MTL - Ghosts Know What I Experienced-Chapter 80 In the distant phase of the mountain

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It has entered the autumn, and the ghost city of Xiangyang ended in November. Yi Jia began to help Ye Jingzhi clean the house. Le Wen Mobile

Master Ye is really too poor. Although this whole old residential building is the property of the nameless mountain, the real house can also be the house where Ye Jingzhi and Yi Jia often live. The other rooms are full of various books. ,magic weapon.

Autumn is here, it’s time to dry the book.

Yi Jia has never seen so many books. When Jia Ge went to college, he didn't like to study. He never went to the school's library. The city library didn't even know where to open the door. He couldn't compare the bookstores of Wuxiangshan with the regular library, but compared with the library of his junior high school, there is a three-storey bookstore in Wuxiangshan, and every room goes in, and also uses Expanded the space, the absolute scale is amazing.

For more than four hundred years, the mountains have been profound and accumulated, and it takes a lot of space to get so many books.

There is no such big square in Shuyang County to make a book for two people. It is impossible for two people to read a book in the public. Early in the morning, Ye Jingzhi went down to the bottom of the building and raised his hand to take out the youth. The eighteen-sided bronze scorpion tells the rotation in the air, and the point of the mirror is on one of the faces. In an instant, the noisy community is quiet. Zhai Jia saw a layer of water-like enchantment spread slowly. He reached out and touched the enchantment with his fingers.

The enchantment quickly expanded outward, and the transparent enchantment passed through the trees and buildings of the community and extended beyond the sight of the 奚嘉.

He looked at Ye Jingzhi, and Ye Jingzhi nodded to him.

Qian Jia took a step forward and his eyes suddenly opened up. A wide square appeared in front of Zhao Jia. The sun shines on the square, warm as if it is a spring day.

Ye Jingzhi also entered the enchantment and said: "There are 18 faces in the Qing Dynasty. Each side has a different role. The pioneers can play all these functions on the 18th. Listen to Master, in the mountains. In history, the most one of the ancestors can open seventeen faces. My current strength is not enough, and I can only open thirteen faces at most."

Zhao Jia looked at the little bronze scorpion in surprise, and no one had danced two smugly.

...... This is really no one's demeanor!

Yan Jia looked up and said: "Nothing, you have been practicing for many years. Mirror, maybe you can open the 18th side of the incomparable Qing Li like the founder of the mountain." After a pause, he thought: By the way, what is the last side of the innocent Qing Li?"

It is recognized by the Xuanxue circles that under normal circumstances, Ye Haowang never catches a ghost, and he can easily grasp the ghosts by himself. If you encounter a little bit, Ye Haowang may take out the innocent Qing Li from the Qiankun bag, and directly lead the bricks of the incomparable youth. A little more ghosts, such as the level of Qin San Shi Ziying, need to really open the incomparable Qing Li.

Yi Jia has seen Ye Jingzhi's five sides of the innocent Qing Li.

On one side, you can directly pull out a sword and destroy everything. On one side, you can lay down the enchantment and intercept the ghosts... Some of them have some strange functions. For example, one side can call out the guqin guqin. This guqin played "Sihuanian", let the old ghost see the old school students of Zhaojia.

However, Ye Jingzhi did not know what the last side was: "Master never said it."

Yi Jiaxuan said: "There is no such thing as the last side of Wu Lishan."

Ye Jingzhi nodded lightly. He reached out to recruit no ones, and the bronze scorpion smirked in front of Zhao Jia and Ye Jingzhi. The two carefully looked at each side of it. At the end of the day, Yi Jiaxuan said: "It should be a very powerful trick."

Ye Jingzhi nodded first and shook his head: "It may be a killing trick, or it may be a special spell like Jinse."

After listening to this, Yi Jia suddenly remembered this unreliable metaphysical world.

It is said that the ancestral master of the mountain without a mountain was originally a hit iron. According to this urinary nature, it may not be possible to change the last side of the Qing Li.

For a time, both of them looked at the incomparable Qing Li in a complicated way.

Ye Jingzhi is because Qi Jia wants to know the role of the incomparable Qing Li, he wants to improve mana earlier and open the last side of the bronze scorpion. And Jia Jia is a heart and soul. Jia Ge has not dared to have any hope for the ancestors of the metaphysical and metaphysical circles. Even the big BOSS has a singularity to make people unable to vomit. This metaphysical community will do anything, and Jia Ge will not have a trace. Surprised.

