MTL - Girlfriend Needs To Be Coaxed Every Day-Chapter 37

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Despite Gu Nanzhi's "full cooperation", Lin Zheng still failed to understand the difference between a hug and a hug in the end. This question lingered in her heart for a long time, disturbing her sleepless nights.

She thought, she needed to find out as soon as possible.

The next day at school, Lin Zheng always stared at Shi Qi every now and then, and Shi Qi panicked, taking advantage of the lack of extra-curricular activities and crowding in to ask her quietly, "Zhenger, is my face round again?"

Lin Zheng was out of his mind and nodded mechanically, "Yeah."

Shi Qi exaggeratedly sighed, and held the flesh on his stomach with both hands, "Since Teacher Xu Zhi started to assist in managing the club, I would receive a big gift pack of snacks as soon as I passed by, and they were all high-calorie sweets. It is too difficult to gain weight, Zheng'er, what do you think I should start to lose weight? March, or April? Zheng'er!" Seeing that Lin Zheng ignored her, Shi Qi leaned under Lin Zheng's nose and called her loudly.

Lin Zheng focused her dull eyes on Shi Qi's angry face, stretched out her hands, and hugged her.

Shi Qi was confused, and asked strangely: "Zheng'er, why are you hugging me?"

Lin Zheng patted Shi Qi on the back angrily, and whispered fiercely, "Don't move!"

Shi Qi pursed his lips in grievance, but still didn't dare to move, and waited for Lin Zheng to "return to normal" in an awkward posture.

After touching for about half a minute, Lin Zheng let go of Shiqi, touched his chest and said to himself, "I don't feel it."

Shiqi, "Huh? I don't feel anything?"

Lin Zheng frowned like a little old lady, and after thinking for a while, a friend came out of nowhere, "Qi, a friend of mine encountered a difficult psychological problem, can you help her analyze it?"

"Okay." Enthusiastic Seven went online, pulled the stool in front of Lin Zheng, and stepped on the beam of her stool happily and asked, "What's the problem?"

Lin Zheng was silent, organized his words and said half-covered: "That's right, when she hugs someone, her heart beats very fast and she feels hot."

Shi Qi nodded repeatedly, "Yeah, and then?"

"Why do you need a second?" Lin Zheng scratched her hair, trying to recall those precious pictures with Gu Nanzhi, "Then, I am happy when I see her, and I am willing to talk to her about everything, and I feel happy when I receive what she gives. Excited, happy to hear that she doesn't fall in love with others, and, um... still wanting to be with her for the rest of my life at a certain moment."

"Your friend likes her." Shi Qi's answers were seamless, and Lin Zheng froze on the spot in fright, "Hi, do you like her?"

"That's right, your friend's symptoms are exactly the same as those described in the novel. I like it very much."

"Impossible!" Lin Zheng denied it flatly. She is only so old, how could she like someone, or the same sex? ! Absurd!

"I have evidence." Shi Qi glanced around furtively, seeing a few people busy with their own business, quickly took out a book from his schoolbag and stuffed it into Lin Zheng's arms, saying, "The latest masterpiece of the Romance Queen, look by youself."

Lin Zheng really wanted to throw away this hot potato, but there was something in her heart that was eager to move, "Really?" Lin Zheng confirmed with Shi Qi again, she didn't know what result she wanted, but when she saw Shi Qi, she didn't care. He nodded hesitantly, his heart beating obviously out of order.

"Qi, let me ask you a more profound question." Lin Zheng said hesitantly.

Anyone who comes at seven hours will not refuse, "You ask."

"If it's the same sex, do you think there will be love between the same sex?"

"Yes." It was another answer without thinking, hitting the depths of Lin Zheng's soul. Her heart was on fire, scorching her precarious sanity, so she still refused to give up, and was still maliciously planning the coming fire Start a prairie fire.

"Why do they fall in love with each other?" Lin Zheng asked.

Shi Qi clicked his tongue twice, and touched the head of their silly Zhenger regretfully, "If you like it, you like it. Why?"

"But, same..." Lin Zheng didn't even watch real love before, not to mention 'same sex'. He couldn't say it for a while, and changed his words, "Their likes are very few. Is it okay to judge them by the same standards, and they will be classified as heterogeneous?"

"Of course." Shi Qi said with certainty, "We are just used to the tradition. In fact, there are countries abroad that have legalized homosexuality. Maybe in a few decades, or even longer, our country will also legalize homosexuality." If it is legalized, then they will be able to hold hands in public to show their affection. As long as the relationship is recognized, there is no problem, even if it is only two people who like each other."

