MTL - Ghostly Masked Prince Xiao: Pampering and Spoiling the Little Adorable Consort-Chapter 1686 Can't smile slightly

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As soon as she turned around, Xiao Yao had already appeared behind her. Regardless of others' eyes, she reached out and clasped her shoulders, pulled her closer to her eyes, her voice squeezed out of her teeth.

"What the **** are you thinking? At this time, what are you thinking of breaking three innings and two wins? Isn't Ming Zhe's body protection the most important thing? Why are you so impulsive? Does the high priest agree with you? Usually you are most at ease. Do n’t worry? If you repent now, I'll help you find the letter ...

Gongsun Xue was clasped in front of him tightly, listening to his gritted teeth, it is not difficult to hear the worry from his anxious tone, she did not let him continue, "Xiao Yao."

This clear and pleasant voice made Xiao Yao stop the words for a moment. He rarely heard her so gently calling her name, and was somewhat flattered.

Sapphire and others saw Xiao Yao holding their master and escorted them subconsciously, but when they saw the style suddenly changed, they stopped moving, looked at each other, and stepped back, leaving space for the two of them. Standing in the distance and guarding.

"Do you believe me?"

Bathed in the clear winter sun, the blue flowers on the snow-colored brocade radiated in the sun, as if alive, and she saw her eyes were gentle and her expression opened slowly.

Xiao Yao almost blurted out the letter, but when she thought of the pit she dug for herself, she stopped immediately and looked at her in confusion.

"I really want to believe you, but how do you make me believe it? I never guessed your mind, and you never believed me, Bingmei, is it really so difficult to confess to me?"

She heard his confusion and injury, but couldn't be soft at the moment. She had a lot of words in her heart, but she couldn't tell the outside.

She suppressed the emotions in her heart, her eyes were like the depth of the lake, and she said, "Xiao Yao, believe me, I will not lose. The peaceful and peaceful peace of the Yue tribe is what I always expected. I was not impulsive. It's not emotional, nor willful, I have my own opinion. "

The person in front of him, confident and beautiful, exudes a convincing light, making Xiao Yao hesitate for a moment, and finally difficult and authentic, "OK, I believe in you."

He just didn't want her in danger and had no trust.

But when she was so earnestly hoping that he could trust her, the determination was shaken.

This is the girl he has been caring for. How can she let her down?

Her tone was so firm, and perhaps it was only after careful consideration that she made this decision.

In this case, he supported her to the end!

Alas, before you chase someone, you start pampering. Is this really good?

"Thank you."

Gongsun Xue lifted his head and smiled at him, suddenly, like a spring breeze overnight, thousands of trees and pear blossoms, Xiao Yao looked stunned.

Xiao Yao had a response in his heart, this is really good!

It was also at this time that Gongsun Xue stepped back a few steps, widened the distance between the two, and smiled with a narrowed eye, "I still have something, take a step first."

Xiao Yao was still immersed in the smile she had just raised her eyes, and didn't respond until people had gone a long way.

He couldn't help himself, he was so easily confused, but to be honest, Bingmei laughed really well!

He touched his chin and couldn't catch up anymore, so he just walked back.

However, it wasn't long before he understood the meaning of what she said today and was distressed.

Inside the hall.

After Gongsun Xue left, the atmosphere was a lot more relaxed, but it was still affected by the influence just now.

Mu Ling was so straightforward that he asked directly, "How could this Gongsun Sovereign be at the house?"

Fire Spirit did not hide it, and told the story about the rescue of Gongsun Xuexue and the dispatch of the first few **** to save Fengfengling to Jinxin and others. "In short, this is a continuous process. Also fate and friendship. "

Tu Ling joked, "Look in a few days, your wording has improved a lot."

Fire spirit raised his little tail. "That is, live to learn to learn!"

The atmosphere was lively with these few words.

Chu Qingyan couldn't help being laughed at, but it was still a lot of people. This time, they returned with a lot of fun.

Yu Guang's expression of earnest faith, she thought and thought, "Still thinking about Gongsun girl?"

Xinxin nodded, "From the perspective of Huo Ling just now, her subordinates don't quite understand why she came to Luocheng to help find Fengling in person? Sending a person here can do the same. When she entered the city at that time, Xu Yu Before she lost power, as the master of a case, it was not a wise move to go into a dangerous place, and she gave her subordinates the illusion that she was here to wait for her subordinates. "

Honestly, she had so many doubts just after meeting her, why didn't she? Gongsun Xue appeared in Luocheng this time, with a lot of doubts, and this sudden declaration of war, completely different from her usual style, which made people a little disturbed.

But Chu Qingyan thought for a while and said, "This Gongsun Sovereign is a sensible person. I believe she has done this, and she has her intentions, and you have not been struggling with how to deal with the Japanese people. Now there is no ready The solution? You do n’t need to use force to solve it, you can explain it to the people. No matter whether you win or lose, no one dares to use two grievances to pressure you, right? ”

I believe that the owner and his son made sense and obeyed, "The master and son said, no matter what the outcome, it will be good for their subordinates."

"Well, you can think like that." Chu Qingyan smiled openly.

Everyone also said that this was a problem before the Sun and Moon races. They were not good at intervening as outsiders, and they had a little friendship with Gongsun Xue, and they were still Xiao Yao's sweethearts, so everyone tacitly chose to watch.

Since I believe that I am also my own, and the palms of my hands are all meat, let them fight for themselves! In the end they came back to clean up the mess.

Leaving aside the previous episode, I believe that it is okay to talk about official affairs, and the other ca n’t even say a word on the stick, so she was occupied by Xining at home. She was a taciturn, and now reunited, she had hidden a long time .

So everyone listened and listened to her, telling her what happened in the past year, interesting, thrilling, like a storyteller.

Although there are correspondences these days, these people are happy and not worried. They are ignored and ignored when they are in danger. At this moment, when hearing Xining's narrative, be present, don't look at them winning battle after battle. But during the hard work, only they knew it.

The world only sees you dressed in gorgeous hands holding high powers, but they do not know that you have gone through all the troubles.

Chu Qingyan felt sorry for them and believed them. When Xining finished speaking, he urged them to go to rest.

After returning to the room, Chu Qing walked in front of him with a sullen head, without being taken aback by the people behind him.

Big ice cubes love to raid more and more.

She didn't even speak, she said in a sullen tone, "I have fought so many battles, and I have never seen you feel bad about me."

Alas, this is jealous!