MTL - Ghosts Know What I Experienced-Chapter 60

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At the entrance of the obstetrics and gynaecology department of the hospital, Wang Zhen and his girlfriend suddenly looked dumbfounded and looked at Zhao Jia with a stunned look.

Yan Jia and Ye Jingzhi stood in their place ten meters away. They only spoke in a small voice, not to mention people who were ten meters away, or people around them could not hear it clearly. But now, Jia Jia suddenly screamed, and Wang Zhen immediately felt guilty, but felt impossible.

At such a long distance, how can I hear what they were saying?

This voice of Zhao Jia did not reduce the sound at all, and many patients who were waiting in line at the entrance of the obstetrics and gynecology department saw it. Yan Jiafu strode forward without expression and walked to the strange high school classmate. His eyes were cold and swept the man. He said coldly: "You will tell me the words just now."

Wang Zhen slammed his mouth and his girlfriend gently pulled his hand. He smiled thickly and said: "Zi Jia, what are you talking about, what did I say?"

The girlfriend screamed at the side of the murderer: "Yeah, have you got it wrong, we just didn't talk. It's true, we didn't do anything and suddenly it was so rushing. Do you have any quality... ..."

The icy eyes of the knife smashed through the woman who broke the mouth, and Jia Jia took back his sight and looked at the old classmates in front of him. He looked so coldly, I don't know why, Wang Zhen actually felt the scalp numb. A bitter chill came from behind his back, as if something terrible was staring at himself, sullen.

Yan Jia looked at it for a long time, sneering and screaming at the lips: "My mother died of dystocia, my father's death was an accident. You said that I was staying in the Third House. Is there evidence? I never had it with you in high school. Contact, now is your own initiative, I have anything to deal with you?" After a pause, he smiled a little colder: "You asked me where I worked, I have not asked, Mr. Wang, where? High?"

Wang Zhen's face changed constantly, his lips moved and he did not speak.

Zhao Jia’s eyes sighed and said indifferently: “It’s okay to talk about people’s gossip behind others, and some people have this quality. But there is nothing wrong with you. I used to be a gangster and often fight. I am a policeman in this situation. I have a record. You can say a few more words. I don't mind letting you know how I used to beat people."

The girlfriend tightened Wang Zhen’s arm and flung back to him with some fear. People around them are watching this scene and pointing at them. Wang Zhen and his girlfriends all look hard. He wants to refute Qian Jia. But whenever he looks up and looks at Zhao Jia, he is shivered by the cold and chilly chill, feeling like he is watching something terrible.

Looking at the dregs of this society, Yan Jia laughed coldly and summed it up in the words of his girlfriend: "What is useless."

After returning this sentence to the other party, Yan Jia took the Ye Jingzhi and left, too lazy to tie up with this slag. However, his words were irritating to Wang Zhen. He did not know how he had courageously raised his head in anger. He shouted: "I have not said anything wrong! You are a dying father, who is not in high school. Know that your father died to save you!"

Yi Jia quickly turned his head and said with anger: "Shut up!"

Wang Zhenhuo went out and shouted: "Don't think that I am afraid of you like this little punk. If you have the ability, you will hit me. So many people are there, you beat me. I am telling the truth, your father is You are a neuropathy when you are killed by you! When you were in high school, you beat a few people in the next class. They were also advised to retreat. Don’t think we don’t know, everyone spread!”

Yan Jia stepped forward: "Do you want to be..." Hehe...

The latter word was not spoken, and one arm was stopped in front of Qian Jia. Yan Jia looked up at the man in front of him in a wrong way. From his point of view, he could only see the side of the mirror. The face of that handsome beauty was frosty at the moment, and Ye Jingzhi licked his lips and stared at Wang Zhen in front of him.

"You are not allowed to say Jia Jia like this."

Yi Jia’s heart feels warm and feels helpless. Ye Jingzhi always wants to protect him like this, but Master Ye is so tempered and never reconciles with others. Now facing this kind of social scum, Master Ye can only say softly, "You are not allowed to bully him." This should be said to be cute, or...

