MTL - Global Beast: I Can Design An Evolutionary Route-Chapter 403 Auction, the show begins, hand over the storage bag

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Manager Lin said in a low voice, "In addition to the normal auction items, there are many things that are forbidden by the empire, even... items of the devil's way!"

In the Dajin Empire, the magic path has always been suppressed, and because most of the magic path resources are harmful to nature, they have long been banned from public trading.

When Mu Xuan heard this, he lost interest. Does he need these?

No need at all!

Seeing that Mu Xuan was not moved, Manager Lin gritted his teeth and said, "Brother Fang, it is said that there is also a treasure map that involves the Yuanying period cave, are you sure you won't go?!"

As soon as these words came out, Mu Xuan's heart moved, don't get me wrong, Mu Xuan was not interested in the so-called Yuan Ying Cave Mansion, but... The shopkeeper Lin in front of him encouraged Mu Xuan to participate in the so-called underground auction, which aroused Mu Xuan's interest. attention!

Mu Xuan pressed his eyebrows and decisively used the Heavenly Secret Technique. In an instant, Mu Xuan felt a maliciousness enveloped him!

Under the Heavenly Secret Technique, Mu Xuan saw a flashing picture: It was in a hidden valley, and a group of people in black robes were fighting!

Mu Xuan took a deep look at Shopkeeper Lin, and suddenly smiled: "Manager Lin, you said earlier that there was a monk's cave in the Nascent Soul period, so I'm a little interested in that!"

Manager Lin smiled and said, "That's good, Brother Fang, I'll take you there in seven days!"

Watching Shopkeeper Lin leave, Mu Xuan shook his head: "It is estimated that Shopkeeper Lin doesn't know that this underground auction is not that simple!"

The reason why Mu Xuan went, he naturally felt that there was an opportunity to take advantage of it, and he did not feel any danger under his Heavenly Secret Technique, which meant that there was no major repair in the Nascent Soul period intervening. Without the Nascent Soul Stage, he is still afraid of the balls!

Seven days later, Mu Xuan and Manager Lin, dressed in black robes and wearing ghost masks, appeared in a hidden valley in Fang City. They saw that there were already several people in black robes dressed like them. Participate in underground auctions.

In the valley, the organizers of several underground auctions wore large black cloaks with silver lines on them, which looked very conspicuous.

"The teleportation formation is ready, let's go in!" said Dandan, an underground auction organizer.

No one asked questions, because the previous underground auctions were also the same process. This year is a little different, probably because the time is a few days earlier...

Mu Xuan hid in the crowd and looked at the organizers of the auction, feeling faintly that something was wrong with them, "Sure enough, there is something wrong with the organizers of the underground auction..."

Mu Xuan did not expose it, but stepped into the teleportation formation prepared by the other party with the others. With a swish, everyone had already appeared in another valley.

Everyone obviously felt that the distance of the transmission was not far, that is, dozens of miles, and they immediately felt relieved.

Looking around again, there are hundreds of people in the valley at this time.

After a long time, the number of people who participated in the auction has reached more than 130. Just as everyone's discussion is increasing, an organizer of the auction finally stood up and said: "The time is up, others will not wait. Now, this underground auction officially begins!"

"Next, we will start the auction of the first lot, a bottle of nine magic spirit pills! The starting price is 10,000 low-grade spirit stones, and each increase shall not be less than 100 spirit stones!"

The magic pill, one of the common medicinal pills used by monks in the foundation-building stage of the magic path, is better than the medicinal pills used by the righteous path, but the sequelae is that they are irritable and irritable after taking the magic pill, which lasts for as long as a year.

Despite this, there are still many cultivators of the right way who secretly buy this medicine pill, and the reason is naturally the drug resistance. Another reason is that it is cheap!

Sure enough, as soon as the host's voice fell, several foundation-building cultivators bid for it, and in the end, the bottle of Demon Spirit Pill was sold for 23,000 spirit stones...

"Next is the secret technique that our organizer has collected in meditation, the illusion cloud technique! This technique collects clouds and mists to form illusion clouds, which can be used to confuse monks of the same level..."

"The starting price is 20,000 spirit stones..."

Pieces of auction items were launched and taken away by the monks present. Most of them auctioned one or two pieces, and only a few people were indifferent, and Mu Xuan was naturally one of them.

No way, Mu Xuan disliked the vast majority of auction items, the only thing he liked was the top-quality cauldron, but at that price, with this money, he could stay in Yicuilou for decades!

"What is this, this is an act of driving up the price, it is a crime!" Mu Xuan was indignant.

Not long after, the auction came to an end, and the finale was finally revealed. It was the so-called Nascent Soul Stage Cave Mansion map that Manager Lin had previously mentioned. The cultivators at the alchemy stage immediately went crazy and raised the price to three. One hundred thousand spirit stones.

In the end, the map was taken by a late-stage cultivator.

After the auction ended and the main event finally started, Mu Xuanqing couldn't help sitting up straight.

Sure enough, at the next moment, when all the cultivators at the alchemy stage left first, the seven or eight cultivators from the auction organizer instantly put out pressure and enveloped everyone in the sky. The previous host said with a strange smile: "Everyone, hand over your storage bags, otherwise, don't blame us for being rude!"

This everyone was stunned. They couldn't believe that the organizer of this underground auction was so insidious, that they specifically robbed these foundation-building cultivators!

"Brothers, we have more than 100 people here, and there are only seven of them in the alchemy stage. Let's rush out together..." Before the words were finished, the man lost his breath, and the one who shot was a mid-stage cultivator in the sky. !

The host smiled and said, "Is there anyone else who opposes it?!"

This time, everyone was silent, and no one was very early.

Shopkeeper Lin beside Mu Xuan said with a wry smile, "Brother Fang, this time it was my brother who harmed you!"

Mu Xuan smiled, did not speak, and continued to wait.

Sure enough, it didn't take long before someone said, "Should we hand over the storage bag and let us go?"

The host smiled and said: "Of course, we only want to make money, not kill! The premise is that you have to cooperate!"

"Okay, I'll pay!" the man gritted his teeth.

The host smiled: "Very good, I like people who know current affairs..."

As soon as these words came out, another tenth person got up and handed over their storage bags, and the organizer actually took them away.

Then, more and more people compromised with the organizer. In the end, there were only a dozen or so people left in the entire valley!

"Brother Fang, let's... let's hand it over..." Manager Lin said hesitantly. His words were full of heartache. This time, for the auction, he stayed for a total of 110,000 spirit stones!

Mu Xuan shook his head and said, "No hurry!"

The host held hundreds of storage bags in his hand, and his eyes were full of pride. This time he took over the auction to be black and black. It was a genius idea!

After being complacent, he suddenly looked at the dozen or so people left on the ground, and said sullenly, "Aren't you guys ready to hand over?!"