MTL - Ghosts Know What I Experienced-Chapter 55

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Ling Xiao asked, seven years, no ghost, a ghost can escape.

After Yi Lingzi said these words, none of the four people present reacted.

After entering this ancient tomb for so long, Qian Jia has long forgotten that Yi Lingzi was dead 19 years ago. Like the Lushan Taoist, Yi Lingzi has a high mana and has countless legends in the metaphysics. It is a enchanting. Even if such a master is dead, you feel that he can always have a self-help method.

How can it die so easily, such as Yi Lingzi? He suddenly appears now, the body is not rotted, the soul is not scattered, shouldn't it have the ability to stay in the world?

Yi Jia looked at Yi Lingzi, and after a long while, he immediately turned to look at Ye Jingzhi.

Ye Jingzhi’s hand also held a little bit of easy ass., he trembled, just looking at his master, did not speak.

Looking at everyone's reaction, Yi Lingzi laughed and laughed: "What do you do, the poor road is not already dead, now you have to reincarnate, you are so surprised to do, you are a bad old man, not a poor road. Say you, these juniors have no eyesight to see, even if they can’t figure out the situation, you are a hundred-year-old person. You still don’t know that the poor road is to wait for the time and again to wait until now. ?"

After all, Lushan Taoist people have seen a lot of knowledge. At this time, he has already reacted, but he still refuses to believe and retorted: "You... you are nonsense! You are an easy Lingzi, you tell yourself, who can After 19 years of dying, the body is not corrupted? This is impossible. The old man does not believe, you must be lying!"

Yi Lingzi and Lushan Taoist are friends for decades. If you don't understand old friends, you don't want to believe the truth. He snorted and said: "The corpse does not understand this corpse, the yin re-emerges like this, the soul of the poor road has not been reincarnation, can protect the body slightly, but not allowed to rot? ”

Lushan Taoist people continue to argue: "No matter, anyway, the old man will ignore you, you can't walk, don't leave us."

When the voice fell, the Lushan Taoist turned and left, not dare to look at the old friend again.

The most painful thing in the world is that it is lost and lost.

When Yi Lingzi died suddenly, Ye Jing’s age was still small. Although his sadness was sad, he could not fully understand the grief. Only the Lushan Taoist, who lost four friends at once, was the only one who escaped, suffering from inner suffering and remorse and despair. It’s hard to see old friends now, even if only Yi Lingzi is alone, the heart of the Lushan people is happy.

However, now Yi Lingzi told him that he had to reincarnate and re-enter the old, and the old friends again.

Believe and unbelief are not important at all, because the answer is already very obvious.

Ye Jingzhi slowly grasped the ashes in his palm and licked his lips, refused to speak. Yang Ze’s gaze stayed on Yi Lingzi and Lushan Taoist people for a while, and finally looked at Yi Lingzi and did not speak.

Looking at the situation around him, Zhao Jia found that the only thing on the scene that could break the deadlock was left. He felt a little helpless and uncomfortable in his heart. He reached out and gently grasped the wrist of Ye Jingpeng. Then he raised his head and said, "Master, we all know that your body is not corrupted because of the corpse and the soul." Then why have you not been reincarnation in these years, but are willing to suffer twice?

Before Yan Xiuzhen and Yu Jia said, Ling Xiao asked, a total of three times. As long as there is a valid reason, Ling Xiao will not be in trouble for you. But if your reason is not to convince Ling Xiao, Ling Xiao will drop the punishment. The pain of asking for the heart is far beyond the eighteen layers of hell. Because life is precious, people who do not cherish life are cast aside by Ling Xiao.

Yan Xiuzhen lived for 103 years and saw many ghosts and ghosts, but the wild ghosts who had experienced the pains of the heart had only passed three times. In the fourth time, no one can bear the pain of suffering, and eventually the soul flies.

Listening to Yu Jia’s release, Yi Lingzi nodded with a smile and was more and more satisfied with this apprentice. He explained: "Nineteen years ago, you should think that the poor road and the millennium drought and drought are all gone. But in fact, the drought and flood occurred at that time suddenly, its strength is stronger than the poor, and suddenly The attack, the poor road can not beat it, can only use all mana, severely wounded it, sealed in this bronze coffin. The poor road is the corpse, as long as the poor body sits on this bronze coffin The drought and flood will not go out. This is the truth of 19 years ago."