The anger in my heart was slightly scattered because of Ye Jing, and she was ready to go forward and fight for herself. It’s a big deal to beat this Wang Zhen, anyway, this Wang Zhen looks useless, not like a man, thin and short.

Zhai Jia took the hand of Ye Jingzhi and was preparing to swear directly. Who cares that Ye Jing is cold and cold: "You said Jia Jia is not good, you are not filial parents, you also beat your father yesterday."

Onlookers listened to this, and suddenly began to give pointers to comments.

Jia Xi Wang was worried to beat himself, suddenly heard this, he completely stupid to live: "! You you you ...... you know how."

Zhao Jia also looked at Ye Jingzhi with surprise.

Ye Jingzhi calmly said: "Your girlfriend is suddenly pregnant, you want to marry her, but your parents do not agree. So you hit your father yesterday and married your mother."

Wang Zhen was so scared that "it is impossible...this is impossible! How can you know!"

Ye Jingzhi thought about it and looked at the woman: "But the child in her stomach is not yours."

Wang Zhenzheng was panicked and tried to take his girlfriend away, lest this horrible man say more shameful words. After Ye Jingzhi’s sentence was finished, Wang Zhen stopped and turned his head to look at his girlfriend. The woman was also scared and pale, and the voice trembled and said: "No... No, don't listen to him nonsense, the child in my stomach is yours, definitely yours!"

At this time, Ye Jingzhi whispered: "The father of the child in her stomach should be surnamed Liu."

Wang Zhen suddenly blinked: "You **** actually still contact the stinky man! Stinky female watch, are you still smashing with him? Go! Let's go find the surname Liu, I have to look at it, Lao Tzu Mom has a green hat!"

The woman was crying and crying and was pulled away by Wang Zhen. She always said, "I really didn't have any connection with him." But Wang Zhen seems to have long guessed, pulling her girlfriend and slap her. Go outside the obstetrics and gynaecology department. The two had a lot of trouble, and the entire obstetrics and gynaecology people heard it.

However, even now, the matter is not over, the woman suddenly said: "You are not clear with Xiaoqin!"

Wang Zhen’s face was stiff and swayed: “Nonsense! Who has a relationship with other women, you are a stinky woman, less filthy. I’m wearing a green hat and dare to say!”

Ye Jing’s timely insertion: "He did see a woman last night, it should be 11 o'clock in the evening."

The woman immediately opened her eyes and stared at Wang Zhen. The next moment, she raised her finger and frantically grabbed Wang Zhen’s face: "You still have a connection with the stinky little three! You said, did you go to see her last night, isn't it!"

The two played together. After all, Wang Zhen’s girlfriend was a woman. Her strength was not Wang Zhenda. She was beaten to the ground by Wang Zhen. She suddenly caught her stomach and her face was white. Wang Zhen also looked at his girlfriend in amazement. He looked down and saw blood flowing from the woman's thigh.

The people around can no longer watch the excitement, and quickly helped the woman to get up and shouted at the doctor.

All this happened too suddenly. What did Qian Jia still not understand? Wang Zhen and his girlfriend hit it. He just wanted to know a little bit of things going through, and Wang Zhen had already beaten his girlfriend.

Seeing that things are getting bigger and bigger, Yi Jia quickly turned to look at Ye Jingzhi. Master Ye still carried the innocent face, looking at Wang Zhen and his girlfriend in a stunned look. He didn't seem to know that the things he had just had been tossed out by him.

As he was still not noticed, Zhai Jia took the leaf mirror and ran, and the two quickly ran out of the hospital.

Some of Ye Jingzhi did not understand why he was running: "Jia Jia, he bullied you and said bad things about you."

Zhao Jia stopped at the sidewalk outside the hospital and gasped heavily. He brewed for a while, looked up and asked: "Mirror, how do you know the private affairs of Wang Zhen and his girlfriend? What is the man named Liu? What Xiaoqin? How do you know these?" Is Master Ye still a private detective?

