MTL - Girlfriend Needs To Be Coaxed Every Day-Chapter 40

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Lin Zheng stood at the door without saying a word, trapped in the gloomy air and unable to break free.

It has been too long since she saw Lin Jie last time. She thought that she, who was used to being "fragmented", saw Lin Jie again, and could still call him daddy as if nothing had happened. Now the truth is in front of her, cowardly She couldn't even say a whole sentence.

Lin Jie is too familiar with Lin Zheng, even if the light falling on her face is not so bright, he still knows that Lin Zheng is blaming him, besides these, she still loves him.

"Zheng'er, if you don't come in, Dad will go out to find you." Lin Jie said with a smile, he stayed in the hospital for too long, not to mention getting out of bed with his own strength, it is extremely difficult to just sit up now, Lin Zheng Seeing him frowning in pain, but still smiling every time he looked at her, this extreme contrast made all the resentment in her heart suddenly turn into distress.

Lin Zheng walked over quickly, raised the pillow and leaned against the head of the bed, then carefully lifted Lin Jie up, helped him wipe off the cold sweat, and at the same time gently stroked his rapidly beating heart with the palm of his hand.

Although this whole set of movements was unfamiliar but careful, it gently crushed the love and carefulness of a little daughter into Lin Jie's heart, and soothed his pain from being tortured by the disease.

After doing this, Lin Zheng walked around Lin Jie's bed, stood in front of the old man who was talking to him just now, and bowed obediently to him, "Grandpa, hello, my name is Lin Zheng, and I am Lin Jie's father's daughter .”

This self-introduction is a selfishness that she was born with—I don’t want my family members to be questioned and wronged. Since Lin Jie likes to 'show off' her in front of this person, then she will cooperate with him and do everything that needs to be done, "Grandpa, thank you You talk to my dad, or he'll be bored."

When people get older, it is easy to feel emotional, especially when they meet a beautiful, well-behaved, polite and soft girl like Lin Zheng. The old man changed his serious appearance in the past, took Lin Zheng's hand and said with emotion: "No thanks, little girl. What grade is the girl in this year? Which school is she in, and how are her grades?"

"In the first year of high school, in the attached middle school, I took the second place in the mid-term exam." Lin Zheng answered patiently. At this moment, she felt unspeakable regret in her heart. If there is a 'know' in this world, then she...

Lin Zheng clenched the hand hanging by his side, feeling numb from the pain in his heart.

If there is a 'knowledge' in this life, then she will not naively believe that 'crying children have candy', and is so stupid that she tries to exchange her lost halo for the attention of her parents. She will definitely use the most Good grades and the best self made Lin Jie happy and made Feng Haian feel at ease.

"I'm sorry." Lin Zheng turned his back on Lin Jie and said apologetically, his hoarse voice made Lin Jie's smile disappear, he raised his arm with great effort, lightly held Lin Zheng's wrist and said, "Turn around, let Dad see. "

Lin Zheng turned around very slowly. She didn't dare to look into Lin Jie's eyes, let alone talk to him. Lin Jie was sad if she said it hard, but she couldn't let go of the knot in her heart if she said it lightly. The contradictions in real life were the worst she ever had. The difficult competition questions are all complicated, and there is no fixed formula for them.

Lin Zheng's silence was like a huge boulder weighing heavily on Lin Jie's chest, making it difficult for him to breathe. This feeling is different from the torment during the onset of the disease. It is not intense, but more worrying.

After not seeing each other for a few months, his innocent and smiling little girl has become more able to 'see people's eyes'.

Lin Jie endured his pity, and tried his best to make himself smile flawlessly, "Father is fine, the doctor said that he will be discharged after a few days of observation."

"Really?" Lin Zheng beamed with joy, and then thought of the grief of the patient's family members in the nurse's station when they came here. They said that living in this building would only wait for death, and very few people could get out alive.

Lin Zheng's eyes went black for a while, and it took her most of her strength to walk in here, and now, it's getting worse.

