MTL - Girlfriend Needs To Be Coaxed Every Day-Chapter 93

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"Xiao Lin, have you really thought about it? The place is poor and remote, and there are mountains when you go out. Not to mention delicious food, drink and fun, except for your colleagues, you can't even see any extra living things. How can you bear it for a month? ?” The master called Lin Zheng to the laboratory and persuaded her earnestly.

After Lin Zheng joined the company, he was directly asked by his master to follow the project. It has been more than a year and a half, and finally entered the field test stage, and needs to send someone to do on-site debugging.

Lin Zheng participated in the whole process from the initial demand research to the design and development. He is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate. However, Master really likes this girl who is smart and caring, and he is not willing to throw her in a place where no one can see her for ten miles.

No, he called someone over as soon as he received the notice.

"Master knows that this is a project that you have worked on all the way. It feels like my own girl. I feel distressed, but Master still has to remind you that you must endure loneliness when you go to that place. Your little girl spends all day with a group of single greasy men. It will definitely be boring together." In order to keep the young apprentice, the master did not hesitate to damage his image, "Have you seen the hopeless hairline of the master? It has been there for 3 years, you should think about it."

Lin Zheng rubbed her arms, and was indeed frightened by Master's hairline.

Her master is only 32 this year, but he has already reached the stage where he has to rely on bangs to save his life. The speed of hair loss is really shocking.

"But I have already taught the application." Lin Zheng said weakly, "Besides, my partner is over there, I..."

Before Lin Zheng finished speaking, the master suddenly felt distressed, "Aren't you going to wait for my son to grow up? How can you change it?"

"Master!" Lin Zheng was speechless, "Your son is only two months old."

"So what, I don't mind sibling love."

"I mind the relationship between mother and child."

"..." Master suddenly got stuck, touched the forehead of 'Guangliang' to confirm again, "Go for it."

"En." Lin Zheng nodded solemnly, "Don't think that I love work so much, I'm an ordinary person, most of my thoughts on going there are to meet her."

"That's right, this is what a little girl should look like." The master pulled the electric soldering iron, and said with emotion, "I think back then, your master and I were also impulsive for love, and I understand this feeling, oh yes, your object What do you do? It’s also in our system? I remember that apart from a few research institutes of ordnance industry, there seems to be no unit.”

"No." Lin Zheng shook his head, and the smile on his face showed the admiration that a little girl in love would have. "She has been teaching there for two years, and the students like her very much. Didn't Master Liu just a few days ago?" Did you say that the gold medal in this year's National Elementary School Composition Competition is a student from a rural elementary school? That child was brought out by her."

"It's amazing." The master sighed, waved his hands and said, "Then you go, such a capable young man must be missed by many people, you can go and watch."

Lin Zheng, "...ah." She seemed to have a sense of crisis when she said that, Gu Nanzhi's figure and appearance were too attractive.


The next week, Lin Zheng set off with the car.

They have to bring equipment there, and high-speed trains and planes cannot pass the security check.

Four people in one car, hurried all the way, and finally arrived at the base in the afternoon of the second day.

Lin Zheng took leave of absence after meeting the leader she met.

A colleague in the same industry asked curiously: "Do you know anyone here?"

Lin Zheng was studying how to ride the borrowed small electric motorcycle. Hearing this, he raised his head, pointed to the faintly visible national flag in the distance and said, "Well, she is there."

"Where?" The colleague only saw the vast green hills.

"Where I can see, ah!" Lin Zheng didn't control the accelerator, and rushed out with a swipe.

The colleague shouted anxiously, "Be careful, the road is slippery when it snows!"

Lin Zheng waved to him with his back, and quickly disappeared outside the gate.

About thirty minutes later, Lin Zheng stepped on the get out of class bell and appeared on the roadside opposite the school.

She didn't go in, but lay on the front of the car, smiling and looking at the students who came out of the door.

The children lined up and sang songs, and their innocence was enviable.

"Teacher Gu!" Suddenly a little girl called out to a figure behind the school gate.

Lin Zheng smiled and looked away.

His eyesight recovered well, Gu Nanzhi, who had already taken off his glasses, turned around, walked up to her with a smile and asked, "What's wrong?"

Putting her five fingers together, the little girl secretly said to Gu Nanzhi, "Teacher Gu, let me tell you a secret."

Gu Nanzhi squatted down in front of her, turned his ear, and asked with a smile, "What's the secret?"

