MTL - Global Gaowu-v2 Chapter 1360 Invisible future

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Chuwu mainland.

The temple is broken.

A group of Chuwu Tianwang are silent.

They are not ordinary warriors, they are top-ranking strongmen, and young people are also tens of thousands of years old.

This time, the loss of Chuwu was too heavy.

Five broken eight were killed!

Broken seven dead 4, broke six or 10, and killed 19 strong.

It seems that it is less than half of the 50 people. It can only be the death of the boxing **** alone, and it will be able to win the losses of other broken six and broken seven, and even more.

This is the strongest of Chuwu who is closest to breaking the nine!

As a result, he was killed by Fang Ping.

Although it is not in the hands of Fang Ping, the final boxing **** chose to integrate the Tian arm, but if it is not without the chance of surviving, the boxing **** may not make this choice.

Although everyone understands that this time is the boxing **** they kicked the iron plate.

After Fang Ping’s exposure to strength, he directly killed a few broken eight, or made the people somewhat unacceptable.

On the Chuwu continent, the whine sounds.

Although the weak do not know what happened, they also know that there are many junior strong men who have fallen.

If you have a blood relationship, you can even feel the death of your ancestors.

At the moment, there are sorrows everywhere.


In the broken hall.

Fang Ping is very calm.

Calm is a little scary.

The **** is also very calm, all the sadness, sorrow, all hidden in his heart.

Will the gods hate?

Fang Ping knows, will.

He and the boxing gods are not able to deal with each other, but for tens of thousands of years of friendship, both sides are for the first time, even if they do not deal with, but only in different directions, does not mean that the target is different.

Does the **** want to kill the cat?


Just scrutinizing the strength of Fang Ping, I dare not start.

If the previous flat show is weak, the boxing **** can contain him, will the gods stand by?

Will not!

These, Fang Ping understand.

God knows!

In order to pass on the martial arts, the gods chose to sit and watch.

Because at that time, Fang Ping and Cang Mao were exposed to the broken nine strengths, the town of Tian Wang is still in the middle, three broken nine strong, the first Wu dare to resist, today is the end of the slaughter!

“Congratulations to the predecessors!”

Fang Ping’s arms were slightly handed and he heard a voice.

Broken two doors!

The arm of the sky not only broke the two doors, but the spirits of the gods reached a peak. At this moment, although they did not reach the peak of the Eight Diagrams, they could give the arm for a while, and the Tianzhu could definitely reach this point very quickly.

There is no smile on the face of the arm, some are stubborn, and some are awkward.

Is that happy?

If the strength is progressing, it is a joy.

However, this was at the expense of five martial arts, and more than a dozen were broken at the cost of breaking the six-day-breaking king!

The arms are really happy.

"You... broke nine?"

Tianzhu shifted the topic. Although everyone has already seen it, he still asks and confirms.

Fang Ping smiled, but did not answer.

The next moment, Fang Pinglang said: "The boxing gods attacked the cats, and the predecessors of the town of Tianwang smashed the enemy in the early Wu, and congratulated the town Tian Wang!"

A loud drink, resounding in all directions.

Chuwu Continental shakes!

Sea area vibration!

In the void, an old man came to the air and his eyes turned to Fang Ping.

Town King.

Wang Tian looked at Fang Ping and Fang Ping looked at him.

The town king smiled and said slowly: "You are mature."

“Mature is often accompanied by dead people.”

Fang Ping is still calm.

The king of the town said this, not because Fang Ping let him carry a black pot, not because Fang Ping continued to hide his strength, but to establish him in the opposite of the first Wu.

Yes, everyone who is present knows that Fang is killed.

Can other people know?

Perhaps in their view, only the town of Tianjie has this strength.

People in the Chuwu mainland will doubt?

Will not!

They did not dare to disclose the news to the outside world.

That can only be killed by the town king!

As for the future... who will argue later, who will believe?

Even if it wasn't the town king who killed it, Zhentian Wang also participated in it.

The relationship between Tian Tianwang and Chu Wu is too great. His teacher Yang Shen is even one of the leaders of Chu Wu, even if it is still.

Fang Ping is calculating him!

Is the town king angry?

A little bit.

These people, the gods of the gods, are actually good with him. They are replaced by him. They will never kill these people and use force to shock these people. This is the first choice of Zhentianwang.

Fang Ping directly killed these people.

The last time, the holy martial gods attacked the cats. In the end, the king of the town did not kill, saying that it was exile. In fact, those people quickly returned to the early Wu.

Today, Fang Ping did not say too much, and directly killed.

After killing, he also threw this pot to the town king.

Should the town king be happy?

