MTL - Global Gaowu-v2 Chapter 1367 Stir in a pot of porridge

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Taboo the sea.

Fang Ping quickly stepped out and once again suppressed the fighting soldiers.

Not only must we suppress the soldiers, but at the moment, in the sleepy bells, the blood is still rapidly merging, as if we want to condense the body again.

Fang Ping also needs to suppress!

If these **** soldiers could not be used, Fang Ping would not find the town king to borrow stars.

"My ball..."

When the king of the town just wanted to talk, Fang Ping looked angry and said: "Hate, the emperor is killing too fast, I have not had time to recover it!"


The face of the town Tianwang changed from green to purple, from purple to black, and suddenly shouted: "Roll your uncle! You are an idiot when you are old? Come back to me!"

He has to be thundering!

Can your kid fool the old man?

Laozi is also a robbery, and flirts!

You actually flicked to your hoe?

"Do not talk nonsense, go to the nine heavens..."

"Go to what!"

The king of the town said: "Go to death? You think that the emperor is a fool, and now you are not going to suppress the fairy source? There is absolutely a real person coming to the dead, and less to find death!" Fang Ping regrets: "Then give up? Opportunity Rare!"

Said, shaking his head, "Forget it, then I will go to pick up the old Zhang..."

He wants to go, the town king seized his neck, and the first Wu body came out.

The origin of the body, the initial Wu body, while surrounded by Fang Ping.

"Asshole, still me!"

The king of the town is mad, do you want to transfer the topic?

no way!

My origin is Saturn!

Laozi’s savings for a lifetime!

That thing is too precious. If he is killed, he will not give it to Fang Ping. This black-hearted guy will grab the good things and kill him!

Said, the town of Tianwang shouted: "Bastard stuff, your kid's flat knife, fighting the life knife, which is not the treasure, Laozi is so poor, you have to fight the autumn wind, conscience was eaten by the dog?"



The dog whispered.


At the beginning of the town, Tian Wu’s fist hit his head and he was annoyed: “What is it called, did you eat his conscience?”


Tengu’s face is sluggish and what Laozi is doing!

When you say this, the Emperor called by the way, what do you do with Lao Tzu?

The town king is too lazy to take care of it, only do not care about the high dog unhappy, continue to swear: "Return me!"

"Give you!"

Fang Ping’s face didn’t care. He threw the ball away and shouted: “Small gas! Some mud-built things are still treasures...”

The king of the town snorted and got the ball. He looked at it and saw that there were some marks on it. He said: "Want to take a walk? Think too much! I have been refining for tens of thousands of years, you can cut a piece to count you. Great!"

Fang Ping rolled his eyes, this old man is against himself.

It is no wonder that before lending himself to it, Fang Ping really wants to smash some down. As a result... naturally there is no door.

"Don't you go to the nine heavens?"

Fang Ping is still somewhat reconciled. He still wants to go to Jiuzhongtian and continue to make a vote.

The town of Tianwang exhaled: "This time, I will encounter the real body of the emperor! And may expose those guys, we have created opportunities, and now do not know if they have completed.

Don't go now, I am afraid it will cause confusion. ”

The real thing of the emperor!

I don't know who is coming. If they are the South Emperor, Fang Ping is still not afraid.

But if it is the top ranked, it is still, not an opponent.

The king of the town quickly said: "Don't talk nonsense, I have absorbed the blood of the Emperor early. This old guy is terrible, his arms are broken, and you are forging some more, still enough!

Suppress the gods of the bucket, shout the incense, wait for the iron to come back, and join hands to recast the flat knife!

Now there are a lot of things, even if you really fight with the emperor once, what is the use?

In addition to making them more alert to you, what else?

Killing one, what can you do?

It is imperative to solve other problems, improve strength, and wait for a decisive battle. Your kid doesn't think about how it is now. ”

This time, the harvest is huge!

Killed eight avatars!

No, Xianyuan also killed one, and killed one from the source, full 10!

This opportunity is only this time.

It has been very successful now!

Fang Ping also wants to create even greater results. Zhentian Wang feels that it is not feasible, and it is not worth the candle.

"You have already exposed the strength of the nine, and now they still don't know how far you have gone on the road of breaking the road. You haven't shown the real strength yet. You really have to find it. Your kid is very troublesome!

It’s time to hide it!

And the speed of your progress must be faster than their reaction! ”

The king of the town is serious: "The foundation of the Three Realms, this time is almost exposed! The book fragrance may be exposed this time, the strength of the old man is now exposed!"