Ye Jingzhi is still the pure face: "I found that the blood of the child in the woman's belly is different from that of your classmate. This child is not the child of that man."

Yi Jia stayed, and did not expect Tian Shi to have this usage.

He thought again: "No, then how do you know that the child's father should be surnamed Liu? Also know that Wang Zhen went to see a woman in the middle of the night? Yes, and, Wang Zhen hit his father yesterday, how do you know? of?"

Of course, Ye Jingzhi said: "Calculated."

Yan Jia: "Ah?"

Ye Jingzhi said: "Because the child's breath is different from him, I have a little calculation. Who is his father? Name is a very important thing for everyone. This child has a relationship with 'Liu', so I guess Among his parents, there should be a surname of Liu. As for what the man did yesterday, I figured it out directly."

Yan Jia: "..."

The sorcerer of the metaphysical world was paralyzed.

Master Ye can count even such trivial things, then he can't sneak up on private money in the future, can't do small bad things? Otherwise, Jia Jia can think of it. When the time comes, Master Ye will count on him and look at him grievously: "Jia Jia, you lied to me."

Anyway, today, this thing is very happy. That Wang Zhen is really too shameful. Although he can directly swear, but it is always a loss for people to blame, it is better to let them guilty. Just now, Jia Jia could see, the girlfriend had a few **** mouths on Wang Zhen’s face, and the hair was caught a lot. Wang Zhenlian’s eyes were almost smashed.

The only regret is: "Unfortunately, Wang Zhen just like to beat his girlfriend's child to a miscarriage." If the child is still there, the contradiction between them should be a little bigger. Now that there is no child, maybe Wang Zhen can really forgive his girlfriend. After all, he himself is not clean.

This is heard in the ear of Ye Jing, but I feel that Jia Jia is very kind. He nodded: "The Buddha treasures every reincarnation. The child is innocent. Jia Jia, you don't have to worry, I will protect that now. Child, he won't have anything."

Zhao Jia did not respond for a moment: "Ah?"

Ye Jingzhi raised his finger and drew a golden spell in the air. He glanced at the spell and entered the hospital and disappeared into the hospital building. He turned his head and asked for praise: "Well, Jia Jia, the child is fine now."

Yan Jia: "..."

Ye Jingzhi: "Jiajia?"

Zhao Jia couldn't help but laugh again, and Ye Jingzhi looked at him inexplicably. Yan Jia smiled for a long time with one hand and his face was completely comfortable. He seriously praised his master Ye: "Well done, mirror, the metaphysical world needs you to be such a warm-hearted good master!"

Ye Jingzhi was exaggerated on his face and nodded gently.

The things in the hospital and the two have no connection. Yi Jia believes that Wang Zhen will see him again later, and he certainly can't wait to turn his tail and leave. Even if his face is so thick, he dares to say that Jia Ge is irritating, and Jia Ge will not hesitate to slap him and let him know why the moon is so round.

Solved the shameless villain, Yu Jia and Ye Jingzhi walked leisurely along the moat of Sioux City. He turned to look at the sparkling moat, and saw that the breakfast stalls on both sides of the river had been opened, and many people who had to go to work stopped at the stalls, bought something, and started their own new day.

The world is beautiful and splendid, the darkness is only a sporadic point, and the light shines on the world.

Ye Jingzhi discovered that Jia Jia had been looking at several breakfast stalls on the side of the road. He thought about it and remembered that Jia Jia had not had breakfast yet. He quickly went up and bought two buns. He handed all the two buns to Qian Jia, and Jia Jia looked at him with a slight sigh, and took the buns: "Are you not hungry?" Both buns were given to him.

Ye Jingzhi shook his head: "I can go to the valley for a month, Jia Jia, you eat."

Yan Jia’s heart was soft and soft. Looking at Ye Jing’s sincere eyes, he slowly raised his mouth and gently “hone”. Pulling the plastic bag and taking a bite of the buns, I found that this turned out to be a crayfish trap that was recently very net red. I immediately sent the steamed buns to the front of Ye Jing, so that he could also taste it.