The Lushan Taoist suddenly turned his head and asked angrily: "You have to seal the drought and flood. This is a valid reason. Don't tell the old man. Ling Xiao thinks that this drought will not be released, so you can't stay in the world and seal the drought?"

"You old goods, still dare to think about the mind?"

Lushan people are justifiably strong: "Is the old man wrong?"

Yi Lingzi Yile: "Wrong, because the poor road can go to reincarnation and reincarnation. If there is a corpse, the drought will be sealed."

Lushan people still want to refute again, but if you think about it, you can't find a trace of it, you can only make yourself sulking.

Ling Xiao’s father never made a mistake and said that you have no reason, you have no reason. Still want to stay in the mortal world, greedy the world, refuse to reincarnation, then you must bear the corresponding punishment.

The only doubt of Yi Jia is: "Master, why are you willing to suffer twice from worrying, waiting for 19 years to not reincarnation?"

This drought has been very weak. Even if there is no sound reminder from Yi Lingzi, Ye Jingzhen really removed his body casually, untied the seal and released the drought, and the four of them could also pick up the drought. Why should Yi Lingzi stay here, and suffer from the pains of peace?

"Because, I believe you will come."

Everyone is stunned.

Yi Lingzi's gaze swept through the four people. He didn't know Yang Ze, so he didn't pay much attention to Yang Ze. He rushed and squinted at the mountain passer, smiled at Zhao Jia, and finally looked up and looked at his grown-up adult.

Yi Lingzi smiled and said: "The mirror, I thought that you should come over a few years ago, and I have to accept the corpse for the teacher. I didn't expect to wait for so many years. This is strange to even the morning friend, even the morning road friend fell and I don't know if the teacher can seal the droughts and floods, so I tried my best to give this ancient tomb a pattern to prevent the droughts from escaping, otherwise you should have come."

Yi Lingzi guessed that the score was not bad. Ye Jingzhi fixedly looked at him and slowly took hold of Qian Jia’s hand.

"Yes, Master."

Yi Lingzi laughed happily: "In fact, the teacher thought that the teacher would recognize the reason why the poor road stayed in the world, and would not lower the pain of asking for help. Just did not expect that such a reason is not a reason at all, so it still suffered. Two bitterness. The pain is really painful, and once again, the teacher can’t stand it."

Ye Jingzhi looked at his master calmly. It didn't look any different. Only Zhi Jia, who took his hand, knew that Master Ye held his hand tightly so that he could remain calm. He asked: "Master, what is your reason?"

Yi Lingzi calmly looked up: "For the teacher to wait for you, tell you how to completely solve your Sancha body."

As soon as he said, the Yijia and Lushan people were jealous. When so many things happened, they almost forgot. In the beginning, they entered the ancient tomb. In addition to cleaning up the skeleton for the four masters, they also wanted to find a way to solve the Sancha body.

Yi Lingzi said: "Looking at the entire metaphysical world, who can solve your three-in-one body besides being a teacher? Don't say to them for 19 years, even if they give them 90 years, they are not as good as your master, hahahaha."

Lushan Taoist: "..." Although he wanted to kill him, he said it makes sense...

Yi Lingzi continued to be proud of it: "But it is no stranger to them. After all, if you are not a teacher of the mountain, you can't find a way to save you. Speaking of these 19 years, is the old guy of Yan Xiu still In the singer? Mirror, you also understand the show, he is bitter, the teacher is younger than him, but he is better than him. Yes, it’s definitely good for you, maybe you still have to find ways to save you, is there a mistake for the teacher?”

嶒秀真君 lying in the middle of the gun: "..."

Ye Jingzhi: "Master is right."

Being so troubled by Yi Lingzi, the sad atmosphere was weakened and everyone relaxed.

Yi Lingzi looked at the Lushan Taoist: "You old goods, have you always been to my apprentice?"

Lushan Taoist: "...the old man now feels that you are still rushing to reincarnate."

Yi Lingzi ignored the envied and hateful Lushan Taoist. He turned his head and looked at his own apprentice: "Time is coming, and the teacher is really going to leave. You have this wife, very good, very satisfied with the teacher. It’s not a moment to set this up for you. Before you see your wife, there is a way to solve your old age, but there is always a lack of conditions.”

Yi Jia heard something wrong: "Master, solve the three-pronged body of Master Ye, is it related to me?"