Fang Ping suspected: "Really?"


The town king did not have a good air: "How strong do you think the old man is? These years have accumulated, these days, all exposed!"

Fang Ping raised his eyebrows: "Your old martial art, absorb the blood of the Emperor, can break nine?"

The emperor's avatar is definitely stronger than the boxing god.

It stands to reason that such a strong qi and blood is not weaker than that of the Emperor who absorbed the martial arts. The town king absorbed it. Can it reach the beginning of the martial arts?

The town king smiled and said: "Would you like to give it to me?"

Fang Ping also needs!

Or, all of this stuff is needed.

The emperor!

Still the first emperor!

The two arms of the Emperor, this is much stronger than the West Emperor's limbs. The Western Emperor is more than tens of millions of cards and blood. It seems that there are not many, but in fact, the power is hundreds of millions... There is still a substantial gap between the two.

The emperor's avatar, forced Fang Ping, they are in a hurry, and many break the nine hands.

The deity of the Western Emperor came, and Fang Ping may not be afraid of him.

This is the gap!

Fang Ping raised his eyebrows: "Why don't you want to? He licked his arms this time and licked his legs next time."


The town king smiled and looked at Fang Ping, laughing low. "If I am a double-breaking nine, after the integration, the combat power soars, you may not be able to suppress me!"

Can't suppress it, are you relieved?

The current town of Tianwang, the strength of performance, is still not too strong.

Really strong, will not be chased by the Emperor's avatar, nowhere to go to the ground without a door.

It looks like 50 million cards.

Of course, this refers to the origin of the body, the initial body is less than 40 million, but almost the same.

Before the two-handed team, they were all suppressed by the Emperor.

"Why do you want to suppress you?"

Fang Ping blinked and smiled: "This year, the sky has collapsed and the tall man is holding it. You are really stronger than me. Help me hold this fallen down sky, isn't it?"

The king of the town does not speak, alongside, the Tengu can't help but drool: "You don't want to give this emperor! The Emperor absorbed it, and it can definitely break nine! The two arms of the old man of the Emperor!

This is an overall improvement. The Emperor is broken and will help you! ”

Tengu wants to rob them!

If it is not enough, it really has to start robbing.

It’s too eye-opening!

The other emperors are almost burned, or the artifacts are forged, and the artifacts have been destroyed.

The avatar of the Emperor is the real flesh and blood forging.

This is not the same!

Fang Ping did not have a good air: "Your mental strength is almost qualitative, absorb these wastes!"

"How is it wasted?"

Tengu is not willing to say: "The quality of the mental power is very difficult! Even if you find a virtual door, you may not be able to change the quality. You can absorb this and it should be fine.

To the Emperor, the Emperor ate, absolutely broken nine!

The emperor broke the nine, we have a couple of broken nine..."

Tengu is a coveted!

Breaking nine is in front of you!

It is not too big a gap from the broken nine, swallowing the arms of the Emperor, hope is great!

Fang Ping grin, this thing everyone needs, will not give the dog!

Even if you don't use it, the town king does not need to use it.

Li Laotou, Iron Head, Lao Wang, Lao Zhang...

These people are all used!

Moreover, he himself actually used it.

Of course, he used it and his promotion was limited.

He is very strong now, and he has not faced a big checkpoint. With this, it is actually a waste and the effect will not be too good.

Supported to increase the million card blood!

Therefore, Fang Ping is not prepared to use it himself, because it is really not worthwhile.

The dog's face is full of unhappiness, and the cat that is playing alongside is licking its tail. This stupid cat, the trick is a group!

I don't know how to get some benefits for Laozi?

The cat grabbed its tail and looked at it strangely. "Big dog, do you want to catch a flea?"


Tengu wants to vomit blood and catch you!

This stupid cat is never smart when it’s smart, stupid like a pig.

A few people are talking, the emptiness of the sky.


A violent drink came out, the next moment, the demon emperor, Hong Kun, Hong Yu...

These people, falling from the void, fled in all directions.

In the rear, a long sword was killed, but it was just broken and vanished.

The three worlds are not flat!

The Emperor was also afraid that his own sacred soldiers would be lost. Once they were killed, they immediately returned.

These people, the emperor, fled everywhere.

I have a lot of heart!

Too dangerous!