The master gave her a bite to eat, and Master Ye took a happy bite: "It's delicious!"

The smile on the lips of Yan Jia was even more brilliant. He "hmm" and continued to bow down to eat buns. After walking to the subway station, the two took the subway to the nearest subway station. When you get out of the subway, you will see the vast Jingdu Lake. The sun shines on the lake, and there is a circle of golden light.

Going home from the subway, you have to take a long road along Jingdu Lake.

Qi Jia and Ye Jingzhi walked by the lake, and the face was blowing in the cool autumn wind in September.

For a long time, a clear voice rang softly: "My father died here."

Ye Jing’s footsteps turned and turned to look at the young man beside him.

Yan Jia turned his head and looked at this vast lake in a soft light. He walked by the lake, and there was a cool wind blowing on the lake, blowing his hair. He smiled softly, his voice was calm, and he said many years ago: "He can't actually swim, but it was late at night. There weren't many people beside the lake. He didn't have time to call people to save me. He jumped down. If you change someone else, he will not be so impulsive, but I am his son, he can never think so much."

Ye Jingzhi did not know what he should say. He took hold of Zhao Jia’s hand and gently held it.

The hot temperature came from the palm of your hand, and the body that had some chills in Qianjia gradually warmed up. He closed his eyes and sighed.

Some things, no matter how many years have passed, close your eyes, as if yesterday.

He couldn't forget it in his life, and he jumped off the lake that night. It is clear that in August, the lake is so cold that he is chilling. The cold lake is poured into his mouth and ears from all directions. He can't open his eyes. What he can see is the boundless darkness.

At that time, he really thought he was going to die.

Then I faintly heard a faint sound of falling water, someone was pulling him, and two people struggled up and down in the lake.

Later, after being saved, he realized that the person who jumped down was his father. His father, who has always been gentle and will not say anything to others, chased him three streets in the back and saw him jumping down without hesitation.

After being rescued by passers-by, he lived and his father had no more breathing.

At that moment, he really felt that the sky was falling. He fell on his father like crazy, crying and shouting a "dad", but no one would touch his head again, teach him softly, let him study hard, don't fight.

The voice of Qian Jia is very calm, and there is not much expression on his face: "It is indeed that I killed my father. Wang Zhen did not say anything wrong."

Ye Jingzhi clenched his hand in a distressed manner: "No, not your fault, Jia Jia."

Yan Jia smiled and shook his head: "You don't understand, it's really that I killed my father. The passer-by told me that when my father was rescued, I kept holding one thing in my hand. Mirror, you know what it is. "Don't pause," Jia Jia lowered his voice. "It's my Taishan stone. He has been chasing after me and jumping down the river. Even if he is dead, he still grabs the Taishan stone and refuses to let go."

Ye Jingzhi suddenly understood: "You didn't wear Taishan Stone on your body?"

Yan Jia: "Well, I didn't wear it. It's not the fault of others. It was my own initiative."

Ye Jingzhi did not expect this to be the case. He looked at Zhao Jia with surprise and did not speak. Zhao Jia smiled and said: "I was very rebellious at the time, and I could not say that it was rebellious. I have already passed the rebellious period, but I am still very arrogant. You don't know, I didn't score well in junior high school, I fought every day, my father broke my heart. The senior high school entrance examination played supernormally and went to a high school in Suecheng. But I don't want to play with the group of people in the class. I still play with my junior high school classmates every day. Every day of the summer vacation, we all go out to play, and then once I once told my friend that he felt that the Taishan stone I had been wearing was very ugly."

Yan Jia looked at the lake for a long time and muttered: "In fact, it is not ugly..."

Ye Jingzhi said: "Well, it is not ugly at all."

"But at that time, a person said that it was ugly, many friends started to swear, saying that I am like an old antique, but also wearing this kind of thing. You don't know, my friends, the jewelry they wear are all gimmicks. Our group People are very crowded, what one person says, others will make trouble. I was bothered by them that day, I told them... I didn’t wear this broken thing when I came out to play tomorrow."

