MTL - Global Beast Taming: My Battle Pet is Double of Others-Chapter 772

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But Su Bai didn't talk about martial arts, and directly covered him with a shadow barrier.

Originally, An Er felt that with his powerful physique as a king-level beastmaster, he could even draw a tie at the worst.

In the end, he realized that he was very wrong.

Totally one-sided.

Even wanting to draw a tie is just wishful thinking.

In addition, this enchantment doesn't know what's going on, it's a mess.

Under normal circumstances, given An Er a little time, he can also break the barrier.

But under Su Bai's offensive, he couldn't do anything at all, and it took all his energy to save his life.

As for attacking the enchantment, it is really powerless.

That's why An Er was so looking forward to An Yi's assistance.

It's a pity that the hidden dangers buried by the previous ineffectiveness made Anichi unable to easily take action.

The situation is sliding towards collapse.

According to the calculation of the shadow trio, in two minutes at most, An Er in the shadow barrier will be blown out of his head.

At that time, his pet will also perish.

And once you lose An Er's king-level pet, only An San himself wants to resist such a group of rare battle pets.

Absolutely difficult for the strong.

What's more, once An Er dies, under Shadow Chasing Soul, An Yi doesn't even want to hide his whereabouts, and he will also be caught out and beaten.

"This kid is too deceiving!"

Angrily gritted his teeth and cursed in his heart.

"Can you do whatever you want with a large number of pets!"

As a king-level beastmaster, An Yi knew very well that the number of pets would affect the beastmaster's strength to a large extent.

More than just options.

It is also because the pet space is formed based on pets.

The larger the number of pets, the larger the space for pets, which in turn can provide more help for pets.

This is a complementary process.

Therefore, although Su Bai is the top star of Xingyao, but with the number of pets already as high as fourteen, he is enough to fight back and forth with the king's intermediate beastmaster, and even has the upper hand.

After thinking about it, An Yi was ready to make a move.

However, instead of joining the battle completely, he helped An Er to break the shadow barrier.

As long as Aner escapes, he can continue to deal with it.

King-level beastmasters are not so easy to defeat!

An Yi was about to start, in fact, Su Bai was also waiting for the opportunity.

Through calculations, Su Bai can roughly determine that besides them, there are other beastmasters on this planet.

This is probably also the reason why An Yi was late.

Otherwise, under the siege of the shadow crowd, even he will suffer a big loss.

How could he be so relaxed, staring at dark two and dark three beating violently.

Taking this as the premise, then Su Bai can roughly calculate the action pattern of An Yi.

Will not directly participate in the battle, after all, need to continue to maintain deterrence.

Then, his goal is very clear.

Definitely the Shadow Ward itself.

As long as the barrier is broken, it is enough to continue the battle.

Although Su Bai has a certain advantage, it is not enough to establish a victory.

To win, you need to inflict exact damage on the shadow crowd.

For example, killing one or two pets, or directly killing the beastmaster himself.

Su Bai immediately drew up tactics.

An San, who was fighting hard, was surprised to find that the Samsara Eman, who was walking around him and causing him death oppression, pulled back and flew directly to the edge of the shadow barrier.

Then Su Bai took back the pet space.

Although he didn't quite understand the intention of this move, dark three knew that it would definitely not be a good thing.

"Second brother, big brother, be careful of cheating."

Ansan shouted.

In fact, he didn't need to remind him, An'er's hair was standing on end.

He felt the will to kill.

And the secret Anichi is also constantly muttering.

The young man on the opposite side named Su Bai is not very old, but he has a lot of thoughts.

・・・・ Asking for flowers・・・

Especially in terms of combat, he really has an innate understanding.

An Er's little trick can only work once, and it will never work the second time.

And how many means of killing a person can be.

So An Er is about to run out of skills.

At that time, most of the time he died.

Unless, someone can break the shadow barrier and let him temporarily escape from Su Bai's attack range.