Originally, the Xihuang avatar was killed. Everyone thought that it was done. How do you know that more and more powerful people came later, but they were not strong, and the gods and soldiers of the Emperor and the Emperor of the East were killed.

They didn't give up...but now, even the East Emperor and the Fighting Emperor have arrived.

If you don’t leave, you can’t go away.

These people have fled from Jiuzhongtian, and Fang Ping, his eyes flickering and looking around.

"Kill them!"

Fang Ping gave a low drink and looked at the town king. "Kill them, the plan of the broken king!"

When the words came out, the town king suddenly frowned. "You have to force the emperor to come! Fang Ping, forbearance! Now is not the time!"

Really not the time!

Now the emperor is not coming out, but coming out, the source will be chaotic, they will be greatly damaged.

But once Fang Ping killed these people, you must know that the Emperor did not kill them.

Didn’t you see the Emperor’s deity coming, didn’t you shoot them?

Just don't want to kill them!

Really want to kill, these broken eight, where to escape.

In the eyes of Fang Ping, the fierce light flashed, taking a deep breath, pressing down the impulse to kill them, whispering: "Well, don't kill them now! Kun Wang, I still use it!"

Saying, the line of sight casts in one direction, low and says: "What about him?"

Zhen Tianwang knows who he is talking about and shook his head slightly. "Don't shake it! It is probably the real body of the emperor!"

Up to now, the status of Fengyun has already been revealed.

It is probably the real emperor!

Strong strength, feeling is not a avatar, otherwise, even if the emperor is separated, they can also detect some clues.

Only the true body can pass them.

That is not the emperor, but the **** of the sun, only these two real bodies have not appeared.

In the words of the sun god, the town king will be somewhat aware of it.

Counting it, only the emperor!

The emperor...that is the existence of nearly 100 million troops.

It is not that Fang Ping can match.

"Then let him continue to wander in the Three Realms?"

Fang Ping is not at ease, this guy does not know what purpose, has been waiting in the three realms.

Before, I even wanted to spy on them, but Fang Ping was not weak. I noticed an abnormality and quickly shattered the void. The situation may be to explore his strength.

When the king of the town saw him, everyone wants to fight now, and hurriedly said: "Go back first... No, break the nine heavens first..."

"You are not saying no to fight?"

"Crap, create chaos, give them back, or they all know that they have gone to the Nine Heavens!"

The king of the town is also a generation of decisive people. If he does not say anything, he will tear the void and scream: "Hey, the gods use me!"

The words fall, the nine heavens tear!

At this moment, the East Emperor directly held the soldiers, instantly appeared, the gods are like towers, one tower is pressed!


The king of the town flew backwards. In the blink of an eye, a long sword was killed. At this moment, Fang Ping was also a punch, and the sword was shot.

Nine heavens chaos!

Fang Ping still wants to continue, Zhen Tianwang suddenly shouted: "Go, there is a real body!"

Fang Ping’s face changed, and he quickly tore the void and fled toward the dark void.

At this moment, one hand descends from the nine heavens.

The king of the town saw a violent sigh: "You chase us, Xianyuan will break!"

"Do not believe you try!"

The Three Realms, at this moment, seem to have seen a virtual shadow, huge incomparable, covering the sky!

This breath, like the arrival of the emperor on the same day, is exactly the same.

Fang Ping, his eyes are red, and he smiled and said: "Come on, you are coming, I have killed all the origins of the Three Realms, so that you will be able to make a fortune in 10,000 years. I see you dare to bear the wrath of the emperors!"

When the words fall, Fang Ping breaks the void and instantly falls to the front of Hongyu!

Hongyu’s face changed and he quickly fled.

Fang Ping was a punch, a bang, a collapse of the void, Hongyu blood, and fled again.

Fang Ping chased and killed!

At the rear, a white jade palm slowly stopped. The voice of the emperor came out: "Fang Ping, although you broke the nine, you can't match the emperor! If you kill them, the Three Realms return to chaos, you also Die!"

"Let him threaten Laozi!"

Fang Ping shouted: "Then open the Three Realms! I see how long you can live, let you a few old guys, always staying in the source, until the day of the birthday of Shouyuan!"

"Are you willing to?"

The Emperor smiled, are you willing?

"I am in a hurry, try it!"

Fang Ping did not recognize it, continued to chase Hongyu, and laughed: "You see if you killed me first, or I killed them first... Dry, you go there, he will kill me, you Broke the fairy source!"

Over there, the town king broke through the void and appeared in the nine heavens.