Should not be happy!

Not only did Fang Ping kill these old friends, but he also let him carry a black pot, and even let the emperors be full of vigilance against him, which is actually very dangerous.

Fang Ping did just that!

Does Fang Ping know the consequences?

He also knows!

The town king looked at him and said slowly: "Are you afraid?"


Fang Ping smiled and said: "Why are you afraid? I am not afraid, I am afraid that my enemy is not enough for me to kill! When Lao Zhang left, after going to the Linghuang Dojo, I knew that this became my responsibility.

The guy deliberately walked, one did not stay, he wanted to escape this responsibility, I have to pick it up...

That is my responsibility.

That's all, I am not afraid, you take this thing, you have to pick it up, who will let you handcuff. ”

The king of the town looked at him, sighed, somewhat sympathetic, and somewhat pity.

Fang Ping smiled. "What is your old look? It is my pity that you are finished. You are finished! Breaking the nine does not say, there is such a strong strength, you are really finished, and the emperor is eyeing you!"

The town king smirked, did not agree, directly ignored this point, smiled: "I am not afraid, because I think I will soon be suspected of elution, how long can you lick?"

He didn't care too much, who did it, and now everyone might think it was him.

It won't be long before, it is not him.

Fang Ping will be exposed!

Since it has been exposed today, Fang Ping will not believe that the people of Chuwu will not leak secrets. Soon, he will use this opportunity to create the maximum benefit.

So the town king really does not care too much.

He sympathizes with Fang Ping.

After this time, Chu Wu must hate him, even if everyone does not say, even if everyone is now being killed by him!

Can you post it?

Unless the original martial arts completely destroyed!

The caves hate him, the first martial hate him, the emperor hates him, and Fang Ping only has the human race...

But... the Terran side?

Fang Ping is a hero, a hero of the Terran, but he is not afraid that one day, the world will be peaceful, and the Terran can not accept his executioner?

He killed too many people!

The king of the town looked at Fang Ping, Fang Ping did not take it for granted, and his eyes showed a slap in the face.

Is there a future?

do not know!

Do you really have a future?

Fang Ping did not actually think about it, what retired, what is the horse to Nanshan, it is a dream.

Don't need to think about those!

When the town king saw him, he didn't care, and he stopped talking. He looked at the broken hall and sighed, slightly squatting, whispering: "Give you old friends!"


Many of the people of Chuwu are his friends.

When he followed the Yangshen, he had been traveling in the Chuwu continent for thousands of years.

He has made a lot of people!

Today, a lot of death.

Most of the 19 strong men who died in battle were familiar with each other, even talking about the aisle, drinking wine, eating too much, talking about the sky...

Today, all are dead.

Fang Ping started, and it became more and more embarrassing.

He knew that Fang Ping was anxious and afraid.

It’s the mentality of Fang Ping.

He didn't have time to play with the people of the boxing gods, and he didn't have time to prevent them from messing up, so he simply killed them, one didn't stay!

As for those who are meditation, even if there is hate in their hearts, have they witnessed several broken eight being killed, and dare to be enemies with the Terran?

Even if the emperor comes, even if the emperor is stronger than Fang, they may not dare.

Because Fang Ping is too boring!



No matter how strong the enemy is, he will always be invincible and unbeaten. The battles have been witnessed this time.

There are not many people who have been in contact with him, and there is no such feeling.

Those who know the gods know that Fang Ping always has a card to show up.

In short, he was killed.

Unless Fang Ping is dead, how many people in the Three Realms are dare to fight against Fang Ping?

And this is what Fang Ping wants!

Devil, isn't that what people are afraid of?

He doesn't need to be awe, don't need to worship, just need to let the enemy be afraid!

Let them tremble!

The king of the town was covered, and he quickly looked up and looked at Fang Ping again. "Need help?"

Fang Ping looked at him and smiled and said: "Don't you be willing to help?"


The town king lost his smile and quickly said: "Now, I am not enough to make you feel relieved?"

"That didn't."

Fang Ping smiled and said: "These things, we discussed before, now I don't want to discuss these."

The king of the town once again sighed, this time Fang Ping traveled, creating a shocking big move.

However, is Fang Ping willing?


This time, the people he dealt with were not the enemies of the previous caves.

The Tianchen he dealt with, in the eyes of outsiders, is an ally of the Terran.

A few of the boxing gods he dealt with, in the eyes of outsiders, may also be cast to the ally of the Terran.

As a result, Tianchen was broken off the avenue and was suppressed in the human world. The people of Quanshu were simply killed.

Fang Ping is preparing for the next big battle, he wants to flatten all the unstable factors.