Shi Qi's words were too frank and convincing, Lin Zheng gradually felt that the book in his hand was no longer hot, and the stuff stuck in his heart was slowly dissipating, "Qi, you know a lot." Lin Zheng sincerely Say.

Shi Qi waved her hands triumphantly, "Where did I know these things, it was all said by Teacher Xu, and she even asked me if I was in a relationship, which scared me to death. Teacher Xu's tone at that time was so much like the dean's catching puppy love."

Shi Qi licked his lips with lingering fear and said: "But we will be sixteen soon, if we don't hurry up and fall in love, we will miss the age of puppy love. People say that life without puppy love is incomplete. I think we should find someone to fall in love with. If it doesn't work, you have to find someone to have a crush on, so that you won't waste your youth, don't you think?"

"...Well." Lin Zheng held the book tightly with both hands, and replied softly, her bright eyes shone shyly.

Teacher Gu also said last night that youth is only once, so if you encounter something you like, someone you like, can you really like it without any scruples?

Teacher Gu... Gu Nanzhi's name just flashed through Lin Zheng's mind, and she could no longer be "expelled". She was like a powerful intruder, constantly appearing in front of Lin Zheng's eyes—the erudition on the podium, the tolerance in private, and the Yes, the gentleness in the sun.

Impossible if she likes her!

The ambiguous thoughts were suppressed by Lin Zheng at the first thought. She stuffed the book into her schoolbag, grabbed the pen, and plunged into the difficult ancient prose.

After half an hour, I didn't write a single word, but Shi Qi, who was always procrastinating, finished her homework ahead of schedule. She packed up her things and put them on the table and said to Lin Zheng, "Zheng'er, I'm going to the club office. Teacher Xu called, Come back in half an hour at most."

Lin Zheng looked at everyone in front of him and knew each other, put them together like a bible, and said: "Okay."

As soon as Shi Qi left, Lin Zheng gave up studying completely. She slumped herself on the table and stared at her hair in a daze.

"Squeak!" Suddenly, the stool was hooked down, and the legs of the stool rubbed against the ground making a harsh sound.

Lin Zheng sat up and stared back at Song Anshu, the instigator, with a bad tone, "What are you doing!"

Song Anshu pointed to the back door with his chin, and lazily said, "I'll give you a chance to have a free heart-to-heart talk."

Lin Zheng was annoyed, her mouth was full of sex, "Whoever wants to talk to you, go away!"

Lin Zheng howled so loudly that Yu Chuanbai almost **** in fear, and asked weakly, "Madam Zheng, are you in a bad mood today?"

"Good! Very good, don't even talk to me!" After Lin Zheng shouted, she lay back on her stomach in a daze again, and her mind became even more confused. She seemed to have a lot of things to think about, but she couldn't grasp any clues. The messy sense of powerlessness made her irritated.

This state continued until she returned home. Lin Zheng was so irritable that she searched for a pen in her schoolbag for a long time but couldn't find a pen. She was so angry that she pulled the bottom of her schoolbag and fell all on the bed. Her homework suddenly became chaotic. Became a bunch.

The novel that Shi Qisai gave her was also there, and a corner was suppressed by the Chinese text.

Lin Zheng stood by the bed and stared at it motionlessly. After a long time, he pulled it out from under the Chinese book and opened the first page.

"I like you." The first sentence of the opening line went straight to the point, and hooked Lin Zheng into that illusory and beautiful world.

For the rest of the night, Lin Zheng didn't close his eyes, immersed in the protagonist's love-hate entanglement, crying with them, laughing with them, and finally sent them sincere blessings.

This is the first time she has seen the appearance of love clearly, the first time she knows that the love between boys and girls is so beautiful, girls and girls... Lin Zheng put the book in her arms and looked sideways at the dawn light outside the window.

Girls and girls will be more beautiful, after all, the rainbow is after the storm.

Lin Zheng tucked her chin into the bed, hid her unexplained but unusually cheerful smile and slowly fell into a deep sleep.

Today is the weekend, and Lin Zheng slept very soundly. When Shi Qi called three times, she answered in a trance and said, "Qi, why did you wake up so early?"

Shi Qi on the phone was in high spirits, "It's almost twelve o'clock! Zheng'er, aren't you still asleep?"

Lin Zheng peeled off the quilt and looked outside, the sunlight outside the window was dazzling, "Well, I didn't sleep until dawn."

"What? Ah!" Shi Qi was overly frightened and kicked the leg of the stool, screaming in pain, "Why did you go last night?" Shi Qi asked enduring the pain.


"Ah? It's not the end yet, and you've worked too hard."

"Not looking at this."

"what is that?"