In a short time, no one can solve the truth of the incomparable Qing Li, and the two began to move books and books.

The books of the Untitled Mountain collection include Taoist spells, all kinds of singularities, and even some gossip secrets.

Ye Jingzhi said before that the books in the library are for all the disciples who have no Xiangshan. You can see them casually. So when Jia Jia moved to the rest of the book, he opened a book with a cover of kraft paper and opened it. It was actually a diary, and then took a closer look: "The 13th generation of the goalless Yuanfeng real hand book... Eh?!"

This Yuanfeng real person should be a master of more than one hundred years ago. At that time, the metaphysical world only had ink, and it could be voiced, but there was no WeChat mobile phone.

Can this stump the heavenly master who is not reliable?

According to the diary, Yuan Fengzhen used the Zhuang Shengxiao dream spell of Wu Xiangqing, playing the Jinshen, and saw a lot of gossip when he was bored. He recorded all these gossips in his own small books. Whoever dared to provoke him, he took out a small book, and the other party was absolutely scared.

[One of the remaining students, has been over 95 years old. In the realm of Xuanxue, there are no opponents; in the secrets of the fun, the heavenly door is the skill of the world, and it is far better than the illusion of the glory. Seeing this post, people see this article, bitterly drilled the technique of divination, and he brought no time to Qingli, stepping on the door of the heavens, and destroying the prestige of the children of Liaoqiao! 】

Yan Jia: "..."

Why do you have to compare with others when you look at a gossip! The industry has a specialization and does not understand, wake up, how can you compare the gods of the heavenly door!

Yi Jia was speechless, and he turned it around and saw a small line of words.

[Master's head is a bit problematic, please forgive me for future friends.

——Yuanfeng Real People, Wu Xiangjun, the 14th generation of Wuxiang Mountain

No wonder the book was crushed under the table with a layer of ash. According to Yuan Fengzhen, he has worked so hard to write so many secrets of the mysterious world of gossip. It is to be passed down to the next generation of the mountain, the sons and grandchildren, endless. However, his apprentice felt that he was too stupid. This kind of thing couldn’t be taken, so he put the diary under the table and let the apprentices see it.

It turns out that there is no such thing as a reliable person!

After more than a hundred years of separation, Yi Jia suddenly burst into a good impression on the 骁 Lu Zhenjun.

Because of accidentally turning to this diary, Yi Jia had some interest in the books in the library. He put Yuan Zhenyuan's diary aside (it records the past events between the sects of the sects of the sects, and the contribution to the "ghost knows" is definitely a big point), and began to read other books.

If it is a magic spell, Yi Jia will put it on the square to dry, not to see. If it is such a diary gossip, Yi Jia will take a sneak look.

However, the world like the Yuanfeng real people is still rare.

In the past, every generation, the head of the mountain, is the leader of the metaphysical world. The leading elder brother of the metaphysical world must have a sacred bone, and wherever he can do everything every day. So Zhao Jia turned over hundreds of books and didn't see any gossip. Just as he removed three thick spell cheats from the shelf, suddenly, a thin homework book appeared in front of Zhao Jia.


This is a very common homework book. Now, if you go out and find a small store, you can buy the same workbook. The corners of the book are curled yellow and seem to have a certain history. But this thing is the product of the last few decades, and it has absolutely nothing to do with the predecessor.

Zhao Jia looked at the place for a while, opened the book and saw the three words at the top of the book.


Yan Jia: "..."

Hahaha, this is actually the diary of Master Ye! ! !

When Jia Ge’s eyes closed, he remembered the cute and cute look of Master Ye. He looked up at the mirror that was not far away, and Ye Jingzhi was carrying more than a dozen books. Seeing the wife looking at herself, he asked seriously: "Jiajia?" Hey, why should Jiajia look at me with this strange look?

Yi Jia’s pretense is calm: “Nothing, let’s move the book quickly.”

Ye Jingzhi nodded.

There is no doubt that Ye Jingzhi is not suspicious, and Xiao Jia hides a small book, walks to the corner, and opens quietly.

March 2, sunny, Saturday

"The Law of No Phase" uses the yin and yang to turn the five elements. Master asked me to meditate and try to feel some anger. He said that there is a lot of anger in the sky, I want to feel it myself. Master said that I have a lot of words that I can't write. He will start reading me tomorrow.


