MTL - Global Beast Taming: My Battle Pet is Double of Others-Chapter 725

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It requires a lot of research.

Even in the Federation where Su Bai belongs, with someone like Yu Bingtong who masters prophecy, they haven't made much progress.

The power of destiny is too mysterious, and there is still no conclusion as to where to start.

But considering that the Federation where the biochemical people are located has the ability to manufacture star exploration ships, maybe they can really be beaten by them by mistake.

Su Bai fell into deep thought.

However, Yu Bingtong didn't care, and took out two tubes of potion to fight the biochemical man.

Some biochemical people who had woken up immediately became confused, and their mental state dropped sharply.

Zhang Zifeng's heart skipped a beat when he saw it.

Holy crap, this is the rhythm of turning biochemical humans into idiots.

Too harsh.

Yu Bingtong threw off the empty test tube, and then asked, "Are there any surviving beasts on this planet?"

The cyborg naturally knew what Yu Bingtong was asking, which was the creatures that the crew used to hunt to improve their strength.

Under the action of the Veritaserum, the biochemical man said in a daze, "There is still a part left, and it has been hidden in the inner world."

"The inner world?" Yu Bingtong asked, "You mean the interior of this planet is empty? Is there a way to get there?"

The biochemical man shook his head, "There must be, but we haven't found it. The initial prediction is that it is in the extreme north."

The three took this message to heart.

Yu Bingtong then asked, "What permissions do I need to unlock the blockade of the star exploration ship."

The biochemical man's face showed a look of struggle, but he quickly lost his mind and said one by one, "Enter the joyful paradise, and don't get lost, find the key inside, and you can get the initial permission of the star exploration ship."

Happy Paradise!

Su Bai and Zhang Zifeng were both shocked.

I didn't expect such a place to exist.

In this way, Nangong Wentian, the leader of the Eternal Life Association at the beginning, was not talking nonsense, but he really came here because of the existence of Happy Paradise.

But the question arises again, why don't these cyborgs try.

Yu Bingtong asked, "Have you tried to find the key?"

The cyborg shook his head, "We don't have a soul in the true sense, and we can't enter the Paradise of Pleasure."

"You can't even get close, and you will be killed by external defensive weapons."

"That is enough to destroy the power of the detached powerhouse, and we can't resist it."

Beyond the strong?

Su Bai felt a little toothache.

There's no end to the new nouns appearing, how come another one appears?

Yu Bingtong then asked, "Transcendence is a realm above the king level? Are there other realms? Besides, where is the Paradise of Pleasure."

"There are two known realms above the king level, detachment and immortality, which represent life transitions at different levels." The biochemical man said, "As for the location of the joyful paradise, it is impossible to determine."

"Happy Paradise is the ultimate secret of the star exploration ship. It is usually hidden, but it will automatically find a suitable candidate and appear by itself."

"Active pursuit is fruitless."

Yu Bingtong still wanted to ask a question, but saw the biochemical man twitch violently, and at the same time, the seven orifices spurted blood, which was very terrifying.


In the familiar sound, the biochemical man's head exploded directly.


Su Bai was silent for a long time, and then asked, "Didn't you say that you will become an idiot, why did it explode directly?"

Yu Bingtong squatted down and picked up the test tube on the ground, stuck out his tongue, and said embarrassedly, "The wrong medicine is given."

The expressionless Zhang Zifeng reached out and patted off the eyeballs that flew to his head, and took a deep breath, which suppressed the urge to scold.

What the hell!

Can you still play like this!

Su Bai naturally didn't believe that Yu Bingtong would take the wrong medicine, but since she didn't want to explain the reason, she was mostly guarding Zhang Zifeng.

Could it be that what this biochemical person knows is that Zhang Zifeng can be inspired by it and discover some details that they don't know?

This should be the most reasonable explanation.

Otherwise, Yu Bingtong doesn't have to do this.

Because there is still a lot of information to dig.

But since the biochemical people are all dead, it can only stop there.

Because biochemical humans have no real souls, even Su Bai's World Tree cannot be resurrected.

Without a soul, what about remodeling the body.

Are you posing?

The three packed up their thoughts and began to summarize the situation.

The amount of information is huge.

Judging from the current situation, they have a lot to do next.

It must be done to determine the status of the surviving beastmasters.

For Su Bai and Yu Bingtong, the people of the Immortal Society will not be mentioned for the time being, but the great commander must be found.

That is their main task.

In addition, the real pleasure park also needs to find a way to enter, find the key, and lift the restrictions of the star exploration ship.

Otherwise, they are likely to be trapped here like the forerunners.

Read The First Vampire