Yi Lingzi's face sank: "Who are you called 'Master Ye'?"

Yi Jia stayed: "Ha?"

Yi Lingzi looked at his apprentice, and then looked at the apprentice and daughter-in-law. Finally, his eyes stayed on the hands they were holding. They asked dissatisfiedly: "You all have this relationship, and you have a 'leaf master', so unfamiliar. Apprentice wife. Ah, are you dissatisfied with my family?"

Zhao Jia understood this. He quickly denied: "No, Master, I am called habit. I didn't know before... I don't know the marriage contract, so I have always called Master Ye."

Yi Lingzi raised his brow: "I know now, still called?"

Jia Ge couldn't match the old fritters of Yi Lingzi. When he was asked, he couldn't speak. He could only blush and bow his head.

Yi Lingzi pretended to be angry: "What should you call, huh?"

Jia Ge’s face is even more awkward: In the face of Lushan Taoist and Yang Ze, two outsiders, can Master give him a face!

Ye Jingzhi thought without hesitation in front of his wife: "Master, I like him to call me."

Yi Lingzi’s eyes glimpsed: “Do you like your wife to call you this?”

Under the mirror, I replied consciously: "I don't like it."

Yi Lingzi: "Then you still say that?"

Ye Jingzhi has come back to God: "I... I just want Jiajia to be happy."

Lushan Taoist and Yangze silently ate this bowl of dog food: "..."

Yi Lingzi was so angry that he couldn’t speak because of this innocent, pure-hearted apprentice. Yan Jia slowly tilted his lips and clenched the hand of Ye Jing, and whispered a sentence: "Mirror."

The tip of the mirror is red and red, and he bows his head: "Hmm..."

Yi Lingzi, who was stunned by the innocent and simple disciples and apprentices: "..."

The poor road has been a lifetime, and it has been a lifetime. How to get old, the apprentice is an innocent, even the disciples are so innocent! This special thing is said to go out and smash the signs of the poor road!

Yi Lingzi is angry and he does not argue. He feels that something is wrong, but he can't think of it for a while. But looking at Ye Jingzhi and Yu Jia, this kind of mode of holding a small hand to fall in love, has always seen a sister, goodbye kiss, three see the direct home of the Playboy Yi Lingzi can not stand. Yi Lingzi blinked and couldn't bear to look straight: "Well, the way to solve the old age is on the third floor of the Wushang Mountain Bookstore. There is a Gongfa called "Yin Jiuhe". Where is it? The teacher can't remember, mirror, you go back and look for it."

Ye Jingzhi nodded.

Yi Lingzi said: "When you leave for the teacher, don't think about being a teacher. Just remember to burn some money for the teacher during the holiday season, and let the teacher manage the relationship below, know what."

Ye Jingzhi nodded again.

Yi Lingzi swings his hand and turns to leave. With this move, Zhai Jia, Ye Jingzhi, and Lushan Taoist all shouted: "Master / Yi Lingzi!"

Yi Lingzi stopped and smiled and turned his head: "Why, I really can't bear it?"

Looking at his old urchin-like appearance, everyone should feel sad, but how can it be uncomfortable.

Yi Lingzi suddenly slammed his face: "Well, well, don't cry all day, like a little girl's home. Is it a good night to know the poor road? You can see you again before the tires, know that there is no success." Someone, very good. Don't send, don't send it, the poor road can't see this kind of life from death. Heaven reincarnation, but a meeting and parting, what is sad? The poor road is not the soul flying, the poor road is just to meet New life."

For the first time, Zhao Jia saw the real reincarnation.

In the past, those ghosts that Jia Ge had seen, they only had the soul to fly, and they could not reincarnate. Other ghosts and ghosts who don't have to fly away, they either go to **** to accept punishment (such as old ghosts), or they are sent to the reincarnation (such as a little boy) by the heavenly masters.

Only this time, Yi Lingzi turned around and looked up at the distance.

Yi Lingzi was the first person in the metaphysical world before he was alive. Now that he has been dead for 19 years, his soul is still concise. Unlike ghosts, he is like a living person.

He stepped forward step by step, only to hear a bang, and a bright light path slowly spread out in front of him.

Lushan Taoist finally couldn’t help but say: "Old guy, you... you go slowly, you know!"

Yang Ze said with a smile on his side: "Easy Lingzi seniors, go slowly."

