MTL - Ghostly Masked Prince Xiao: Pampering and Spoiling the Little Adorable Consort-Chapter 9 Ear Cong eyes the olfactory conspiracy

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Hot tea was overturned on the table, and camellia immediately started to pack up, and hurriedly replied, "Nothing major happened in the house, it's fine."

"Oh?" Chu Qingyan looked at the camellia, who was obviously flustered by her words, and raised her eyebrows.

"Camellia is clumsy, please forgive Ms. Jiu, and I will give you another cup of tea." Camellia, who was guilty by Ms. Jiu's plausible tone, immediately covered her emotions by pouring tea.

Chu Qing smiled lightly, "Anyway."

After taking the tea cup that Camellia handed over again, Chu Qingyan took a sip, and seemed to mention it inadvertently, "Camellia, do you know why the old lady Chu suddenly wanted to pick up our family back?"

"It should be Mrs. Chu who misses Miss Nine and Mrs. Grandpa." Camellia returned with her eyes down.


Oh, Chu Qingyan couldn't help sneering. In the beginning, Li Lizi said the same in Maocun, but she was only in the main hall. She only saw the old lady Chu treated her father and mother in a cold and indifferent way. They are about to leave. Maybe in his eyes, they are not as good as the paintings he wants to play. What's so missing? If she couldn't see it again, she would be blind.

"Camellia, I heard that I have a few older brothers and sisters. Why didn't I see them today?" Obviously, this camellia knew a little something, so Chu Qingyan planned to adopt a roundabout policy to make the case.

"The old lady invited a master to a few young masters and young ladies, so the young masters and young ladies are studying, and after class, Miss Nine will be able to see them." Seeing that Miss Nine didn't have to worry about those problems, Camellia was relieved Tone, rejoicing immediately.

Camellia's emotional changes did not escape Chu Qingyan's eyes. She knew in her heart. She sat down in a chair with her chin in her hands and asked innocently. "Can I go to school with my brothers and sisters after that?" ? "

"I am afraid that Miss Nine will not be able to ..." The blurted words stopped abruptly, Camellia looked at her with an awkward look, and then quickly said, "Miss Nine, slavery remembered that the kitchen was still boiling water, and went to see it first."

After Chu Qingyan answered, she had left the room as if a dog was chasing her behind.

Chu Qingyan watched the figure of Camellia fleeing, and the body holding the table slowly straightened, her innocent smile gradually receded, and she looked at the tea in her hand quietly, her heart was in a mess .

Just now she was just trying to test camellia, but did not expect to really try to find a clue.

What must have happened to the Chu family recently, so the family came to them not because they missed them, but because they had a plan, otherwise camellia would not fall into disuse, and said that she had no chance to go to school with her brothers and sisters.

If she is right in guessing that, the target of the Chu family may be her, because from the moment she entered the Chu family, everyone ’s eyes turned on her, but she could n’t figure out what the Chu family could plot on her. She has neither peerless martial arts nor treasure maps. What can be seen?

This is where she couldn't figure out.

Sitting in the room for a while, the camellia came late. This time she brought dinner. Although it was only some pickled tofu, it was richer than every meal she came to eat. She had no appetite at all times when she was worried, and ate two casually.

And the camellia who waited on the side silently looked down at her toes. In the afternoon, she almost couldn't parry this seemingly bullying Ms. Jiu, who was up and down before the house of Ms. Jiu came. Password, you must not mention that to Miss Jiu, otherwise you will be dealt with by family law, and you will be afraid just thinking about it.

Chu Qingyan ate absent-mindedly, while the camellia on the side was frightened, for fear that she would ask another taboo word.

After a meal, it was getting dark.

Chu Qingyan stood up, Camellia quickly asked, "Are you going to take a bath?"

"No, I just had a full meal. I want to walk and digestion. Why don't Camellia take me to my mother and father?" Chu Qingyan restored the innocent and ignorant girl, and blinked with big eyes. Looking at camellia.

Camellia wanted to say that it was too late and would go again tomorrow, but under the pure eyes of Miss Nine, she could not tell. Although the second lady could not explain that to Nine Nine, she did not restrict her freedom, so she nodded. , "The slave takes you there."

Chu Qingyan immediately followed her with joy and walked towards her mother and father's place.

Along the way, in addition to being remote or remote, it was said to be a waste garden, Chu Qingyan's face became heavier and heavier, until Camellia told her that her humble house and her father lived in the humble room in front of her. Only immediately stepped over her and walked in.

At this moment Chu's mother Chu mother was having dinner. When she saw her daughter come in, Chu mother immediately said to her happily, "Caicai came."

Father Chu also waved her chopsticks, expressing her inner joy.

Chu Qingyan reached forward and hugged his mother-in-law, then hugged his father, and then showed his smile, but when he glanced at the food on the table, the smile on his face stiffened again.

She walked to the table, picked up the dry **** and the rice mixed with stones, and looked around at the spider-web full of eyes, the old and windless windows, and couldn't help getting angry.

"Cai Cai, it's okay, just be full." Chu mother patted her hand, comforted.

Chu Qingyan heard the words and couldn't help hugging her mother and wet her eyes, "Mother, why did you go back to the Chu family and live a harder life than in Maocun, let's go back!"

"Stupid child, what stupid words are coming, how come you can easily say frustrated because of this little thing?" Chu mother smiled softly, caressing her long hair and whispered softly.

Because the camellia stood far away, and the mother and daughter talked quietly, she thought that Miss Nine was red because her parents were reluctant because she had just arrived in a strange place, so she did not notice that Chu Qingyan was wrong.

Chu Qingyan suddenly remembered that there was an outsider beside him, stood up straight and then came to the tea ceremony, "My mother and I want to say something personal, you go outside and help us keep the door, if someone knocks on the door."

"Yes." Camellia retreated, closing the crumbling door by the way.

Chu Qingyan did not expect Camellia to help her ventilate and report, but took the opportunity to support her.

Only three of their family were left in the room, and Chu Qingyan opened the door to see the mountain road. "Mother, don't you think it's strange? The Chu family didn't really miss us before they brought us to Kyoto, and everyone looked at us. It ’s all a bit wrong. Take a step back and say that your daughter obviously lives in a better place than you, which makes her feel very unreasonable. "