March 18, overcast, Monday

Master said that I am very talented, but today I saw Master's good friend bring his disciples to see Master. That person is a monk, it seems that he is not a master. His disciples are very powerful. I can't beat him. Master is actually very unhappy. I have to study hard.


April 19, sunny, Friday

Master said that I am very good, learning to write quickly, and learning the exercises is also very fast. Now that person is coming again, I must have beaten him. But this evening, Master didn't teach me to write. He was drinking alone and didn't talk to me.

April 20, sunny, Saturday

I didn’t wake up the master. It turned out that yesterday was the anniversary of Ziyun. Who is Ziyun?


August 3, rain, Saturday

Successfully let the innocent Qing Li recognize the Lord, Master said, I will be the 19th generation of the mountain.


Zhao Jia looked down again. Later, Ye Jingzhi no longer used pinyin to replace the text, and his words were written more and more neatly. I can't count on the dragon and the phoenix dance, the pen is strong, but I am serious and correct, and the people who read it are very attentive.

These years are the ones that Yi Jia has never participated in, but looking at these words, he can imagine that the little mirror is holding the notebook and trying to record every sentence that Master said to the evening. When the night is quiet, one is diligently practicing. Because he didn't want Master to be disappointed with himself.

This book is a diary, but it is better to say that it is a secret book. Ye Jingzhi recorded many of his own feelings when he was studying cultivation. Looking at this book, he can see how he cultivated step by step and grew into the current Ye Hao Wang.

In the past, this diary of the same saliva, Yi Jia is not interested to see. But at this moment, he looked at it with gusto, and sometimes he stroked the text above, as if through the words, stroked the boy's head. He narrowed his eyes as if he saw a beam of bright sun shining, condensing an illusory golden illusion in the square.

The small leaf mirror smiled sweetly at him, shy and innocent.

Jia Ge’s heart has changed!

Turning back again, turning to the second year of April 20, Yi Jia suddenly stopped, looking at the bottom line of words, squinting at the big eyes.

April 20, sunny, Sunday

Master said that the daughter-in-law is the most important, and the people outside are not as good as the daughter-in-law.

To be good to your wife, you must give your wife a hundred years of ghosts, buy five hundred years of flying bodies, and pick up the stars in the sky. I only drink soup, my wife eats meat; I fan, my wife sleeps.

I want a wife.

奚嘉轰, a face full of shame: "!!!"

April 21, sunny, Monday

Today, I practiced very quickly, and Master praised me.

I asked Master when I could have a wife, Master said, I thought about my wife without even Mao.

What is the hair not long?


August 1, rain, Friday

Master went out to catch ghosts. Come back today, I cook for Master, and Master is very happy.


Another year passed, when Ye Jingzhi said the "Ziyun" festival, Yi Lingzi still showed some sadness. At this time, Ye Jingzhi rarely reveals his emotions in the diary. He simply outlines his whole day's itinerary with a line of words every day.

By November 30 of this year, Ye Jingzhi recorded such an extra word -

"Master and the early morning predecessors, the Lushan predecessors went to an ancient tomb and gave me a piece of Taishan stone before leaving. Master said, I have a wife. 』

December 26, rain, Saturday

The seniors of Lushan said that Master died.

The diary was terminated in this paragraph, and Zhao Jia turned over again and did not see the new content.

His eyes condensed on the four words.

Master is dead.

When Yi Lingzi died, Ye Jingzhi was only six years old. If you are an ordinary six-year-old child, you may not understand what is dead or too sad. But this is Ye Jingzhi. Anyone can see from his diary his growth every day. He knows what is dead and knows what he has lost.

Qian Jia held this small book tightly and looked up at the mirror that was not far away.

Ye Jingzhi is sweeping a few books, and he holds the dice and carefully sweeps the dust off the paper. He also found that Zhao Jia was watching him. He shyly shook his ears and asked: "Jia Jia, are you hungry? Let's go eat together." I thought that Jia Jia looked at him again and again. It is because of being hungry.

Yi Jia did not deny that he secretly hid his book in his pocket and the two went upstairs to eat.

The meal was not known to eat, but his heart was uncomfortable. But Ye Jingzhi knew what he had just seen, only thinking that he was suffering from loss of appetite. Ye Jingzhi helped him to pick up the vegetables. Soon, the dishes in the bowl of Yi Jia were piled up into hills. Just when Ye Jingzhi picked up a piece of chicken and put it in the bowl, he held his hand and whispered, "I have done a bad thing today."

