MTL - Girlfriend Needs To Be Coaxed Every Day-Chapter 42

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It snowed the next day.

Lin Zheng liked it very much. As soon as he woke up, he lay down by the window, covered his head with the curtain and shouted excitedly, "Mr. Gu, it's snowing! It's so big!"

Gu Nanzhi didn't feel much, and walked over slowly kicking Lin Zheng's slippers, "Put on your shoes." At the same time, taking advantage of her height, she stood behind her and completely opened the curtains with only a small gap.

There is a vast expanse of whiteness outside the window, the dead trees are in full bloom, and the old houses have been replaced with new clothes. They quietly turn the rough life into a beautiful fairy tale.

Lin Zheng was busy admiring the snow scene, so she didn't put on her shoes properly, and her little feet stepped on them, dazzlingly white.

Gu Nanzhi looked away, bent slightly to help her pull off the half-rolled pajamas and said, "Go wash up."

Lin Zheng nodded repeatedly, and when it came to action... no action was taken.

Gu Nanzhi suddenly felt a headache, and the child was so angry that he couldn't beat him or scold him.

Gu Nanzhi had no choice but to go to the bathroom outside to wash up, and return to the bedroom in about twenty minutes. Lin Zheng had disappeared, and the glass of the floor-to-ceiling windows was covered with her footprints, big and small, one step after another. Go' out of her reach.

"Lin Zheng?" Gu Nanzhi yelled in the direction of the bathroom, but no one responded. She walked over to look in doubt, but the inside was empty, only a few drops of wet water on the sink showed that Lin Zheng had been active here.

Feeling uneasy, Gu Nanzhi walked quickly to the bedside table, pulled out the phone that was still charging, and called Lin Zheng.

The phone was connected quickly, and before Gu Nanzhi could speak, Lin Zheng's excited voice came over with the cold wind, "Teacher Gu, come to the window quickly!"

Gu Nanzhi took three steps in parallel, walked quickly to the window, and looked down through the foggy glass.

The floor of her house is not high, and the activities of pedestrians downstairs can be vaguely seen.

Lin Zheng, who was wearing a school uniform, stood on the other side of the road, put his hands on top of his head, and gave her a big heart.

There is a bigger heart piled up with dead leaves under her feet, she stands in the heart, smiling innocently.

Gu Nanzhi turned on the system camera, pointed the lens at Lin Zheng, watched her smile clearly on the screen, the corners of her tight lips curled up, and soon sank again.

Did Lin Zheng think about the consequences of such a blatant show of favor? and last night...

Gu Nanzhi put away the phone, and gently stroked his lips with slightly cool fingers.


After school in the afternoon, Gu Nanzhi was so rare that he didn't prepare lessons in the office. He hid at Xu Zhi's place since the end of get out of class. Qi eats cakes made by himself.

When I came back half an hour later, Gu Nanzhi still looked like he was dying, and even the huge music classroom looked particularly gloomy.

Xu Zhi was in a good mood and decided to be Gu Nanzhi's confidant elder sister. She walked over and asked, "Been beaten by Shuang?"

Gu Nanzhi huddled in the chair, holding the warm baby that Xu Zhicai bought in his arms. She doesn't want to care about people very much at the moment, but some things are really uncomfortable in her heart, so Gu Nanzhi said sideways: "You have been a teacher for so many years, you have a reluctant appearance, a good personality, and your talent is not bad..."

Xu Zhi wanted to slap this ungrateful woman awake, so she kicked the back of the chair and said ruthlessly, "The key point."

Gu Nanzhi raised his eyes and said coolly, "Have any students ever liked you?"

"No, but soon." Xu Zhi simply embarrassed Gu Nanzhi, "How are you going to refuse?"

Xu Zhi looked at her as if she was looking at a strange flower, "Why did you refuse?"

Gu Nanzhi sat up, and couldn't believe Xu Zhi's answer, "The relationship between a teacher and a student is against the norms. Besides, there is a minimum age difference of ten years between us and the students. Isn't this a problem?"

"Hiss, I always thought you were quite open-minded, but I didn't expect you to be so rigid." Xu Zhi looked into Gu Nanzhi's eyes and pierced through with one word, "Gu Nanzhi, who likes you?"

Gu Nanzhi didn't expect Xu Zhi to speak so directly, he avoided her eyes and retreated into the chair again, and said in a low voice, "No one."

Xu Zhi pursed her lips, and looked at the distant sky outside the window together with her, "Gu Nanzhi, we are teachers and human beings. Humans have seven emotions and six desires. Whoever we like, fall in love with, or even want, is always It’s not under our full control.”

"This cannot be the reason for the teacher-student relationship." Gu Nanzhi said.

