MTL - Ghostly Masked Prince Xiao: Pampering and Spoiling the Little Adorable Consort-Chapter 1671 Digging three feet without seeing people

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Gongsun Yuan is at least two adult men's tonnage. So he was lifted up by Shui Ling's collar. It can be imagined how much Shui Ling was already angry at this time, and Gongsun Yuan was caught in the collar. However, if it wasn't for the follower Huo Lingyan's eyes quickly stopped, maybe Gongsun Yi would have gone to see King Yan Luo now.

The change was just a moment, and everyone didn't respond.

Xiao Xu angrily reprimanded, "Water spirit, what kind of system do you have!"

He can understand the anxious mood of Shui Ling, but this is after all the Yue tribe, Gongsun Xue and others are still singing, they must not go over, otherwise there is no reason if the other party wants to investigate. So he took the first step and criticized Shui Ling, but he was actually protecting her.

Shui Ling retracted her hands, anxious and angry, and her eyes were red with tears. She knelt in front of her master, tears lingering, "Master, we searched the whole mansion and found no whereabouts of Fengling, what can we do!"

Huo Ling followed the echo, "Yeah, we are about to dig the ground three feet here, but we still can't find Feng Ling, isn't Feng Ling here?"

Everyone couldn't help frowning, and they looked at Gongsun Yun, Xiao Xu's eyes flashed a sigh of sigh, "Human!"

Gongsun Yun was coughing hard at this time. Just now the woman looked delicate and weak. I didn't expect that she had such great strength that she almost strangled her. Leng Buding heard Xiao Xu's cry, and she was frightened. Although she just stared at these beautiful men just now, she didn't dare to look at Xiao Xu. Although he was wearing a mask, he was so She has seen countless years of experience in reading people. This person is the most uncomfortable. At a glance, the whole body was exasperated. She was terrified in her heart.

But what she hated the most was being threatened. They thought they were in her hands, and those people didn't dare to do anything to her. So she raised her chin and despised everyone with a high toe. "Did I just say that? No one except me can find the water breeze! You still do n’t believe it! Oh, let me go, and kneel in front of me with three beeps, saying you never dare to offend me again, and leave the beautiful men to serve me, Then I can consider letting you meet him! "

"Shameless!" Shui Ling went up with a slap! It's a pity that this man is too thick and hurts his hands.

Gongsun Yu was beaten aside, she was the most anxious, and howled again at this time, "You cheap | woman, dare to do it to me! I tell you, you don't want to know his whereabouts."

Shui Ling reached out and drew the sword from Fire Spirit's waist, and pointed to her neck, "Do you believe me, I will kill you now!"

The sharp point of the sword flashed light, which made Gongsun aunt shrink back a little, but she quickly shook her neck and shouted, "If I die, he can't live! You weigh it!"

The fat on Gongsun's face trembled up and down as she smiled smugly. The fat and fat appearance, coupled with this attitude, made the people present evil.

Shui Ling's hand shook and hesitated on her face. Gongsun Yu was right, she couldn't kill her now.

At this time, Xiao Xu stood up and walked to Gongsun Ao. His black eyes were full of indifference, "You are mistaken. If Feng Ling has a difference, you can't live!"

As soon as this was said, Xiao Yao and others immediately felt that the indoor temperature had dropped again. Xiao Yao couldn't help rubbing his arms. It seemed that the emperor was angry, and when the emperor was angry, someone would suffer.

Gongsun Yun was frightened by Xiao Xu ’s aura, but she was thick and not afraid of cold. At this time, her IQ was online and she knew that Fengling was her only chip. As long as she talked about the conditions with Fengling, she would be able to She took the opportunity to protect herself, so she couldn't explain it so easily.

So Gongsun shouted, "You, do you think you threaten me so, will you be afraid? Tell you, let me go, keep me safe, and let them serve me, and promise me all the conditions I just gave, I will be big Compassionately tell you about his whereabouts, or don't even think about it. "

Maybe no one can think of the reason that Gongsun Yu has the courage to fight against Xiao Xu. It is her dedication to beauty. The men present are all superb. She has lived for so many years, and the waiters who grabbed her hands are not so brilliant.

Therefore, it is confirmed that the peony flower is also a ghost.

Xiao Yao and others couldn't help the goosebumps that were revealed by Gongsun Yi, a woman can live to such an extent that it is an extraordinary miracle.

How could Xiao Xu promise her these conditions, and Gongsun Xue's voice sounded in his ear when he thought about prying out of her mouth.

"Don't worry about her identity, Xu Yu can't carry it anymore. It is also a matter of time before the Yue tribe is defeated like a mountain. At that time, she will be nothing and don't need to worry about explaining to the Yue tribe. I do n’t know. ”

Gongsun Xue's cold voice made Gongsun Yu stunned. She stared at Gongsun Xue, "How can you treat me like this! We closed the door and settle the matter yourself, how can you let outsiders insult me! The grandparents of Gongsun's family were watching! Aren't you afraid to see them insulted in the future? "

Xiao Yao couldn't help but look back. "You vicious fat woman, when you killed your father, you thought about the ancestors and ancestors, and it's you who are the most scourged! Maybe your ancestors and clans will clap their hands when they see you! "

"You--" Gongsun was so angry that he couldn't say a word.

Gongsun Xue watched Xiao Yao speaking to her in anger, warming up in her heart.

"Say, where is the wind spirit!" Shui Ling crossed her sword across her neck, expressing her hatred.

Gongsun Yun looked at the sword around his neck, and suddenly a forward leaned forward and hit him, and Shui Ling was so frightened that he immediately retracted his hand.

Without encountering the sword, Gongsun Yu pouted his mouth with pity, looking provocatively at the water spirit, "I knew you didn't dare to fight against me, and my words are here, unless I'm happy, you don't want to follow Get any news here! "

Everyone saw the thrilling scene just now. They didn't expect that Gongsun Yun would be so stubborn, it was simply not salty. This made everyone difficult, they could n’t kill, they could n’t ask and asked, what should I do?

Just when the crowd was in awe, some people came in and told the obituary, "Master, little master and two old masters."

Xiao Xu heard his words frown slightly. What did they do at this time? When he wanted to send them back, he listened to his subordinates. "The little master said that he had come by the order of the little princess."


Xiao Xu was puzzled, but still let them in.

It didn't take long for the two big and one small to lead the three big and swayed in.

Before Xiao Xu said, Xiao Ankang rushed over to hug his leg, raised his head and said with a smile, "My mother knows that you haven't found the wind and crisp, so let the baby give his father a helper!"