MTL - Global Beast Taming: My Battle Pet is Double of Others-Chapter 790

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Su Bai was thinking, but he felt a loud bang in his ears.

Then, Yu Bingtong's figure appeared very far away.

Judging from her state, she has also experienced a hard battle, but her state is not bad, and she should not have damaged her pet.

Converging with Yu Bingtong at this time is obviously extremely beneficial.

Su Bai flew over immediately.

"Yo, isn't this Su Bai, long time no see." Yu Bingtong greeted with a smile.

For this sentence, Su Bai's ears almost got calluses, and he didn't care, and asked, "Just you?"

"Yes..." Yu Bingtong nodded, "Why, listen to you, you haven't met anyone else yet?"

Su Bai shrugged, "You guessed it right."

"By the way, can you figure out where the others are?"

Yu Bingtong shook his head very simply, "No, there are too many interference factors here. If you want to make calculations, there will be too much backlash."

Hearing this, Su Bai immediately waved his hand, "That's fine, now the situation is unknown, we must ensure our own safety."

Yu Bingtong nodded in agreement, and then said, "But I can vaguely feel that other people are still alive. At least for now, that's how it is."

This news is good or bad, but if you insist, it will actually do more harm than good.

For Su Bai and Yu Bingtong, whether it is Ansan, Zhong Kunpeng, Zhuo Jianhua, or even Zhang Zifeng, they are all members of the Eternal Life Society and can be regarded as enemies.

In addition, Nangong Wentian, whose whereabouts are unknown, can be regarded as being surrounded by enemies.

Yu Bingtong continued, "Although we can't detect the state of Nangong Wentian and the Great Commander, we can be sure that they are alive."

Su Bai gave birth to some comfort.

Yes, there is at least one ally, and finally did not fall into the enemy's encirclement.

Just as Su Bai was about to speak, he heard another loud bang beside him.

Zhang Zifeng scolded the street and appeared in the distance.

Compared with when he came in, Zhang Zifeng's state at this time was not very good.

He was completely black, and his hair was half burned.

But the spirit is very full.

At least there is no confusion in thinking, and the level of 1.4 scolding is very high.

"I **** you big ********"

After listening for a while, Su Bai watched Zhang Zifeng go three ways down, and hurried over to hold him on the shoulder, and whispered, "Shut up, or you will be blocked."


Zhang Zifeng was confused and always felt as if he knew something incredible.

However, Zhang Zifeng was very happy to see Su Bai and Yu Bingtong appear together.

After he entered Pleasure Paradise, he was immediately besieged by a group of phantom flamingos and almost died.

After defeating the ordinary beasts in front of him with great effort, he was almost swallowed by the king of flamingos, and he was full of anger.

At the same time, there was a stomach full of horror.

After seeing Su Bai now, Zhang Zifeng suddenly felt that he could do it again.

With such a powerful thug here, his safety is guaranteed. .

Five hundred and fortieth chapters one less

Su Bai found Yu Bingtong and Zhang Zifeng, which is good news.

It's better than finding set 3 and them.

Even if it hits right away.

Having said that, Ansan was the first to come in, so it stands to reason that the entrance test should have ended, so why didn't I see him.

Has he hung up?

But Yu Bingtong just said that several other people are alive.

Su Bai still believed in Yu Bingtong, although according to her statement, there were many interference factors, and the prediction technique basically failed.

However, Su Bai also had a vague feeling that Ansan and the others were still alive.

It's just not clear why it didn't show up.

Maybe their area is too far from here?

Su Bai gathered his thoughts, looked at Yu Bingtong and Zhang Zifeng and said, "Where to fly."

Yu Bingtong chuckled and took out a coin from the space ring.

Su Bai hurriedly stopped and pointed out the inadequacy, "A coin has only two sides, and even if it stands, there are only three possibilities, which is inappropriate."

Zhang Zifeng next to him also said, "Yes, there are four directions in front, back, left and right, not to mention the deflection angle."

Yu Bingtong is a humble person, he immediately took back the coin and expressed his apology, "It's me who didn't think carefully."

After speaking, a metal stick appeared in Yu Bingtong's hand.

Su Bai thought about it, this thing seems to have appeared before.

At that time, it was this stick that fell to the ground, allowing them to go to the extreme arctic icefield and witness the terrifying power of the King of Fierce Beasts.

Then the ensuing battle ensues.

Now, seeing this familiar metal stick reappear, both Su Bai and Zhang Zifeng have a bad feeling.

But don't do any more shit.

But looking at Yu Bingtong's enthusiastic expression, the two of you look at me and I look at you, and neither of them wants to be the one who will stop her.

Su Bai and Zhang Zifeng were ruthless, they just pretended they didn't see it, and let Yu Bingtong stand up.

Anyway, with them as the center, there is no difference in the past from all directions, whichever one chooses is the same.

Then it depends on the direction of the stick.