Xu Zhi, "Naturally, if we are unilaterally tempted, or rely on their ignorance to induce, then the teacher-student relationship must not be covered up, and should even be criticized, but if both sides are willing, we are willing to keep the bottom line until the time is right. Then why refuse? We didn't make a mistake, we just met the right person at the wrong time, wait a minute, it's not too much."

Gu Nanzhi was silent, she couldn't completely agree with Xu Zhi's words. Thinking about it carefully, the outburst of emotion is really beyond one's control, but if you meet the wrong person at the wrong time... "It's Lin Zheng." Xu Zhi said suddenly.

Surprise flashed across Gu Nanzhi's face for a moment, and he quickly gave up concealing it, "How do you know?"

Xu Zhi pulled away the warm baby who was being held by Gu Nanzhi, and put it on her feet.

Gu Nanzhi's forehead was full of black lines, she held her feelings in her arms, and even put the things on her face that were used by others to warm her feet. She was really crazy to come to Xu Zhi, who looks like a person in front of her, but looks like a person behind her. A woman who is not a man speaks.

Xu Zhi couldn't feel Gu Nanzhi's depression, and sighed comfortably after feeling the warmth on her feet, and answered Gu Nanzhi's question just now, "Your class is seven in our club, and she hangs Lin Zheng on the bed all day long. Talking about how good she is, recruiting more teachers, especially your favorite, I got tired of hearing it again and again, so I guessed it casually. What, you guessed it right?" Xu Zhiming asked knowingly.

Gu Nanzhi had the urge to turn around and leave, but she would not be able to find anyone else to talk to for a while, so she could only bear with it and continued, "Yes."

"How far have you guys developed?" Xu Zhi asked enthusiastically, "Did she confess? Or did you make a move?"

When Gu Nanzhi heard such a nonsensical question, she stood up and wanted to leave, but Xu Zhi was already prepared, and the pointer slapped her knee hard, causing her to fall back to the seat in pain.

"You're sick!" Gu Nanzhi became angry from embarrassment.

Xu Zhi smiled slightly, "You have the medicine, just answer the questions obediently and I'll be fine."

Gu Nanzhi, "...crazy."

Having said that, Gu Nanzhi's thought of leaving was lost after all, she leaned back in the chair with a dignified expression.

To say that Lin Zheng confessed his love is not really counted. When she saw Feng Haian and Qin Youheng on the street that day, Lin Zheng didn't know whether it was because she was too emotional or what, and suddenly said in her ear, "Mr. Gu, how can I be like this?" Can't like you like this? '

Gu Nanzhi was in a daze at the time, realizing that Lin Zheng had gone far away, and when she chased after her, Lin Zheng's overwhelmed body hadn't had time to catch it, so the question about that sentence could only be put aside for the time being, and later, Lin Zheng's life experience, Lin Zheng's father's illness, everything made Gu Nanzhi feel distressed. Not only could she not bear to bring up that issue, but she even brought him home in a 'temporary carelessness'.

In the dark, Lin Zheng used practical actions to prove to her again what the "like" in that sentence really meant.

This 'like' made Gu Nanzhi sleepless all night, and even woke up pretending nothing had happened.

To be honest, Lin Zheng's kiss, which was just a tentative kiss, was not a kiss at all, but to a simple-minded child, it should be the whole of feelings.

She put all her feelings into the first kiss, and Gu Nanzhi couldn't ignore this sincerity, and at the same time, couldn't face it squarely.

"It's a bit difficult for you." Xu Zhi said, "I thought she was just blindly dependent on you, and if there was more, she would like it ambiguously. Kiss you, this..." Xu Zhi couldn't think of a suitable word to describe it for a while, and stopped Then he continued, "Will you accept? Reject? Or pretend you don't know anything?"

Gu Nanzhi was silent, if she knew, she wouldn't be sitting here. For Lin Zheng, she does have a lot of different concerns. These concerns are not for emotional purposes. She just loves this child. If they change, she doesn't know if she can continue to maintain her original intentions, teachers and students , same sex, same sex... Does Lin Zheng know that this road is a dead end for her.

Xu Zhi could see Gu Nanzhi's contradictions, so it was not good to continue joking, and said in a deep voice: "No matter what you decide, I would like to give you a piece of advice - the emotional entanglements at this stage are only harmful to her and you, and have nothing to do with it. Yili, once exposed, your career and her studies will be affected, especially you, you are an adult, and you are gay." Xu Zhi didn't know what to think of, and her tone became serious.

Gu Nanzhi closed his eyes, then opened them again, his eyes were extremely tired, "I know, and I can't like her."

"Bang!" Almost at the same time that Gu Nanzhi finished speaking, there was a clear sound from the door, the two looked at each other vigilantly, and Xu Zhi walked towards the door quickly.

There was no one outside the door, only the cleaning lady in the corridor carrying the trash can to the bathroom. She was old and her ears were hard of hearing, so she probably couldn't hear their conversation.

Xu Zhi breathed a sigh of relief, locked the door and went back to continue the unfinished conversation.