Ye Jingzhi said: "Jia Jia, how can you not wear Taishan Stone? So your yin can't cover it?"

Yan Jia looked up and looked at Ye Jingzhi: "I haven’t done anything for the whole thirteen years. I wore it after I was four years old. Sometimes I secretly took it off. Every time there was no big deal. So I Just think... what happened after picking it up?"

The lips of the mirror are slightly open and there is no speech.

What happened after picking it off?

I used to pick it up every time, but there was nothing wrong with it. Now that I have picked it up a little longer, who said that there will be problems?

Has he not come over for so many years?

That morning, he put the Taishan stone at home and went out. Everything seemed to have no problem. During the day, only a few lonely ghosts looked at him a little more. Until the evening, he went to KTV to sing and was stared at by a girl in a white dress.

"I didn't know that it was a ghost at the time. It didn't look like an ordinary person. It kept staring at me. Wherever I went, it was laughing, with that strange smile, facing me... Laughing."

That is the first devil that Qian Jia encountered in his life.

Prior to this, Taishan Stone hid his yin, even if there were ghosts, he would not be interested in him. But that night, he was scared to hide in the bathroom, and the ghost did not speak, just staring at him, giggling, standing on the ceiling of the bathroom, head down, smiling at him.

Yan Jia cried and called his father. He was afraid, afraid that this ghost would suddenly come down and eat him.

The father learned that he dared to pick the Taishan stone and fired for the first time. On the phone, his father kept yelling at him, letting him go home quickly, and he quickly sent him to Taishan Stone.

Qian Jia first ran so fast, the female ghost chased him behind, just did not eat him. He couldn't help but shed his tears and ran home all the way. Just as the father took out the Taishan stone, the female ghost seemed to notice something. He suddenly grabbed his arm and fled him all the way, and finally stared at him. Jumped into the icy Sight Lake.

These words, he can't say to anyone. He never thought of it, just a childish joke, just a good face, actually caused such a result.

"After that, I actually went to see the disease in the Third Hospital. Wang Zhen did not say anything wrong. But I just went there once and I dare not go again." Yan Jia took the hand of Ye Jingzhi. Continue to walk: "I can't tell the doctor, I can see the ghost. I can't say that if I say it, he will send me to the mental hospital. He won't believe me, so at that time, I dropped out. Stayed at home for half a year."

Ye Jingzhi has been listening quietly to Yan Jia, and he will not interject, but he will hold the hand of Qian Jia and pass his temperature to him.

Yan Jia said with a smile: "I really wanted to die at that time."

The body of the mirror is tight.

Jia Jiadao: "But I want to commit suicide several times. Every time I go to the end, I don't think so. The female ghost is still alive. I know that I killed my dad, but it is still alive, how can I die. At least let me be Before I die, I will see it. I am dead, and I will kill it."

Ye Jingzhi actually didn’t understand it just now. How could Yi Jia be entangled in an ordinary ghost, and she was scared to cry.

In his impression, his Jia Jia can tear a devil easily, and can also pierce the mouth of the millennium drought. Such Jiajia would be afraid of a devil? Can it be said that the ghost is more powerful than the millennium drought?

As if I noticed the doubts in Ye Jing’s heart, Jia Jiadao said: “I don’t understand why I am afraid of an ordinary ghost?”

Ye Jingzhi hesitated for a moment and nodded.

Yan Jia: "It's very simple, because I can't beat it. In it's eyes, I am a big meal. It just teases me, sees me crying, sees me scared to run away, it feels very interesting. It can eat at any time. I, but seeing that I am so sad for my father's death, it feels more happy. Master Ye, you should know better than me that the devil is not a lonely soul, they know a lot of things, they are not stupid."

After listening to this, Ye Jingzhi did not understand: "Jia Jia, how can you beat it?"

