should be ready to leave now, why are you here?"

When Xiao Yao heard it, Yu Guang peeped at her. "Then I ask you, do you miss me?"

As soon as this word came out, Gongsun Xue froze.

The answer to this question was obvious, but she didn't know how to speak to him.

He was leaving, she didn't want to increase his burden.

Since the results can't be changed, why tell the truth?

"Aren't you leaving yet? Aren't you afraid your brother is waiting for them?" She said to him.

Her dodging eyes and lame topic-shifting effort did not require her to know what she really thought.

Xiao Yao was rejoicing in his heart. The company these days was really in vain. Bingmei obviously started to take him in his heart, but he still worked harder.

"No hurry, my brother they have to pack up, I still have time to say goodbye to you."

Gongsun Xue nodded.

In fact, she hoped that he would not show up again, because she was afraid that she would be more reluctant to do so.

She doesn't know what role he plays in her life, but in the past few days, he has become at least her friend. She is the most important person besides her father and mother, so she hopes he will be safe in the future. Free and happy.

Xiao Yao's eyes flashed, "I'm leaving, why are you so cold and indifferent, do you have anything to say to me?"

He wanted to take this opportunity to listen to Bingmei's heart.

"Be safe on the road."

There are many things in her heart to say, but at this moment, she can only say this one.

Xiao Yao put her hands on the table and approached her, her eyes stared at each other, her voice lowered, with a deceptive tenderness, "Nothing else?"

He approached suddenly, leaving her nowhere to go, only to see him getting closer and closer to her. At this moment, she couldn't hear any more than her own heartbeat.

She also wanted to say, if you can, can you stay? There are so many people looking for Fengling, there is no shortage of you, but there is no one around me, and I need you more than anyone.

However, as soon as these words reached the throat, a knock was heard on the door, and then a report sounded outside.

"Master Qilu, the Xiao family has left."


As soon as Gongsun Xue was "stunned" in his heart, his gaze turned to someone who started to stand up straight and prepare to apply oil to his feet. "Xiao Yao, what's going on?"

Xiao Yao also wanted to hide it for a while. Where did he know that Cheng Cheng killed a bite of gold halfway and broke his plan, he coughed and said haha, "That's what you heard."

As soon as the words came out, she already wanted to understand, "You hit me?"

The other party gave her a soothing smile.

Gongsun Xue said coldly, "Xiao Yao, how brave you are!"

"I just want to joke with you and see your reaction." Xiao Yao explained immediately.

"Oh, would anyone be kidding me about this?"

Xiao Yao aggrieved, "I just want to know if you start to treat me as a friend, will you be reluctant to leave me, that's all."

Gongsun Xue looked at him like this and couldn't beat him up. She was just fooled by his appearance just now. If she was not really upset, how could he be fooled by him?

"Okay, great. In this case, I'll let you know what a real response is."

As soon as Gongsun Xue said this, Xiao Yao had a bad feeling.

as expected.

"Come here, help me send Xiao Ergong to Xiao Xiaogong. They said they went too fast. They left Xiao Ergong here, and now send them to them."

When Xiao Yao heard it, he was stunned, what else could he do?

Not seen for a long time, the ice beauty has blackened people?

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