Yi Lingzi smiled at Yang Tian and strode forward, stepping on this light path.

Yan Jia felt that Ye Jingzhi’s hand was tighter. He turned to look at Ye Jingzhi. He saw that he was still calm and calm. It seemed that he was not sad at all, only the eyelashes that gradually became red. | Revealed the grief and sadness that he hid in his heart.

Ye Jingzhi looked at his master so deadly and watched him step by step toward the end of the light path.

Every step of the way, Yi Lingzi's soul will fade. When he was about to come to an end, his soul was too weak to be seen, but when he really had to take the final step, he stopped and didn’t look back, just screamed: "Mirror How did the teacher teach you before? The big man can't cry, you are the only descendant of Wuxiangshan, know what to do in the future?"

Ye Jing’s eyes are firm: “The disciple knows.”

Yi Lingzi laughed again and really took the step.

One step, the soul is scattered, and the light path disappears into the air.

As Yi Lingzi said, he is going to reincarnate, and it is not a soul to fly, it is a good ending.

Who will not die in this world? He Yi Lingzi can see for himself that his apprentice has found a partner for the rest of his life. He sees that the apprentice has such a strong strength. There is no one to follow. There is regret in him, he only feels happy, only he feels free to reinvent himself. It is.

This is a happy mourning, no one should cry.

Yang Ze said with emotion: "I was the first time I saw the round circuit. It is said that only the powerful Tianshi, the great good people recognized by Ling Xiao, and the great people who made great undertakings can take this round of circuit in the cycle. Yi Lingzi's predecessors are highly capable and admired by the younger generation."

Although Lushan Taoist people still have some sadness in their hearts, he is also happy for his old friends. He said: "According to the strength of Yan Xiu, you should also be able to see the round circuit. Even if the old man, the old man does not want to see the circuit in his life, the old man still wants to live another hundred years."

The people couldn't help but laugh.

Zhai Jia accompanied Ye Jingzhi and knelt down to install the ashes of Yi Lingzi.

Ye Jingzhi found a white jade can from the Qiankun bag. He carefully and carefully gathered the ashes sprinkled on the ground and gently put them into the jar. He did it very seriously, his eyes were not blind, and he tried to do it with concentration.

The two put all the ashes into the jar. When the last ashes were finished, Yi Jia suddenly held the hand of Ye Jingzhi. Ye Jingzhi looked up at him.

In the dim cemetery, the handsome young man smiled slightly, gently warmed him with the warm hand, his mouth curled up, and his voice was mild: "I am here, mirror."

The eyes were wide and long, and the mirror of the leaves slid up the lips and nodded: "Yeah."

This time the trip to the ancient tomb, after all, was a surprise, but also got a lot of surprises.

The bones of the four Heavenly Masters have been collected. This time, the Lushan Taoist will ask the Masters not to wake up for the two masters who have no younger generations. Yangze will return to the former mountain faction with the bones of Lianchen Zhenjun. Yan Jia and Ye Jingzhi will bring the ashes of Yi Lingzi back to Wuxiang Mountain, and they will be buried together with the ancestors of Wuxiang Mountain.

In addition, they removed the millennium droughts and floods and truly solved the scourge of the ancient tomb. I also saw Yi Lingzi and learned the solution to the Sancha body.

In the end, the Lushan people touched their own Qiangbao bag and couldn't conceal their smiles: "Hey, this drought is definitely a prince, so many treasures are buried. Although most of them are just ordinary gold and silver jewelry, there are still a few pieces inside. It’s not bad, this time it’s really making a big deal. The few pieces of the instrument are sold in the micro shop of Tiangongzhai. How to say it is worth a thousand points!”

Yang Ze smiled and said: "The blue pearl that the Taoist friend got is the real best magic weapon. Congratulations to the friend."

Yan Jia smiled and said: "Thank you, thank you."

After the guest set, Yi Jia turned his head and whispered: "Master Ye, is my sapphire very valuable?"

Ye Jingzhi held Master's ashes. After listening to this, he nodded: "It should be worth at least eight thousand points."

Jia Ge stayed at once.

Eight thousand points? ! Eight thousand... eight thousand points? !

Tiangongzhai’s disciples measure the best Yinjian of refining, and they only have five thousand points. Is this sapphire worth at least 8,000 points? !