Yi Jia did not answer, but said: "At that time, although it played with me, I found it very interesting, but I also wore the Taishan stone. There is Taishan stone, it can't get close to me, so it stays at my house. For half a month. For fifteen days, it was sitting in front of me, staring at me, giggling at me, exactly the same as that night. After half a month, it went away. After another half a month, I want to die, and I don't want to die so easily, so I went to KTV again, I really found it."

Zhao Jia stopped and looked at the small island in the center of the lake: "At that time I wanted to go with it."

"Jia Jia!"

Zhao Jia shook her head: "I checked it online. The ghost is afraid of the mahogany sword, afraid of the black dog blood. I also bought a lot of paper on the Internet. I picked the Taishan stone, and it really rushed over me. I spilled black blood. It didn't respond. I poke it with a mahogany sword, it's still not afraid. Those papers...all fake, it looks at my jokes and starts laughing again."

Of course, Ye Jingzhi knows that these things may have some effect on ordinary ghosts. For a bit of a ghost, it is really a joke.

Yan Jia: "It found that I didn't wear Taishan Stone, and I finally couldn't wait to eat me. I have an injury on my neck."

Ye Jingzhi immediately understood: "The trace of white?!"

Zhao Jia’s head: “Well, it bites at the time. It bite off my artery, and the blood quickly flows down. I thought I was going to die, I was just sad, I really couldn’t kill it. It still wants to tease me. I didn't eat me immediately, but stood in front of me and looked at me laughing. It seemed very happy and it was very fun. Those blood flowed a lot, really flowed a lot, I feel the body is getting colder. Why does it always laugh? I see it laughing, it feels like I saw my father. When my father died, it was standing by my side and laughing at me. Perhaps for it, seeing mortal pain, It’s really a very interesting thing."

There are many places in Ye Jing’s heart that I don’t understand, but he doesn’t say anything at the moment, just reaching out and holding Qian Jia.

"Jia Jia, don't be afraid, there will be me in the future, I am here."

"I am not afraid." Qian Jia slowly raised her hand and hugged Ye Jingzhi. He seemed to be laughing, but the voice was cold: "At that time, my body was blood, my hands were blood, I The body is so cold, I am really going to die. It kneels down and looks at me like this. I know that it is going to wait for me to die, and then eat me. It depends on me very close, I lift it up. The hand touched its neck."

Ye Jingzhi seems to realize what.

Yan Jia said with a smile: "I didn't think that I was just a glimpse, its neck... it was broken. You didn't see the expression when it was flying, Ye Jingzhi, it looked at me unbelievably. I don't understand why I suddenly cut off its neck, it doesn't understand, it wants to ask me, but I want it to die, I kicked it off my head." Suddenly, Qian Jia's tone is easy: "You will know the future things. I will never be afraid of ghosts again. But I was seriously injured that time, I was in the hospital for three months, and I was looking for a psychiatrist for two months. After that, I transferred to school and continued to go to school."

Ye Jingzhi tightly embraced Zhao Jia and whispered in a low voice: "Jia Jia, don't be sad."

Yan Jia smiled: "I am not sad. The ghost is killed by my own hands. I can also kill the ghosts in the future. This is not very good? It finally looks at my eyes, I will never forget. It I definitely don't understand why I can smash its neck, but I don't understand it, I can't answer it."

Ye Jingzhi is still saying: "Jia Jia, don't be sad."

Yan Jia can't laugh and cry: "Where am I sad? I can tear my devils by hand. What are you upset?"

"Jia Jia, I am here, I will be there in the future."

Yi Jia reluctantly took the back of Ye Jing's back: "I said, I am not sad, I think that the ghost is dead."

The sound of the mirror is gentle: "Jiajia..."

Qian Jia was silent for a while and said: "I am not sad at all!"

Ye Jingzhi’s low and low road: “Well. I know.”

Yan Jia: "...I am really not sad at all."

Ye Jingzhi hugged him.