And this fire, first of all, is burned from the inside.

"Lin Zi, is the dragon changing them?"

The king of the town suddenly said a word.

These two are too much involved with the emperor.

The Emperor's niece, the descendant of the Beastmaster, the disciple of the Emperor...

How should Fang Ping choose?

This is not the King of Kun, nor is it the beginning of the martial arts. These people have been fighting for the Terran.

Is Fang Ping assured of them?

Zhentian Wang felt that Fang Ping would not be assured.

Don't worry, what should I do?



He wants to know how Fang Ping will choose.

If this continues, the Fang Ping congregation will be rebellious, even if the Terran side, will not agree to Fang Ping’s enmity against their friends.

Fang Ping smiled and said: "I don't participate in the war. After all, they are their loved ones. I didn't expect them to go to war. Looking for a place to watch the show, the winners and losers were separated. I won, they didn't change, and their loved ones won. They may not change, isn't this the best?"

"You still doubt them..."

"That's not there, just can't bear to let them start with their loved ones. Can you let me change the dragon to kill the beastmaster and let Lin Zi kill the emperor?"

The two people talked, in the face of the first Wu, no voice, no shielding.

Just talk to each other and let them listen.

There is no snoring and no words.

He doesn't know if this is a trap!

What does the town king show?

He and Fang Ping are not necessarily single-minded. This time Fang Ping killed Chu Wu, he may be dissatisfied, and may even be separated from Fang Ping.

So now, do you want to think about it next time, the United Town King revenge?

But... Is this a trap?

God does not know!

He also doesn't want to know!

At this moment, he has forgotten everything he just left. Don't think about it anymore. Now, Chuwu can only unite with the Terran and unite against the Emperor. As for the future, survive and say.

There are still many people in Chuwu who need them. They are now dead.

With so many pieces of Chuwu, there are still hundreds of millions of people living now.

In the field, 31 of the Chu Wutian Kings are the strongest of them.

The town king did not say anything, did not communicate with the people of Chuwu, said: "If you need, you can call the old man, but ... next time there is such a black pot, but don't throw it to the old man."

After leaving this, the king of the town tore the void and disappeared into the hall.

Fang Ping did not speak, silently watching him leave.

Soon, there were only a few people on his side and the group of Chu Wu.

The three broken eight strong, at this moment, the sky is broken two doors, the gods break the Eight Peaks, and the illusion is close to breaking the two doors.

There are still 6 left in the break, breaking six and 22.

Fang Ping swept everyone's eyes. Some people looked down at him, some people looked calm, and some people harbored resentment and anger.

Fang Ping is too embarrassing!

Fang Ping did not speak, his mental power broke out, and a small world was blocked. The three broken eight and Fang Ping were isolated.

"God predecessors..."

"Don't dare to be!"

The gods sighed slightly. "You have broken nine, and you can't afford the name of your predecessors."

Do not dare to act, or do not want to be, Fang Ping does not distinguish.

Fang Ping smiled and didn't care. He continued: "Since the boxing gods have fallen, what about the alliance, how do you feel?"


After all, the gods said: "The strength of the initial martial arts is weak, even if they join hands, it may not be an opponent of the emperor... No, it is definitely not an opponent of the emperor. I don't know what the idea of ​​the king is?"

The alliance is to deal with the emperor.

But now, the loss of Chuwu is heavy, how can you deal with the emperor?

"The alliance is not for the sake of dealing with the emperor. In fact, it is mainly to suppress the caves..."

Fang Ping calmly said: "On the other side of the cave, there are too many warriors, and there are many people in the lower and middle ranks of the Terran. It is worse than them. I can't kill hundreds of millions of warriors before the war."

In this case, he said that it was too calm, and calmly let the hearts of the gods chill.

"The wall of the heavens is broken, the three circles are one, and there will be a big chaos at that time! I mean, now the Chuwu continent should be moved, and moved to the vicinity of the cave. At that time, our human race and the first-hand Wu teamed up, blocked. Cave!

When the Three Realms are in one, some people in the caves may want to take the opportunity to unite the three realms and become the three worlds.

At that time, we may all face big troubles. At this moment, only the cooperation between the two sides can suppress the caves. ”

The **** of silence is silent for a while, and the illusion sounds faintly: "The king of the people, that is the case, can't you just join forces to kill the broken caves?"

Fang Ping smiled and said: "I also want to! Can kill a okay, kill a few more, now there are many emperors who really want to come! The emperor is laid for thousands of years, these people are important pieces, can let I am finished?


Demon Emperor, Kun Wang, Hongyu... These people, who are behind the Emperor's handwriting?

