MTL - Global Awakening: Join The Chat Group At The Beginning-Chapter 689 Illusion hand, blizzard futuristic road

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The richest man in the lighthouse: "Although your way of changing the subject is very blunt, but when it comes to this, we can ask a person in the chat group."

The richest man in the lighthouse: "After all, he was suppressed by his elder brother for a whole thousand and five hundred years!"

Boil Dagu into soup: "1500 years?"

Boil Dagu into soup: "There are still members like this in our chat group?"

He has no impression at all.

Great King of Asgard: "..."

Boil Dagu into soup: "Oh, it's you!"

Boil Dagu into soup: "Suddenly enlightened.jpg"

Originally, Dagu was wondering who it was, but when he saw Loki appearing, he said suddenly.

Loki's words were indeed suppressed by Thor last year.

It's not considered suppression, but in terms of strength, Thor is indeed stronger than Loki, and he is more popular in Asgard.

Fubuki of Hell: "The god-king of Asgard?"

Although I don't know where Asgard is, but looking at the name, the other party seems to have become the king of that place.

In other words, did the elder brother who suppressed him for 1,500 years lose the battle for the throne?

Although there must be a reason for the chat group, being able to do this is also necessarily related to his own excellence.

Fubuki of Hell: "Please also give me some advice."

Fubuki of Hell: "Sincerely.jpg"

Great King of Asgard: "...."

What advice can I give you!

The corner of Loki's mouth twitched crazily as he looked at Fubuki who was sincerely asking him for advice in the chat group.

If the newcomers don't know, how can Tony not know.

Is he the God King of Asgard because of himself?

Also have any suggestions.

Collect points, buy a powerful ability or item from other worlds or your own world from the mall; or hope that the fishing function and lottery function, if you are lucky enough, you can even surpass the tornado in the next second.

The path is already clear, what advice can he give?

It's impossible to give you points directly.

But the newcomers asked so sincerely, if he couldn't give any advice, wouldn't it damage the impression of him as the great King of Asgard in the newcomers' minds?

After thinking for a while, Loki clicked on the profile picture of a group member in the chat group.

"Are you there?"


Aura revives the world.

Bai Xuan looked at the blood in his hand and fell silent.

Is there nothing in Loki's vault?

What is the operation of directly sending out one's own blood as a red envelope as gratitude?

at the same time.

After getting the answer he wanted, Loki entered the chat group with a relaxed expression.

Great King of Asgard: "Before you seek advice, there is one question you must think about."

Great King of Asgard: "Do you simply want to surpass Tornado, or do you bring your Fubuki team together to become stronger?"

Great King of Asgard: "If it's the former, I have nothing to advise."

The Great King of Asgard: "Hunting monsters, recycling them, buying the abilities you like from the chat group mall to improve yourself, and after becoming stronger, continue to recruit stronger heroes to continuously develop your own power."

The great king of Asgard: "Everyone hunts and kills monsters to collect materials, and supports you to grow alone."

Great King of Asgard: "If you are lucky enough, you can surpass the tornado in less than three years."

three years...

Fubuki looked at Loki's words and hesitated in his heart.

Will it only take three years to surpass his sister?

If so, it's really exciting.

However, Fubuki only hesitated for a while, then shook his head firmly.

If it was in the past, her purpose of forming the Fubuki group would indeed have died in order to choose the opposite route to her sister, but after such a long time, her mind has long since changed.

Fubuki of Hell: "If possible, I would like to choose the second option, to become stronger with the Fubuki group."

Fubuki of Hell: "Even let all the members become S-class heroes."

Let all the members become s-level heroes, this is already the highest fantasy that can be conceived in Fuxue's eyes.

It's impossible to even think about it.

The great king of Asgard: "All S-class members, they are a bit ambitious, but not many."

The great king of Asgard: "It's a pity, if you just become an S-level hero group, it will be faster, you only need to include food and lodging."

Great King of Asgard: "But forget it, since you chose the second option, even without expanding the Fubuki group, there are still thirty people."

The great king of Asgard: "Thirty S-level heroes need to spend a lot of points."

S-level heroes may seem weak, but it also depends on the ranking. The top five and the bottom five are completely different levels.

Of course, king said otherwise.

After all, not everyone is a king.

But even the weakest s-level hero is definitely not weak.

For example, the Venerable Vest, facing the tiger-level weirdo is almost a second in one move.

The Great King of Asgard: "Considering your world and your abilities, I personally recommend you to buy Misaka Mikoto's Fantasy Master. UU Reading"

The Great King of Asgard: "Its ability is simply that it can integrate all the superpowers in a network, so that you as the source have the ability to use these superpowers."

Great King of Asgard: "And under certain circumstances, you can share part of the computing power with them, allowing them to have stronger power in a short period of time."

Great King of Asgard: "Considering their physical fitness, the computing power they can withstand will not be too weak."

No matter how weak the members of the Fubuki group were, they were still heroes.

Physical fitness will not be weak.

The computing power that can be tolerated will naturally not be low.

Fubuki of Hell: "Unify all superpowers in one network..."

Although what Loki said was very simple, Fubuki could easily see the potential of this ability.

Unlike her and her sister who are said to be superpowers but should be called telekinetics, the world of Misaka Mikoto has extremely rich and powerful superpowers.

Space movement, loss of volume manipulation, end-element matter, atom collapse....

If she can buy these superpowers and give them to the members of the Fubuki group, and then gather all the superpowers on her body, then... Even my sister should be able to easily surpass it, right?

Fubuki was extremely excited, not because she saw the possibility of surpassing her sister, but because she saw her own future path.

Based on the fantasy master, give the members of the Fubuki team superpowers suitable for them, and then integrate them by yourself to obtain everyone's superpowers, and thus become stronger!

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