Yan Jia slowly closed her eyes and her eyes were a little wet. He buried his face in the shoulder of Ye Jing, his body shivering slightly, but he still clenched his teeth and refused to let the tears flow down. His voice choked, but his tone was stubborn, and he said with a voice: "Ye Jingzhi, I only told you one thing. Chen Tao did not tell him, he only knows that I will visit my father every April. In fact, the last day of April is my father's birthday, my father died in August. You are not allowed to tell anyone, you know you don't know!"

Ye Jingzhi gently embraced his lover: "I know, Jia Jia, I will not tell anyone."

"The few friends who are not allowed to tell you."

Ye Jingzhi nodded.

"No... not allowed..." Yi Jia still wants to say it again, but finds that Ye Jing has no one to tell.

He only had Ye Jingzhi, and Ye Jingzhi only left him.

In this world, even if he is sad and sad, he will only show it to this person. Because he knows that this person will always hold him tightly and say to him again and again -

"Jia Jia, don't cry, I am here."

Tears involuntarily spilled their eyes and wet the clothes of the mirror. Yi Jia wiped away the tears, raised his head, and said: "Who said that I cried?"

Ye Jingzhi looked down at the eyes of Yan Jiatong, and said: "Jia Jia, you are not already crying..."

"I said I didn't cry!"

Ye Jingzhi: "But you..."

"I didn't cry!"

Ye Jingzhi’s choice unconditionally believes in his wife: “Well, you are not crying.”

Yan Jia took a deep breath and took the hand of Ye Jing, and quickly went home: "Well, let's go quickly. I have just seen it by many people. Now they are staring at us."

Looking back at Ye Jing, it was true that there were several people who were practicing in the morning at the lake, looking at them with eccentric look, with a look in the eyes. He doesn't understand: "Why do these people want to see us?"

Yan Jia didn't even think about it: "Because they think we are the foundation."

Ye Jingzhi: "What is the basis?"

Yan Jia: "It is to fall in love, they think we are falling in love."

Ye Jingzhi did not understand: "But Jiajia, we are really in love, what's wrong with this?"

Zhai Jia knows that he can't explain clearly with Master Ye. He walks straight away and walks away, no longer explaining.

Ye Jingzhi was taken away by the wife and was confused. He doesn't think that he is wrong with him. This is his wife. He likes his wife, and his wife likes him. When they are together, where is the problem? And they still have a marriage contract! The words of the parents are the words of the media, they are justified together, and they are justified.

Do those people think they should not be together?

Master Ye suddenly felt a little wronged and felt a little angry. He really wanted to go back and ask those people why he should look at him and Jia Jia with this kind of vision. But just as he was about to turn back, a faint voice rang from the front: "Ye Jingzhi, how are you so good..."

The mirror of the mirror slammed and looked forward. I saw that Jia Jiatou did not return his hand and walked quickly.

That sentence is Jia Jia said?

Master Ye thought for a moment and whispered, "Jiajia?"

Zhao Jia continued to pull him and hurriedly said: "Come on, go, hear no! I am hungry, I want to eat braised pork at noon, you will burn me."

Ye Jingzhi was transferred to the topic: "Do you not like to eat braised pork?" It is obvious that he likes to eat braised pork.

Yan Jia said: "I like it now, can't I?"

Ye Jingzhi nodded.

Yes, you can, what the wife likes, what he does, eat braised pork at noon today.

The two quickly returned home, Ye Jingzhi quickly put on the apron, intends to go to the kitchen to burn braised pork to the wife to eat. He didn't even think about whether he was busy for two days or not, and he only wanted to hurry to cook. When he walked into the kitchen, Yan Jia went into the kitchen and poured water. Ye Jingzhi helped him wash the cup and hand it over.

At the moment when the quilt was handed over, Ye Jingzhi slightly bowed, and Jia Jia suddenly looked up and kissed his lips.

Ye Jingzhi's eyes wide open, and Jia Jia's soft lips are stuck on his lips. It is a very light and short kiss, but because he is too sudden and too unprepared, he slowly reds his cheeks.

