MTL - Girl, I’ll Teach You Cultivation-Chapter 4 past

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Jiang Xiu still remembers that this is the wetland villa area, not far from the Bailuxiang wetland. In the memory of Jiang Xiu, the price here has reached a terrible price, and there is no one to get a set. If the seat is good, Close to the wetlands, like Ye Bing's home has to be more than 20 million.

Ye Bing is truly veritable Bai Fumei.

However, if he remembers correctly, Ye Bing's later life is not smooth, and even people are extremely sorry. Under the control of her parents, Ye Bing broke up with her boyfriend who fell in love with her university and married a very powerful man. The second generation, but the good times are not long, abandoned by the second generation, and finally I heard that it was suicide, Xiang Xiaoyu, at the age of twenty-seven.

Seeing Jiang Xiu, who has not gone far, Liu Xiaoyun: "Ice Bing, your boyfriend."

After the words were not finished, Ye Bing had already rushed up the long legs.

"I am going, this is too welcoming."

"Hold, hold!"

Liu Xiaoyun couldn't understand it. This Jiang Xiu was in the end, and he turned the five fans of Ye Bing. She did not see it, Ye Bing gnawed his teeth, and wished to give Jiang Xiu a raw meal.

"Jiang Xiu!"

The innocence of Ye Damei’s body is ruined by Jiang Yanxiu. It’s unclear how to explain this matter. It’s being caught... It’s in the bed, and there’s nothing to say, it’s the yellow mud in the pants, not the cockroach. It is also awkward.

"What is it?"

Ye Bing is about one meter tall and six or eight. He is wearing a white top. The bottom is a long white dress with flowers and a pair of white and blue canvas shoes. The face is exquisite and the temperament is pure. It is very attractive.

"What? My mother spared you, I can't spare you, this lady's innocence will make you ruin, you don't give me a statement today, I, I, I...;...; I can't spare you."

The airy leaf ice grasps the small powder punch.

Want to start with the deity?

Jiang Xiu dismissed a smile: "Isn't it clear enough? The deity came back from the Sinwu mainland and didn't know how it fell into your home. This is your creation."

Ye Damei’s mouth is discouraged: “My creation? I thank you for your family.”

Jiang Xiu said: "You are so entangled with the deity. The deity knows, do you want the deity to be responsible for you?" The heart said, you are not stupid, and the deity can naturally change his destiny.

Ye Damei was stunned and she couldn't believe her ears.

"Unfortunately, the deity does not look at you."


Ye Dayi girl almost vomited three or two blood.

You still can't see this lady, God is blaming, who is the one who released this animal.

"Missing Miss Ben."

Seeing that Ye Damei was going to run away, Liu Xiaoyun said hurriedly: "Okay, well, don't quarrel, we have to go quickly, and we will be late again. Today, the class of extermination is too late. It will be very late."

They are in their senior year, and the task of study is very heavy. Now they have to go to class on weekends. They are good at tutoring, and they have to pay another fee.

Jiang Xiuyi, he has forgotten this matter, and now he is still a student.

"Don't go!"

Jiang Xiu refused to be very determined. He made an international joke. He went to school to read books, listened to the ignorant idiot teachers, and wrote physical chemistry on the blackboard. This is useless. Again, students, time is very urgent. Ah, from the college entrance examination, there are only three hundred and ten days left.

Ye Bing said: "You are crazy, you are not going to take college, do you want to be a social youth, or are you going to take over your parents' fruit shop?"

Jiang Xiu smiled a little and couldn’t help. He now needs people, and the heavenly patriarchs, the magical powers are boundless...;...Er, "Go, go to school."

Jiang Xiu everyone called him to cultivate the gods, the so-called repairing the gods, the static winds on the side, the line with the shackles, the dragons and the tigers, stepping on the sky, walking the road to this temperament, even the emperors are far worse.

"I see him, I walked along the shelf and made myself like an emperor." Liu Xiaoyun pointed his head: "I feel that he has a problem here?"

Ye Bing grinned and listened to Liu Xiaoyun’s ruining Jiang Xiu’s heart for a while.

"He seems like a big king."

