MTL - Global Beast Taming: My Battle Pet is Double of Others-Chapter 796

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"After all, even if we want to abstain, we have to agree to Happy Paradise."

"And judging from the previous situation, I'm afraid we can't allow us to retreat halfway."

Although Yu Bingtong has the lowest strength, her words made Ansan and Zhong Kunpeng also deeply agree.

That's right, just as she said, for the current plan, you can only bite the bullet and rush forward.

There might even be a way out.

After cleaning up his emotions, Ansan couldn't help sighing, "Is there something wrong with the designers of this joyful paradise? What do they want to do when they put this thing in the starship."

Yeah, what exactly do those people want?

Ansan's words made Su Bai and the others think about it, and their thoughts rolled over.

In most cases, there is a purpose for doing things.

A star exploration ship that took so much manpower and material resources to build could not be used to play a home.

No matter how powerful the beastmaster civilization is, such a stalwart star exploration ship is probably not something that can be built.

Such a precious ship hides a joyous paradise inside.

Its importance is trivial.

If you can know the true mission of this star exploration ship, most of them can calculate the usefulness of Pleasure Paradise.

And once you know the use, you can reverse the purpose of these tests in Pleasureland.

It's just that these are what Su Bai and the others will continue to explore.

Judging from the current information, there is still no clue.

Even Yu Bingtong, who had the skill of prophecy, was in a fog and couldn't see the truth at all.

The crowd was full of thoughts and waited quietly.

Judging from the interval between the start of the second weight-bearing test, I am afraid that the next round of testing is imminent.

It didn't take long for this idea to appear, and the terrifying hourglass appeared again.

The ghost-like voice also sounded.

"The second round of testing has ended and the third round of testing is about to begin."

"This round of testing is a fantasy of the past, and the countdown is one minute."

Taking advantage of the time before the test started, everyone quickly thought about the content just now.

Fantasy of the past?

・・・・ Asking for flowers・・・

From the name, the content of this test is related to memory.

So how will it go.

Although everyone is constantly thinking, no one speaks and expresses their inner guesses.

They are now in a relationship of competitors, and it also involves life and death. It is useless to talk about it.

Su Bai wanted to share his inner guess with Yu Bingtong, but was stopped by Yu Bingtong's eyes.

She was guarding Ansan and Zhong Kunpeng.

However, Su Bai was also a little relieved.

At least Yu Bingtong didn't say anything else.

So can it be speculated that in this round of testing, the two of them can be safe and sound?

If that's the case, then of course it's excellent.

If not, the consequences are serious.


Su Bai's eyes were extremely complicated.

But he couldn't allow him to continue to think deeply, the hourglass had come to an end unconsciously.


In the loud noise, four beams of light descended from the sky, covering Su Bai and the others.

Afterwards, the four of them only felt that their eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, and the turbulent drowsiness kept coming.


Zhong Kunpeng fell to the ground and fell asleep.

Although the dark three next to him was also very sleepy, he still kept his spirits high and showed a look of disdain.


After speaking, Ansan also fell to the ground with a plop.

Su Bai and Yu Bingtong look at me and I look at you.

"Why don't you faint?"

"Why am I dizzy, I'm not sleepy. It's you, why are you so awake."

"Maybe it's my talent?"

Su Bai and Yu Bingtong stood still in the beam of light, and even chatted in spirit.

It may be that Happy Paradise also noticed these two anomalies, and the emergency procedures were directly activated to intensify their efforts.

Plop plop.

Su Bai and Yu Bingtong also fell.

However, their facial expressions were very peaceful and unaffected.

It was as if someone had knocked a sap and fainted directly.

On the other hand, Ansan and Zhong Kunpeng had hideous expressions. Even in their sleep, they clenched their fists subconsciously, as if they were about to jump up in the next second.