MTL - Global Awakening: Join The Chat Group At The Beginning-Chapter 8 All the gifts of fate, the price has already been marked in secret

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Son of Nature: "If you're not physically fit, you'll be useless with a few big moves. This Kakashi, who can compare to Naruto, may be even worse."

Son of Nature: "The Eudemons type can not only greatly improve your physical fitness, but also allow you to cultivate domineering power and be equipped with a writing wheel, and the potential is also extremely strong."

Son of Nature: "What do you think?"

The Worst Elf: "Applause.jpg"

Uchiha Dance King: "Applause.jpg"

Be my son: "Applause.jpg"

Boil Dagu into soup: "Applause.jpg"

Ordinary group owner: "We didn't think about it at all before, it's amazing."

Ordinary group owner: "thumbs up.jpg"

It's not a compliment. This is what Su Yunqing said from the heart. She only thought about the defects of Devil Fruit, and she only noticed that the current chat group did not have the ability to erase the defects of Devil Fruit.

But she never thought that strength is the most important thing for her now.

Whether it is the security of the main world or the way to obtain points after the ability of the follow-up chat group is activated, strength is required to maintain.

Without points, even if the chat group has the optimization function enabled, what can she do?

Accumulate points by signing in? How long will that take.

Son of Nature: "It's understandable that they didn't consider me. After all, they are relatively unfamiliar with chat groups and pay more attention to the present, but you..."

You are a traveler, and you have also become the group owner of the chat group, so you are a little confident in the chat group.

Ordinary group owner: "Cough, um, let's talk about something else."

Su Yunqing turned his head in embarrassment, thinking that it would be better to change the subject.

Son of Nature: "Then I will continue."

Son of Nature: "The analysis is almost done, the only problem now is the preciousness of the Eudemons Devil Fruit!"

Son of Nature: "I know of the Eudemons Devil Fruits in One Piece, the Warring States Period's Renren Fruit Eudemons Giant Buddha, and the Marco Bird Fruit Eudemons Phoenix Fruit."

Son of Nature: "The black charcoal orochi snake fruit is the phantom species of the Orochi fruit, Katarina's nine-tailed fox fruit, and Kaido's fish-fish fruit, which is the most expressive, is the phantom species of blue dragon."

Son of Nature: "Of course I'm not sure about Kaido, because I don't think much about the later One Piece."

Son of Nature: "There are only these five mythical beasts that have appeared in the entire pirate world so far, and the owners of each of them are not weak."

Son of Nature: "Malco aside, if it's the other four Eudemons, the only way to get it is to deprive it of its ability through the Dark Fruit, but even Whitebeard is very difficult to do that. ."

Son of Nature: "After all, their strength is not weak, and Whitebeard's current state is not very good."

Son of Nature: " still have to rely on the entire Whitebeard Pirates to find it, you still have to wait."

Son of Nature: "@Be my son, you should know about Tiki, Ace and the Battle of the Top?"

Be my son: "The group owner uploaded a memory copy on the first day this old man joined the group."

Be my son: "Tiki...for so many years, he has been hiding in the old man's pirate group for a devil fruit, and the old man really underestimates him."

Whitebeard's eyes were a little complicated. He really regarded Titch as his son, and he never thought that such a straightforward and honest guy could hide so deeply.

Whether it is strength or heart.

Be my son: "Kula la la, @Natural Son, I understand what you mean. Compared to the fate of the Whitebeard Pirates, an Eudemons Devil Fruit is nothing."

Be my son: "I will try my best to find the most suitable demon fruit for the group leader."

Son of Nature: "Father's reputation, I naturally believe it."

Son of Nature: "I'm just reminding the group owner."

Ordinary group owner: "???"

Ordinary group owner: "Remind me of what? I'm very flustered when you say that."

Son of Nature: "All the gifts of fate have already been priced in secret."

Son of Nature: "The information you know is just an anime in your eyes, but for others it is their future, the possibility for them to change their fate and save everything."

Son of Nature: "You can be selfish in exchange for something useful to you; after all, what you pay for is extraordinarily expensive."

This is also the reason why almost all the protagonists in all chat group novels exchange for things with the information they know.

It's nothing more than how many things there are.

This is the first time he has seen Su Yunqing.

Uchiha Dance King: "All the gifts of fate have already been priced in secret."

Uchiha Dance King: "That's a good sentence, newcomer, I admit you."

The worst elf: "God, the group leader is really too kind. I don't know what this information means to us."

The worst elf: "If the group owner wants, I can do anything for the group owner."

Ordinary group owner: "...It's such a misunderstanding, let me first say that I don't have any hobbies in that area."

That's it, meow: "We still haven't caught Pikachu, UU reading Damn!"

That's it, meow: "But the stinky brat really didn't win the championship, meow."

That's meow: "mow meow licks my paws.jpg"

Golden Flash: "Are you not on the same channel as us upstairs... Forget it, just like the words of [Nature's Son], the group owner's information is very important to me."

Golden Flash: "If the group owner needs it, please speak up."

Namikaze Minato thought firmly in his heart!

Because Madara Uchiha was not interested in his future, Su Yunqing did not release a copy of Hokage's memory before.

And just when Minato Naikaze came in, she sent it out, but it wasn't in the same style as the original, but she posted what she thought was more important and should be seen by Minato Minato Namikaze.

For example, what Naruto suffered when he was a child, such as where Naruto lived, such as Naruto's appallingly low living expenses, etc.

Of course, the Nine-Tails Rebellion is definitely going to happen, otherwise there will be something behind.

Undoubtedly, this information is simply too important for Namikaze Minato.

Whether it's the Nine-Tails Rebellion or Naruto's encounter... Konoha's malice towards Naruto almost made him think "Is this the Konoha I'm trying to protect, it's better to be dead" .

He still can't understand why the three generations of Hokage do this!

Because of the enemy in his life? Hide Naruto's identity?

are you joking around with me?

The entire Konoha surname is Uzumaki. Except for his wife, Uzumaki Kushina, and Daime Hokage's wife, Uzumaki Mito, right?

With a whirlpool surname, could they be fools? Can't they guess that Naruto is my son?

Read The Duke's Passion