Yan Jia suddenly felt a bit irritated by the abominable drought, even if it suddenly blinked and scared Jia Ge, and spit fingers to scare Jia Ge, but it sent such eight thousand points to Jia Ge so generously, that Jia Ge would lead this love. No longer blame it.

Drought and drought that has already died: "..." You repeat, who is scared! ! !

The crisis in the tomb was completely lifted, and the four men walked outside the tomb without hesitation.

Yi Jia whispered and Ye Jingzhi said something, asked how many points they had received, and Ye Jingzhi patiently answered the past. At the end of the day, Yi Jia has been immersed in the imagination of "so many points to steal the tomb to make money and want to steal the tomb." Ye Jingzhi hesitated for a long time, whispered: "Jia Jia, you and Master said, after... I won’t call my 'Ye master' in the future..."

Yi Jia suddenly awake.

Just talking to Ye Jing, Zhao Jia shouted a few words of Master Ye. Being reminded by this, he suddenly reacted: "No, Master Ye, I am used to it, and I can't change it at once."

One of the mirrors stayed: "You still shout..."

Yan Jia: "..."

This really can't be changed now!

The things that were renamed were not coming for a while, and the four people slowly walked to the second tomb, not far from the gate. The Lushan people took out their mobile phones and began to sway around. He lifted the phone over his head for a while, and bent down to put the phone on the ground. His behavior was seen in the eyes of Zhao Jia, and immediately alarmed.

Lushan Taoist said: "How come there is no signal..."

Yan Jia calmly pulled the sleeve of the mirror, and the mirror turned slightly, and put the ear to the lips of Yan Jia.

"Master Ye, help me a lot, you go to talk to the predecessors of Lushan to talk about things 19 years ago and divert his attention."

Ye Jingzhi: "..."

Yan Jia: "Hmm? Master Ye?"

Ye Jingzhi: "You call me again, "Master Ye"..."

Yan Jia: "..."

Coughing, Xiaojia’s face was reddish and whispered: “Mirror, help me this busy, don’t you want to see all the points earned by the predecessors of Laoshan? I earn these points, they are all at home. Private use, elbows can't go out, do you say?"

When he heard "home", Master Ye had already reddened his ears and nodded again and again.

The daughter-in-law asked what to do, and Ye Jing’s face did not change. She said: “The predecessors of Lushan, 19 years ago, I still have some things that I don’t understand. Can you talk about specific things? ?"

Where can the people of Lushan Mountain think that the moral model of the honesty, the Ye Yi Wang, will be deceived by the daughter-in-law. He put down his mobile phone and began to recall: "Nineteen years ago, there was nothing wrong with it. At that time..."

When the four men spoke and said, they walked out of the ancient tomb and returned to the tunnel.

Lushan people still said that Ye Jingzhi listened slyly. Jia Ge silently walked aside, pulled out his mobile phone and opened WeChat.

Yang Ze walked in the end, and he watched the three people leave and stopped.

Halfway through, Lushan Taoist suddenly remembered, and asked back: "Yangze Xiaoyou, how do you go so slowly?"

Yang Ze hurried forward and smiled. "You are gone, and no one remembers to close the door. We opened the tomb of the toast and we must do things well and help people close the door." So I just closed the door."

Lushan Taoist shot a thigh: "Hey, you see that I have forgotten this. How do we say that we are not professional tombs, even forgot to close the door. Hahaha, or Yang Zexiaoyou Zhou Quan, help close the door."

Yang Ze smiled and didn't speak.

Lushan Taoist people continue to look at Ye Jingzhi: "What have you just said? Oh, yes, even the morning road friend brought us to this ancient tomb. It is like this. They are stationed in the province, and they have been stationed in Vietnam. Laos is familiar with it. You have saved things, and even the morning friends must be responsible..."

The four slowly walked out of the tunnel.

Yi Jia was the first to go out of the tunnel. He looked up and saw the stars in the sky. There are some of the most dense virgin forests in China, and only in such deep mountain jungles can you see such a starry sky.

Looking at such a gloomy star river, everyone's mood is much better.

Qian Jia took the phone and took a deep breath and slowly spit it out. She only felt refreshed and relaxed.

At this time, Lushan Taoist suddenly remembered: "Ah, contributor! Right, the old man almost forgot. Now it is just 10 o'clock in the evening, now contribute, 12 o'gear knows the update, directly take the points, the beauty, the beauty what!"