This conversation lasted for a long time, and in the end still did not find a suitable solution, only Xu Zhi seemed to sigh, "If you don't like it, just hide."

These words were like a knife, piercing Lin Zheng's chest fiercely. The pain was excessive, but she was not so excited. She squatted in the corner of the recording studio, with her arms around her knees, and she looked very calm.

Song Anshu sat beside her, silent.

Just now, the two were planning to go home with Shi Qi, but when they passed the music classroom, they vaguely heard someone talking in the door that was not fully closed. Lin Zheng was too familiar with Gu Nanzhi's voice, so he immediately confirmed that the person was she.

Lin Zheng didn't want to eavesdrop, but the little girl who moved her mind would be somewhat possessive of the person she liked, whether it was her or her secret, so Lin Zheng heard the most unwilling answer, sad and powerless Suddenly, Shi Qi's schoolbag in Lin Zheng's hand fell to the ground.

Song Anshu reacted quickly, carrying his schoolbag in one hand and Lin Zheng in the other, and quickly brought him closer to the recording studio next door.

Teacher Zhang was not around, and Song Anshu, as his guitar 'chief student', could come in and out freely, so as to avoid being discovered by Xu Zhi, but Lin Zheng could hear their conversation clearly.

"Aren't you surprised?" Lin Zheng asked Song Anshu with a dull expression suddenly with a smile.

Song Anshu got up and turned off the radio, and said calmly, "I don't think so."

Lin Zheng looked up at him, with a bitter smile, "You always put on airs, don't you just say that because you don't want to tear yourself apart? I like that Mr. Gu occupies both teachers and students, and is of the same sex. The society is estimated to be sunk."

"It's a pity that you're not in the old society, and I'm too lazy to make excuses." Song Anshu sat next to Lin Zheng again, with his back against the cold wall, "I saw you and Teacher Gu together, very happy, we are friends , nothing is wrong if it makes you happy, so why should I be surprised?"

Song Anshu spoke frankly, but Lin Zheng was surprised for a moment. Recalling the encounter between the back door of the classroom and the shopping mall, he felt that his words seemed reasonable. It was because he thought too simply, thinking that no one could see.

"Thank you, I didn't expect you to be very loyal." Lin Zheng put his chin on his knees and said in a low voice, "I used to always think that Teacher Gu was good, and occasionally I would have one or two unrealistic ideas, but That is dependence, I know that liking her is only recently determined."

Lin Zheng pursed her lips and laughed, "I found that I was quite courageous, and I hardly struggled with it. No, I didn't struggle at all. I found that hugging her felt different from hugging others, and then I was sure what was on my mind. As for the things you like, there is more..."

Lin Zheng blinked, and her vision quickly blurred, "She calls me Zheng'er, it sounds nice."

"You..." Song Anshu hesitated to speak, and stretched out his arm after thinking for a long time, "Do you want to bite?"

Lin Zheng smiled through tears, pushed his arm away, and said angrily, "Do you think I'm a dog?"

"A dog has a temper than you."


The familiar bickering eased the atmosphere a little, Song Anshu took out a coin from nowhere, put it on his thumb, bounced it, and grabbed it.

He stretched out his clenched fist in front of Lin Zheng and said to her, "Flowers or words?"

Lin Zheng stared blankly and asked him, "What are you betting on?"

"Bet you can like Teacher Gu."

Lin Zheng's floating eyes shrank suddenly, and it took a long time to make a soft choice, "Flower."

Song Anshu spread out his hands - with the words facing upwards.

The luck in Lin Zheng's heart was completely lost, "It turns out that everyone is not optimistic about it."

Song Anshu put away the coins, and said in a brisk tone, "Who told you, I'll give you the choice whether to face down or face down. You chose the flower, which is correct."

Lin Zheng was taken aback for a moment, then laughed, "Song Anshu, you are too good at coaxing people."

Song Anshu turned his head, glanced at her and asked, "Then have you been coaxed?"

Lin Zheng shook her head, and said after a long silence, "I'm very sober."

Song Anshu couldn't say what he had prepared, he thought Lin Zheng would fight for it, sober...the agreement was to give up, if he understood correctly.

"Let's go." Lin Zheng stood up and said, "Qi is probably waiting anxiously."

Song Anshu didn't move, and stood up slowly after observing Lin Zheng for a few seconds without finding any flaws.

The two walked out in silence, and when they reached the door of the club office, Lin Zheng suddenly turned around, "Can you lend me some coins?"

Song Anshu didn't speak, just took out a coin and handed it to Lin Zheng.

Lin Zheng threw it upwards vigorously, and then caught it firmly.

"What?" Song Anshu asked.

Lin Zheng smiled and said nothing, and stuffed the coins into the side pocket of his schoolbag.

The coin may have flipped, the answer will never be known.

No one knows, the possibilities are endless.

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