At the end of a kiss, Yi Jia turned her head and took the cup. It seemed to say casually: "Ye Jingzhi, you used to have poor grades. I used to fight. In strict terms, we are not good students. This is even if it is even. Alright. You can't take this to despise me."

Ye Jingzhi came back to God: "Jia Jia, I did not despise you..."

Yi Jia raised an eyebrow: "If you didn't despise me, then I took the initiative to kiss you, why didn't you respond?"

Ye Jingzhi’s face suddenly became redder. He tangled for a while and then bowed his head and gently kissed Yu Jia’s lips. This time, Zhao Jia was no longer casual. He grabbed the neck of Ye Jing and kissed it hard. Between the lips and teeth, the snoring snoring echoed in the small kitchen.

After the kiss, Yan Jia turned and walked away, and the door of the kitchen was closed with a bang.

The mirror of the leaves touched the lips, and the face was already red, but the heart felt sweet. He happily turned his head to continue cooking, but did not know that after Jia Jia returned to the room with a cup of water, he was already full of blushing. He slammed the door shut, his face covered, his lips red and swollen, and his heart fluttered quickly.

For Ye Jingzhi, it was just a kiss. He and his wife have kissed several times. Although there are not 20 times, at least a dozen times. Even if the kiss was a little bit... a little too deep, he can still accept it.

But where did he think that what Jia Jia had just thought was not kissing.

When Ye Jingzhi hugged him at the lake, he suddenly wanted to be completely with this person.

He wants to completely integrate with this person, he wants to thoroughly understand Master Ye, he wants to...

He wants to go above the mirror | bed.

Thinking of those two words, a bit of a bang, Zhao Jia’s face was redder. He sipped his water and quickly threw this embarrassing thought behind his head.

I can't think of these messy things anymore. If I think about it again, he might not sleep untilnight!

However, I thought so, when I was eating, Yi Jia couldn't help but look at Ye Jingzhi's lips. Ye Jingzhi only when he suddenly said something for so many years, his mood was ups and downs, and this was even more distressing, and he kept giving him food, hoping that he could forget those sad past events.

By the end of the night, Yi Jia sat on the sofa watching TV, the surface was calm, but the heart was ups and downs.

Tonight, are they still going to sleep in separate rooms... Do you want to sleep together? Even if you don't do that, they can help each other!

Where can Yepang guess that his wife is thinking about these shy things, he took a shower and took it out of the bathroom. He said to Jia Jia: "Jia Jia, are you going to take a shower?"

Yan Jia looked up and suddenly his face was hot, don't open his face.

Ye Jingzhi wore an ordinary pajamas, obviously not a special dress, but the shape of the mirror is too good, and the tall and tall figure is highlighted. He walked to the side of Zhao Jia with his long legs, cut an apple for Yan Jia, and peeled him an orange. He also asked intimately what he wanted to eat tomorrow morning.

After doing all this, I saw that Jia Jia still didn't want to sleep. He was ready to change clothes and go out to find Yan Xiuzhen. I asked the hospital about how things were resolved. But when Ye Jingzhi got up and left, Qian Jia’s weak voice sounded: “Master Ye, tonight... Do you want to sleep together?”

Ye Jing's footsteps were stiff, and his superb ear force allowed him to hear the words of Qian Jia, but he could not believe it.

Ye Jingzhi's red ears turned and turned his head: "Jia... Jia Jia, what did you just say... say?"

Zhao Jia’s eyes are closed, her heart is flat, and her face is cheeky: “Ye Jingzhi, let’s sleep together tonight!”

Ye Jingzhi: "!!!"

And... have to help each other again! ! !

The author has something to say: Mirror: Jia Jia wants to help each other again? (????ω????)?!

C+: I just said to sleep together, who said that they want to help each other (┙>∧<)┙へ┻┻! ! !


Today, we found that we have a 4W collection, I am so happy.

However, according to this progress, I feel that I have broken up to 50,000 collections, and there is no way to be higher. . . Sad...


Thank you

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