The East Emperor was holding the tower and killing again, sighing: "You can't destroy Xianyuan!"


A cat called, and it sounded in the sky.

The next moment, Dou Tiandi appeared and smiled: "Cang cat, don't mess!"

At this time, the **** of casting made several people seem to have just torn through the sky, and also appeared in the Nine Heavens, and there were several people in the chaos and the stone, and the sword of the Emperor appeared.

The emperor smiled and said: "Fang Ping, do you have a chance to break the fairy source?"

Have been intercepted!

"You can try it, can you kill others in the hands of the emperor!"

The emperor's giant hand is coming again!

"Is it hard to be an old man?"

Fang Ping gritted his teeth: "I didn't want to care about you. You have to force Laozi. It seems that you didn't have enough trouble last time!"

At this moment, Fang Ping has a word, and the voice is spread all over the world.

"The spirit of the ancient existence, listen to me, show up!"

"Don't smash the waste of Tu Pinghuang, grab the Emperor's soldiers, break the Xianyuan, and break the plan of this group of old goods!"


The Three Realms are quiet.

Is Fang Ping crazy?

You summon a ball!


Sea area.

Xing Xing strangely said: "He is hinting at you?"

He thought that Fang Ping was hinting at the situation.

The wind and the clouds are slightly condensed, not too sure, or is there a plan for Fang Ping?


On the edge of Jiuzhongtian, the book boy felt that Fang Ping was implying himself.

But... Does he think he is right now?

When you show up, there are things that will be exposed.

For example... Zhang Tao has been to Jiuzhongtian several times, instead of helping them to level them.

Once this is done, the emperors will inevitably check the source of Xianyuan.

At that time, some things will be completely exposed.


The book boy is hesitant.

Fang Ping is again violently screaming: "From the ancient seeds! Almighty seeds, you don't help Laozi once again, I will hack you back when you turn back, you blinded the old lady, do you still want?

Grab the soldiers, the previous things will not be with you, you owe me so much money, I do not charge interest..."

Everyone is a little embarrassed.

Are they involved in the seeds?

Really summoning, or is it fake?


The Emperor was too lazy to say anything, and the big hand continued to cover Fang Ping.

In the middle of the nine heavens, Dou Tiandi continued to block the cats, and the East Emperor continued to block the town king.

Above the Excalibur's Excalibur, revealing a shadow, the illusion of the Emperor.

Opposite, the **** of casting made a few people look dignified. They broke the top eight, but they could say that they would suppress this soldier. I am afraid that it will not succeed.

The book boy has not appeared yet.

Fang Ping does not seem to be calling him!

That Fangping is now in danger. Do you want to save?

The book boy was hesitating, and the heavens and the earth suddenly trembled.

At this moment, in the middle of the sea, suddenly a long knife shot out!

It’s quick to add!

Caved in the nine heavens!

At the moment when everyone has not returned to God, the long knife smashed out, and the gods of the Emperor also quickly smashed out and banged!

A bang!

Energy sweeps the nine heavens!

The long knife collapsed instantly, and the Excalibur was dull.

At this moment, the **** of casting makes the eyes bright, and violently screams: "Hands, grab the soldiers!"

There are really strong shots!

A knife smashed the spirituality of the Excalibur!

At this moment, God casts the opportunity to let go of this opportunity, and screams, a golden-colored hut appears in his hand, "Lock!"

The hut instantly covers the world and wraps the sword!

Not only that, the **** of casting suddenly broke the limbs and flew out!

At this moment, the limbs were turned into four artifacts.

Artifacts such as iron chains suddenly burst out from the square of the hut, locked the sword in the middle, cast the gods to the side, and there were more than a dozen avatars, and they came forward and grabbed the hut.

Casting God makes the storm scream: "Go, take home!"

Say, with the avatar, dragging the hut and madly fleeing down!

Lao Zhang’s people are all looking at it, but they also know that they are hesitant, and they have made efforts to pull the chains together and flee to the Three Realms.

At this moment, the void oscillates.

A loud scream sounded: "I am afraid to take my gods, today..."

"Day your uncle!"

Fang Ping laughed and violently said: "There is a kind of coming, I see that you are an important soldier, or the source is more important. You have lost the soldiers, you are still lost?"

No one cares about him!

At this time, the emperor refused to care for him, and the spiritual power swept down from the nine heavens, and instantly went to the taboo sea.


Seawater riots, steaming, countless demon deaths on the seabed.