Jiang Xiu’s hearing is so amazing. The second woman’s whispering behind him falls into his ear. The wrath of the forehead’s anger comes out. He just said that the deity is behind the deity, and the deity is patient with you. The Japanese man, such as the Japanese, replied, and decided to wait for a small life.

On the bus...;...;

Jiang Xiu tried to mobilize the inside, not frowning, the air quality around it was too bad, so poor air quality did not even have a hint of aura.

In such an environment, Rao is his Jiang Xiu talent and the enchanting progress will probably be very slow.

"Hey, pen and paper borrow the deity!"

Jiang Xiu said to the two women sitting in his front row.

"What do you want paper and pen to do?"


The two women looked at each other and they were smiling in Ye Bing's eyes. However, they were very curious. Jiang Xiu wanted to play tricks and took out the paper and pen from the bag.

I saw Jiang Xiu holding a pen on the paper for a while, and in the eyes of the two women, it was a ghost character.

"What is this for you?"

Jiang Xiu's paintings are very fast. He replied: "Void Sacrifice Notes!" After he gripped it with his sword, he placed it in front of his lips and saw his lips flapping slightly, as if he was talking, but he heard no sound. .

"go with!"

After the second woman’s eyes were stunned, Jiang Xiu opened the window and threw the scorpion out. The bus was on the ground with the wind and the wind, just like the people who littered the garbage in the car. This is no problem, the next car has been driven. Also grinded.

"Is this all right?"

Jiang Xiu took a very serious point. He voiced his disciples to the Sinwu mainland on the other side of the universe, letting them transport a little bit of cultivation materials with a one-time flying sword.


Liu Xiaoyun laughed aloud, and Ye Bing wanted a lady, grinning his mouth, and his eyes were laughing like a crescent.

Too much!

Jiang Xiu also frowned. According to the truth, when his character was thrown out, the golden light would disappear, and he would like to fall to the ground like waste paper.

"How could this be?"

When the bus arrived at the next traffic light, it fell to the ground and was crushed several times by the car. After being flashed by a few feet, the golden light flashed and disappeared out of thin air.

“Jiangcheng No. 2 Middle School arrived, passengers who got off the bus please...;...;”

The campus in front of me is exactly the same as in the memory. Even the teacups in the hands of the uncle who are laughing at the door are still dirty.

Students continue to go inside, all of them are high school students, because it is a weekend tutor, you can not wear school uniforms, in the era of individuality, students rarely have to seize the opportunity to show themselves.

"Jiang Xiu, you stand!"

This time, Jiang Xiu did not put on the shelf. After all, Ye Bing paid the car for him.

"The bus fare for two dollars, the deity will return you tomorrow."

"There is also the clothes on the body and I will pay you back tomorrow."

Ye Bing seriously said: "I told you not to do this thing, today's thing, you...;...; remember it for me, rotten in the stomach, usually see me, don't say hello, if there is any rumor in the school It’s coming out, Miss Ben can’t spare you.”

Jiang Xiu said: "Jokes, this matter is the stain of the deity's life, will it blew its ugly?"

The leaves are not light.

This guy is really mad at talking.

"That's best!"

Ye Bing and Liu Xiaoyun walked into the campus together.

Liu Xiaoyun was very gossip asked: "Ice ice, really broke up like this?"

Ye Bing said: "We don't have anything at all. Don't you talk about it?"

"Right, and you, don't tell me out!"

Liu Xiaoyun said: "I am still not clear about you? On one shortcoming, the mouth is too strict, and there are fewer friends!"

Familiar teaching building, familiar corridor, playground, campus, how long the name, Jiang Xiu is not slow to go inside, but also interested in looking at the scenery inside the school.

The eyes suddenly freeze!

Not far away, a pair of men and women wearing school uniforms, the handsome man is outstanding, and the female is even more beautiful and does not lose Ye Bing, her name is Cheng Lingsu, very graceful name.

She has a very special relationship with Jiang Xiu, she is Jiang Xiu...;...; fiancee!

Finally met again?

The scenes of the past have come to my heart. Jiang Xiu’s eyes are deep and terrible. The hatred of the eyes is unobstructed. The three men are intertwined. Cheng Lingsu has never seen Jiang Xiu from the beginning to the end.

Read The Duke's Passion