Saying, the Lushan people took out their mobile phones and found a small series of "Ghosts Know". However, after three minutes: "How is it possible? Xiaobian said that these news have already been submitted? This is this..."

The Lushan people widened their eyes, their bodies trembled, and they raised their heads stiffly. He suddenly looked at Ye Jingzhi, and the look of Ye Jing was calm: "The predecessors of Lushan."

Yes, it is impossible for Ye Xiaoyou, Ye Xiaoyou has been chatting with him just now.

Lushan Taoist people look at Zhaojia again.

Jia Ge slightly frowned and asked strangely: "What happened to the predecessors of Lushan?"

Lushan Taoist thought again: Xiao Xiaoyou is not a person in the metaphysical circles. What he wants to do points is definitely not.

This time, the Lushan Taoist silently looked at Yang Ze, who stood at the end of the four, and faintly said: "Yangze Xiaoyou..."

Yang Ze smiled bitterly: "The predecessors of Lushan, the younger generation!"

Lushan people cry and cry: "Yangze Xiaoyou, the old man is wrong, you are wrong, the old man is wrong!"

Yang Ze is crying and laughing, and cannot be justified. Jia Ge looked quietly at the side, deep in the name and name.

The elimination of the millennium droughts and floods, the collection of the bones for the four celestial divisions, also solved the problem of Ye Jingzhi's age. In this line, everyone gained a lot, and Yang Ze led the way and went outside the deep forest.

I haven't walked to Heibu Village, and the time has come to zero. Lushan Taoist opened the "ghost know", the old tears crooked, crying and said: "The old man's points, the old man's points ah ... today these four articles, each of the points should be the old man's ... 呜呜呜呜, Yang Ze Xiaoyou, why are you bullying people!"

Yang Ze has a hard time to say, can only smile.

Zhao Jia opened the phone and saw the four articles of "Ghosts Know" today. Sure enough, this time, "Ghosts Know" made the theme of the Millennium Drought and Flood, and used four articles to sing the four heavenly masters who died together with the droughts and floods 19 years ago.

The headline article, naturally speaking, is Yi Lingzi. After that, it was Lianchen Zhenjun and Liushandao...

Yi Lingzi has always been a man of the metaphysical world. When he was young, he was very popular with thousands of girls. The flowers were in the middle of the flowers, and the leaves did not touch the body. It was a popular prodigal son. After the old age, Yi Lingzi is also the first person in the metaphysical world, and has a good reputation. Now that Yi Lingzi has been dead for 19 years, he can still be on the headline of "Ghosts Know". Within an hour, the number of hits broke 100,000, and he praised 30,000 and commented on 50,000.

The most praised comment comes from the first person in the metaphysical world today. The head of Ziwei Xingzhai is the leader of the show: [Yi Lingzi Daoyou Gao Fengliang Festival, suffering from two pains of suffering, sealed the millennium drought and drought in one's own body. The poor road is in Ziwei Xingzhai, praying for the Yi Lingzi Daoyou, Yi Lingzi Daoyou, go well! 】

Yes, in the submission of Jia Ge, I only talked about the good things of Yi Lingzi, and did not mention the bad things of Yi Lingzi. For example, in order to activate the atmosphere, Yi Lingzi took advantage of the show, and deliberately despised the masters of today's metaphysical circles.

Jia Ge’s elbow has never been turned away, and he has submitted a manuscript to Master. Of course, he has to go to Master’s good place to speak, Master is the best in the world!

Along the way, Lushan people are mourning the big points they have missed. He saw that Yang Ze has always denied that there is actually a suspicion that the rush to submit the manuscript may not really be Yang Ze, but he can't figure out how to think about it. How Ye Jingzhi submitted his manuscript under his eyes, he has no doubt Jia Ge.

By the next day, Yi Jia received the 150,000 points that the "Ghost Knows" hit.

Seeing so many points, Jia Ge couldn't hide his smile and quickly helped Qi Yu to pay back the money. But this time, he just showed that he wants to help Daiyu pay debts. The "Ghost knows" Xiaobian said: [This Taoist friend, you should be a friend. This is the case. Last month, the debt of Daoyou has been paid off, and you don’t have to pay back. 】

Yi Jiayi.

Sitting on the bus back to the Spring City, Zhao Jia looked at the text on the mobile phone and slowly turned around and looked at Ye Jingzhi: "Yuyu's debt... Is it you still?"