The Emperor has a low drink!

Who shot?

In the next moment, the spiritual power once again swept the four sides, and an island in the sea was located. The people in the wind and clouds also took out the mirror, penetrated the sea, and explored it.

At this moment, the spirit of the emperor is sweeping away.

The wind and the road people are somewhat helpless, the mirror of the eruption shines, and the sound of the bang is broken, and the spirit of the emperor is pierced and crushed.

The Emperor's hand is covered!

Fengyun Dao is not interested in playing against him, grabbing the Xing, and disappearing instantly.


The former island was directly crushed and sunk.

At the moment, Fang Ping, crazy laughter, hit a nine-day hit, and immediately arrived near the East Emperor, violently said: "kill the East Emperor, and then win the soldiers!"

The emperor’s face was helpless, and he sighed and said: “Ji, Zhenxianyuan, don’t regenerate things!”

The situation is getting more and more chaotic!

Even the Nine Emperors feel that they are out of control.

The water in the Three Realms is really getting deeper and deeper.

Who is the one who just shot?

It should not be the wind!

Who is it?


It should not be!

Fang Ping really summoned a strong man out!

Not only that, the East Emperor vaguely feels that there are some crises in the Jiuzhongtian side, as if there are still strong people hidden in the nine heavens.


The emperor is going to make another mess, and I am afraid that there will be trouble in Xianyuan.

The Emperor snorted, no longer nonsense, did not continue to explore, did not find trouble with the wind, retracted the palm, and instantly covered them with Fang Ping.

Fang Pinghe Zhen Tianwang dared to hesitate, hurriedly tore the void and fled again.

The emperor wants to cast the gods to them, Fang Ping said: "What are you doing with me? Is that your god? You let the emperor come and take it, you will blend again, next time. Looking for an opportunity to kill you!

Together, the first to kill you, do not believe you try, spelled the life of the three realms, killing you a king is still OK, it is you! ”

The emperor stunned, and the big hand covering the sky suddenly recovered.

Are you afraid?

Really not!

The key is... Fang Ping is right!

Not the Emperor's soldiers!

The Emperor's sword was broken, and no one helped him to get it back. The Emperor's squadron was lost... then it was lost.


The tremor of the void, the Emperor's deity seems to have sensed the situation here, knowing that his **** soldiers were suppressed, and once again sighed.

The emperor is missing!

It was not missing, but it was retired to the vicinity of Xianyuan, and one pair would continue to guard the attitude of Xianyuan.

Not good to start!

Anyway, I have already lost my face last time. This time I was afraid that Fang Ping would be good, I lost my face and lost it once, so I was not afraid to lose it for the second time.

And below, cast a few people, locked the Excalibur, and rushed to the world!

Make big!

The Excalibur's Excalibur is actually locked by them, and it is really rich!

Over there, Hongyu and these people also quickly gathered together, one by one stunned.

Really taken away by them?

Is this OK?

At this moment, Kun Wang couldn't help but move his heart and whispered: "Would you like... Have you ever robbed the East Emperor?"

The East Emperor is still there!

Of course, the East Emperor has a strong, very strong!

But...but they are teaming up with them, are they going to grab it, half-point?

It’s really exciting!

Hongyu glared at his forehead and looked at the sea. He looked at the Nine Heavens and sighed: "Don't ask for trouble, Fang Ping is not allowed to be killed. I will cooperate with us for the soldiers.

And... today's situation is getting more complicated! ”

Someone in the sea has shot!

The wind and the clouds are now in the waters.

Forbidden in the sea, there are two top powerhouses.

On the other side of the Nine Heavens, the situation is complicated.

On the other side of the source, turbulent and uneasy, I am afraid there will be something else, and the emperor will come down again.

This situation, the complicated Hongyu can not understand.

Where are so many strong people?

What happened to the Three Realms!

Fang Ping broke nine, and the town king broke the nine, and the cat that only blocked the Tiandi emperor, it seems to break nine!

Hongyu feels that everyone needs to calm down and hurriedly said: "Don't move any more. Now the emperor has reached the tipping point. If there is a change, I am afraid I will go all the way and go straight!"

Can't move anymore!

Now the persecuted emperor has come to the deity, and then forced to go on, there must be a royal man coming!

Even if they feel the tremors of the road, the source is turbulent, and if this continues, there may be problems.

Without the suppression of the origin of the Nine Emperors, they did not necessarily have a good end.

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Chapter 457:

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