MTL - Global Beast Taming: My Battle Pet is Double of Others-Chapter 766

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Even in a frontal battle, there are still a few moves, but the ambush just now made several people understand.

Zhang Zifeng couldn't take part in this level of battle.

When he heard the question on the other side, Su Bai didn't answer and asked, "I won't kill the unnamed people. Seeing that you have some strength, please sign up."

Zhang Zifeng was silent.

Damn it, this kid is really good at fighting fire, are you ready to die?

However, the shadow crowd on the opposite side didn't care, the three of them were in unison, laughing at the same time, and then pointing at themselves at the same time.

"Dark One."

"Dark Second."

"Dark three."

Su Bai immediately gave a thumbs up, "It's easy to remember."

The three humbly waved their hands, "The name is just a code name, what's so complicated, just keep it simple."

Then, An Yi of the three asked, "Okay, we've answered your question, now it's your turn, what's your name, and that little girl."

Su Bai was also very polite, "My name is Su Bai, who is..."

Yu Bingtong stopped what he was doing and said slowly, "Yu Bingtong."


The shadow trio gasped in unison.

An Er, who was standing in Zhang Zifeng's original position, couldn't help but ask, "Is it the righteous daughter of the great commander, Yu Bingtong?"

"Exactly." Yu Bingtong nodded and admitted Luoluo generously.

Su Bai was a little worried, after all, from the standpoint of the three people on the opposite side, they would even leave him directly and attack Yu Bingtong instead.

But it turns out that he was overthinking it.

The shadow trio looked Yu Bingtong up and down, and then asked, "I heard that you can predict the spell, is that true?"

Yu Bingtong behaved very modestly, "I just know a little bit."

Hearing this sentence, Su Bai rolled his eyes.

Zhang Zifeng next to him was so angry that he almost yelled.

Good guy, you are still called a little understanding, you are killing people and not paying for your life.

However, Zhang Zifeng still chose to shut up wisely.

It's hard to save a life, you have to cherish it.

Thinking of this, Zhang Zifeng quietly lowered his height.

The shadow trio noticed his small movements, but they didn't take it to heart.

In their eyes, Zhang Zifeng is not a threat, even if he is allowed to run for a day, he can catch up and kill him.

Now, their attention has all been on Su Bai.

The previous battle in the crater, they hid in the dark and watched it clearly, naturally they knew the fighting power of this young man.

very horrible.

If it is a one-on-one confrontation, neither of them is an opponent.

It's just that for the shadow trio, head-on combat is the best choice, unless it is absolutely necessary, it will not be taken.

In addition, they are very concerned about Yu Bingtong.

And Yu Bingtong is also very sure that when the Shadow Trio entered Happy Paradise, she was only a few years old, and the two sides could not have any intersection.

So how did the trio get so shocked after learning her name.

The answer is obvious.

It must be that Nangong Wentian gave them relevant instructions.

Just don't know the specifics.

But there are two possibilities.

Dead or Alive.

Either kill it or let it go.

Thinking of this, Yu Bingtong asked bluntly, "Nangong Wentian mentioned me to you, or did you say that you have seen the Great Commander and got the news from him."

An Yi in the trio showed an unfathomable look, "Don't you know how to predict, how about some calculations?"

An Er and An San next to him nodded again and again, and then looked at An Yi, "As expected of a big brother, you can test the depth of each other with just one sentence."

An Yi waved his hand modestly, "This is nothing, how can you be your big brother without two brushes."

"Big brother wise."

"Big brother mighty."

Su Bai, who was standing on the back of the Silent Demon Phoenix, suddenly felt a sense of absurdity.

If this brother goes to talk about cross talk, he will definitely lead the trend......

You don't need to learn, you can start talking.

Yu Bingtong seemed to have expected this for a long time, and said casually, "You have met the great commander, but you have never fought."

Um? ? ?

Su Bai and Zhang Zifeng were both shocked.

Wasn't the great commander only at the top of Xingyao before, and even the shadow crowd couldn't do anything about him?

An Yi opened his mouth wide in surprise, took a sip of his saliva, and couldn't help but say, "Prophecy is really convenient."

Dark Two and Dark Three also agree.

Then, all three had a thought.

Read The First Vampire