One of the mirrors: "What?"

Yi Jia took out the diary of Yuan Fengzhen, and Ye Jingzhi suddenly realized: "This is the secret collection of Yuan Fengzhen. Jia Jia, Yuan Fengzu is deliberately putting this secret collection in the library. You can just look around, I have seen a little while I was young. The things in the library are all free to read..." The sound stopped.

Yan Jia took the diary from his pocket.

Ye Jingzhi: "!!!"

Master Ye quickly took the diary and quickly put it behind him, shy and flushed.

Yan Jia coughed two times: "I have finished reading." It is not good to see other people's diaries. Jia Ge also feels very uncomfortable. He thought that this was only the past of Ye Jingzhi's childhood. He did not expect to write other things. Written the death of Yi Lingzi. "Sorry, I saw something that should not be seen."

Ye Jing's blush couldn't be said in a word. For a long time, he said: "I... I really want to be good to you, it is not Master. You don't misunderstand, Jiajia, I like it because You are good to you, really, I only like you."

Zang Jiadun stunned: "I mean I saw the death of Master Yi Lingzi..."

Ye Jingzhi stayed: "You didn't say sorry if you saw what I said to be good for my wife?"

Yan Jia: "..."

Ye Jingzhi: "..."

The two men flushed their faces and didn't open their eyes.

The next moment, Jia Ge suddenly felt that something was wrong: Wait, they are not doing what they have done, what should be shy!

Yi Jia coughed hard and said: "Sorry, you should not look at your diary."

Ye Jingzhi bowed his head: "In fact, it is not a diary. There is always a tradition in Wuxiang Mountain. Every generation of disciples will write down their feelings when they practice, for future generations. Master also asked me to write this, but I ...but my ignorance is dull, and the things I write are a bit strange."

Ye Hao Wang is still very talented, and they can't live without it!

Ye Jingzhi thought: "This is what I put in the library in the past few years. At that time, I only thought that people would see it after the disciples..." I didn't expect to be seen by Jiajia...

This is why Qian Jia understands why such things will appear in the place of the Book Collection. It was originally intended to provide future generations with experience in cultivation.

Yan Jia silently bowed to eat vegetables, Ye Jing's ear tip was red, but also buried in the head to eat without speaking.

After the meal was finished, Ye Jingzhi received the tableware. Yi Jia accompanied him into the kitchen to wash the dishes. Two big men crowded into the small kitchen to avoid a bit of crowding. Zhao Jia looked down at the plates, somehow, whispered a question: "Who is Ziyun?"

Ye Jingzhi stunned and explained: "It was a female celestial master that Master had known when he was young, and he died later because of an accident."

Yi Jia nodded: "The original Master Yi Lingzi once had such a favorite person..."

The two did not know what to say.

Jia Ge did not understand at all. They were all old husbands. All of them had been done. How did he meet Master Ye every time, and there was still a bit of shame that he could not tell. It seems that as long as I see this person every time, I feel that my heart is jumping, I really can’t stand it.

The sound of slap in the water quietly flows through the kitchen.

Yi Jia lowered his head and wiped the water off the plate. He said softly: "If I know you soon, how good."

This sentence is too light, one of the mirrors did not hear: "What?"

Yan Jia raised his head and flashed the words he had seen before. It seems that time has been reversed for 20 years. A small mirror has been practicing and learning, and has become a good apprentice. In the end, I lost my most important person and spent more than twenty years alone.

He looked at the mature and steady Ye Jingzhi, smiling slightly, and said in a word: "If I meet you soon, how good."

Ye Jingzhi looked at the young man in front of him, his heart was sweet and soft, but he couldn’t say a word on his mouth.

After washing the bowl, Zhai Jiayu grinds the secret collection that belongs to Yuan Fengzhen, and Ye Jingzhi is head down, happy and happy. He has already begun to think about not moving the book in the afternoon, and going out with his wife in the afternoon. appointment!

The two put down the bowl at the same time and looked at each other together.



The two men are together.

Ye Jingzhi: "You first say, Jia Jia."

Zhai Jia solemnly said: "After reading these books this morning, I have a bold idea. As the saying goes, there are reasons for it. They seem to respect this Buddha. I can see the diary today. It means that I have a relationship with it. I should also make some explanations to satisfy the wishes written in the diary."

Ye Jingzhi's big eyes: He... He seems to have written in the diary, to be with the wife forever and ever! ! !