The little girl wrung her fingers shyly and said nothing, but Gu Nanzhi was not in a hurry, and waited for her patiently.

Soon, the little girl seemed to gather enough courage, and quickly kissed Gu Nanzhi on the face, blushing and said: "Teacher Gu, I like you!"

Almost at the same time, Lin Zheng cursed in a low voice, "Fart!" She felt that she was already very restrained, and her voice was probably loud enough to spread two or three meters, but she was still caught by Gu Nanzhi.

The moment he saw Lin Zheng, Gu Nanzhi's eyes lit up obviously, and he was soon imbued with a smile.

She looked away, and said to the little girl softly, "You can like the teacher, but you can't kiss the teacher anymore."

"Why?" The little girl thought that her behavior had made Gu Nanzhi angry, and she almost cried out in a moment of sadness.

Gu Nanzhi touched the little girl's head and pointed to the direction behind her, "That elder sister will lose her temper with the teacher when she sees it. She is very violent when she sees it. She is not as obedient as you."

The little girl looked in the direction Gu Nanzhi was pointing at, and asked ignorantly, "Who is that sister?"

Gu Nanzhi looked at Lin Zheng not far away, and there was deep love hidden in every look, "It's the person in the teacher's heart."

"Oh, that must be a very important person." The little girl still couldn't understand Gu Nanzhi's implication, she just felt that since she was an important person, she couldn't make her angry, so she said generously, "Okay, then I will I only like Teacher Gu, and I won't kiss you anymore."

Gu Nanzhi stood up and said with a smile: "Don't be playful on the way home, pay attention to safety."

"Okay, Mr. Gu, goodbye."


The little girl left, and Gu Nanzhi continued to guide the students home. She would keep watching them go away or turn a corner and never see them again.

Lin Zheng was always lying on the front of the car watching this scene, like the most fascinating classic movie scene, never tired of watching it.

Every time he saw Gu Nanzhi bending down to talk to the children, Lin Zheng's heart felt like being poked by something, which made people itch.

She thought strangely, how could Gu Nanzhi's appearance with children be so poignant? Her voice is so soft, her smile is so soft, and every little movement is so gentle that people can't take their eyes off.

It seems that here is really a good place.

There is a job she likes, and a life she yearns for.


After seeing off the students, Gu Nanzhi said something to the other teachers, and seeing them leave together, he waved to Lin Zheng and said, "I've been standing all day, I'm too tired, come here."

Lin Zheng sat up, lifted the helmet up, and then started the car to ride to the school gate.

Lin Zheng's technique is not very proficient, and he can barely stop when he is in front of him.

His consciousness was quite clear, but he still couldn't escape the fate of hitting the wall.

Lin Zheng's body moved forward according to inertia, and when he was about to hit the dashboard, he closed his eyes resignedly.

Ok? Why didn't the expected pain come?

Lin Zheng secretly opened her eyes, and all she could see was a hand supporting her head.

"Hahaha, I knew you would save me." Lin Zheng raised her feet on the ground, shook her happily and said, "Get in the car and go home."

Gu Nanzhi patted Lin Zheng's forehead angrily, and said with a serious expression: "Why are you so reckless every time?"

"Is there?" Lin Zheng seriously recalled the few times the two met in the past.

It seems... it really is.

The first time was the eleventh day of her graduation year, when she took Gu Nanzhi to watch a movie in the county town, and almost ran into a ditch on the way;

The second time was when I picked her up a year ago and rode too fast, not wanting to be unable to stop the car in the snow, and crashed into the haystack with both people and the car;

the third time…

Lin Zheng didn't dare to recall, frowned, pouted, and leaned in front of Gu Nanzhi to act like a spoiled child, "I'll pay attention in the future."

Gu Nanzhi couldn't help laughing, straddled behind her and said, "Go to the office building first, I didn't take the keys and mobile phone."

"Okay." Lin Zheng stepped back, turned a corner, and rode into the school in a hurry.

After taking the keys, the two went directly to Gu Nanzhi's residence, which was next to the school.

The existence of Gu Nanzhi brought a new look to the closed and obsolete elementary school. To thank her, Grandpa Jiang Ran lent her the newly built two-story western-style building next to the school, and promised her that if she stayed for one more day, she could live in one more day.

Now, this house is almost becoming Gu Nanzhi's private domain.