Tears that had been accumulated for a long time fell without warning.

Lin Jie knew that he couldn't hide his situation, and what he said to Lin Zheng just now was indeed not a lie. He didn't want to waste his limited life in this despicable 'prison'.

"Zheng'er, you can come here today to show that our father-daughter relationship is over. Dad is not stupid. Dad will use the remaining time to make up for what I owe you in the past two years. From now on, Dad will send you out to school every morning. , when you go home for dinner at night, Dad will do his best to satisfy you as much as you want, but please promise Dad one thing." Lin Jie said.

"What, what's the matter?" Lin Zheng was crying out of breath. She was most afraid of Lin Jie's sensationalism, especially in such a situation. When she thought that this person might disappear in the future, all her previous resentment would disappear. Cheng became sad, "As long as you don't leave, I can promise anything." Lin Zheng cried.

When Lin Zheng cried, Lin Jie laughed. She was the little girl he was familiar with who loved to cry.

Lin Jie tightened his grip on Lin Zheng's wrist, pulled her closer to him, and teased her with a smile, "You're a big girl, why do you still cry so much? You have to promise Dad, don't be too sad after Dad leaves. "

Lin Zheng's teardrops formed a string, and each drop made Lin Jie's heart jingle. He was relieved that even though his daughter who had been single-handedly knew his true identity and that he had cheated on her with his mother for more than two years, she was still willing to worry about him. This sincere feeling was unique, and he was even more afraid when he was relieved.

"Zheng'er, Dad will work very hard to stay with you for a while longer, okay?" Lin Jie asked with a smile, he was even more afraid of death.

Lin Zheng couldn't see Lin Jie clearly through her tear-blurred eyes. She really wanted to hug Lin Jie and tell him, "Father, you don't have to work hard. Just rest well and recover from your illness. It's me who should work hard. I will use a short time Be the outstanding daughter you most want to see."

These words were on the lips, but Lin Zheng was so choked up that he couldn't speak, so he could only nod desperately and kept nodding.

Lin Jie smiled even more heartily, "Since when did our little Zheng'er become a typewriter, isn't my little head tired from typing so diligently?"

Lin Zheng stopped nodding and looked at him through the mist in his eyes, "Okay." Feng Hai'an, who was waiting outside the door and was about to drown, was rescued with one word. Fortunately, she didn't lose her daughter by blindly pushing away. From now on, she has no face to face it, and can only try her best to make up for it.

Lin Jie saw Feng Hai'an who was standing outside the door and didn't come in, and he understood why. If it wasn't for him, Feng Hai'an wouldn't treat Lin Zheng like that. In the end, he was the one who was wrong.

Lin Jie looked away, looked at Lin Zheng guiltily, and asked her, "Zheng'er, can you do Dad a favor?"

Lin Zheng wiped away her tears, choked up and said, "What's the matter?"

"The past two years have caused you to suffer. It was because Dad made a wrong decision. Dad apologized to you. You can be angry, but you can't beat Dad. Dad is not in good health now. If he broke it, you still feel sorry for him. Your mother..." Lin Jie said Pointing to the outside, he whispered, "Dad only let her hide it from you, and didn't let her neglect you. Dad is very angry now. You help Dad scold her, and scold her as you want to relieve your anger."

Lin Jie was telling the truth. The number of times he went home in the past two years can be counted on one's fingers. He only heard about Lin Zheng's life from Feng Hai'an. She always said that Lin Zheng was very good and obedient. Lin Jie believed it undoubtedly.

Not long ago, Lin Jie noticed that his physical condition was getting worse, and he vaguely heard some clues from Qin Youheng when he called Qin Youheng to 'explain the funeral'.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Jie got angry with Feng Haian for the first time, Feng Haian had no choice but to tell the truth, Lin Jie was excitedly sent to the ICU at that time, and it was several days after his condition stabilized.