Cangling, Master Ye completely blushed.

Zhai Jia still said: "Well, I feel that only by helping those who have fulfilled their wishes, can we submit the contents of the diary to the ghosts."

Ye Jingzhi nodded: Jia Jia really wants to help him complete his wish, then Jia Jia will kiss him... Wait, why does Jia Jia want to submit his diary to the "ghost know"? !

Ye Jing's mistake looked up at Yan Jia.

Zhai Jia earnestly said: "Yuanfeng real people seem to have been convinced. They are exploring the gossip in this respect. It is better than the Heavenly Master of the Heavenly Gate. Mirror, we will go to Pengcheng in a few days. Let's not compare with them. We are more than the ghosts they catch. Yuan Yuanzhen only said that he is very tempered and wants to win the door, but he did not say in what way he won the door. When this wish is completed, we Just submit all the secrets of the metaphysical circles in the diary to the 'ghost know'. Hahahaha!"

Jia Ge praised his wit.

Master Ye, who has been wronged: "..."

Isn't it that his diary is more important, why the daughter-in-law only noticed the diary of Yuanfeng's real person...

Just do it, the two have a good meal and continue to go upstairs to move books. Ye Jing's grievances went upstairs with him behind him, and Jia Jia ate two steps of stairs, suddenly stopped, turned around and looked down at the people behind him.

Ye Jingzhi raised his head in confusion: "Jia Jia...唔..."

The eyes were wide, and a warm, gentle kiss fell on the lips of the mirror, sealing all his words.

Yan Jia stood at a high place and gently dropped the kiss. After the simple warm kiss, he laughed. When he rarely laughs so happy, Yi Jia rarely interacts with people, his temperament is weak, but looking at the person in front of him, he just feels very happy, happy to help but want to laugh, want to kiss his lips I want to say something to him.

"Ye Jingzhi, I like you too."

The mirror has been lingering for a long time, feeling the temperature remaining on the lips, whispering: "Why suddenly..."

Yan Jia eyebrows smiled.

"Because I want to tell you, I like you, it has nothing to do with anyone else. I like you, just because of you. This is my answer."

I am not because you are my wife, I am really like you. I really like you.

That's a coincidence, and that's how I am.

In the dilapidated old residential building, the dimly lit stairwell, Ye Jing’s eyes looked at the handsome young man in front of him, and suddenly couldn’t help but kissed him. Yi Jia hugged his waist, lowered his head and gently kissed back. The autumn wind in November slammed through the window and made a squeaking noise, but it no longer disturbed the two men.

As for the secrets of Yuanfeng real people after the public, how many metaphysical predecessors were furious and looking for the door, willing to spend 5,100,000 points, requesting no Xiangshan to give the "ghost know" to the ancestors of their ancestors, that is after The words.

The predecessors of the metaphysical circles touched their own purse, and regretted that they should have said: "The original honest and kind Ye Xiaoyou! Ling Xiao, why is the idiot of Yi Lingzi actually find one of his apprentices to earn? The wife of the score!!!"

A little bit of money, a little points.

Nothing to catch a ghost, something to vote for.

Today’s mountains of nowhere are still peaceful and peaceful as always.

-[End of the text]-

The author has something to say: At this point, the full text is over. Thanks to all the little angels who loved this book and supported this book for the past two months. I hope to see you again in the comments section of Xinwen.

"Ghost Know" is still on Weibo, and the little angel who wants to collect this book can go to Weibo to vote. Then the new article "Little Love Song" is a cookie, the number of words is not much, very Meng is very sweet, the campus bamboo horse first love text ~ is expected to open on time on September 4, welcome to collect. Underneath is advertising time~


Ning Er heard that six classes had transferred a boy, handsome to burst table, cold and cool, just robbed him of the limelight on the first day of the school.

Can this be tolerated?

In the class, Ning Er directly blocked the door with his brother, but he was stupid after seeing the other party.

Ning Er: How... how is you!

Shao Bohan: I haven't seen you for a long time.

Eight years ago, I did not say goodbye, and I met again after eight years. This is a story of a bamboo horse meeting again, and the nephew was met by the big devil who met the scorpion. Sweet first love little love song, not long, small is really handsome ~

APP→Please click on the author column to collect the "Little Love Song"~

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Finally~ welcome the little angel to enter the Fuwa column, collect this author = 3=

For you, the story of C+ and the mirror will not end, you have to be like them, always sweet der~

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