MTL - Ghostly Masked Prince Xiao: Pampering and Spoiling the Little Adorable Consort-Chapter 1741 Everything is still alive

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Shen Shenyi prescribed some medicines to better control the poison on Fengling. Except that he couldn't see the eyes, everything was normal.

After Shui Ling returned Feng Ling to the room, she sat on the bed and watched him quietly.

Although Feng Ling couldn't see it, she had a keen sense of martial arts for many years. He always knew that she was watching him. After a while, he couldn't stand her quiet and such straightforward attention. "What are you thinking? "

This was the first time in so many days that he had taken the initiative to speak to himself.

There was a surprise in Shui Ling's eyes, and the voice was astringent. "I didn't think I could wait for you today."

Hearing the crying voice in her voice, Feng Ling remembered his indifference these days, and his heart was very painful and uncomfortable. He always kept the girl she treasured in her heart, and never allowed others to bully her. In the end, what hurt her most was herself. He could n’t Forgive yourself, but you can do nothing, hate your incompetence.

"Feng Ling, I know what you're thinking, can you calm down and listen to me." Shui Ling looked at his tight lips, and felt regretful. He was so proud of the world-renowned Snapdragon leader. Now, she is suffering a lot. She loves her clearly, but forces herself not to come near. Tiehan is tender, and would rather be lonely to death than affect her. How deep this love is! She always knew.

Feng Ling froze, then nodded slowly, "I'm listening."

Shui Ling took a deep breath and said what he was planning to say.

"You've done so much these days, you just want me to leave you, don't want to be a burden on me."

"But Feng Ling, life is so short, in a blink of an eye, maybe it's over. You see, no one of us could have imagined that time. It was ten years later that I was afraid of this feeling. I don't ask for time. Eternal, I just do n’t want to be apart while we are alive. "

"Feng Ling, listen to Shen Shenyi's saying that your illness is not hopeless. Let's not give up any hope. Will I have a chance? Don't push me away! Otherwise--"

Feng Ling listened to her, and already had a huge wave in her heart. The last word made him jump, "What are you going to do?"

"I haven't planned to live since you were gone. I have long wanted to go with you. If you don't want me, then I'm not alive if I live.

The decisive voice rushed into his ears, and then he seemed to hear the sound of the knife scabbard. He immediately reached out and grasped her wrist accurately, with a guilty conscience, "Stupid girl, don't do stupid things!"

"You don't want me anymore, what's the point of me being alone?"

The words fell, as if something had hit the back of his hand, it was hot tears.

One drop and two drops, he smashed his breathing disorderly, cluttered his hands and feet, closed his eyes, and finally pulled her into his arms. He said fiercely, "You threaten me badly, but use your own life! Too noisy!"

If you don't, will you compromise? This little princess really works!

The corner of Shui Ling's mouth turned up. If Feng Ling could not see anything now, she would have guessed what she was thinking now.

"I don't care. If you don't agree with me, I'll hang myself somewhere."

"Who said I didn't want you," the previous sentence was still angry, but the last sentence was already affectionate, "how can I let you go?"

"After that, don't say those words anymore, my heart will hurt."

"it is good."

The two hugged each other tightly, as if to rub each other into their bodies, so that there would be no separation without distinguishing each other.

Huo Ling listened to the corner for a while, touched his nose, and smiled at the corner of his mouth. The little princess was very powerful. He came up with this method of using poison to attack the poison. It's done.

So he strode forward, walked forward in a good mood, Yu Guang caught sight of a shadow, his eyes lighted up, and he immediately caught up.

"Jade, where are you going? Is there the kind of pastry you gave me last time? It's so delicious, I can't forget the taste ..."

Jasper saw the rushing figure from afar, and stroked his forehead. This noisy fellow came again!

Tao Tao and Dongting Wangyu appeared in Kyoto when the buds of the peach blossoms filled the branches.

As soon as they appeared, they were taken to the palace by Xiao Lie, who had been waiting for him.

The old people met, it is necessary to tell the old, but because of the special circumstances, Chu Qingyan greeted them and asked a few things on the road. I wanted to ask her about the progress between Dongting and Dongting. Xue's illness could not be delayed, so he put it in the back and took Tao Tao to Fengling's room first.

Tao Tao knew that his life was off, and when he saw the Fengling lying on the couch, he went to the clinic without a word.

The eyes of Shui Ling and others fell on her, paying attention to the changes in her expression, and she did not let go of the changes in her eyes, for fear that she could not cure her.

Early on the way, she heard Cheng Yanluo's description of Feng Ling's illness. Tao Tao had a spectrum in her heart, and now she examined the eyes of Xia Fengling, and she probably reached a conclusion.

She withdrew her hand, and Shui Ling couldn't wait to come to her, frowning anxiously, "Girl Tao, Feng Ling's disease, are you sure to cure it?"

Tao Tao glanced at Shui Ling and Feng Ling's tightly held hands, and her eyes were clear. She had a deep smile and no appetite. Sacrificed. "

She could no longer be cured when she heard it, and she nodded her head quickly. "Thank you, Mrs. Tao." Then she hugged the person on the bed ecstatically, "Feng Ling, have you heard? Your illness can be cured Good job! "

Feng Ling embraced her, and she was very happy, but Shui Ling was too excited to notice the last word of Tao Tao, but he noticed, sacrificed? What sacrifice?

He just wanted to look up and ask the girl, but he heard the footsteps of a group going away, just take a step and look at it!

When the party was out of the room, Dongting Wangyu went to Tao Tao and wanted to pull her hand and was thrown away by her. He was not upset and asked with a smile, "You are not tired. Would you like to rest for a while? Have you eaten before continuing? "

Tao Tao didn't even look at him, and said directly to Cheng Yanluo, "Hot iron while hot, take me to see another patient."

Cheng Yanluo glanced at Dongting Wangyu, who stung, and bent and smiled, "Please here."

Chu Qingyan stood by and watched all the way, waiting for Tao Tao to go away, she cried out, "Not ready yet?"

Dongting Wangyu touched his nose and sighed lightly, "Who told you to kill your group of Cheng to bite gold? I am sad, I do n’t know how sad I am!"

Chu Qingyan was amused and winked at him, "The revolution has not yet succeeded, comrades need to work hard!"

Dongting Wangyu's face collapsed, and his wife was so hard to chase!