Lin Jie woke up and saw Feng Hai'an's aging face due to worry and exhaustion, and he couldn't get angry.

At the beginning of marriage, Feng Hai'an didn't love him yet, but he had envied her and had a crush on her for many years as a primary school boy. He knew the relationship between Feng Hai'an and Qin Youheng very well, and he also knew that he was only in Feng Hai'an when Feng Hai'an had nowhere to go. "The villain who picks up leaks", he doesn't care, and he is confident that he will use his time and sincerity to win her love.

Facts have proved that he succeeded. Feng Haian now loves him so much that he can even ignore his most beloved daughter. This kind of heart is not unreasonable, but this is not the result he wants. The happiness he wants is the happiness of a family. Three people, one is indispensable, Feng Haian's neglect of Lin Zheng is absolutely unacceptable to him, he has never only cared about Feng Haian alone, but also Lin Zheng who has been loved since birth, but the mistake has been made, Feng Haian's harm to Lin Zheng has already existed, all he can do now is to be impartial, let Lin Zheng vent, let Feng Haian 'admit' his mistake, and he can't leave in silence, so let's make up for it in a high-profile way.

Lin Zheng stopped crying when he heard Lin Jie say 'help', lowered his head and did not speak. She was willing to accept Lin Jie because his love was unavoidable, Feng Hai'an only gave her indifference and a sudden stranger, she couldn't face it calmly.

Lin Jie was aware of Lin Zheng's stumbling heart, he took her hand and coaxed softly, "Go, daddy will wait for you to complain after scolding."

Lin Zheng looked back at Feng Hai'an who thought he was hiding well at the door, and then at Lin Jie who was smiling all over his face. After hesitating for a moment, he nodded and said, "Okay."

Lin Jie closed his eyes in relief, showing tiredness on his face.

Lin Zheng gently helped him to lie down, sat on the edge of the bed to accompany him for a while, saw him gradually sinking into a coma, whispered goodbye to the old man in the next bed, and then left on his feet.

She had just left when Lin Jie, who was supposed to be asleep, slowly opened his eyes. He knew Lin Zheng too well. This kid... didn't know how to get angry at all, "Hey..."


Lin Zheng and Feng Hai'an didn't go far, they stood by the bed at the end of the corridor, silent, Gu Nanzhi, who was about to come to find Lin Zheng after separating from Qin Youheng, passed by downstairs, and she subconsciously moved forward. Body.

Seeing this, Feng Hai'an regained his composure, and hesitantly said, "Zheng'er, scold mom."

"Huh?" Lin Zheng turned her head in a daze, trying to understand what she said, then shook her head and turned back.

Downstairs, Gu Nanzhi had disappeared.

Lin Zheng was indescribably disappointed. She could still recall Gu Nanzhi's panicked voice before she fainted. It seemed that Gu Nanzhi was always by her side every time something happened to her. She was like her patron saint, always there whenever she needed it.

"Mom, I don't know how to quarrel. Dad asked me to help, but I can't do it well." Lin Zheng said suddenly, with a calm attitude without any anger, "If you agree, let's cooperate once."

Feng Hai'an moved his mouth but didn't make a sound, Lin Zheng thought she disagreed, so he turned around to confirm, and when he saw her face as white as paper, he immediately turned back, not letting her see his unbearable. She doesn't know how to quarrel or explode, but it doesn't mean that her tolerance has no bottom line. What Feng Haian has done in the past two years not only hurt her heart, but also caused her to lose a lot of time with Lin Jie. The most unacceptable thing for her is that now, she doesn't have the energy to blame, forgive, or approve of anyone. She just hopes that Lin Jie will be fine... One more day is a day, and other lumps, continue to block, she is almost used to suppressing and suffocating of life.

"How to cooperate?" Feng Hai'an, who had been working hard for a long time, finally made a sound, "If it can be done, I will definitely do it."

