MTL - Girlfriend Needs To Be Coaxed Every Day-Chapter 69

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Waking up the next day...Lin Zheng couldn't wake up.

"Zhizhi, I'm too sleepy." Lin Zheng lay on the bed, his head was heavy, and he didn't feel anything when he was so busy before, why is he still tired when he is suddenly free? Lin Zheng was depressed.

Although Gu Nanzhi also slept late, his biological clock was too accurate. He woke up leisurely after 6 o'clock. Seeing that Lin Zheng was still in a deep sleep, he didn't get up. He lay beside her and watched her quietly until now.

Now that everyone is conscious, she can't continue to let her stay in bed.

"Didn't you say you're going to gather at ten o'clock today and leave for the resort?" Gu Nanzhi coaxed in a low voice, his unpolished voice sounded particularly attractive in the morning.

Lin Zheng turned around and wrapped her around Gu Nanzhi, and burrowed her hands into her clothes, "Do you really want to go with me?"

"Otherwise?" Gu Nanzhi turned over with Lin Zheng in his arms, and changed from lying on his side to his back, letting Lin Zheng lie on her body, which made it easier for her to 'do something wrong'.

But for some reason, Lin Zheng didn't move, she lay on Gu Nanzhi peacefully, playing with her chin, "Which girl is so obedient?"

Gu Nanzhi lowered his eyes to look at her, and said in a playful tone, "I still don't know who it belongs to, kid, you really don't care."

Lin Zhengguang smiled and didn't speak. When he was breathing, his body rubbed against her, and the heartbeats that were separated by two layers of thin clothes hooked together and vibrated.

After a long time, Lin Zheng let out a soft 'ah' and hid in Gu Nanzhi's neck.

On a sunny day, don't look at her with such ambiguous eyes, you can't stand it!

Lin Zheng howled in his heart.

Gu Nanzhi pressed Lin Zheng's waist to himself, turned his head to find Lin Zheng's lips.

The scorching sun outside the window is baking on the side of the face, which is soft and the most sultry.

"If you don't remember, why don't you do something else?" Gu Nanzhi pressed Lin Zheng's lower lip lightly and asked her in a low voice.

Lin Zheng responded, and directly opened his mouth to cover Gu Nanzhi's lips.

Just at the time of deep love, Lin Zheng's cell phone rang suddenly, and she was so angry that she grabbed it and wanted to throw it away.

Aren't you afraid of lightning strikes when you disturb people in the early morning!

Gu Nanzhi grabbed Lin Zheng's wrist and made fun of her, "Don't you see who it is?"

"No one can do it!" Lin Zheng turned over angrily, sat up aside, and connected the phone, "Hello!" The ferocious tone made people shudder.

On the other end of the phone, Shi Qi took his mobile phone to confirm whether he had made a mistake, "That's right, why are you so angry? Zhenger?" Shi Qi carefully confirmed.

Lin Zheng threw out a word coldly, "Say!"

Shi Qi panicked, and glanced at Xu Zhi, who was drinking coffee leisurely across the street. The latter had rosy lips, and her pajamas were so thin that two spots of ambiguous color could be seen on her chest.

Tsk, seducing and seducing her early in the morning, this person is too outrageous.

Shi Qi licked his lips, and his bare feet climbed up her calves, then raised his eyebrows at her, meaning "Do you know what?"

Xu Zhi held her feet and put them on her knees, and pressed her fingers gently on her calves, "What could be the cause of getting angry so early?"

Shi Qi curled up his toes comfortably, and asked softly, "What?"

Xu Zhi smiled without saying a word, she will take care of her all the year round, only infatuated with the piano keys and Shi Qi's fingertips fell between her lips, opened her mouth under her fiery gaze, and slowly sucked it.

Shi Qi was so excited that she almost bit her tongue, she just asked a question, why did this woman act for her personally, it was fatal!

"I, I understand." Shi Qi withdrew his feet, scrambled and hid on the balcony to talk to Lin Zheng, "Well, Zheng'er, I forgot that you were with Teacher Gu, I..."

"Get to the point." Lin Zheng poked his feet frantically on the verge of the explosion, ready to crawl into Shiqi when the phone went out.