Master Ye is holding Master's ashes at this moment, pretending to look at the scenery outside the window, in fact, sneaking to see the wife. Zhao Jia suddenly turned his head, he was scared, almost violent | exposed the fact that he has been voyeating. Precipitating for a while, Ye Jingzhi nodded: "Well, still."

Yi Jia slowly picked up the lips: "Isn't you still telling me?"

Ye Jingzhi is a bit stunned: "Jia Jia, aren't you saying that you want to help your friends to pay their debts?"

Yan Jia: "I remember that I was talking about this when I sent the jade to go out. How do you know?"

Ye Jingzhi opened his mouth and closed his mouth blankly.

Why did Ye Master know? Because Jia Ge was saying this, he praised him well and shouted the name of others. The words "Ye Jing Zhi" are screaming for export. What can escape the ears of Master Ye?

Yan Jia gradually remembered this matter. He reached out and poked the back of the hand of Ye Zijing: "You have returned last month, and you have not told me."

Ye Jingzhi feels very embarrassed: "It is Jiajia, you said you have to pay back, so I am still back..."

Yan Jia: "That is what I said to return, what is the relationship with you?"

Ye Jingzhi did not understand the meaning of Yi Jia, and naturally he asked: "Do you want to return, isn't it that I want to pay?"

After listening to this, Yan Jia’s mouth swelled and smiled and bent his eyes. I was very happy in my heart. He said deliberately on his mouth: "If you want to do something in the future, you must tell me first, do you know?"

Master Ye holds the master's jar and grievances: "Well."

At the Spring Breeze Changshui Airport, the four people are directly separated. The Lushan people traveled back to Haicheng by plane, and Qi Jia and Ye Jingzhi were going to visit the province. Yang Ze gave them a farewell at the airport. The first person to go is the Lushan Taoist. To go to the plane, the old man is still crying and mourning, and the sorrowful woman looks at Yangze. He sees the people around him staring at Yangze strangely, thinking that Yang Ze has done something to the Lushan people. Yang Ze is miserable.

Finally, Yang Ze sent Yu Jia and Ye Jingzhi to leave. He waved his hand and smiled and separated from the two.

Into the security checkpoint, Yan Jiadao: "Master Ye, Yang Ze is really a reliable person. In the past six months, I have also met a lot of Heavenly Masters. It is really rare to see him for the first time. It is really rare. You are also very reliable. I am talking about them, they are not reliable."

Ye Jingzhi: "Not "Master Ye"..."

Yan Jia: "..."

The next moment, he smiled and said: "The mirror of the mirror is mirror, is it?"

Both of them laughed.

Yang Ze stood outside the security checkpoint and watched them leave. After seeing the two people completely, he looked at the place where the two disappeared. He watched for five minutes, smiled and shook his head, and turned away.

The plane took off in the morning and arrived at the province at noon. Then take the bus from the airport to Xiangyang County. In the evening, the two finally returned home.

At this time, it was almost late, and Ye Jingzhi did not rush to the library to find a way to solve the old age. He walked upstairs with Zhao Jia, and Zhao Jia did not understand what he was going to do, whether he was looking for someone. But when Ye Jingzhi took out the key and opened the door of the family upstairs, Zhao Jia: "..."

After a while, Qian Jia asked: ", is your home?"

Ye Jingzhi nodded lightly.

Yan Jia: "..." For a long time, he asked: "Master Ye, don't say, this building is your industry without a mountain... Cough, I know I know, it is not the master of the mirror. You answer my question first."

Ye Jingzhi said: "The original family and the two people downstairs have people living. But when I was eight years old, I bought the opposite house. I bought two people downstairs in the first two years. So now This building really belongs to the mountain."

Yan Jia: "..." What did he say? The lifestyle of rich people is different!

People have money, don't buy villas to buy high-rise apartments, people buy old-fashioned residential buildings, and buy one is a whole building! Just ask if you are afraid of it!

However, this incident actually has its cause, Ye Jingzhi said: "This room is a relic of the ancestors of the mountains. The other room is the library. There are many books and many secrets in Wuxiang Mountain. It used to be hidden in Fuyang. At the bottom of the lake. But in recent decades, the entire Poyang Lake has been developed, so it can't be hidden at the bottom of the lake. It can only buy a house and put a book."