Lin Zheng lay on the edge of the window, poked his head to see Gu Nanzhi passing by, "Don't force me to get involved with that person, I will only have one father in my life, his name is Lin Jie, and he is not in good health now , I'm worried about him."

That person, Qin Youheng, Lin Zheng didn't know that Feng Hai'an could have guessed it. She hadn't planned it from the beginning, so she was so excited when she saw Qin Youheng. Now that things are at this point, she suddenly doesn't know what to do. "What do you want me to do?" Feng Haian asked. Compared with Lin Zheng's rationality, she became a child who had never seen the world and didn't pay attention. It's ridiculous.

Lin Zheng couldn't see it, so he said to himself, "Let's put on a play in front of Dad."

Feng Hai'an felt as if he had guessed something, and asked with a wry smile, "What play?"

Lin Zheng looked at Gu Nanzhi who had finally fully come into view, and smiled brightly like a spring, "The past suspicions are settled, and the love between mother and daughter is deep."

"!" Feng Hai'an looked at Lin Zheng in disbelief, his cold heart quickly fell to the bottom. What is owed must always be paid back. The more indifferent the recipient of the repayment, the harder it is to repay. Feng Hai'an has no other choice but to compromise and agree, "Okay." She said.

The simple and blunt conversation ended, and there was only silence in the corridor. Lin Zheng lay quietly at the window, staring at Gu Nanzhi who was slowly pacing downstairs, and kept playing back the sound of Gu Nanzhi calling her. Sound 'Zhenger'. After knowing each other for so long, it was the first time she heard Gu Nanzhi call her "Zhenger" in a serious manner. Maybe it was just a matter of impatience, but Lin Zheng's heart still warmed up when he thought about it.

"Mom, please take care of Dad for a while, I'll go find Teacher Gu." Lin Zheng turned around and said.

Feng Hai'an repeatedly agreed, "Go, go, Teacher Gu must be terrified today, you go and report to her that she is safe, and let her go back to rest quickly."

"Okay." Lin Zheng passed Feng Hai'an sideways from a long distance, and then quickly ran towards the elevator.

Feng Hai stood still and looked at her, his heart was sore. The corridor is so wide, Lin Zheng wouldn't bump into her even if she walked straight on, but she... chose to walk sideways.

Lin Zheng ran downstairs in a hurry, Gu Nanzhi was still there, she put one hand in her pocket, pinched something with the other hand, rubbed her thumb back and forth, her expression was calm, but her movements were anxious. Lin Zheng had never seen her in this state before, did her own words bother her?

Lin Zheng's earnest mind turned cold, and he froze in place, unable to move, but it was Gu Nanzhi who walked around and saw her and yelled, "Lin Zheng."

Lin Zheng backed away subconsciously, and when she saw Gu Nanzhi walking towards her, she hurriedly stabilized her mind, and responded with a smile, "Teacher Gu."

Gu Nanzhi stopped in front of Lin Zheng, touched her face habitually, and asked solemnly, "How is it, are you still dizzy?" Her warm palm was the only temperature Lin Zheng could feel.

Lin Zheng shook his head, and tears that had dried up fell down again. Lin Jie's illness, Qin Youheng's identity, Feng Haian's concealment and neglect all rushed into Lin Zheng's mind. He didn't let it out, seeing Gu Nanzhi now, Lin Zheng's sadness and fear were like a flood that opened the gate, and he couldn't stop it.

"Gu, Mr. Gu, my father is sick, it can't be cured, it's not good, I always thought he didn't want me anymore." Lin Zheng cried choked up, "That uncle, I don't like him now, I don't want to see him..."

Gu Nanzhi always thought that the collapse of adults' silence was uncontrollable. Now seeing Lin Zheng crying wantonly, he suddenly felt that the sadness of a child was even more distressing. At least she could see and hear her, sobbing loudly. Drill into your heart.

Gu Nanzhi clenched his hands tightly, and after a long silence, he still couldn't hold back, and took the initiative to hug the baby's trembling body from crying into his arms.

It was so cold in winter that her tears turned cold.