Lin Zheng huddled under the quilt and turned over, turned from lying on his side to prone, with his chin on the pillow, blowing on the messy bangs after being tortured all night, "The novel you gave me." Lin Zheng said.

"Hahaha!" Shi Qi leaned forward and backward with a smile, "Ever since I finished reading this novel, I have a feeling that I will never be able to marry in my life. If you read it all night, you are more poisoned than me, Zhenger, You are screwed!"

Lin Zheng lowered her eyes and asked puzzledly, "Why do you think you can't get married?"

"Because you can't find such a perfect boy in reality. There is no harm if there is no comparison. At the beginning, the standard is raised to a higher level, and then it will feel wronged by lowering it a bit later. Of course, I will quit." Shi Qi clapped his hands. With no pain in his chest, he sighed, "In the long run, unless Empress Nuwa makes me a man by herself according to the standards in the book, I will never be able to marry for the rest of my life."

"Oh." Lin Zheng responded perfunctorily, not only did not feel Shi Qi's grief, but subconsciously raised the corners of her lips, "If you can't find a boy, you can still find a girl." Lin Zheng said briskly.

"Huh?" Shi Qi sat up nervously and said, "Zheng'er, don't let your imagination run wild."

"Is there? Didn't you say that homosexuality is okay?"

"It's okay, but, oops, I don't know how to say it." Shi Qi struggled, "Anyway, you can't like girls."

"Okay." Lin Zheng compromised, and the big turning point in the next sentence almost scared Shi Qi to death, "What if you already have someone you like?"

"Lin Xiaozheng!" Shi Qi roared through the phone.

Lin Zheng rubbed her ears and said softly, "Yes."

"..." Shi Qi wanted to crawl along the phone line and hit her.

The topic of whether you can like it or not, was finally fooled by Lin Zheng's left and right sentences. In fact, she didn't know why she said that, and the words came out of her mouth naturally, maybe it was a subconscious test , To test the reaction of outsiders, and also test yourself, the result is not very clear, but feelings are like explosives, even if it is just a tiny spark that cannot be detected, it will be ignited.

There is only one result of igniting explosives—explosion.


After lunch, Yu Chuanbai organized a bureau and persuaded a few people to go through the back door and came to his brother's KTV.

Shi Qi couldn't understand, how could Yu Chuanbai's voice of "astonishing as a heavenly man" have the nerve to be a wheat bully again and again?

"Zheng'er, I want to go to the toilet." Shi Qi couldn't bear Yu Chuanbai's torment, and leaned into Lin Zheng's ear and said.

Lin Zheng had this in mind, "Let's go." The two held hands and ran out to hide quietly.

"Hahaha, is Yu Chuanbai trying to laugh at me to death, and then inherit my singing voice? His singing is too ugly." Shi Qi laughed all the way up and down.

Lin Zheng is much more reserved. After all, her own singing voice is also the kind that people can't look at directly. She can't be regarded as a good friend.

"Zhenger, let's go back later, the next few capitals are songs by Yu Chuanbai." Shi Qi said.

Lin Zheng glanced around, pointed to the sofa in the public area and said, "Let's sit there for a while."

Shiqi, "Mmm, good."

The two walked towards the sofa talking and laughing.

When walking halfway, Qi suddenly pricked up his ears and listened carefully to the singing voice coming from a box at the end of the corridor, "Zheng'er, do you think this voice is a bit familiar?"

Lin Zheng nodded, "Familiar." More than familiar, this is exactly the same as the gentle Gu Nanzhi on the phone! But, is Teacher Gu singing so well?

"It's all because of the moonlight, the sultry madness, it's all about the guitar, it's playing so bleakly..."

"I Want You", Lin Zheng remembers this song, it is very sad, and the lines are full of hope.

Gu Nanzhi's voice was lower and slower than the original singing, like whispering in the ear, lingering and provocative.

I, these words came out of Teacher Gu's gentle.

Lin Zheng rubbed her ears unconsciously, imitating Shi Qi who had already touched her, and slowly approached the box.

"Wait a minute, it's too noisy inside, I... who are you?" The woman who came out to answer the phone asked in confusion when she saw the two sneaking around the door.

The two looked at each other, and immediately ran away like a frightened bird.

In the box, Gu Nanzhi was sitting on a high chair singing, when the door was opened, she saw Lin Zheng.

Gu Nanzhi's first reaction was, why is Lin Zheng here? Second reaction, is this child itchy again? The red card of KTV prohibiting minors from entering is standing at the door, does she think it is a display?

Gu Nanzhi paused the song, leaned closer to the microphone, and said coolly, "Lin Zheng, come here."

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