Shi Qi sneakily turned around, seeing Xu Zhi still drinking coffee leisurely, he breathed a sigh of relief, covered the microphone and asked in a low voice: "When will your test flight end? Xu Zhi and I are going to play there, you and Mr. Gu? Don't come with us? Xu Zhi pays, eats, stays, and plays." Shi Qi said humblely, for fear that Lin Zheng would explode on the spot if she was unhappy, but she knew too well how much it felt to be interrupted at that moment I'm upset.

When Lin Zheng heard the word 'package', his heart was already moved, but he had to keep aloof, "Our project team has arranged to go to a resort. Who would like your teacher Xu's 'package'?"

"Resort? Which resort?" Shi Qian was excited, "The one at the foot of the mountain?"

"I don't know if it's expensive or not, but it is indeed at the foot of the mountain." Lin Zheng answered truthfully.

Shi Qi screamed and said loudly: "Xu Zhi and I are going there too! Make an appointment, make an appointment quickly!"

"Really?" Lin Zheng completely gave up the disguise, and with his legs crossed, he and Shi Qi planned a play plan for the next three days.

Gu Nanzhi leaned aside, feeling 'disappointed' of being left out.

Seeing that it was getting late, Gu Nanzhi took his mobile phone and sent Xu Zhi a WeChat message, [Troubleshoot? 】

When Xu Zhi saw this, she sighed endlessly, Feng Shui took turns, the current Gu Nanzhi was very much like her back then.

"Shi Qi." Xu Zhi walked to the balcony, leaned on the sliding door and looked down at Shi Qi, who was so excited that his toes were so excited.

Shi Qi looked wary, "Why?"

Xu Zhi smiled slightly, and said very gently: "Talk with Lin Zheng slowly, until you get to the point where you can talk about what time to eat and what to eat, so don't worry."

Shi Qi's eyes lit up, and he said crisply: "Okay!" So, the endless phone calls between the two of them finally made Gu Nanzhi chat 'fire'.

"Zhenger." Gu Nanzhi pulled Lin Zheng's pajamas from behind.

Lin Zheng waved his hands ignorantly and said, "Don't make trouble, Shi Qi and I haven't finished talking yet."

Gu Nanzhi withdrew his hand, leaned against the head of the bed and smiled kindly, but there was no warmth in his eyes.

Lin Zheng lost himself in the chat, completely unaware that the 'danger' was approaching every step of the way.

"Yes, yes, yes, I also want to go to the skewer, and two cans of iced Coke, ah! Uh...!" Lin Zheng's happiness was not completely let go, and suddenly Gu Nanzhi hooked her neck from behind, and she held it with her palm. Lin Zheng's profile forced her to turn her head and blocked her lips before she could react.

Shi Qi was unprepared and subconsciously made a sound.

When Shi Qi heard it, she mistakenly thought that something indescribable was going on with her, so she quickly hung up the phone, patted her hot cheek and criticized, "You're so unrestrained in broad daylight, shameless!"

"Who are you talking about?" The elusive Xu Zhi suddenly uttered a sound, and Shi Qiyi fell to the ground in fright, angrily said: "You are a ghost, is it okay to walk a little loudly?"

It was rare for Xu Zhi to disagree, so she pulled a cushion and sat down at the door, lazily leaning against the door frame, with one leg straight and the other bent casually, with one arm resting on her knee, her thumb and forefinger rubbing each other .

There was wind on the balcony, blowing Xu Zhi's thin silk pajamas into an extremely snug fit.

Shi Qi looked at the obvious bulge on her chest, and quickly stripped her naked in his mind.

"Xu Zhi, Xiao Zhi, Ah Zhi, can I be ashamed for a while?" Shi Qi asked cowardly.

Xu Zhi tilted her head, her tone was flat, "You just listened when I said no?"

"Of course I don't listen." Shi Qi said twice, dragging her ankles with both hands and dragging herself in front of Xu Zhi, "Is this the way you are?" She hadn't tried the balcony door yet, so she didn't know what to do.

In the past, when encountering new environments and unlocking new poses, Xu Zhike would take the initiative to guide her, why didn't she respond today? Shi Qi thought with a guilty conscience.

Xu Zhi didn't speak, and hugged the person directly, and didn't move after that.

Shi Qi sat on her body and didn't know what to do. After pondering for a while, he slowly stretched out his hand.

When she held it, Xu Zhi's whole body was numb.

"Shiqi, you are the nemesis in my life."


At twelve noon, Lin Zheng and his party arrived at the resort first.