I am not stupid, I really don't know about it.

Now I am killing them, only to make the days of the broken wall of heaven and earth advance again, and the arrow before the Emperor of Heaven is in vain. ”

The strongman who killed the cave?

Fang Ping did not think about it!

Fang Ping knows that this is not going to work. He kills one okay. If you kill two, there may be a royal family coming directly. Three or four, Fang Ping is destroying the Jiuhuang’s Wannian plan.

At that time, Fang Ping will be survived by the angry emperor and completely killed.

When the emperor came on the day, whether it was for acting or because of the death of the pawn, this point has no way to distinguish.

Is the substitute for the Emperor a pawn?

If so, then the reason for the arrival of the emperor on that day is sufficient.

Fang Ping needs some time.

These people of Chuwu may also be chess pieces. They are pieces that are reserved for some people. However, the people of Chuwu are just icing on the cake. They are not important pieces. When Fang Ping kills, he kills.

But those people, different.

Along with this source, there are not many strong people now.

It’s almost killed by Fang Ping!

If it was before, the source of the strong is more, Fang Ping is still not sure who is the chess piece of the emperor, but now, look at the king of the king, how many people?

After killing a large number of people, the situation is already very clear!

Prior to this, the first Wu and the original source of the king were only a hundred, and today Fang Fang killed nearly a quarter.

The king of the Three Realms, I am afraid that there will be fifty or sixty people now.

It is unlikely that Chuwu and Yuanyuan are half-opened, and Chuwu is a substitute. That is, it is difficult to choose the substitute of the Nine Emperors from the source of such a king.

Fang Ping’s heart laughed at himself, and the source of the Three Realms wanted to thank himself.

Now, Li Wei, they should also have some judgments.

And maybe there are already clear goals.

Because people die too much, it is convenient for them to judge the target.

The emperor’s chief was almost killed. The eight kings left three, and the thirty-six were almost destroyed by Fang Ping. The remaining kittens were three or two. Now I don’t know where to hide.

At this time, I can't be sure of something. Nahongkun is too stupid.

Nothing to say about the illusion, the arm pressed down some of the emotions in the heart and said: "This is natural, then what about us?"

That is the middle and lower level of the task, what are they going to do?


Fang Ping laughed and said: "The three predecessors are now broken eight, but not enough! 31 strong kings, if there is some progress, if you join hands, even if you can't match the emperor, you can also cooperate with a broken nine. Blocking a royal man."


Still cooperate with breaking nine.

The meaning of Fang Ping’s words caused a few people to tremble slightly, and the gods were low. “The king, since cooperation, can the king tell me what the future plans? There are nine emperors, even if the emperor has not fallen.

Plus the Emperor, as well as Dou Tiandi, 11 no strong!

Yangshen has not appeared, it is not a god, 11... How do the three worlds match them? ”

Too much!

This is not a small number, 11 strong to the top, really want to join hands, how can the three circles fight against them?

Fang Ping means profoundly: "If you are relieved, the Emperor is not one, and it will not be one-minded! Some people will cooperate with us."

God raised his eyebrows, "Is there someone now?"

"God, some things, now knowing is not necessarily a good thing."

Fang Ping said that the plainness, the gods are not good to confirm the true and false, but also know that this is a big secret, measured for a while, no longer asked.

But still said: "The Terran side, broken nine ... even with the cat, there are only three, can the king have contact with those people in the cave? The source is stronger than our advantage, they can Broken nine..."

The source of the source is still unbroken.

If the three doors are broken, even if it is only a broken door, it is also broken.

Therefore, if there is cooperation on the other side of the cave, there is still a great chance of giving birth to several people who broke the Nine.

At that time, it is more sure to fight against the emperor.

Fang Ping smiled and said: "I will consider this, of course, on the side of Chuwu, now there is no mission! Find the sun!"

Fang Ping’s eyes glow: “Yangshen and the Emperor of Heaven are in a hostile, not a group! Otherwise, the combination of Yangshen and the Emperor, why bother to do so, now the Emperor and the Emperor are not dealing with it, and the Emperor also has a layout. I see all this, not caused by the Nine Emperors, but the Yangshen!

Yangshen is also a strong martial artist, even a royal martial artist!

If a few can find the **** of the sun and let the gods fight against the heavenly emperor, then our grasp will be even greater! ”


At this point, Fang Ping has already judged that Yang Shen is likely to be hostile to the Emperor.

Otherwise, the Emperor and the Emperor of God will overwhelm the Three Kingdoms, and the Three Realms may have been different.

Which will produce the situation like this!

