MTL - Global Beast: I Can Design An Evolutionary Route-Chapter 406 Convert to Mingyang, and have a baby again!

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Ning Shuhang hesitated and said, "Fellow Daoist, we...we..."

"Let's leave us, do you want to die or live?!" Mu Xuan said coldly, this time he failed to attack the Nascent Soul Stage, and at least several decades of his time would be wasted, so he can't be angry!

As soon as the words of wanting to die or to live came out, the three of Ning Shuhang felt a chill.

At this time, Yu Roujin said weakly: "Dao... fellow Daoist, we... have a map of the Yuanying period cave..."

Ning Shuhang sighed silently. At this moment, if he wanted to get out of the predicament, he could only take out the most valuable thing.

"Oh?" Mu Xuan raised his brows and asked curiously.

Soon, he learned that the other party's team was here to explore a cave dwelling of Yuan Ying monks deep in the Daba Mountains.

In the end, after obtaining the map of Yuanying period cave mansion, Mu Xuan finally nodded with satisfaction and let the three of Ning Shuhang go!

Outside the Daba Mountain Range, the three of Ning Shuhang gasped for breath, feeling the surprise of the rest of their lives after the catastrophe. After a long time, they recovered and said bitterly, "It's all that **** Du Yangshuang, who almost killed us all!"

Yu Roujin also said indignantly: "That is, if it wasn't for him, we wouldn't be so unlucky..."

In the end, Ning Shuhang swore: "Immortal cultivators with bad character will not even look at them in the future, and they will ruin our chances!"

Ning Shuhang's heart aches when he thinks of the Nascent Soul monk's cave, but it took him thirty years to sort it out. It is very likely that it is a large monk's cave in the late Nascent Soul!

Just as the three of them were remorseful, Mu Xuan had already arrived at the map. He never imagined that there was a cave in the depths of the Daba Mountains. The power of the outer formation alone was enough to kill ordinary cultivators.

Fortunately, Mu Xuan is already at the pinnacle of the formation of pills, and his strength is not bad, and he forced his way through the formation...

This is a huge cave, it looks like at least tens of thousands of square meters, like an underground palace, Mu Xuan explored in many ways, and finally saw the bones of the original owner of the cave in the deepest, and even saw the original owner in the secret room. Last words.

The other party claimed to be the real person of Mingyang, and his cultivation base has reached the peak of Nascent Soul, but in the end he failed to break through the period of spiritual transformation, and regretted sitting in this cave.

"It's a big deal..." Mu Xuan was very surprised, because the naturally sitting Ming Yang master left him a complete cultivation method, called "Ming Yang Zhen Jue", which is said to be inherited from Ming Yang ten thousand years ago. Shrine.

The True Secret of Mingyang is a fire-attribute technique, and Mu Xuan now happens to be a double-spiritual root of the gold-fire attribute, and can directly cultivate to the peak of Yuan Ying. Unfortunately, the True Secret of Mingyang lacks the most precious chapter on transforming the gods, the real person of Mingyang. I tried several times, but in the end I failed to break through, and I was helpless.

But for Mu Xuan, being able to cultivate to the peak of Nascent Soul is enough, so he is naturally happy to accept it.

Then Mu Xuan discovered that in the cave, except for the exercises, the original magic weapons had lost their power and became waste, and the medicinal pills in the pill room had already lost their activity. The medicine is still there and growing very vigorously.

Although he failed to obtain the magic weapon left by the real person of Mingyang, it was a huge surprise to be able to obtain the cultivation method and the medicinal properties of more than a dozen plants for thousands of years.

In addition, Mu Xuan also found out that the cave mansion of Ming Yang Zhenren was much better than the small cave mansion he built himself!

"It's no wonder that the spiritual energy of the Daba Mountains is thin. It turns out that the entire large-scale spiritual veins are shrouded in the Mingyang Cave..." Mu Xuan said in surprise, with the Mingyang Cave, he couldn't care less about the previous cave!

A few months later, Mu Xuan swept the Mingyang cave, buried the real person of Mingyang, and moved to a new house.

Afterwards, Mu Xuan began to practice the cultivation method...

Ming Yang Zhen Jue is a fire attribute exercise, which can cultivate Ming Yang Zhen Qi, which is a special corrosive fire attribute Qi, like the fire of the underworld, with gangrene attached to the bones, it cannot be removed, it is very difficult wrapped around.

In addition, there are several powerful spells in Ming Yang Zhen Jue:

There is a real fire of Mingyang, and nothing else is different. It can be called the white phosphorus flame of the immortal version, and its power is unparalleled.

There is also the Mingyang Flash Escape, which is rushing and escaping. It also breaks out the real fire of Mingyang under the feet and obtains a strong initial speed. Needless to say, this is the Xiuxian version of the plane!

Finally, in terms of defense, there is also the Mingyang Shield, which forms a magic shield with special flames, swallows the attack, and has a strong defense!

It can be said that Mingyang True Art is very powerful in all aspects, integrating offense and defense. It is difficult for Mu Xuan to imagine how the power that mastered this kind of art would die out.

At the end of seeing Mingyang True Art, Mu Xuan understood the reason. It turned out that if he wanted to cultivate Mingyang True Qi, he had to be at sunset. Before the Nascent Soul Stage, it was just over an hour at sunset.

"You can only practice for more than an hour a day, how is this efficiency comparable to other exercises, no wonder the Mingyang Shrine will gradually decline..." Mu Xuan shook his head and said, but for him, this exercise is very suitable.

Isn't it because the progress of cultivation is slow, he can afford it!

In the following time, Mu Xuan practiced Mingyang True Art at sunset every day, transforming the True Qi in his body, which lasted for more than 20 years before he transformed all the True Qi in his body into Mingyang True Qi!

So far, UU reading www. Mu Xuanxiu had once again reached the pinnacle of forming an elixir, and could once again hit the Nascent Soul stage.

"This time, I have arranged the entire Daba Mountain Range in formations. I see who would dare to interrupt me to attack the Nascent Soul!" Mu Xuan said coldly.

For more than 20 years, he could only practice for more than an hour a day, and the rest of the time could not be used for sleep. In his spare time, Mu Xuan practiced a sideline, dabbling in alchemy, weapon refining, and formation techniques. , directly allowing Mu Xuan to reach the level of a fourth-order alchemist, an alchemist, and a magician.

In order to be foolproof, Mu Xuan consumed half of the raw materials and arranged the formation of the entire Daba Mountains.

After the preparation, Mu Xuan once again hit the Nascent Soul stage, but this time, Mu Xuan was extremely relaxed, and he successfully completed the baby formation in just two days. The whole process was unbelievably smooth!

In the cave, looking at the little Yuan Ying in the sea of ​​​​knowledge, Mu Xuan finally showed a smile on his face.

After more than 230 years, he finally reached the Nascent Soul Stage!

After reaching the Nascent Soul stage, the power of the Void Mirror in Mu Xuan's body finally sensed the fragments of the Void Mirror that fell from this world. That direction was... the south of Dajin!

Mu Xuan whispered: "South of the Great Jin Dynasty, did the Mirror of Confusion fall into Kunwu Mountain?!"

You know, Kunwu Mountain is sealed with the incarnation of the ancient demon saint, as well as the heavenly treasures left by the monks in the spiritual world and the three Kunwu elders, it is definitely a treasure!

Then, this treasure land finally became Old Demon Han.

In the end, after the Mahayana period of the old demon Han, he sent his incarnation to Kunwu Mountain to take the North Pole Yuanshan, and he blew up Kunwu Mountain, making it an eternal legend.

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