As soon as Lin Zheng entered the door, he ran to turn on the stove. Winter without heating is really terrible.

Gu Nanzhi followed behind, first poured hot water for her to warm her hands, then went upstairs to find the warm baby in the bedroom.

After she finished heating the warm baby and came down, Lin Zheng had already put on a small blanket, her whole body curled up into a ball, shivering from the cold.

Gu Nanzhi walked over, sat down next to Lin Zheng, handed Nuan Baobao to her and said, "You knew it was snowing, why did you still run over? You didn't say hello before you came."

Lin Zheng pulled the stool and squeezed beside Gu Nanzhi, and said in a breathless manner: "Expatriate, staying for half a year is not my wish."

"Really?" Gu Nanzhi obviously didn't believe it.

Lin Zheng heyed twice, leaning against Gu Nanzhi, and gave her half of the blanket, "Of course not, I took the initiative to apply, so that I can be closer to you."

Gu Nanzhi hugged Lin Zheng into his arms sideways, and at the same time pulled the blanket tightly around the two of them. The warmth quickly penetrated the stiff bones, "The conditions here are not good."

"If it's not good, it's not good. It's not a problem to see you." Lin Zheng was afraid that Gu Nanzhi would feel that he was sacrificing for her by doing this, so he quickly added, "This project is led by Master. I made it with my own hands, and I don’t feel relieved to hand it over to others.”

Gu Nanzhi hugged Lin Zheng tightly, rubbing his chin on the top of his head, ""

She can tell the truth from the fake in Lin Zheng's words, and she feels even more distressed when she can tell, "Let's go to the county town on weekends and install an air conditioner in the bedroom."

"Is it useful?" Lin Zheng counted the pros and cons for her with her fingers. "The bedroom is too big, and there is air leakage everywhere. Installing an air conditioner is useless, it's a waste of electricity."

"Somehow it will start to work, pretending that you are sleeping soundly." Gu Nanzhi said.

This year is the third winter she has spent here, and she is more or less used to the biting dry cold in the deep winter. Lin Zheng is different. It is the first time she has come to live here, so she can't be damaged by the cold.

"Then I won't be polite." Lin Zheng twirled in Gu Nanzhi's arms, and sat face to face with her, her voice suddenly lowered, "It says in the book that not seeing each other every day is like three autumns, I feel that most of me I haven't seen you in my life."

"So exaggerated?" Gu Nanzhi approached Lin Zheng and kissed the corner of her listless lips, "Live here for the next six months?"

"Of course." Lin Zheng patted his chest and said seriously, "I'm looking for love a thousand miles away, I can't help getting up and running hard."

"It may be more difficult to stay here." Gu Nanzhi reminded.

Lin Zheng, "Huh?" The pain of lovesickness is gone, what could be more difficult than this?

Gu Nanzhi's gaze, which was dyed red by the flames, lowered and fell on Lin Zheng's moist lips, "I can't help but want to touch you."


In the middle of the night, the penetrating coolness in the air was ignited by the burning affection, and Lin Zheng's suppressed croon echoed in the almost soundproof bedroom.

Gu Nanzhi passionately kissed every sensitive part of her body, pointing to her pious love without stopping.

Since the frostbite of his hands in the first year, no matter how well protected Gu Nanzhi was, he would suffer from one or two frostbite, which were not serious, but itchy when exposed to heat.

However, the temperature in Lin Zheng's body was like a fire, burning her enthusiasm and torturing the burning sensation on her fingers that could not fade away.

The more she wanted to relieve it, the faster she moved, and the faster she felt, the more crushing the ungraspable pain would be.

"Zheng'er, there's no one around." Gu Nanzhi's hot breath pressed against Lin Zheng's ear, and at the same time, his fingertips brushed the most sensitive part of her.

Lin Zheng's body tensed up, and finally he couldn't help crying out.

In the middle of the night, the heavy winter snow slowly lowered the dead branches.

The author has something to say: It seems that I should make a speech to announce the progress? ?

Well, the episode is not long, how many chapters, how many specific chapters, let me think about it.

Thanks to the little angel who voted for Sham Shui: Mucha 1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: Moran Nianhua and Mucha;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of ink dyed years; 13 bottles of Qingfeng Wuhen; 10 bottles of just want to feed you milk candy; 7 bottles of dreaming stars; 2 bottles of Yu Yunmo;

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