Yan Jia swings his hand: No need to explain, Jia Ge is already afraid.

Ye Jingzhi put the ashes of Yi Lingzi among the relics of many Tianshi. He also said a few words with Yi Lingzi, and then listened to a lot of paper money. On the evening of the same day, the two took a rest. The next day, under the leadership of Ye Jingzhi, Zhao Jia walked to the third floor of the building.

Ye Jingzhi took out the key and opened the door on both sides.

"Jia Jia, this is the third floor of the library. Master does not remember where the secret is. We may have to find it a little."

Looking at the Shushan of the Shushan Book: "...well, I see it, we may have to look up a little..."

This search is three days and three nights.

In these three days, Ye Jingzhi's old age broke out again. This time, he didn’t make a noise and didn’t want to worry about Qian Jia. Qi Jia buried his head and looked for a book. It took him half an hour to find his abnormality. Looking at the pale face of Ye Jing, Qian Jia was very upset. He hugged him with a distressed heart: "What do I say, you must tell me something, you have to tell me, you know!"

Ye Jingzhi nodded, but his heart was thinking: I still don’t tell Jia Jia in the future. He is even more uncomfortable when he sees Jia Jia uncomfortable.

The outbreak of the old age is more and more frequent. In order to solve the problem quickly, Yi Jia strives to find a book and does not let go of any corner.

Wait until the evening of the fourth day, the sun is shining, and the evening glows.

After looking for a four-day book, Yan Jia was so tired that he had a backache, but he was very anxious and could not feel the pain of his body. Looking for so long in a row, Yi Jia is desperate. He began to think and analyze: "This book is definitely seen by Master Yi Lingzi. With the character of Master Yi Lingzi, the book he has read, where will he be?"

Ye Jingzhi thought: "Master is very casual and often puts books in random."

Zhao Jia went to find those books that were messed up.

Found the last, still did not find. He gnawed his teeth: "Isn’t it possible to just take the table and let it go?" said, and Jia Jia leaned over and picked up a book at the foot of the table. He opened it and said, "I will say it, easy. Master Ling Zi is not so unreliable."

Yi Jia put down the book and went to the other table at the foot of the table: "This is not possible, it is so thin, it is gray, it is also on the table... bottom... next..."

Yan Jia: "..."

Looking at the words "Yin Jiu He" on the thin booklet, Jia Ge has nothing to say.

Yi Jia turned to want to call Ye Jingzhi, but found that Master Ye just went downstairs, and he waited quietly. He looked down and opened the book. He first looked up: "Yin and Yang, the five elements are reversed. With the yin rushing, the three scorpions have Qi. The extremely yin and the three scorpions, the nine shuang double... repair..."

The sound suddenly stopped, and Zhao Jia’s eyes were fixed on the word “double repair” and his eyes widened.

"Jia Jia, I am coming, what are you looking at?" The low male voice rang at the door.

Zhao Jia immediately raised his head, his face was blushing, and he subconsciously hid the book behind him, his eyes shaking and looking at Ye Jingzhi.

Ye Jingzhi did not notice the strangeness of his wife. He stepped forward and curiously picked up the book. He was pleasantly surprised: "Hey, "Yin Jiuhe." Jia Jia, have you found it?"

Yan Jia blushes hot and can't speak at all.

Double repair? God special double repair! ! !

It’s no wonder that Master said at the time that the way to solve the old age was related to him, double repair... go to your double repair!

I don't know if Jia Ge is thin! ! !

Ye Jing's calmly opened this booklet, and Qi Jia just wanted to stop it, but Ye Jingzhi had already read those words: "Yin and Yang, the five elements are reversed. With the yin rushing, the three gongs are Qi. Hey, Jiuhe double repair... It turned out to be a double repair." Ye Jingzhi looked up, his eyes clear, and looked at Jia Jia: "Jia Jia, then let's double repair."

Yan Jia: "!!!"

You have changed, you are not the pure master of leaves!

How can the pure master of the leaf, so confidently, call Jia Ge to double repair! ! !

The author has something to say: C+: #我家老攻被被人包包#! ! ! !

Mirror [Pure face]: Jia Jia, let's double repair!

Yi Lingzi: The poor road thinks that something is wrong! With the innocent state of the disciples of the poor and the disciples of the disciples, who can they swear! ! !


Today I ate a bowl of bad screw powder and was angry.


Thank you

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