Chang Yue's arrangement is very thoughtful, the room assigned to Lin Zheng and Gu Nanzhi is at the innermost side of the corridor, not only will there be less trouble of being disturbed, but also the leisurely mountain scenery in the distance can be seen from the window.

Lin Zheng was very satisfied, and rolled on the bed as soon as he entered, humming comfortably.

Gu Nanzhi, on the other hand, squatted beside the suitcase to pack his things.

When Lin Zheng was packing, he didn't care about food and clothing, so he stuffed everything into the box. Gu Nanzhi couldn't do anything to pack it now, and he had a terrible headache.

"Zheng'er, come here." Gu Nanzhi called her.

Lin Zheng got up, jumped up to her and asked, "What's wrong?"

Gu Nanzhi nodded at the messy things in the box, and said speechlessly, "How did you stuff them in?"

"That's it." Lin Zheng sat on the ground, turned half a circle around his buttocks, and said to Gu Nanzhi with his back, "Just sit on the box and press around for a while."

"You kid." Gu Nanzhi couldn't help but laugh, "You know these little tricks."

"So what? Didn't I coax you?" Lin Zheng put his hands behind his back, leaned back and talked to Gu Nanzhi with a smile.

From this angle, she is playful and cute, her feathery eyelashes make Gu Nanzhi's heart itch, she puts her arms on her legs, gets up a little, and looks at her on top of Lin Zheng, "Yes, then do I want to ask you?" Do you want some favors?"

Lin Zheng frowned, feigning embarrassment, "How can I ask for it? I'm just a poor student with no house, no car, and no money."

Gu Nanzhi shook his head, "It's material, so that's fine."

"What..." Lin Zheng's dark eyes gradually widened in Gu Nanzhi's picture-like face slowly approaching, and the moment her moist lips touched her, Lin Zheng couldn't hold back and fell down.

Gu Nanzhi had been prepared for a long time, he caught her head with one hand and pressed it towards him, deepening the unexpected kiss.

Lin Zheng couldn't react, and his mind, which was not very bright, was turned into a pot of mud by Gu Nanzhi's gentle and tender kiss.

It's over, it's over, their teacher Gu is getting better and better.

Lin Zheng evaluated with what little reason he had left.

"Knock knock!" There was a sudden knock on the door, followed by Jiang Ran's exaggerated voice, "Lin Zheng! Go play real CS, hurry up!"

Lin Zheng didn't expect this to happen again, and bit Gu Nanzhi's tongue nervously for a moment, and she gasped in pain, but the spring in her eyes was even stronger.

"Scared?" Gu Nanzhi asked, his warm nose sprinkled on Lin Zheng's chin, igniting the unknown flame in her body.

Before the situation got out of hand, Lin Zheng quickly got out from under Gu Nanzhi and denied it, "Nonsense! I was, it was..."

"What is it?" Gu Nanzhi sat back and asked with a smile.

Lin Zheng didn't know what it was, so she said it right away, "Yes... I'll open the door." Lin Zheng ran away shamelessly.

Gu Nanzhi didn't make it difficult for her, and continued to pack things with a headache.

Jiang Ran was still arguing outside the door, "Everyone is waiting, oh, oh!"

"What the hell! You dog!" Lin Zheng opened the door and satirized Jiang Ran angrily.

Jiang Ran grinned and peeked in, "The dog is a dog, can you be educated?"

Lin Zheng pressed her shoulders and pushed her out, closed the door behind her and asked her, "Isn't the real CS three o'clock? It's less than one o'clock, so why rush?"

"I'm afraid you won't be able to hold back your beauty right now, so I kindly remind you, you really don't know good from bad."

"Let's not discuss whether I know good or bad, you are not a good person, you are very annoying!"

The two talked to each other, and they 'argued' at the door.

Ma Xiaoyanzi, who came along with him, and Gu Nanzhi, who was packing up at the door, felt their heads were growing up, and it was really unreasonable for the children to bicker.

"Hey, who is that person?" Jiang Ran suddenly pointed to the back of the flashing figure on the opposite stone road, "Why does it look a bit like Teacher Chang?"

"Is it weird? Teacher Chang led the team over, isn't it normal to see her?" Lin Zheng mocked clearly.

Jiang Ran rarely refuted, and looked at the direction Chang Yue left, frowning into a ball.

It's not surprising to see Chang Yue here, but being hugged by a woman around the waist is terrifying.

The "reputation" of the first female Hades of the Aeronautical Academy is about to fall?

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