Therefore, if you find the **** of the sun, you may solve a lot of trouble.

A few people nodded slightly, and Fang Ping did not continue. He said: "Hey-brain predecessors, I have something to ask you alone."

There is not much to say about the gods and the illusion, and soon they will leave, they will also appease the first Wu.

As for Fang Ping’s question about what the arm is, they don’t want to care.


"What doubts do people have?"


Before this, the Tianzhu shouted the king in someone's place. Nobody's place called Fang Ping. Now, no one is still a human king. Some changes in the name also represent some psychological changes.

Fang Ping suppressed some thoughts in his heart, and did not show it on his face. He smiled and said: "I listened to the iron head and said that the predecessors had said that there is a strong man on the Tianzhu continent. It may be that the emperor is coming. I don't know which emperor. By?"


The sky arm had some doubts and quickly shook his head: "It is not the emperor! If you said it was the time before, it was not the emperor."

"Not a royal?"

Fang Ping raised his eyebrows, "Yang Shen?"

"Not a yang, the atmosphere of the sun is coming, I will not know."

The arm was hesitant, but it was quickly said: "It is not a god, it is a strong person I should not be familiar with! Of course, it is not accurate to say that it is unfamiliar, the other side carries some...the taste of the seeds!"

Fang Ping pupil shrinks!

The taste of the seeds?

Fang Ping took a deep breath, "Is the seed conscious?"

"I don't know."

This day's arm is really unknown. Seeing Fang Ping's attention, Tian Tian said: "You know, the old Wushu forged bones in the past years have almost touched the seeds, so they are still very familiar with these tastes.

That was the case. I sensed the smell of some seeds and traced them out. The results were not tracked.

The other party was very strong, sensing my existence and soon left.

I suspect that the other person is a human being..."

He glanced at Fang Ping and said: "The other party is likely to have contacted the real seed, even practicing it on the seed, so the taste is very strong. Of course, the time will be dissipated for a long time. At that time, the other party may have just finished cultivation. soon.

The warrior of the origin may not have much sense, but the early Wuwu people are very familiar with this state. ”

"The taste of the seed..."

Fang Ping whispered.


Qin Fengqing!

What is the connection between the two?

Qin Fengqing found the existence of seeds on the earth?

Or is it that he has a relationship with the seed?

This guy has disappeared for so long, has been practicing on the seed side?

What is the realm now?

The power of the seed, Fang Ping is clear, it is an all-round improvement.

They are only practicing on the seed projection. In a short time, everyone has a huge breakthrough, really seed?

When practicing on the real seed, there may be different flow rates of time.

Qin Fengqing, what realm has it been repaired?

What is he for the beginning of the mainland?

Is it difficult to see the iron head?

“It’s getting more and more interesting!”

Fang Ping laughed, and the three powerful players all appeared. Even the mysterious resurrection of the species actually had some clues.

what about me?

Before, Fang Ping felt that he might be related to Yangshen, and may be related to the Emperor of Heaven. Later, the Emperor of Heaven seemed to have nothing to do with himself. On the side of the Yangshen, he was denied by the King of Heaven.

Fang Ping also thought of the seeds at the time.

But now, the seeds may be related to Qin Fengqing.

What about yourself?

Who is the one who falls?

Or is it that someone has lost more than one piece?

"The strength of my broken nine will soon be spread out. The people behind me don't want me to get out of control. Maybe I will start."

"Or... I am stronger, in fact, this is the calculation of others, use me for the nine emperors?"

Fang Ping decided not to think about it, but still have to guard against it.

He may be dangerous in the near future!

Maybe the emperor will shoot him, not the avatar, but the real body.

Although he had previously let the town king back the pot, it does not mean that the emperor really believes, and may also suspect him. At that time, the shots against him will not be the emperor.


Looking back at the iron head and Li Laotou, who are still practicing, Fang Ping’s eyes are condensed.

Maybe let them go back!

This time, the two people have a lot of gains, and how much will be enhanced. Fang Ping is not clear now.

It is his own, harvesting in general.

However, the mental power of the ignorance has been taken away by itself, and there should be some gains. At least the mental strength of the cut-off can be complemented. This is certain.

"Integrating the world...replace the real blood..."

Fang Ping’s heart screamed, and the two are the clear directions he can now improve.

The integration of the world is not a one-off event.

Real blood... I may have to go to the source.

"There are 4 seeds... I can rely on myself alone, even if I can rival the Emperor, or the opponent they have joined together, 4 seeds, I should be on my heart."

Fang Ping had plans in mind, and then he must not only strengthen himself, but also strengthen the human race.

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Chapter 458:

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Chapter 457:

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