"It's okay, just cry, just cry out." Gu Nanzhi patted Lin Zheng's thin back, coaxing her softly, "Although I missed two years, it's never too late, and I can make up for it with a little effort in the future."

"Teacher Gu..." Lin Zheng cried out of breath, clutching the clothes in front of Gu Nanzhi, calling her over and over again, as if she would not have to be patient until she was sure that she was always there.

Gu Nanzhi was always patient and responded to every sentence, every word was implemented, "Teacher Gu is here."

Lin Zheng couldn't stop crying for a long time. Gu Nanzhi was afraid that she would cry too hard and her eyes would go wrong, so he touched her forehead sideways and said, "Zheng'er, can you stop crying? Look at the people passing by looking after you." The teachers are so fierce, they thought I was bullying you."

Changed the address, the request of "poor" successfully made Lin Zheng press the "pause", she crawled out of Gu Nanzhi's arms a little bit, stood on tiptoe, rested her small chin on her shoulder to look at the passing pedestrians, Really weird eyes.

Lin Zheng's heart softened, she sniffed and held back her tears, the last two drops fell on Gu Nanzhi's shoulder, through the thick clothes, she didn't feel it, but Lin Zheng clearly saw them permeate little by little, and finally disappeared .

Teacher Gu, she is like a sponge, always helping her absorb her sorrows. If these sorrows are taken away by her, will the good mood also turn bad?

"Mr. Gu, leave me alone." Lin Zheng said slowly, with a strong nasal voice blocking Gu Nanzhi's throat, she suddenly became a little angry, this poor child made her worry for so long, now she can only say lightly, "Leave her alone" , what she said in her ear before...

Gu Nanzhi frowned, and said displeasedly: "If you talk nonsense again, I will get angry."

"Oh." Lin Zheng moved his head, turned his head and put his side face on Gu Nanzhi's shoulder, his blurry eyes due to swollen eye sockets slowly fell on the small mole behind Gu Nanzhi's ear.

Why do some people even have moles so good-looking?

Lin Zheng couldn't figure it out, the more he wanted to figure it out, the more he wanted to figure it out, the closer he got.

Gu Nanzhi didn't notice the abnormality in Lin Zheng's movements at first, only when the child felt uncomfortable, she would become clingy, and when the hot and humid breath behind her ears gradually became clear, she realized something, immediately turned her head, and said fiercely. Said: "Don't make trouble!"

Lin Zheng reacted, his ears turned red quickly, and he sucked his sore nose. Gu Nanzhi thought that he had frightened Lin Zheng, so he softened his attitude and said helplessly: "It's up to you."

Lin Zheng curled her mouth and hugged Gu Nanzhi even tighter. This time she didn't look at what she shouldn't look at, her absent-minded eyes wandered aimlessly in the air.

After a long time, Lin Zheng lowered his head, buried his whole face in Gu Nanzhi's shoulder, and said pleadingly: "Mr. Gu, can I go to sleep at your house tonight? The hospital can only leave one person to accompany the bed, and there is no one in our family. Fear."

Gu Nanzhi's heart skipped a beat. Lin Zheng, who loves to hide everything, actually said 'fear' so clearly. Today's incident stimulated her too much. There is nothing wrong with wanting to find someone to accompany her, but she can sleep at her house ...Before today, she would agree without even thinking about it, but after today, she hesitated.

"Can't you?" Lin Zheng noticed Gu Nanzhi's hesitation, and his tone became low instantly, "That's fine."

Gu Nanzhi was stunned for a short while, and then smiled helplessly. This child is too good at pinching people's weaknesses. However, besides being with her tonight, her more important task is probably to comfort her. Birth, old age, sickness and death are human nature, but who can accept it when it happens? So far, Lin Zheng has other bigger reactions besides crying. It is really worrying if he does not respond to such a big event in one day.

Gu Nanzhi adjusted his mood, nodded lightly and said, "Okay."

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